
10 Things about this boy right now.
1. When we don’t respond to Mommy and Daddy, he’s taken to calling us Ben and Ash. I try not to laugh when this happens.
2. Sometimes, I’ll catch him staring at me from across the room with a smile on his face—and I wonder what his 3 year old little mind is thinking.
3. He has nearly graduated from his Speech and Occupational Therapy classes (one week left), and now talks like a champ—all.day.long. Oh, the lessons I have learned from his wonderful and patient therapists.
4. Yesterday Wesley had what was probably the best day of his life. I have never seen him so happy, spending time with the people he loves most in celebration of his 3rd birthday. And as a parent, watching him ooze pure joy was the greatest feeling I have ever had. It doesn’t take long for a new parent to learn, that all you really want out of life is for your kids to be happy—to experience pure joy.
5. We’re cuddling a lot these days. Soaking in the final moments he has me all to himself. But, you know what? I think he’s finally ready for a brother. I can sense it. It’s become another one of those reassuring moments in life when you realize that God does indeed have a plan for each of us–and things work out according to His will, not necessarily our preferred timeframe.
6. Can we just take a moment to soak in his dimples. Ahhh, moment taken.
7. But don’t get me started on his crazy hair. It’s become a lost cause around these parts.
8. This boy is embracing the neon trend. His teachers call him “Miami Vice”.
9. His sleep apnea, officially GONE. Sleeping through the night, not so much. But I’ll take what I can get.
10. Potty trained, no. Get himself dressed, barely. Brush his own teeth, everyday battle. But if you need to learn the ins and outs of your iPad, head over to our house. Wes will give you the low-down better than the late Steve Jobs himself.
Your turn.
Two things.
Any two things.
Ready, go.
Oh my goodness, the potty training!!! My third daughter is turning three next week, and I am at the end of my rope! I think she’ll just be in diapers forEVER.
However, I LOVE:
1. Her crazy crazy hair…it goes perfectly with her crazy fun personality; and
2. Her super strong bear hugs!
Jen Staffeldt
I just LOVE hearing your precious stories about Baby W! You’re such a great mom and a real inspiration to us all, Ashley! Can’t wait to hear about Baby S!
Jen Staffeldt
Jen StaffeldtForgot my two things!! (ooh well, I am claiming ‘mommy brain’):
1) His laugh – how did I exist without it? The cutest thing about him for sure!
2) His obsession with dancing! Pure joy when he starts turning in circles and marching to the beat! Best thing in the world. 🙂
Baby girl is 7 months. Screams “moooommmm” when I walk in the door or am not giving her my undivided attention. Currently, she is yelping at me. 😉
Loves watching her furry “brothers” play ball. This produces the loudest “old man” chuckle I have ever heard. Every day is a miracle!
1)When all 5 of my kids are cuddled up together with the oldest reading to them all. Just soak in the love.
2)The moment daddy walks in the door and both babies will stop mid-whatever-they-are-doing, smile, run with arms open wide “daddy!!!”. (18 months and 2)
Amanda @ Dirt and Boogers
Love this…he is tooo cute!
1. He says “So Much!” Instead of I Love You. Love it when he gives me a big hug and says “Soooo much, Mommy!”
2. How the word phooey makes him laugh so hard his face turns red and he can’t breathe! Seriously so funny that one word can cause such a giggle-fest.
Lindsey s
I have 3 munchkins so I’m gonna name 2 for each.
For Hannah:I love how she loves to craft and sing to the radio as much as I do!
For Jordan: I love how he dances! I lovie love that he still wants me to “ni
Night” him when he lays down for a nap. (translation: lay with him until he falls asleep)
For Jacob: I love how his first and still favorite word is mama! My other 2 always said dada first! And his blue eyes! It took me 3 babies to finally get one that looks like me!
Good luck with everything Ashley! We are all waiting to “meet” your new little man!
When Oliver says “Lub Yew” and when he crawls up on the couch with his blankets and asks me to “sniggle” And Landon His sweet giggles and the back of his cute little head.
Love this Ash. He is so handsome. Wesley and Sawyer will be the best of friends, wait and see. I was nervous about Oliver and Landon – but I knew he was ready – now almost 7 months later they are inseparable!
I have a 3 yr old son, I love when he says I love you mom out of the blue.
