Struggling to find ANY outfit that both fit and was farm appropriate.
Rushing out the door, already late for his farm field trip.
Sweat dripping down my back.
Severe sciatica pain shooting from my back down into my foot.
Chasing Lil W around while in the middle of some serious Braxton Hicks contractions.
My feet swelling to gigantic proportions and nearly splitting the seams of my Toms.
Losing track of my energetic toddler amongst a giant crowd of elementary school kids.
Sticky strawberry juice wiped on my arms and my white shirt.
Nearly going into labor as a result of the extreme heat.
Extreme farm animal allergies.
Realizing at the end of our field trip, that I had been pulling around our heavy wagon with a flat tire.
And did I mention the sweating?
Watching my son finally gather up the courage to ride the ponies for the very first time…PRICELESS.
Who is this big boy? And where did my baby go?
Sniff. Sniff.
I absolutely LOST. MY. MIND. the first time my daughter rode a pony too. 🙂 Its pretty freakin’ awesome, isn’t it?
Jenna Allen
I just had to laugh at this post. I about died actually. Just because I am OH SO familiar with days that go a lot like this. It never fails that on the days that I have something really cool planned for my little…. they somehow end up as a rough go.
Funny! I remember sciatica – not fun. I also had leg cramps at night and couldn’t sleep.
I was just looking at my daughters (4 and 19 mos) and shaking my head. Yes, where does time go?!
awww he looks SO big!! can’t believe youre going to have 2 soon 🙂 and so glad youre back to blogging!
School Sparks Renee
Sounds like a rewarding day in the end! Hope the aches subside! Feel good, Renee
he looks so big sitting on that horse! I wish I was in town and could be there with you! I am having serious STOCK withdrawals 😉
So cute! I know what it’s like to suffer through all that though…so sorry!
Awww!!! What a big boy he is!!!! Looks like the Underwood Family Farm! We had my L.O.’s first birthday party there in March this year, and he rode the pony rides for the first time too, it was sooooo cute.
xoxo, Misty
Boo to the sweat and braxton hicks! But want a sweet moment of the horse. I struggle bc my mr 2 isn’t looking like a baby anymore. Its bitter sweet to see them get big. BUt to see their faces in the discovering something new is priceless.
My first is now 12 and baby is 8 I just sat and reminisced through family home videos….oh how sweet each stage really is. It is so good to see you enjoy every moment and embrace it. WAY to go MOM!
Your son is too cute for words! Those eyelashes are to die for! And those mini-pumas are awesome!
That looks like a fun field trip. Your boy is adorable. My girl is almost 13 and I can remember the miserable swollen feet of being pregnant like it was yesterday. Hang in there Mama. 🙂
So happy to see you back to blogging more! I know we all missed you! I cannot believe what a little handsome little bean your son is turning into. So sweet!
I feel ya girl. I’m 35 weeks and uber frustrated with the clothing situation. Who knew I could ACTUALLY get sick of wearing Tom’s, leggings, and a tunic?! Getting together with all my church groups and trying to have a decent conversation while contracting and drenched in sweat is REALLY fun, but then I remember what I’m going to get out of it all. I have two girls, 6 and 4, BEAUTIFUL, well-behaved, smart, little blessings that have grown up so much in the last year needing to take care of me. This third child is going to be so loved by us all. God has asked me to time-out, to go sit in the corner, only rather than looking at the wall, turn around and REALLY see it all. Milestones are amazing, but I’ve been seeing again that everyday there is something so magical about a lack of focus on myself and paying attention to the things that matter. Darn conviction. Glad little W is feeling good now. Been praying for peaceful rest for you all. 🙂
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
You poor thing!!! Hope you’ve cooled off by now! 😉 Look at Baby W the cowboy! I love it!
I wish I could have been at the farm to see this. I remember (like it was yesterday) your first pony ride at the little farm on Tampa. Love this post. Mom to you, Monkey to Lil W
girly tomboy
I know I hate it when people say this to me about my son.. but he really does look like a big boy in the last picture with the horse.. a cute one though.
Isn’t it amazing what we’ll endure for a little one’s smile. And it’s worth every moment!
Michelle {the Momma Bird}
Oh girl. I know all too well how you are feeling! When I was pregnant last time we lived in West Texas and our little #2 was due in the middle of July. Let me just tell you, I spent most days inside in the AC so I wouldn’t swell up to the size of an elephant! This go around I’m pregnant with #3 and living in the UK so the climate will treat me MUCH better – especially chasing around my 3yr old & 2 yr old boys. Whew! 🙂 He looked so happy on that horse!
Can he get any cuter?! I feel you on the sciatica pain… I’ve had it since about 8 weeks! It’s the WORST!
I remember the first time my boy was no longer afraid to ride the ponies! 🙂
Oh so sweet! I love it! I can’t find anything to wear either 🙁
Your such a cute momma!
and we do it all for the smile on our little guys face 😀
I hope you got some much needed rest ever that day
You are so adorable – I feel your pain… I did rip a seam of my favorite converse during pregnancy. sigh…
Heather @ Glitter and Gloss
Ah!! Totally worth it – look at that happy face on the pony!
Hope you’re feeling better soon! When are you due??
adorable! and i am getting married directly behind those big trees at Underwood, at Walnut Grove! 3 months to go!!
He looks like he’s so proud. You are going to have so many of those “where did the time go” moments. My daughter will be 36 this year Where did all that time go and my grand just turned 10. There are days I still feel 36
LMAO about the tire being flat! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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