This golden faux deer bust only took me 5 minutes to put together. Sorry it isn’t styled or hung up yet, but I’m saving it for over my mantle at Christmas time. I stumbled upon this paper mache bust at Joann’s and HAD to have it. Then I grabbed a can of gold spray paint and this cool log plaque (both also from Joann’s). I spray painted the bust and then used hot glue to apply it to the plaque. Done and done. Now imagine this bad boy with bunting tiny draped from his antlers.
smarty! This is so great! Good work, i’ll be over next week to make one 😉
Bridget Goldsberry
Where did you find the paper mache deer?
Heather @ Glitter and Gloss
Love this!! I already have gold spray paint and a wood slice – looks like I’ll be making a trip to Joann’s tomorrow for the deer! XO!
Dear Ashley,
I’m French and follow you for many years now ! I’ve even ordered a “Keep Calm” cushion from you etsy shop !
I’d like to know where did you find this perfect deer I wish it was mine ?!
I’m desperate to find something similar, French are less crafty than you I guess…!
I really like reading your blog,
Cheers, Anne
Sara @ it's good to be queen
I *love* this!! what a fun project. I have been wanting to have some kind of antlers and this is perfect. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Love this idea!! Looks super easy too. I’m going to have to try something like this for the holidays!
Thanks for sharing..I’m going to run out and get this bust!…..lol
Where did you get that amazing frame? I’m constantly looking for frames like that and can never find them.
I’m hitching a ride with Brooke.
Melanie @ Last Legs
I absolutely adore this idea! It is so cute and I love how you paired it with the pretty yellow frame.
I love this! I checked our Joann’s in Oceanside and they don’t carry the deer busts. I don’t see that they sell them online either. If you don’t mind which Joann’s did you find it at and which section was it in? Thanks
Perfect and love it!!! I might have to go to JoAnns now!! 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend! xo Holly
I just went out and bought this last night – half off with a coupon too!. I’ve been looking for an affordable deer bust for awhile. It will be getting some paint and glitter and going above our bed. I’m so glad you found this or I might still be hunting for one of these.
Love this! Just went on the Joann website yesterday and bought three. Went back today to get a couple more and it says item no longer available 🙁
Mine for the Making Pinterest Feature Friday » Mine for the Making
[…] Faux Gold Deer pinned from Little Miss Momma is so super fun and I love that bright frame around it! I need to hunt up a paper mache […]
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