Both necklaces c/o: Lisa Leonard Designs
One of my favorite people in the world interviewed me last week–asking me questions on motherhood, marriage and friendship. This girl is an inspiration and a role model to me…and it is an absolute honor to be her guest today. Read my interview over on Lisa’s blog.
Loved the interview! I loved hearing how you dealt with becoming a new momma of two. I have an almost 4 year old and an almost 6 month old so I understand. I am still struggling most days and like you don’t always deal with things very gracefully. Sometimes I feel a bit alone in my struggle to find a new normal while making sure I’m the best momma I can be. I don’t have many friends who are where I’m at in life so it was nice to hear some of the same things I’ve felt from you :). Love reading you blog.
Holly Nelson
Beautiful interview, you are so pretty!
esther @ cuteheads
loved the interview!
Erin @ The Grass Skirt
Great interview! I love that photo of you, by the way. You’re just too pretty!
I follow both bloggers. You are both amazing and beautiful women inside and out.
I loved this interview! You are truly one of my favorite bloggers. So many times your words have spoken to my soul. Thank you.
Your answers to these interview questions could have come from my own mouth.
You are the kind of mama that I am- living in the moment, hating the troublesome heartaches my boys
will inevitably face and knowing I can’t fix it, and selfishly loving the boo-boos now so I can kiss them better.
You have a beautiful soul and I love knowing that there are more mamas like me out there trying to take
It all in before they grow up.
“You can see the techniques of the knit on this style; Bandage Dress one day we will videotape the process of how our pieces are made.