{Amy, Me, Katie, Brooke}
{Me, Megan, Kim, Amy}
Lil W was a skeleton fireman for Halloween–don’t ask.
I was a last minute astronaut–again, don’t ask.
And this year, Halloween was three days long. Starting with a preschool parade one day, followed by a church trunk or treat another day and ending with a traditional trip around the neighborhood on Halloween day. It’s possible that he was the only toddler still trick or treating at 9:00 pm. But that’s how my kid rolls–night owl.
On another note…is there anything cuter than a bunch of pre-schoolers dressed up?
I think not.
How was your Halloween?
He looks so adorable! We had a blast trick or treating, but not many houses had their lights on so it was sparse. Next year I will have to research where all the other kids in town go cause our neighborhood was like a ghost town.
Christine Pettijohn
Cute pictures. My youngest son was a skeleton also.
What cute pictures! Your little boy is just adorable!
Laura J
Aww, I LOVE Brooke! I was in TEARS when she left AI. I soooooo wish I could meet her 🙂
Your son is adorable!
Beth @ Through the Eyes of the Mrs.
Love the costumes! Aren’t kids so cute dressed up?
ana {bluebirdkisses}
lol so so cute!! Nothing is cuter than the kiddos all dressed up and excited!
Halloween for us started ok, but baby J got pretty sick near the end of the night {we were not trick or treating since a 7month old doesn’t need candy}. I’d say baby J’s first halloween was a little overshadowed by his first ever cold 🙁 It breaks my heart to see him sick.
Mae McConnell
So stinkin’ cute!!! Love the costumes!!
Melanie Cantelmo
It looks like you had such a fun halloween! Love the pics!!! We had a weekend full of Halloween and I am SO over it. Now I need to get motivated to take the decorations down 🙂
Love the pics, looks like a great time!
Heidi Ferguson
W is such a dollface. My little boys were skeletons this year too and I was the pregnant skeleton with a baby girl skeleton inside. You all are adorable.
becky mercado
How cute are those dimples? I love the picture of all the little ones dressed up and sitting on the wall…feet dangling. Halloween is seriously so much fun when you have little ones. Sadly, my little ones are now big ones. And another thing…seriously you girls are gorgeous. Is there like a blog detective that weeds out all of the ugly bloggers? One reason I put my yorkie’s picture on so often is that he’s soo much cuter than me. Our Halloween was quite. We only had 10 trick or treaters.
Cutest skeleton fireman I’ve ever seen!
Love the skeleton – fireman! We’ve been Halloween-ing since last weekend and I’m exhausted! I’m so happy it’s November 1st!!!
Precious babes!! Love your costume too!
The Girlie Blogger
All Holidays should be three days long :O)
Mejia Mamma
tooooo cute…my little girl started pre-K this past August as well, it’s so adorable to see her with all her school buds, all dressed up! I just blogged about it too…crazy fun weekend!
Anna @ The Guiltless Life
Adorable costumes! But isn’t it funny how this year Halloween just felt like it went on and on? Where I live it was a 4-day Halloween for sure. I went out with friends for dinner (not Halloween related) on Friday and we were surrounded by people heading out in costume. Then Saturday night I dressed up and went to a party, and then Sunday night I saw people partying too! Then of course the kids went out dressed up Monday night. Craziness.
Erika Thompson
Awh love it. We just sat my the front door handing out candy. We dressed up our dogs too… once was a lion and the other was a panda bear. I think we need kids? haha
Carly S.
Haha love the skeleton firefighter!
Lil W is SO SO cute. His costume cracks me up LOL…but I wont ask 🙂 We had 3 days of Halloween too.. a fun day at the library, church truck or treat, and trick or treating with friends 🙂 Got good use out of the costume I made!
Lisa A
Your little man is so cute! Love his skeleton costume. I bet he had a blast celebrating for 3 days! Lucky man
Oh what a bunch of cuties!
I loved driving past the kids schools and seeing all the little ones dressed up. I can’t wait to dress mine up for his/her first halloween next year!!!
Wendy Orme
My Halloween was great…I went trick-or-treating twice…once with my grandsons and half an hour later with my granddaughters. I got a Lisa Leonard email today full of glamorous pictures of you!
karla @ bluegrass jewelry designs
All those little ones dressed up is just too cute.
The man is the yellow hat is HILARIOUS!! Love Li’l W!
my fiance and i went to the Oaks mall on halloween to do some errands (while dressed up as a boy scout and a girl scout!) and all the little trick or treats were getting candy from the mall employees (cheap candy of course!) and I had the worst “fever” ever! Between all the adorable babies in their costumes and the puppies at the mall, I was in heaven! I told Bret all i wanted for Christmas was a baby or a puppy and he looked at me like I was crazy!
Danielle Krol
Super cute! Unfortunately, my sweet lil girl is not quite a fan of Halloween. I think she had more fun answering the door to all the trick or trreaters rather than trick or treating herself. Love the pics of all the kids dressed up! I guess the PBK owl costume was pretty popular! That is what my girl wore for a whole 45 minutes 😉
Love your pics! Lil W is too cute!!
Those kids are so adorable!!! I even said “Awwwww!” out loud. haha!!
So cute!!!! My Halloween was uneventful. I have a 9 month old and his bedtime is early. We went and showed him off at Target and Trader Joe’s and went home to bed. Next year, should be exciting!!!
OMG those little dimples on him!!!! How do you stand it??!!!!
Laura Mason
My favorite part was the picture at lunch where the picture is of the cute kiddies eating but if you look around you see that all the parents are in a circle around the circle taking pictures and watching haha!
First i want to say what a great blog you got and i loved this halloween post also i think the whole astronaut costume thing was a great idea as we had a astronaut theme for last halloween and ohh boy did everybody love it what a great night it was the children will love getting into character, also megan and kim have fantastic costumes loved your nasa gear also, thanks for sharing.
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