Personalized heart ornament c/o: Lisa Leonard Designs
We ordered a pizza.
Brewed some hot chocolate.
Turned on the Pandora Holiday station.
Hung the stockings by the chimney with care.
Taught Lil W to say “Cwistmwas tree.
Watched him take down the ornaments faster than we could put them up.
Got excited for his increased understanding about this special holiday.
Watched an episode of Parenthood on Netflix.
Said our prayers.
And then hit the hay.
What are your holiday traditions?
We’re looking to take on a few more. Ideas?
I would love for you to stop by The Anderson Crew to see my latest tutorial for her handmade gift guide.
And you can also stop by Lisa Leonard’s blog to read a bit about my fun mini photo shoot with her.
Lisa A
Looks like a great night! I can’t wait to put up our little tree and a few decorations 🙂
Brooke Anderson
The first Christmas movie I watch every year is Mickey’s Once Upon A Christmas. It’s been like that for years and I’m 22. But hey, I’m a huge Disney lover.
Where’d that adorable camera ornament come from!?
How fun! Cookies are our yearly tradition! They are so much fun and my 4 yr old is so detailed in her decorating. Love the Merry Christmas sign by the way!
P.S. Elf on a shelf–ADORABLE holiday tradition
christmas traditions with my family include camping out in the living room and then opening presents at midnight! i will always treasure these memories – just like i’m sure you and your family with yours! such a fun season! 🙂 love these photos, too!!
Oooh! We have the same stockings you have! I love them. 🙂
Our tradition is to have a big get-together every Christmas Eve. It started with inviting over our friends whose families aren’t close, and now we practically are family. Then on Christmas morning we all hang out in our pjs. This year I am attempting to make everyone pj pants to start a new tradition…we’ll see how that turns out!
Summer @ Made By Munchie's Mama
Oh how Iove the vitamix!!! It will change your life. I dropped 10 lbs of baby weight because I was a smoothie addict and you don’t have to put anything in but fruit and ice so no extra sugar. Make sure to make the potato soup in the recipe book…to die for!!
LOVE THIS!!! Did you make the camera ornament!!? super cute!
I love your ornaments!
I love stringing popcorn and cranberries every year. Also, we each get an ornament that represents our year as well as matching jammies for Christmas morning.
And movies are a must. Re-watching favs are very special to me.
Autumn Dark
Can I just tell you I LOVE our Vitamix too?!? My husband got a job in North Dakota and we moved four days after we found out he got the job. You better believe I packed my Vitamix (even though we’re going back for the rest of our belongings this month). I hope Santa grants your wish! 🙂
The Girlie Blogger
Yum hot chocolate. Definitely tis’ the season for that.
becky mercado
omg…its 12:30 am here and im reading blogs…I turn to yours and the first picture i see is pizza. Now I’m hungry. But wait…i have cold pizza in the fridge. Thanks a lot. by the way…i notice a lot of new blogs come up on my reader about this time….you guys must all be night owls like me. I imagine for most it’s the quietest time. Off to the fridge…
Michelle {the Momma Bird}
I love this time of year! And I totally love that you can see the ranch dressing next to the pizza. lol. Can’t wait to see if you reveal your house all decked out in Christmas Cheer!!! 🙂
We buy ornaments that represent our year, have a Christmas Eve potluck for both sides of the family and then go view Christmas lights, and this year we started Elf on the shelf. I might also start Christmas mouse, we had the book when I was little, but after being woken up by a nightmare about rats just now I am not excited anymore about any rodent!!! Let’s hope Oso is on Disney this am and not Mickey 😉
I love your style! So happy to have discovered this blog! 🙂
kirtley a
I love bose stockings and ornaments.
Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims
All the pics are so cute!! Next Christmas I will have my own tree and husband, and then can make our own traditions 🙂
Super cute ornament btw!
Looks like you guys are ready for Christmas! You have cute decor, its so fun to put Christmas things up around the house, especially the tree! I bet its so great watching and seeing lil W learn more about this special Holiday : ) One of our family traditions is to heat soup in a bread bowl and read about Christs birth, always seems to put things more in perspective..plus a belly full of warm soup is lovely.
When Zoee gets a little older, were going to be doing Elf on the Shelf. I seriously cant wait. its such a cute thing to do!!
where did you get your merry christmas board sign…love it!!
Jessica Kutok
love your blog!!
question though… how did you make that wooden sign? I’ve been looking all over for an amateur friendly tutorial on how to make those!!!
i’m really new to the world of crafting but I love the idea of it.. but the tutorials I look up I don’t understand! haha.
I want to make some for Christmas 🙂
help? haha thanks!
Sounds like a great night! We did our Christmas decorations lastnight, after my daughter went to sleep. I love the camera ornament, and I love parenthood 😉
Yes, I love that camera ornament. I’d love to get 1. Where did you get it?
