I’ve been doing my best to listen to my body.
Not push myself.
Be restful. Slothful even.
Because that’s what this little peanut inside of me has been asking for.
However, I still have a little toddler who is not feeling quite as “restful” as his Momma.
Mornings are the worst.
I have the least energy and the room seems to be spinning most of the time.
But Lil W…Lil W is rearing to go in the early morning hours.
Full of energy. Eager to wrestle, curious, cheerful.
So yesterday morning,
I stumbled down the stairs,
turned on the Wiggles,
set out some breakfast for Lil W,
and then curled up in the fetal position on the couch and closed my eyes.
A few minutes passed.
And then…clink…clink…
I opened my left eye and spotted Lil W hovering around the Christmas tree with a guilty look on his face.
And for the first time in over a week, I pulled out my camera to take a picture of what I discovered.
It seems he went shopping for some ornaments.
And even though we have had “the talk” about him touching the ornaments many many times,
and he knows touching the ornaments means sitting in “time out” for a bit,
I couldn’t help but smile this go around,
because I’m learning, that for the next 6.5 months
I may have to choose my battles.
Ashley, when are you due?
Cute. 🙂 I hope you get through the sickness quickly!!
I have two little ones under 2 and I completely understand what you are going through. I had a hard time being pregnant and being a energetic momma too.
Hope you are doing well.
Love it! 🙂 Who can resist shopping for ornaments 😉
I hope your new little peanut lets up on you soon Momma and you get some energy back. I cant imagine feeling that way with a toddler running around – although sooner or later Im bound to experience it!
This is simply adorable, and priceless. Good thing you grabbed your camera 🙂
Brandy Miller
That’s too sweet. My little guy does that too, but all my stuff usually ends up in his toolbox. 🙂
Haha, yes being pregnant and having a toddler is tough. There were many days I curled up on the floor and let him play around me. Hugs, hope you start feeling better soon.
Nicole S.
That’s cute! I sure hope the next 6.5 months go by quick for you! Do you take Zofran? That was what kept me sane during my pregnancy!
I used to do the same things in those early sick months! Hang in there! You are very wise in picking your battles.
Love the cart! He likes to shop like his momma.
Too, too, too cute! 🙂 Hope you are feeling better. Sending strength your way 🙂
Awe Mama, you’ll know what to do when the time comes for everything. I hope that your little Mr helps in choosing the battles as well 😉 You’ll get through all of it. {{Big hugs}}
You are absolutely right. You’re going to have to let some things slide. Yes, he shouldn’t touch the ornaments, but can you blame him if you closed your eyes for a quick sec. They’re just so pretty and tempting! 🙂
Megan Robinson
so cute!! love those little boys and their imagination 🙂
also Zofran is amazing!! that’s what saved me too when I was pregnant. I hope you are feeling better!!
Dear Ashley,
first of all – I wish all the best to you and the little life to be. I’m a long time reader and even if I don’t know you personally, by now I am really sure of one thing – your choosing everything, even the battles, is guided by your heart. You can’t go wrong there 🙂
p.s. a quote…
”Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” ~Elizabeth Stone
Elizabeth Cooper
Oh I’m sooo happy for you all! Everyone understands the MIA no worries! Take care of yourself and this new lil sweetie! Rest up LMM!
Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims
awww!! at least he didn’t break them, just nestled them in his basket hahaha! So sorry your not feeling well!
Hahaha I have never heard of a toddler doing that before!!! THAT IS SO FUNNY! LOL and just so cuute. Thanks for sharing! My biggest concern here is the cats eating and throwing up the tinsel! :/
Marie @ Pouty Pink Princess
That is the cutest thing ever!
Hilary @ Lambieblog
So sweet! Being pregnant with a toddler is tough. I have to thank the guys who made it possible for my second pregnancy: Woody, Buzz, Mickey, and mr. Easy Mac. I think my son did well during my couch moments. His imagination grew leaps and bounds, and his independence is astounding. Those skills turned out to be so helpful now when I am nursing my new baby and rocking her to sleep….. The other day I caught my toddler feeding my dog while I was nursing. He found the bag of Beneful and was scooping it into her dish and on the floor and saying “Here go poodle. I love you poodle girl.”.
