Adorable owls c/o I Sew Lucky
Dear Time,
I would be much obliged if you would slow down.
Yours Truly,
Happy Momma
Adorable owls c/o I Sew Lucky
Dear Time,
I would be much obliged if you would slow down.
Yours Truly,
Happy Momma
I'm Ashley. Sometimes I craft, occasionally I cook, everyday I write, and I'm always Momma. This is my blog. I keep it real while still seeing the rainbows and butterflies in all of life's lessons.
Stephanie Sloan
Oh Ashley, he is SO beautiful and looks SO much like his big brother : ) LOVE the sleeping smile pic and the bath time close-up. I hope the big-brother is still trying to fill that role and not the only child role : ) HUGS!!! You sure do make cute babies! God bless!
Oh he is so sweet. I think he looks like you.
Oh my adorable! He is just precious! You have some gorgeous little boys my dear. Hope you all are doing great!
Is he not the cutest baby in the whole wide world????? or is that cuz I’m his Gma
Omg Ashley! He is adorable! You two make cute babies!! Your making me miss having a new baby… But after twins I’m done! At least that’s what I tell myself lol. Hope everyone is happy and healthy! By the way— reading ur love story is almost addicting as reading the twilight series lol. Can’t wait to see what happened next!
Kelli G.
You make the prettiest babies! Congrats on the new addition. It’s been wonderful following your growing family.
Such a handsome little man, he looks just like his big brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he looks just like wes! and that dimple, oh my!!
the sweetest :o)
Oh my goodness. So cute 🙂
Enjoy as many snuggles as you can
Claire x
Oh Ashley, he is absolutely gorgeous! Like his mama!
I love his little smile, it just melts my heart.
And please write a letter to time for me too. I’ve been writing but time’s not listening, maybe if we bombarded him with letters together? …it feels like yesterday I just had my Lilly 🙁
Love to you & your sweet family! (and thank you for the sweet comment on my blog by the way, you’re the best) 🙂
Emily D.
Oh my, he is so adorable! Looks JUST like Wes!
Oh I love your dear time letter…because as we have spent the last few weeks celebrating each of our children’s birthdays I want to scream it from the rooftops. I am not happy about them aging so quickly!
He looks a lot like baby W! He is just so precious!!!
Oh. My. Goodness! I can’t believe how much he’s grown in 5 short weeks…and how much he is looking like W! Crazy! I hope you’re enjoying each moment!
Olivia @ I am still learning
I’m 38 weeks pregnant today and these photos are making me so anxious to hold our own sweet baby boy, also our second 🙂
Congrats on your little man, he is beautiful!
You two make SUCH cute babies. My husband and I aren’t quite ready for that big step in life, but when the time comes, I hope ours are half as cute as Wesley and Sawyer!
joelle malenic
where is that adorable yellow chevron blanket from ? i think I need one
gillian greding
Dear Time– ditto.
He’s remarkable!
Oh sweet Sawyer. That last photo is just too precious!!
He is way too cute. If you get through to “time” send him my way too! I know it’s cliche, but it realllly does go so quick!
He is so beautiful!!!! Those dimples!!!!!! Congratulations!
he is so precious! I can not wait to see him next month! xox
He is so precious! He seems to look so much like big brother!
Michelle {the Momma Bird}
oh my goodness. Seriously he is SO precious! It’s so crazy how much he resembles his big brother! I love it 🙂 keep the photos coming!
question: you had a c-sect right? i’m anticipating a possible one since i’m having twins and just wondering what i should expect. i had ‘normal’ deliveries with both of my boys so i’m a bit nervous!
oh.my.goodness. he totally looks like you. and his big brother. i cannot wait to have one of these of my own 🙂 so so precious.
so very cute! he’s going to look exactly like your other handsome little guy!
He looks so much like his brother! Love these photos 🙂 I’m getting baby fever looking at these …
Shirley Lupton
Your two young men could be twins if there was’t the age difference. So cute!
Ugh, he’s absolutely adorable!! Thanks for my cute-fix for the day. 😀
This post is fantastic! I had my (second) little boy just after you had Sawyer and I cannot stop taking photos of him sleeping. It is just so heartwarming!
Nena Fisher
Already looks so much like his brother!
“You can see the techniques of the knit on this style; Bandage Dress one day we will videotape the process of how our pieces are made.