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
How exciting for Baby W to be old enough to have fun with Christmas!!! 🙂 Your decorations look very pretty!!!
Fun times! Decorating with Family is the best 🙂
Have you thought about doing Elf on the Shelf? I bet Little W would love it! Even though my daughter is only 1, I am decorating a jumbo sized gingerbread man with her… and my husband and I do gingerbread houses.
On Pinterest I saw someone wrap 24 books they had at home to put under the tree, and unwrap one each night to read before bed.
Also, on I am Momma Hear Me Roar, she did a series of ideas for Christmas traditions you might want to check out.
danyiel Johnson
Love those stockings, I was hoping there were something from your shop. I am really in the Christmas spirit and if I could I would decorate every inch of the inside and outside of our house.
What a lovely night! 🙂 Sounds amazing. I love Parenthhood!
My son is 10 months old, so this is his first Christmas… not really sure what our traditions will be, I really want to make a gingerbread house though. I have never made one before. He is a bit small for that, but we can start that tradition a lil early!
xoxo, Misty
Melanie Cantelmo
We take the kids to look at christmas lights and drink hot coco. On Christmas day we sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. We go to Zoo Lights. We get new Christmas jammies 🙂 We eat bangers and mash on Christmas eve (my dad is from England). My hubby leaves reindeer footprints on the letter to santa the kiddos leave out. You can do it with a raw potato and a stamp pad! They love that.
Melanie Cantelmo
Oh yah, and I always make a gingerbread house with the kiddos. But I have learned to get the premade house part and then just let them decorate it. It’s much easier!!!
Marie @ Pouty Pink Princess
I love decorating with Christmas music and hot chocolate! So fun!
We have four young kids and one of their favorite traditions is reading a different Christmas book each night. I wrap 24 Christmas books and put them in a basket. We pick one book a night to count down until Christmas. They know all the books by heart from reading them each year, and always try to guess which book it is their picking.
Melanie Cantelmo
KelleyThis is such a great idea!!!! I am going to have to steal it from you! Maybe I’ll do it the last 12 days of Christmas since I am a bit behind, but love it!
Melanie Cantelmo
I’m just curious, where did you get that cute “Merry Christmas” sign and did you make those cute ornaments?
Make and Do Girl
I just started watching Parenthood! It’s pretty good. Listening to Pandora holiday as we speak. Love it!
Beth Davisson
Every year on the day after Thanksgiving we go to a Christmas tree farm. The boys so look forward to the day of riding the cart through the forest of trees, and finding that perfect one (hopefully within an hour or less). My 11 year old cut the tree down all by himself for the first time this year! They always ride the cart back to the barn then we visit with the donkey there. We normally decorate it within a couple of days and play Christmas music and just enjoy remembering each ornament.
Julie Donohue
I love reading your blog, your family is just adorable.. I started a new Christmas Tradition with my Granddaughter this year its called Elf on a Shelf. I will spare you the details however if you visit http://www.elfontheshelf.com/ you can order the little guy or girl from the website or from what I hear you can pick them up at Target now.. It comes with a book that I read to her every night. I will give you a little bit about the story, your little boy will give him a name you will then register him at that website. Your elf will appear every Thanksgiving and you hide him in places that are high enough that the little kiddos cant touch him (if they touch him he will lose his magic powers and not be able to get to Santa every night.) Every morning my granddaughter wakes up to look for Fritz and she is always amazed as to where he is. Its so cute. She is almost 3 so she is just know getting the whole concept on being good or bad because Santa’s Elf (aka Fritz) is watching her.. She talks to him every day, she will tell Fritz what she is thinking, she told him the other day that Grandma wasn’t being nice to her. I actually bought 3 elves because when my daughter has children I want them to be able to enjoy the tradition as well. I think you and your family will get a kick out it. Your little boy might be a little young yet but as smart as these kids are today he will catch on in no time. If nothing else he will have another friend in his life that he can trust. Enjoy your holidays with your family.
Have a good week,
Julie D
Cute, cozy pics!
We always give new Christmas pajamas to the kids on Christmas Eve. They get so excited about putting them on!
Pandora’s holiday music is the best!
I keep trying to comment on your announcement post, but it’s not letting me for some reason.
Congrats, girl… I hope this pregnancy turns out much easier for you. I can’t imagine being that sick. I threw up a lot, but nothing like what you’ve been through.
Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. Love how your little boy says Christmas. So cute! Mine do the same thing:) One tradition you might try for your little boy is getting “The Elf on the Shelf”. I’m sure they have it online. Each night the elf “moves” to a new spot and reports back to Santa evey night. Comes with a book or dvd. Love it!!
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