Not really sure what to say about our first trip as a family.
There were tears, lots of them…
And not the good kind often associated with ones first steps through those magical gates.
There was sweating. And sheer terror.
Not exactly the happiest place on earth for a certain 3 year old,
who literally threw himself from the one and only ride we went on,
and announced over and over and over again that he was “scared of the puppets mommy”.
Needless to say we left a day early…
And something I’ve learned,
Disneyland is a bit like pregnancy.
Eventually you forget all the miserable parts,
and find yourself eager to experience it again.
nicolette @ momnivore's dilemma
love the video.
your analogy between disney and pregnancy is spot on.
Oh my goodness, that video. I just died. That was so awesome. Slash, super cute. Sawyer melts my heart.
Katherine Sullivan
Oh yes, I can totally understand! We did Disneyland with my 3 and 1 year old in July and I swear, we walked through the gates and looked at my husband and thought we were going to turn right back out and ask for our money back.
Great pictures though and AWESOME video!
Carly @ Mason's Roost
Hahaha Ashley! I think Sawyer had the most fun.
Love this analogy. Those dimples! I die!
I just posted about my ups and downs at The Happiest Place on Earth as well!
Beautiful pictures and lifelong memories regardless! xo
Great analogy! We were there with our 4 kids yesterday. I am such a huge Disney fan that we have annual passes so that cutting days short isn’t so bad because we can just go back next month (or next week for that matter). My boys aren’t as big of fans as my girls are. I go without the kids too. Love it!! My 5 yr old son just saw your picture with Lightning McQueen and is super jealous because we haven’t been able to get a pic with him yet. Just Mater. 🙂
Casey E
Your experience sure brought back memories of our first trip to Disneyland with a 2-year old and 4-year old. We thought FOR SURE they would absolutely love all the rides, characters, etc., but boy, were we wrong! Their terrified screams every time we went into the VERY dark ride entrances were something I’ll never forget. Needless to say, we waited several years before trying the Disney experience again, and then it was absolutely wonderful! Stay with your neighborhood carnival rides for now – you and your hubby will be happy, and your kids will squeal with delight!
ha ha ha,… I loved Bens “movie” as well! lol that is awesome. I am sorry ti wasn’t as you expected BUT it’s something you’ll look back on and laugh ONE DAY 😉 I love you guys
Ceci Blanco
My daughter at 3 years old felt much the same way when we first went to Disney World. We were sitting in the Small World ride (which features dolls from different countries) when she started to cry saying “get me away from these people… they are not real!” Afterward, we tried EVERYTHING because my sons (who were 9 and 12 at the time really wanted to stay). I made an effort to take her to the parade while they kept riding, and the first float was filled with Malificent, Ursula, Jaffar and all the evil characters. I wondered why that float was even necessary, not to mention first in line. My daughter was traumatized. She never wanted to go back. To this day, she will say that Disney is evil. She’s now 7. We ended up leaving early too. You have to wonder if these kids aren’t MUCH smarter than we are. She enjoys the water parks much better, and in turn, so do the rest of us. It was refreshing to hear your stories, and read others. I’ve always felt she is unique in her terror of Disney. Thanks for sharing.
We took our two when my oldest was out of kindergarten, and our youngest was 3. All they wanted to do was stalk princesses! (Which made lots of cool photo ops, but not exactly fun!). They hated the rides-in particular, my smallest who LOOOOOVED animals, screamed through the entire Jungle Cruise. They hated all of the classic rides (except for Small World, we had to ride that about 10 times), they were toast mid-day and needed a nap, hella fun for us out of state people–> $. We went back last November for a day (ages 11 and 9) and they loved it, rode everything.
aw! at least you got some cute pictures 🙂 i really admire the memories you set out to make with your little family, even though i am sure it is exhausting and frustrating at times!
I love that u said disneyland is like pregnancy!!!
CUTE!!!! We are definitely ready to go to Disneyland, but waiting for out daughter to get a little bigger. I can’t wait to see more pictures of your trip! It looks like you had a great time!!! I’m terrified that it will be the CRAZIEST place on earth!!
Rachel Nicole
Seriously amazing video.
Love the description you put. lol
Rachel Nicole @ Summer Breeze
ps-giveaway at my blog!
aw my 3 year old is exactly like yours, I’m terrified to take her anywhere lol glad you got some good memories out of it though 🙂
Halloween at Disneyland is madness! Love your blog 🙂 xoxo
We took our son to Disneyland when he was 2, and we were so excited because we felt like he would love it! Well, we went on 3 rides and he hated all of them! He was terrified! The only thing he liked was Tom Sawyer Island because it was like the park. So now we stick to the San Diego Zoo & Safari Park, which is much easier for him to take in… and much cheaper! Now my son is 4 and he still talks about those “scary rides” at Disneyland… oops.
Ha! I like your comparison! 🙂
Eleyn @Sweetsandlife
I love the video. I told my cousin not to take my 2 year old goddaughter into the park the other day because it was so busy. Needless to say he didn’t listen and he had the same experience as you. Hopefully you can take them when they are a little bit older and maybe they will enjoy it more.
We went this April, with two little ones and my 7-month-pregnant self. Never again. Never again.
Ugh, I’m wanting my youngest to be a little older to help the situation a bit. Atleast you got some great photos. xoxox
I’m new to your page and am “catching up” and I just wanna say I <3 u lol. I think our sons might have been twins separated at birth!!! Your stories are cracking me up bc they are my stories just from a different state…. and mom!! My son is also in "therapy" and I had such a tough time w/ it he also recently jumped off of a moving train at the fair, refused Halloween costumes loves to be naked like I can't dress him till we leave naked!
Anyway I'm not crazy I swear just wanted to say that I find great comfort in your blog you're great!
Halloween Recap - grow - Little Miss Momma
[…] experiences should play out with your children, and instead the result is a disaster. Remember Disneyland? Yeah, well Halloween pretty much ended up the same […]
Fee @ oh gorgeous baby
What awesome pictures. We live in Australia and I really wish we had something like this here.
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