I love when he talks in a fake baby voice pretending to be out tiny dog.
I would llove to be about to have my next baby, learning to trust Gods timing! 😉
We have three kids, 7 ( Myah), 9 (Elle) and 15 (Mikey). I was a single mom until Mikey, my only son was 5. We had so many “moments” together, just the two of us. Life got busy, we got marrried, had 2 girls and life is just wonderful. He is still “my boy”, even now at almost 16.
Two things.
1. He still tells me to “be safe” each and everyday.
2. He still hugs me and tells me he loves me ALL the time, even in front of his friends.
You are a wonderful Momma Ashley!
I love reading your posts and little Wes is adorable.
It’ll all fall into place.
Well, my baby hasn’t been a baby (or 3) for a long time. She is 17, but I have a lot of fun memories from when she was little.
And here are two things I love about her now:
1.) She has a strong sense of who she is with wit beyond her years.
And something cute from when she was little:
2.) She called polka-dots hokey pots 🙂 This still makes me smile! 🙂
I love this post!!
And W is just too cute! I swear her just gets more and more cute everytime I see pics of him.
My two things:
1: babylady falling asleep o me and taking a pretty decently long much needed nap all cuddled up next to me.
2: getting my 7 month handed back to me after 5 hours of (not so) patiently waiting during his MRIs.
Mommyhood is rough but the most rewarding thing i’ve ever ever come across in my entire 27 years of life.
aawww I teared up looking at these pics! Love those dimples and that big ole smile! I miss you all so much! I can’t believe he is almost THREE! Crazy how fast time goes by! luv ya!
Well, I’m not a mama yet, but I do have a wonderful one, so I’ll take a moment to brag on her.
1. Even though I’m 22 years old, and only home for the summer before I start grad school, my mama still lets me snuggle in bed with her
2. When I’m two hours away at school, and having a horrible day, my mama will drive the two hours to come cheer me up for a few hours (either by taking me out to dinner, or just watching a movie with me)
For my son (18 months old);
1) When he knows he should’t be doing something, he says “No nononononono” the entire time he is doing it.
2) He walks up to my baby belly and kisses it,and helps me rub coconut oil on it every night.
Sarah Bendel
My word, those dimples. I would never be able to get anything done for loving on those cheeks all day! My little calls us by our names too- but not just when we don’t answer to Momma or Daddy, sometimes that’s just what she calls us. I nearly stroked out when we were in a store and she called out to me: “Sawah Bendel, come here please.” They pick up on more than we think.
As for my Olivia:
1. I love her spontaneous affection. She has to be one of the sweetest children I’ve ever known. ALWAYS hugging, kissing or patting. melt.my.heart
2. I admire her compassion. The child truly has a heart for others, no one cries alone in her presence.
I can’t wait to see how God is going to use her to bless people.
Mac gives the biggest toothy grin everytime she gets in trouble!!
Caitlin has been singing “firework” by Katy Perry in prep for the 4th!
Awesome post!!
Jill Kaye
1a. My son turned 3 last Wednesday
1b. Next son due in 3.5 weeks
2a. We have friends in common. (Lacey)
2b. By looks of it we used to be lake neighbors.
So… We should hang out! (my son needs dude friends. All he has are girls!!)
My 4 year old Ella:
1. Loves Tinker Bell so much that she thinks she is a little fairy herself.
2. Insists on having Mommy give her a manicure AND pedicure at least once a week.
My 5 week old Cash:
1. Cutest chubbiest cheeks ever … at least a pound a piece.and oh so kissable.
2. Is a total Mommas boy already and I LOVE it!
Michelle {the Momma Bird}
2 for each kiddo?!
Cohen (3yrs old): Telling us how much he loves us & misses us when we leave the room, hugging & kissing his little brother every morning as his ‘wake up’ routine
Lucas (2yrs old): Running into our room each morning with a blanket in each hand wanting early am cuddles, kissing my big belly every day
The Girls (24.5 wks in the womb): their daily kicks & flutters, their reminder that our God is so good & always has a plan bigger than our own.
I love how Dillon (2.5 yrs) calls his flip flops, “fwop fwops”.
I love how Ashley (4 yrs) is learning to swim. Even if she only manages to doggle paddle a total of 6 inches, she’ll look at me beaming with pride and announce that she is just like a mermaid!
