- Wesley is still petrified of getting a haircut, and he refuses to let me comb his hair after a nap—hence, intense bed head.
- I’ve become addicted to Grey’s Anatomy since it was recently added to Netflix. Addicted, as in I literally have dreams about the characters and story lines. It’s not something I’m proud of. But oh, McDreamy. Also, I know I’m supposed to despise Addison, but she’s my favorite.
- Have I mentioned that both of my boys got their Daddy’s dimples. Yeah, I pretty pumped about that. We’ll just pretend they didn’t get my large forehead too.
- I cooked tonight. My first “real” cooked meal in oh-I-don’t-know-how-long. It even involved turning on the grill. Yay me.
- I can’t get enough of all the awesomeness found here as of late. Who knew there were that many types of buns?
- I’ve lost 27 pounds since giving birth—and I still have 15 to go before I’m at my pre-baby weight. Just to give you an idea of how gloriously huge I get when growing a baby.
- This is some funny stuff.
- When I lay in bed at night and can’t sleep, I get all sentimental and go back and read all of these.
- Use the code FIVEOFF to get $5 off a medium ad space on my sidebar. Or use the code TENOFF to get $10 off a large ad. Click here for details.
- I’m having the urge to paint something with chalkboard paint. Any suggestions?
- My white couches have finally met their match with 3 year old Lil W. Even bleach can’t overcome his grime. New slipcovers are in my near future, Ben just doesn’t know it yet.
- Our little family has consumed 3 boxes of Lucky Charms in the last week. And the moment I realized this, was pretty much when I decided it was time I start cooking again.
- Lil W has decided he will be waking up at 5:00 a.m. every morning. Not cool Wes, not cool.
- Need a good laugh? There’s a board for that. And you should follow it.
Thank you for listening. Your turn, 2 bullet points. Ready, go.
* i’ll be 29 on sunday. TWENTY NINE. and to think i wasn’t supposed to see my 10th birthday. so crazy. i’m incredibly lucky!
* wes and sookie are going to get married, right? i mean, their kids! oh my goodness. red curls and those dimples. gah. they could take over the world. 😉
Summer @ Made By Munchie's Mama
* it seems we lead parallel lives between the therapy appointments, boycotts of brushing and constant Lucky Charm consumption {marshmallows only please}
* I dropped our 30 lb. double stroller out of the back of our sequioa today right onto my foot…too cheap to go get xrays, I’ll just rub some tussin on it….have you seen that Chris rock sketch??
I just had a baby girl less than 24 hours ago and can’t decide of a name:( it has to go with my 21/2 yr old son sawyer:)
I honestly have never felt this happy and euphoric in my life!
JillHow about Saylure like Sailor
Machellewe ended up naming her sterling which I love!!! thank you so much for the suggestion tho:) it is adorable!
JillI LOVE the name you picked. Congrats!!
I have 4 weeks and 3 days until my 2nd, but first boy comes. The heartburn is a nightmare!
My 2.5 year old girl is going to be in heaven when that baby gets here, I hope!
*i am a small person and I trumped you in weight gain with my singleton’s birth. You want to see big? Just call me big momma.
*we have been through 3 couches in the 10.5 years we have had children. Yup.
I just got married a month ago, but my husband had to leave for 2 weeks for military things, so I’m the lonely newlywed.
-I’m opening an etsy shop on Friday, hopefully! I’m super excited, but kinda scared too
Jessie Prince
JackieI’ve been there and feel your pain! Hopefully it’s not for too long. good thoughts being sent your way!
Amanda M
OOooh, I’ve been dying to use “re-stickable” chalkboard paper (available at Hobby Lobby) and line the inside of a pantry door with it. I plan to use it for a grocery list or the dinner menu for the week! Search for it on pintrest! Cute idea!
We got our 2 year old the “ok to wake” alarm clock for his bday. Downer, right? HE LOVES IT. It turns green when it’s time to wake up. Life saver.
so very busy at work..yet all I want to do is not work!
moving in 2 weeks and there may or may not be at least one box packed….moving sucks! but on the bright side bigger house!
