If you haven’t already noticed, cohesion has decided to take a vacation from my blog posts for a while—this one included. I blame it on my post-pregnancy brain. There’s no telling how long it could last.
Nothing like an invitation to your 10 year high school reunion to make you really reflect on life.
10 years. Are you kidding me?
I remember being a young whippersnapper and thinking this day would never arrive. I would never be that…old.
But lo and behold, here I am. A bit older. A bit wiser. Two kids and a dynamite husband to show for the last decade.
And yet still, there are some days when I can’t seem to grasp the life I’m living.
As if it doesn’t seem real. Can I possibly be living the life I was imagining as a little girl?
Have I made it that far?
I talk about the “moments” I experience in life quite often on this blog.
Moments of realization.
Moments of appreciation.
Moments of awe.
Moments where life just makes sense.
And while many of these moments are fleeting,
there is one in particular that returns to me often.
It can strike at any time.
Like the other day, when I was dropping Wes off at school…
And as I was driving home I thought to myself,
Holy cow, I’m the Mom who drops her kid off at school.
Then it happened again later that afternoon as I was bouncing Sawyer on my shoulder while simultaneously making Wesley spaghetti.
Holy cow, I have two kids.
And that night, as I crawled into bed and kissed Ben on the cheek it hit me.
Holy cow, that’s my husband. I’m married!
These are what I call Motherhood moments.
The ones where in that split second it hits me…
That I am a full fledged mom and wife.
And it’s surreal.
It’s like suddenly I realize that I’ve grown up,
and I have no idea how I got here.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that my greatest stress was the Comm 201 midterm I was gonna pull an all-nighter to study for?
Or what about those days when I was a teenager…
The type of teenager who daydreamed about her future self,
and wondered what her husband and kids would be like…
At what point did my daydream become a reality?
When I have this “Momma moment”, all these thoughts race through my head at a zillion miles per hour.
Usually there is a smile plastered on my face as I realize that right now,
at this exact moment, I am living that part of my life which I have looked forward to most.
Because even at 16, I knew this would be the best part.
The part I would always wish I could rewind time back to.
And wouldn’t it be a shame if I wasn’t appreciating it.
You want to know what’s tricky about the “best part of life”?
I’ll give it to you straight.
The best part of life, is also the hardest part.
When I was in college, I remember counting down the days until graduation because I thought life would get simpler. I told myself that life after midterms and finals and term papers would be so much easier.
Ha! I get a kick out of my naive outlook.
If I only knew.
But you can’t know.
Not until you’ve lived it.
Not until you grow up.
You can’t understand that boosting your cumulative GPA and the stress of balancing your class schedule will pale in comparison to the the anxiety you can feel when making life changing decisions for your family.
You can’t know that having a child will cause your heart to nearly burst at the seams with happiness.
But that your heart will also break repeatedly as you hold your child’s hand through life’s challenges and disappointments.
Because you can’t really know that when you start to build a family,
life stops being about ME…
and it starts being about WE.
But can I just tell you how awesome it is to live life as a WE.
In our family, WE take Sunday naps.
WE bake cookies and go on bike rides.
WE wrestle and build couch cushion forts.
WE give kisses and play in the waves at the beach.
WE say our prayers before bedtime and watch Disney movies.
In our family WE say I love you,
and we put the needs of the WE before the ME.
And I can tell you that without a doubt…
the WE has been the best part of ME.
And life is good.
uh, yeah. totally teared up over here. Sounds exactly like how I would have put it. 5 years married and two kids. I’ve been realizing a lot lately this is my best work. . “we” <3
Laura M.
perfect. (and ditto) 🙂
yes. yes.
Audrey Crisp
So cute!! Love this post!
“it stops being about ME and it starts being about WE”
Probably the best thing I’ve read! It’s so true! I have those moments all the time! “wow, I am a mom! And that’s my husband?” it’s crazy!