Motherhood is magic.
What a great post! I love your little guy’s neon.
1. my little one is almost two. She pulled out all my jeans yesterday and hauled them to the living room calling them “cool jeans”
2. We use Dora the explorer bubble.bath and now all types of bubbles are “Dora bubbles”
I’m sitting at my desk at work, and that sweet smile literally just put a smile on my face!
Really enjoyed this post. Doesn’t time fly? Even more so when my second child came! I can’t believe she’ll be two at the end of summer. Sigh.
1. My 4 y.o. told me her nose was talking to her and kept her up last night. “See, its talking again” she told me as she SNIFFLED.
2. My almost 2 y.o. loves necklaces and calls them “pretties”. “Pretty! Pretty!” she scream when she sees a beaded necklace. I think the pretty came because every time she put one on I would say “Oh, so pretty!”
So sweet. Im also expecting my 2nd and wondering how everything will fall into place, and working on getting my daughter toilet trained before! My daughter is 2.5 and is just delicious but 2 things about here Im loving right now…
1. When she gives me kisses if I have a “booboo” or if she sees me resting she says “youre tired?” Her intuition is just amazing, how she also sees and realizes what I need.
2. How she talks to her dolls and her blanket, really anything, giving running commentary. Its hysterical.
renee rasmussen
1. when my 2 yr old walks into a room he says “Hi Baby” to me cuz that’s what I say to him
2. I went grocery shopping with my son and my mom last night. My mom took off with my son so I could shop quicker. 20 minutes into the trip I heard my mom’s voice a few isles away saying…”Renee?!” then I hear my sweet lil boys voice…”RENEE!!!!!….where are you?!?!?! RENEEEEEEEE”
Aunt Debbie
1. The joy in Wesley voice when he calls me BUBBIE!!!
2. How happy his new birthday trampoline makes him.
I just love my little Wesley.
Aunt Debbiehe loves his Auntie Bubbie!
my son wasn’t fully potty-trained until he was 3 1/2. he was #3 and the younger sister was almost potty-trained (i had 4 in less than 5 years). the battle was awful until i finally just gave up and figured either he’d be potty-trained by kindergarten or 2) i’d just let his wife worry about it. he finally decided that he WANTED to be potty-trained. once HE made the decision, it was all good. he was eventually going to the bathroom in the toilet. it was lovely.
so, my two …
1) i am LOVING my teenager – she is 14 and it’s so much fun to talk to her and hear her thoughts and questions and such.
2) the sound of all 4 kids playing together in the basement and NOT fighting. the sound of their laughter is music to my ears.
Andrea Hunt
When i’m feeling down, seeing other people’s happy post/pictures turns my day around!
I WAS feeling down, thanks for the pick me up.
He is just too darn cute!!
1. Been horridly sick all week; like one of the worst sicks of my life. Kidney infection AND a cold—how is that even fair? But alas, I’m still SO happy with life right now that not even double sickies can bring me down.
2. I finally have an amazing new camera, and no clue how to work it. So just point and shoot right?
Anna @ The Guiltless Life
He looks JUST like you in the 3rd picture down, I can’t get over it. So crazy!
#1. The way little boys talk. I love listening in on my sweet boys carry on a conversation. Whether it’s star wars, trucks, or an adventure they had that day, it’s a joy to hear how their little 3-5 year old brains operate. I love it! I love my boys!
#2. The snuggles after nap time when they just wake up. Joy right there. Something I have to sneak in before they grow too old and snuggling is no longer “cool.”
Love your posts LLM! Your so dang cute!
Heather F.
1. 16 year old daughter: I love how she’s rockin’ her short hair like she’s some kind of supermodel. I love her confidence and sass (even if the sass is directed towards me-ahh, teenagers).
2. 11 year old son: I love how he still lets me pretend he’s my “little” boy and still allows me to snuggle with him every night.
They really do grow up so fast.
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
These photos are so fun! He really looks like you in most of them. 🙂 So glad he’s ready for his brother! Ready or not, eh!? Me?
1. I think the hubs and I are ready to start a family.
2. It’s fun to read through your posts from awhile back on being a new mom. Gives lots of perspective.
Oh my goodness he is adorable. Those are wonderful pictures!
1. We took our daughter to the Zoo for the first time today. Pretty sure she is going to be Zoologist.
2. Rice. Is amazing.
Those pictures of a smiley boy are so adoreable. They made me smile too!
