Joining the fabulous Lisa Leonard for another Hello Monday series.
You should play along.
Hello Monday.
Hello to a previous week full of blog comments that touched my soul.
I read every single one of them you know. Every one.
Your words keep me going. Keep me motivated.
Remind me what matters. Provide perspective on days I want to throw in the towel.
I don’t usually get a chance to respond to all comments and emails,
especially as I continue my attempt to find balance in this juggling act of life.
But I won’t go off on that tangent now,
because my current goal is to “stop the glorification of busy”.
Just please know,
your words matter to me…
and I love when you take the time to share your heart.
Hello to a very scary fire that threatened our So.Cal community all weekend long.
And thank goodness for the miracle of rain that hit Sunday afternoon.
Hello to our San Diego weekend getaway.
We started our road trip with a stop at 7-11.
Ben walked in for some water and came out with this.
Key to my heart…key to my heart.
Hello to the cutest little duck feeder that I ever did see.
We stayed at Paradise Point and they give you a package of duck food upon arrival.
The ducks eat right out of the palm of your hand. I was too chicken to try.
But my little man was brave as could be–and it might seem silly, but I was so proud of him.
It’s the little things.
Hello to a hugely successful trip to Sea World.
After our disastrous visit to Disney Land, we were nervous about how this could go.
But we went prepared this time.
No expectations.
And it went perfectly.
Wesley’s overwhelming love for animals won out.
At one point, as Wes had his face pressed against the glass while a Polar Bear swam by,
I felt Ben reach for my hand and give it three big squeezes.
My eyes filled with tears and my heart was full.
There is no greater feeling in this world
than watching your children experience pure joy.
Hello to the Shamu show that literally brought MORE tears to my eyes.
Except that these tears were also streaming down my cheeks.
It appears I’m a big sap these days.
(these new Target and Johnson’s Baby commercials are killing me)
I had no idea this whale show would be so magical. And beautiful. And overwhelming.
Wesley: I don’t like when the whale spwash me.
Hello to me attempting to explain to Ben that I still don’t know how to take photos in the dark.
This was the result:
And hello to the yogurt melt that was found tangled in Sawyer’s hair for who knows how long. #momoftheyear
Hello to a sunset stroll on the beach and treasure hunting for more seashells.
And hotel pool swimming. And more duck feeding. And sleeping in the big bed with Mommy and Daddy.
Lucky boy.
Hello to a completely sleepless night for every member of our family.
Hence, we were the only ones at this beachside breakfast cafe at 6:30 in the morning.
Apparently our family of four does not do so well sleeping in the same room together–lesson learned.
Hello to seeing this lovely lady on Saturday and attending my first ever Queen Bee Market.
So fun you guys, so fun. I’ll be at the next one for sure.
Hello to a jam packed weekend.
Hello to tired eyes and a full heart.
It’s amazing what time away from the hustle and bustle can do for the soul.
And a few bonus hello’s from our handmade sponsors
who always have me swooning over their fabulous creations.
Hello to bright Summer nail colors.
And to my new, fun polish c/o: Naild’it.
Wesley call’s them “sprinkles” because of all the fun glitter and shimmer.
And I love me an accent nail.
You can shop all their fun colors here and here.
And check out the Naild’it facebook page for an awesome giveaway going on right now.
Their “bleeding love” color is next on my list.
Hello to Sawyer’s new favorite leggings and his crazy long hair.
Because boys can wear leggings too, ya know. (let them be little)
What are you saying hello to this week?
Summer @ Made By Munchie's Mama
I am a total sucker for those joyous little moments too. We have disneyland passes and I pretty much cry everytime Gavin’s face lights up while watching the parade or visiting characters. It’s the small momets that make the best memories. Looking forward to chatting on Saturday!
Becky s
We can’t sleep in one room either, so I can completely understand that!
I LOVE your goal to stop the glorification of busy. I’m totally guilty of that. Your get away looks fantastic. And I love that you focused on feeding the ducks just as much as your big trip to Sea World. It just goes to show that the little (and often most inexpensive) experiences mean just as much and make great memories for the kiddos too. Although, Sea World looks like a blast too, of course. 🙂
Gabby of mouseVOLATILE
That sounds like us, but on a different coast, lol. I always cry during the Shamu and dolphin shows. They’re just so magical. Love all the photos of your boys. Glad you are all safe from the fires!