April Foss I Sew Lucky
Love this post Ashely:) I too was one that always knew I wanted to get marrried and have kids:) My boyfriend in high school did not. We broke up graduation day and I had a string of boyfriends for a short year. Got married to my husband when I was 19 and had our first of 6 babies when I was 20. Here we are 16 yrs later and more nights then not I say to my husband how very lucky we are and that I LOVE our life. I have 5 sisters and a brother and only my brother is married (no kids) so to me, knowing how lucky and blessed we are is a common thing:)) Again, I always love your posts they always bring me to tears:)
Oh how I loved this post! I could have written this post word for word! (Much less eloquently, that is!) 🙂 I’m trying to remember to slow down and cherish this time that I have dreamed about from the time I was a child! It is certainly harder than I ever thought it would be (but even more wonderful)! As they say, “The days are long, but the years are short.” 🙂
I totally have those “Mommy moments” too 🙂 I guess we’re never totally prepared for marriage or motherhood 🙂 Your family is so beautiful!
I am totally doing the ” holy cow I am a grown up with a whole bunch of kids” thing too! So funny how I have had kids for almost 4 years now and it still hits me sometimes that, wait a second… I am a mother, and a wife! Love the We verses Me, good thing to remember!
Rachel Nicole
Absolutely amazing post, and ADORABLE pictures. Love them!
Rachel Nicole @ Summer Breeze
ps- giveaway at my blog soon, take a look?
I loved this post. It is so true. Its amazing how your priorities change once you’re married with kids. I feel the same. Thanks for this.
This is my most favorite post I have ever read. Ever. 🙂 I get caught up in those moments all the time and you just voiced my feelings perfectly. Who knew life could ever be so hard or so good at a point where nothing was ever about “me”? 🙂 LOVE your blog!
Yup. I’m pretty sure we could be BFF in real life! I love reading your posts because you say all the things I think, just much better than I could write them. I wonder sometimes how I got this old and how I got this many responsibilities. But there are moments every day that remind me how lucky I am to still be alive and have these responsibilities. Love your blog, Ashley!
Wendy Orme
LOVE this post! Just wait until you have grand kids…THE BEST takes on a whole new meaning!
So sweet! I love seeing you and your beautiful family! Glad to hear things are going so well for you!
Michelle {the Momma Bird}
I couldn’t have said it better myself 🙂
now go kiss those babies 🙂
Shirley Lupton
And before you know it you will be a Grandmother. What do you think of that? I can’t understand how time flies. But what a wonderful ride. My grandchild just turned 21 and I love the stage of life that I am in now. You have such a beautiful family.
Your littles are adorable. I love your blog and am impressed with your ability to turn out great posts while being as busy as I know you are.
BTW the blanket in these pictures is the exact blanket that is my sons “blankey” I haven’t seen it around EVER! If you ever want to get rid of it let me know I’ll pay high dollar for a back up! haha
Beautiful post, beautiful family (:
Bethany G
I 110% agree! I have those moments too. “I am THAT mom” 🙂
My favorite blog post to date! 🙂 Can’t wait to see where I am 10 years from now, but living life up to that point until then is the stepping stone to getting there. Thanks for the beautiful read!
Valerie Watt
When your life litterally turns upside down and Me become We
Awe! lovely post! BUT I’m STILL waiting for the next installment of your love story!!
I love those moments when you have realizations! Thanks for sharing yours!
nicolette @ momnivore's dilemma
Thanks for your epiphany, Ashley.
I need this, on a rather challenging morning…
Fabulous post!
love love love love LOVE this!
Courtney Kirkland
Yep. Those moments come out of nowhere for me, too. Being pregnant with number 2 right now, I find myself wondering at the most random of moments, “Holy Cow. When did I grow up?”
I love how open you are on your blog! The good and the bad. Your littleIs are soooo adorable!
this is such a fabulous post. i know exactly what you are talking about and have all of those same little, random realizations. my ten year reunion was this year and i still can’t believe that it’s been ten years since i graduated high school. i can’t be that old…can i? haha
Stephanie@Henry Happened
I have these “motherhood moments” all the time… Sometimes I can’t believe it’s all happening. By the way, these pictures here are the cutest!
i looove this piece! such a great writer.
Loved this. so true, nothing better than family!!!!!!!!!
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