Love it! I’m on my first and considering the fact that my energy levels right now are just barely enough to get showered and dressed (sometimes its just enough to get dressed much to my husband’s chagrin. I applaud you’re (and mother’s everywhere) ability to do both 🙂
1st: I remember those days, and I am sooo sorry.
I once got a complete black eye because my two year old son clobbered me in the face with his toy truck as I lay on the ground and watched the room spin., and tried not to throw up.
2nd: I LOVE that he was thorough. ALL of the ornaments at his level are gone but you can tell exactly where his level stopped 😉
awesome post! and so true! i’m 9 months pregnant with a 19 month old…challenging is an understatement…especially now at the end of the road and with a massive belly! you’re a great mama and you’ll get through it in no time! xo
I hear you! Been there! You can do it! We are powerful, smart, and amazing women. We can do more than we think, eh? 🙂
So precious.
I have a very awesome photo of my child with a mouthful of blue crayon drool that reminds me to choose my battles (taken when I got up from a fetal position rest whilst pregnant, as well)
When in doubt check their shopping cart! That’s where Ava puts everything. And our christmas tree looks ridiculous right now the ornaments are placed in whatever spot… Hope you feel better soon!
danyiel Johnson
Ahh, hang in there. I so remember what that felt like. I also remember thinking I could negotiate with the energetic toddler to let mommy sleep for just a little bit longer…no go.
Melanie Cantelmo
Ashley, you are in such a hard stage! I’ve been there too! That is too cute, you’ll always remember when he went shopping for ornaments! That is so cute. Hopefully you will feel better soon. And the hubs can help up while you are not well. You are right, keep listening to your body 🙂
Monica @ The Writer Chic
Ashley, I hear you! I’m 16w along with #4(and my littles are 3 and under!), trying to prep for a cross-country move at the end of the month, and it’s been a ROUGH trimester. Praying for you even now.
I couldn’t help but laugh. Our toddler could not stay away from the tree either. After nearly losing our sanity, only two days after getting the tree, we invested in a circular baby gate to go around the tree. Worth EVERY penny! Now we can all enjoy the tree without her destroying it!
Good decision mama. You will make it!
I’m glad you grabbed the camera. Even though you don’t feel up to much, it’s times like these that you will want to remember through your pregnancy haze. Pictures definitely help! Feel better soon!
AWWW….I have three and I know all about battle picking. You do just that for the next 6.5 months and allow yourself some time because I will be honest and tell you that going from 1 to 2 children, well, it is a bit tough. Its much easier to adjust to number 3 and 4 because you have really learned what works and how to compartmentalize all thats going on and what two small ones need.
I was so excited to see that you finally posted. I was about to send you an I miss you post from my own blog. How sad am I?! LOL
Hugs momma 😉
amanda m.
oh my goodness, oh my goodness! i missed your big news. congratulations! i am so happy for you. bless you!
Hey, you managed to get your Christmas presents wrapped! WOOO-HOOO!! It’s the small victories… 🙂
LOL!!!!!!!!!! So cute, how could you be mad at that? Thanks for the inspiration!!
Salena Lee @ A Little Piece of Me
How sweet! I have 3 little girls who have been getting into everything. It’s hard to get mad at them when they do the most clever things while unsupervised. 🙂
Mom of 4 chiming in….yep. I’m still picking my battles! Get your rest…the “shopping” can wait! 🙂 I am suprised he didn’t unwrap the gifts! 🙂
Congrats Ash~it’s gonna be a beautiful ride!
Jill @ a mom with a lesson plan
I think choosing my battles is the best thing I can do as a parent! Good luck Ashley. I hope this next few months flies by and that you feel better!
Lindsey Skinner
I can totally relate. My 2 youngest are 22 months apart. (that means that I had a crazy one year old when I was pregnant!) Take it easy…
“pick your battles” this will be your motto from now on with 2 of them! Best wishes and God bless!
haha oh my gosh, how cute that he put them all in his buggy. It is definitely not easy – I was pregnant while I had a very clingy toddler and my hubby was out of town almost the entire pregnancy and a good bit of the first year while I nursed and worked full time. :-/ I’d get home and start nursing the baby while standing and cooking dinner for the older two. Let me tell ya – there is not anything that I cannot pick up with my toes! haha
On an upside, I was very worried my super clingy toddler would be very jealous of baby and have a hard time with that, but nope, he LOVED baby and we soon figured out that if I nursed in a football hold, he could snuggle on the other half of my lap haha.