Hello Monday, Hello Ashley! – from sun-shiny Pittsburgh! The yogurt melt in the hair?! Laughed out loud. Totally been there! Have a fab week!
I’ve been putting Cash in leggings too. Hubby isn’t thrilled, but c’mon. Who doesn’t love a chubby baby leg wrapped in tight cotton??? Tired eyes and a full heart…nothing sounds better:)
Sounds like such a fun weekend!! We live in San Diego and I take my son to the animal themed parks all the time. Love seeing him learn and have fun. Also went to the QBM last Christmas .. Amazing!! Can’t wait for the next one. So happy you enjoyed your time down here
I love your photos. I’m saving to take my aquatic animal loving son to Sea World. Hopefully it will happen next year… your photos make me want to go now!
oh this all looks so fun! i cannot wait to have little kids to take to sea world. your boys are the cutest.
Rhiannon R
Ashley – you are such an inspirational mama! I do not have children (yet) but when I do, I hope I am half the mama you are. Thanks for reminding me that even in this crazy world we live in, it’s still possible to raise your children simply, sweetly and with such grace as yours. Happy Monday!
i’m so so glad for the rain too! although my dogs don’t know how to deal with it and refuse to go outside to potty… but that fire was getting a little too close for comfort!
I’ve always wanted to go to San Diego! Living in the Chicago area, I have never made it California or New York, even though I’ve gone all the way to England and Italy. Crazy huh? My hubby has family members there and I told him San Diego, and southern California in general, are on my list. I actually told him this last night, and then you posted this! 😉 Glad some rain finally came down on those fires, scary stuff! Oh, and I have been putting my little Jameson is some leggings lately, too. His chunky thighs in that cotton just make me swoon! <3
Looks like we had similar weekends. We live near Pasadena and drove down to Oceanside to visit my family and have a beach day. Unfortunitly, it was very windy and cold, but we played for hours anyways. That night we camped out in the grandparents back yard and roasted marshmallows until our tummies couldn’t stand it. Maybe I will have to start up my blog again to share some of our adventures.
Hello to your freekin floral dress that I love!
Adorable pictures!! Sounds like a relaxing, but busy weekend. Vacations are soooo different now that I have a little. They are more work, but always worth it. The little things… are the best.
The best part is the smiles on those faces of the little ones. Love them.
Hello to amazingly cute children whose ages are not far from my own amazingly cute littles!! And, hello to the yogurt melt that made me chuckle… Because last week we found the same color melt up my 11 month old’s nose!! (Only his big sister claimed “I don’t know how it got there, Mama!”)
A couple of things…
My family and I just “stayed” at Paradise Point and came to the same realization! We have 2 under 2 and our little guy (20 months at the time) would NOT fall asleep! We even made him his own little room, out of the huge closet, but he wouldn’t have it! Thus, the quotation marks, “stayed” we left the hotel that night at 10 am to go back home! I was so bummed that we didn’t get to see Sea World…at least we spent sometime at the zoo! Fast forward 1 month, my husband and I so desperately needed to revisit our favorite city (the place where we met) Santa Barbara! I found a hotel that offers 2 bedroom suites fr a very reasonable price! Guess what?? It worked! We put HUD in the other room, where he was completely separate from us and he slept the whole night! We still had our baby girl Reagan (8months) sleep with us, but she is soo easy (hence her nn Easy Breezy..Breezy for short)! My husband and I are over the moon to be able to do family weekend vacays in our favorite place!
Second, my mom and I went to The Queen Bee Market and picked up a few Ca signs, a light heart and star! I loved the vendors, we just wished it was bigger, like the one this weekend!
When mine were younger, we couldn’t sleep in the same room. Now its not so bad. I am a big sucker for the little moments, I get emotional. And my Ben laughs and gives me a squeeze. Looks like you had a great time. I wish we lived closer to the ocean, but will enjoy our vaca to there.
“I love the idea of movement, but this White Bandage Dress can be especially difficult to achieve with a knit because they’re all