A new series: A simple list of three things — a different theme — every week, just for fun.
Play along if you like. Leave your list or a link in the comments.
My list: 3 gals that I would love to lunch with. Because they inspire me. Because they teach me. Because they intrigue me. And because I think…just maybe, we could be real life pals.
#1 Brene Brown
Because this woman’s words have changed my heart.
#2 Kate Middleton
Because…well, just because. And yes, I would request that she wear her wedding gown to our tea/luncheon.
#3 Lisa Leonard
This gal made my “people to lunch” with wish list many years ago. Since then I’ve had the pleasure of having several lunches with her and I can tell you that her sweet spirit is even more sincere and endearing than you could ever imagine it to be. She is a woman to be admired.
Now, your list…ready, go.
Brene Brown – I had the opportunity to hear her speak in person and she blew me away. Her words have changed my approach to myself and my marraige.
Dianne Sawyer – She is so classy 🙂 She has seen so much and interviewed so many amazing people. Yet somehow I think imagine her to be very down to earth.
Melody Ross (Brave Girls Club) – I want to have luch but really spend time with her creating art. I love how she focuses on the value each and every person has. Someday I will go to Brave Girls Camp 🙂
1. My daughter. YOU! Just us, no kids, no family, no friends. Just us. I loved our lunch last week. I love having you all to myself.
2. Auntie Sheila. Gosh I miss her. No one did the Holidays like Auntie Sheila. She made sure she spent time with each and every guest. She made sure everyone felt special. She was my hero. I remember thinking when I grow up I want to have lunch with Ladies like Auntie Sheila does.
3. Carole Sheehan, my first real boss. She believed in me and gave me confidence in myself as a young adult. I really need to look her up. Maybe that will be a Christmas gift to myself this year.
That was fun! 🙂 Thanks!
Carol D.
1. Ann Voskamp – Her words have changed the way I view my life.
2. Laura Bush – Doesn’t she just seem like she would be great talking over a cup of coffee?
3. Taylor Swift – I would grab my granddaughter and talk about how success has affected her.
Nicole Gallaher
Intriguing question…hmmmm
1.) Karen Wheaton – Her singing and love for the Lord are compelling and awe inspiring.
2.) Anne Geddes – Her creative ability as a photographer captured my heart years ago.
3.) Ashley Stock – Her blogs make me laugh, cry, and reminisce; and to be able to sit with her to see if her words are a true reflection of her character would be….well…surreal.
1) Diana Gabaldon. Hands down my favorite female author.
2) Roo Cambriello. A blogger I follow, she’s a funny lady.
3) You! Your craftery is so inspiring!
Danyiel J
Kate Middleton-Exact same reasons, duh. lol
FreeLee the Banana Girl – So fun and what an interesting concept.
Laura Winslow–would love to learn just 3 of her photography tips.
I concur with you on Lisa Leonard! She seems so sincere and sweet. I’d add Ann Voskamp to that list, too. She is inspiring.
Mandi Deputy
#1) Anne Hathaway. Truly, I think that talented lady should not only eat lunch with me, but sing to me, dance with me, then take me shopping on HER credit card. I think we’d laugh a lot.
#2) YOU!!! You are such a real person whom I have (in such a non-stalker way) come to care about. You put yourself out there. Not just the good, but the bad and the ugly. Again, I think we’d have a lot of laughs.
#3) Kristan fro Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. Oh my gosh. Again, a real person that I feel connected to.
So when and where should we meet?
1.). Yes!! Kate Middleton – She seems so nice and down to earth.
2.). Madonna – Nuff said!
3.). My mom – I just like hanging with her 🙂
Cottage By The Sea
Definitely my daughter Kate because she makes me laugh and that is invaluable.
My granny in Ireland because she was so wise, witty and wonderful. It would have to be in front of a roaring fire because, we, us two, were always the cold ones!
Princess Diana because I think she was genuine, generous and irreverently funny under all the protocol.
1. Kate Middleton – my obsession with Princess Diana would make her my #1. I would love to know how she maintains such grace, class, and humbleness….knowing she has such big shoes to fill as another “people’s princess”. Plus I would just want to see what she wore. OMG her style….. :):):):)
2. Meg Deurksen – why have i not been invited to craft weekend?!?!?! What would we do if you picked me? I could bring so much fun to that little house!!
3. Ellen Degeneres – because I love her. I love what she stands for. I love her openness. I love the fact that she is openly gay and stands up for what she believes in. I love her dancing. OH IF SHE DANCED AT LUNCH!!!! I would die;)
Julie Andrews…I bet she’d have some wonderful stories to eat lunch over.
My mom’s mom…because I never had the chance to meet her and I know she was amazing. I wonder how I’d be if she were in my life.
Glennon Doyle Melton…I’m currently reading her book and I’m in stitches and tears over it. She’s amazing. I like to be in the presence of amazing people.
Ok I love this. I have to think. And I agree the wedding dress is must.
Free Range Mumma
Playing Along on Free Range Mumma
Can you guess who my number one lunch date would be ….. ?
Beth Moore – her words, understanding of the Bible and books have touched me so. I would adore having lunch with her – though I’d need to find a way to make it last into dinner. 🙂
Audrey Hepburn – no reason needed 🙂
Kate Middleton – yes because she’s Kate and simply beautiful
Good taste in gal pals! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, and I just ran across this post for the first time, somehow. I am a hugely infatuated with Kate Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge)!! She’d definitely be on my lunch list! But she’d have to bring that darling baby boy of hers. His eyelashes! LOL
P.S. (And no my name’s NOT Simon) 😉
Auntie Bubbie
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Hillary Clinton
3. Ellen Degeneris
So we love to add movement Beer Costume with these bands that emulate fringe,