Cute chalkboard paint idea. http://jonesdesigncompany.com/create/simple-diy-chalkboard/
nicolette @ momnivore's dilemma
– I’ve been organizing like it’s January 2nd. My oldest son started PreK yesterday.
-I can’t wait until fall really starts…
Aunt Debbie
Chalk Board Paint: Outside or Inside of pantry cupboard to list ITEMS NEEDED FROM THE STORE, THINGS TO DO, NOTES TO SELF, ETC.
Love you and miss you. Need to come visit soon.
My THIRD son will be here in roughly 10 weeks. I keep having freak out moments! The transition to 2 was *relatively* smooth for us, but NOW (after I was already pregnant) I read that even moms with 8 kids say that the transition to 3 was the hardest. FREAK out 🙂
It stresses me out to have to weigh in at the Dr while I’m pregnant. I know it’s silly. I know it’s for a good purpose, but I’d rather be ignorantly blissful 🙂 (I’m 3 pounds away from what I was hoping to only gain, and I’m 10 weeks away from delivery…yeah…)
1) Today is my birthday. I just found out my cat died, I got my second flat tire in 5 days, and my husband is out of state on a trip.
2) On the upside, I will be allowing myself 2 (!) pieces of French Silk pie today- one for my birthday, and one for my misery (obviously).
Jessie Prince
* in less than a month I will begin my first year as a 7th grade math teacher.. I’m really terrified
* I just moved into a new apartment… all by myself… again due to the wonderful timing of the military. At least I know it’s not my husbands fault. And i get to choose how to decorate 🙂
Thank you for your lol board. I just loled for 10 minutes straight.
kathy h.
*Our savings is running out and so that means I will have to go back to work. I have LOVED being a stay at home mom and am very nervous to be out in the workforce again, not to mention the inevitable stress of getting everything done (dinner, clean house, homework, etc)
*I want to start a blog but am afraid of the judgement from my family & friends. AND I can’t decide on a name.
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
Trevor’s blog (married a craft blogger) CRACKS me up! 😉
* I’m on the verge of being able to work from home. CAN’T WAIT!
* My little brother is getting married this weekend! Again, CAN’T WAIT!
Jennifer Neal
oh my gosh! Everyone else in my house is asleep so I’m trying to laugh silently as I CRACK UP at EVERYTHING on your LOL pinterest board. Thanks, I needed that. 🙂
have you tried all fabric bleach or oxy clean on the couch ??
You are so adorable!
Happy you seem so happy!
Thanks for the intro to So I Married a Craft Blogger….HILARIOUS. I love his WIWW with his khaki shorts and free tshirt hahahahaha!
My daughter’s middle name is Addison because of my love for Grey’s.
Hilary @ Lambieblog
I simply adore the Today show and coffee on my couch! (and that my 1 and 3 year old are entertaining themselves so I can eat my English muffin and also read LMM).
I am so excited the dog is almost out of dog food because it means I get to go to Target today. And clearly, that means I may need a new outfit or lipgloss, since I’m there.
-Wesley is seriously adorable. Those photos just melt my heart. #2 is precious!
-I’ve also been sentimental recently…like a sentimental mess. When I should be sleeping(because Lilly is actually sleeping longer..omg), I’m up reading blog entries and staring/bawling over her newborn photos -_-
-I’ve seen the following chalkboard paint ideas: making labels for jars or containers in the kitchen cupboard, a to-do list or message board or chore list in the kitchen, and the other day I saw on a blog a lunchbox that somehow had a chalkboard in it (so you can write cute notes!…I loved the idea!) I wanted to do that for the hubby, but first have to figure out how to attach the board with chalkboard paint on it in his lunchbox. I may end up just dropping it in there with his sandwich 😉
Happy Saturday, Ashley!
-The worst way to wake up is “Mom there is cat throw up… in three places”
-I’m hoping that my Kindergartener will stop screaming every time I mention Kindergarten. It’s only another week away.
“I love the idea of movement, but this White Bandage Dress can be especially difficult to achieve with a knit because they’re all