And chin up – at least your christmas tree is up! Still working on that in my house … sad, I know LOL. But hubby just got home for the holidays so it feels like Christmas now! Yay 🙂
LOVED this post! I sure hope you get over your sickness quickly, however these moments may help this go-around move faster! 🙂
If you find your energy – come over to Stilettos & a fishing pole and sign up for the {Accessory Swap}
Hi Ashley! It’s good to see a post from you, I was just thinking about you yesterday and hoping you were doing well! 🙂 My girls are just 19 months apart… so Miss I* was only 1 when I was pregnant with Baby V* and due to complicated circumstances, I was put on full bed rest during my 6th month of pregnancy… it was SUCH a challenge! Miss I* wanted, (needed) me to be her energetic mumma; and I just couldn’t be. It was hard, but I had to learn very quickly to balance my time and really choose my battles. This turned out to be such a valuable lesson for when baby V* was born – because being the mom of two under two REALLY requires you to balance your priorities, conserve your energy, and choose your battles! I hope you have a great (restful!) day! 🙂
So cute. Bless your heart. I hope you don’t have a hard time this go around like you did with your pregnancy with lil W.
Haha, I know I am not alone in the ‘leave the christmas tree alone’ battle!
Hope you are feeling better, I know its tough.. But temporary! You’ll pull through.. Keep your head up!
Congrats on the pregnancy! But, I hate to break it to you girl… you will be picking your battles far beyond this pregnancy. Once you have 2 little ones life becomes SUPER crazy… but, in a good way! I pick my battles on a daily basis. 🙂
I found it hard to be pregnant the second time around because I had an active toddler. Thankfully she still napped, so I slept when she slept.
Good luck to you. It does get better!
Kasey Williams
Hi Ashley,
Love your blog. Reminds me so much of my little guy and the funny things that happen 🙂 I work in the marketing department for totes Isotoner and would love to send you a couple of umbrellas to feature as a giveaway on your blog to generate some press for us. If that would be an interest for you please feel free to email me back.
Kasey Williams 🙂
I had hyperemesis with all three pregnancies. Unfortunately each pregnancy was worse than the one before. With my last child I had to get IV fluids, steroids, and antinausea meds daily for 2 months. Then gradually around 5 months it went away. My MD said it is a sign of a strong pregnancy:) I know its horrible and there are days you feel like you can’t make it but just remember it is all worth it in the end!
Michelle {the Momma Bird}
oh i love it. those moments you will treasure 🙂
Sara Cate
What a great story – one for the memory books!
Take it easy I realize its frustrating but i cant help but think how cute. Take it easy.
awwww– that’s adorable! also, your presents look so pretty. 🙂
Mompreneur Mogul
I think it’s cute how the top half of the tree has more ornaments than the bottom . That’s just smart parenting 🙂
Oh my, those are A LOT of presents! Looks like someone will be having a great Christmas morning!
Hope you feel better soon! I hear after week 10, the energy comes back.
Good luck 🙂
Definitely choose your battles…I just had my third boy this past August and my husband has been deployed since I was seven weeks pregnant. My older boys are 3 and 4 and it was a rough pregnancy, just do lots of cuddles and reading on the couch, accept that PBS is going to be your best friend sometimes, and remember you aren’t causing long term damage when you have those “fetal position” moments. Take care of yourself and the little bean! Merry Christmas!
Jill P.
You’re a wise woman! This is our first year for hanging the ornaments on the lower half of the tree since our first child was born 7 1/2 years ago and our 4th and youngest is 2 1/2 and leaves them alone for the most part. Actually, a few have already gotten broken, but I’m determined! Hang in there!
Make and Do Girl
Love that he put the “love” ornament in the cart. He knows how to work his momma, even when he’s misbehaving 🙂
When ate you going to post up part five of the love story? (:
Oh, sweet momma. I feel like I’m going to have to pick my battles for years to come… My 2 year old did the same thing the other day and put the ornaments in her purse 🙂 I’ll be praying for you in the upcoming months!
That’s too cute to get mad at!
Hope that you are feeling well! Miss your posts!
This made me giggle. I could see my little one doing the same thing. At least they were safe and all in one place! LOL
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