My 3 are grown (2 still live with us but they are adults) but I still have things for each of them.
Mikey (26 and married): 1) How he calls me everyday to see how I am and what we are up to. I love that he still wants to be in our lives every day. 2) Listening to him and his wife when he calls. I swear they should go on the road as a comedy team.
Tasha (21 and says she is never moving out which is fine with me!): 1) Dancing around the house with her, seriously, the guys look at us like we’re crazy. 2) The fact that her sense of humor and mine are so almost exactly alike and we can look at each other, one of us will say one word and we will both die laughing.
Jay (19 and finally starting to grow out of his gawky phase): 1) It completely cracks me up how utterly vain he is about his “new more manly body”. I swear anytime he walks past a mirror he either flexes a bicep or checks his abs. 2) How sweet he is. He is very empathetic and will hug me when I need one even if I don’t seem like I need one, he always seems to know.
1) I love his tantrums, its a new thing for him these days. I laugh so hard, I can’t even help it, they are so cute, one day I am sure I won’t think so anymore.
2) I love that he still lets me feed him a bottle before bed. He will be 17 months old on July 3rd. I love that cuddle time we get each night.
(And I’m late the party, but so what)
Makes me want a son. And then I remember I don’t want to be outnumbered. Or pregnant again. So I’ll live vicariously thru you.
1. The big one’s warm little hands while we snuggle to watch TV before bedtime. She rests her hand on my chest and leans into me. I get very sweaty, but someday she won’t be there and I’ll be lonely.
2. The little one’s gigantic, cheesmo smile when she says/signs something and you understand her. She’s just so proud.
Two things, eh? My daughter is 5 days old and I absolutely love her sparkling personality and her beautiful face. Makes life great. 🙂
Love those dimples. What a handsome little man!! I am curious what happened to the nickname Lil W? Did I miss something?! =]
He is too cute!
He is SO darn cute!! Hmmm…I have three of them so I’d say my middle one (who is two and half) says the funniest things right now like
1. Shout (from fresh beat band) is my boyfriend
2. Momma pray for me (at bed time) and when she’s really tired she says, “momma you’re too loud I tired”
Whew, so glad my newly turned 3 year old guy isn’t the only unpotty trained one out there 🙂 It’s a battle!
Ashley Kisslinger
He is just too cute!
2 things:
1. my baby will be 1 year old on the 17th. i look at her and just can’t seem to find where the past year went..
2. this weekend i will be on the labor and delivery floor as a student nurse. i am kind of freaking out but i am really excited at the same time – the patients probably do not realize how awesome it is for us to be there, so i am going to make sure that i thank them for allowing me to be there.
My little guy turned three in April. I switched his tooth brush to an electric one with The Avengers characters on it and now I don’t have to fight him on it so much. Just a thought?!
As for my two things…
1. Speaking of potty trained, Haeden had a hard time with going #2 in the potty. The doc mentioned that we needed to make a huge deal out of it when he finally did. So we did. And now everyone in the house has to come and look at each #2 he makes. High fives all around on his “BIG, BIG POOP!” LOL
2. Haeden was a daddy’s boys for like 6 months the second year of his life. I was so bummed because everyone told me the greatest thing about having a boy was that they loved their mommy the best. Well, we are now at that stage and I can’t help but love every moment of it… well, except for the MooooMMMMMMYYYYY whine that I hear a little too often. That, I could do without!
You’re such a sweet lil momma! 🙂
I have a 2 year old names Easton..I love
1. When he says “Shank you Mommy” and I say, “You’re welcome Easton” and he says, “I welcome DD”. He thinks I’m correcting him and telling him to say “You’re welcome” to his “Thank You”
2. The sound of him and his Daddy wrestling and playing and giggling. Then when he says, “No Daddy…no tickle Daddy!” 🙂
You are really a great mom. Love to hear your stories.
Our little guy will be 3 in September. I still remember every detail surrounding his birth! So excited for you guys!!
1. He asks for milky-pooie all the time, never just milk!
2. Recently started kissing like a french-man, one kiss on each cheek to everybody! Crazy!
He is too funny, so smart and I can’t imagine our lives without him.
Love the stories and can’t wait to hear more as our two little guys grow!
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