Some randoms, just because.
Well, mostly because my brain isn’t working and these things have been on my mind.
1. I’ve just recently re-discovered Cocoa Krispies, and I’m so glad I did. Nothing beats the chocolate milk once you’ve finished the bowl of cereal.
2. Do you ever feel like your face is rejecting your makeup? Because that’s what I’m experiencing. I think I need to try a new brand.
3. We’re still here in Wyoming, and my hands are cracked, my lips are peeling and I can’t breathe out of my nose. High altitude is not my friend.
4. Sometimes, when Ben tells me I look pretty, I say “what?”, just so that I can hear him say it again.
5. Did anyone else watch Tangled over 100 times this week?
6. Lil W is officially more sufficient than me at maneuvering the iPad.
7. Do I unpack the fake Christmas tree or go out and get a real one this year?
8. Suspenders for gals. Yay or nay?
9. I reeeeally need to get started on part 5 of our love story.
And let’s end on that note, with some pictures of Lil W and his adorable cousins.
It’s been an “energetic” week, to say the least.
See if you can find which cousin is Ben’s clone,
and see if you can figure out what’s wrong with the last photo.
Your three randoms. Ready go!
Sandy a la Mode
cute post and pics!! i say stick w/ the fake… so much easier haha!!
Yeah, I feel like my face rejects my makeup at least once a month. And I somewhat like the idea of suspenders for gals, but I never can figure out how to work them around the chest area… so, they’re just awkward.
3 randoms? I discovered that I love turkey more than I love ham. I went to Target twice this weekend because I was home (there is no Target in Logan 🙁 ). And, I put up my tree today.
Tabitha Bartel
Love this post and all of yours!!
Three Randoms:
1. I am both happy and sad that all the Green Bean Casserole I made is gone (happy because everyone loved it, sad because there is no more for me to devour).
2. I am scouring travel websites for the perfect weekend getaway spot that I can afford to send myself and my husband to.
3. I enter dozens of giveaways on blogs every week and I have yet to win a single one – can you say unlucky!!
Hope you are enjoying Wyoming – I am in Denver and I feel your pain with regards to skin and lips drying out. It’s the worst!
Jennifer Byerly
Super cute new pics. I am with you on #2, I feel like mine is that way with my cleanser. It never feels as clean as it used to. Now I am on the hunt for a new one.
I hear ya about your face rejecting makeup! So weird. I also sometimes say “what” when my husband says I look pretty 🙂 Sometimes it’s just nice to hear it again! Your little boy looks especially adorable in these pictures!
My three randoms: I just accidentally posted just one word. I REALLY want to go to Michaels tomorrow. I love the smell of our tree we got tonight.
That last pic is awesome. And you for sure can rock the suspenders!!
Suspenders yessss 🙂 and the little guy in the blue shirt is def Ben’s clone..so handsome! And finally in the last oooh so cute picture, his pants on on backwards hahah soo adorable!<3 love all the pictures.. lil w is just adorable and his smile is so contagious!! Oh and my makeup used to do that def try LAURA MERCIER .. I swear you will not be disappointed Ash*
Erin @ In Between Laundry
I was just going to say to go for the real! Ha! Can’t beat the real-tree smell. 🙂 Cute post!
Anna @ The Guiltless Life
Haha definitely the blond boy cousin – he certainly has Ben’s smile, and I love that Lil W wears his pants backwards 😉 yep, that would be what was wrong with the last pic!
Hubs and I were literally just discussing the Christmas tree debate…we still haven’t decided.
Here is the link to my current random thoughts http://madebymunchiesmama.blogspot.com/2011/11/5-random-thoughts-inspiration-from.html
Understand the makeup thing, someone told me that according to how our skin ages, we must change our makeup to meet the demands of our current skin. Does that make sense?
If you have the faux tree, might as well go for it, its already there.
I miss the Thanksgiving leftovers:-( it was all soooooo yummy!
Okay I’m placing 4, sorry, I say Nay to the suspenders, eek! Can’t wait for prt. 5
Cam - Bibs & Baubles
Pure cuteness! I love the backwards jeans. Too cool! Suspenders for girls? I say YAY!
OMG my reply sounds ridiculous!
Sorry I wrote so fast.
I meant I cannot wait for part 5 and I say eek to suspenders.
Yay for suspenders!! I used to wear them in high school, love em! The last picture… pants on backwards! LOL!!! Cute :). Three randoms….
1) Need some new recipe’s to rotate into our weekly dinner menu.
2) I need to make an appointment with the photog that I found, for our first family photos.
3) wish I had me some cocoa krispies right now, I ate them every single night when I was pregnant.
Love, Misty
mistyHey Misty!! I just wanted to leave a little reply to your comment about the new recipes. You should check out momswhothink.com.
I have made a few recipes from there and they were YUMMY!!
Adore the last pic. Sometimes clothes on is more important than getting them on correctly. I went for the fake this year. Less mess, no worries about the fire issues and you can use pine potpourri and get the smell! My three randoms – I had the best weekend with my littles, I don’t want it to be Monday tomorrow and I am in a serious craft craze. Can’t stop crafting. So fun! 🙂
YES! i have the hardest time with my face rejecting make up! i have sensitive skin and i even have trouble with the hypoallergic stuff sometimes… i have decided i probably need to stop buying my make up at drug stores. so i ventured to ulta… and the sales girl {who i wasnt sure if i could trust bc she had horrible make up lines} talked me into a mineral make up starter kit… and i have loved it! the powder really covers like a foundation.
also, if you are having trouble with your skin, maybe try swapping your cleanser? i did that recently as well… i found an organic cleanser and exfoliator that has made all the difference in the world {and it was close to the same price as what i’d been using}. i cant think of brand names right off for the make up or wash, but let me know if you want them and ill send them to you.
3 randoms: i just broke my microwave trying to make popcorn. im obsessed with my christmas tree. i am really hoping i get a sewing machine for christmas so i can learn how to make pretty things!
Love this post and that last picture especially 🙂 My lil does that alll the time!
My face does that rejecting makeup bit. It’s horrible. I usually do a mini facial at home and start moisturizing more. it helps. or i switch it. that helps too AND it fun to shop for new makeup 🙂
I like the idea of randoms, so here goes.
1.) it’s 1:30 here and I just had a slice of pizza…worse part? I want another!
2.) Need to go get Christmas pics taken. But I hate my hair right now. Iit used to be the cutest pixie but I’m trying to grow it out and it is a PAINFUL process. No matter what I do, I look like a disheveled 12 yr old boy.
3.) I want to sew and make this necklace I’ve had on my mind but the findings I need and ordered haven’t arrived. I hope they come tomorrow.
and one more for good measure…
I have a play date tomorrow at 11 am here at my house and I wish I could cancel. I want to be able to buy w.e Pick Your PLum will have on special!! LOL!
I love random posts. Tangled is such an adorable movie! As far as suspenders for girls, i’m going to have to say nay. Adorable pictures!!! I love the last one where the pants are on backwards, hilarious!!!!!
Three randoms…let’s see.
1. I am watching one of the transformers for the third time tonight because it is re playing on the same channel over and over and i’m too lazy to change it.
2. I want to eat the entire apple pie my mother in law gave me, but i resisted and only ate one piece.
3. I put my Christmas decorations up before Thanksgiving, yet hubby is refusing to put the lights on the house until Dec. 1st! *hmph*
It’s midnight and I still have my eye makeup on from church this am. My eyes are burning and I keep thinking I should get up and take off my makeup wiht some coconut oil.
I have 0 money and am trying to keep a good attitude. I am trying to have a good attitude and make the most of what we have. Got out our fake tree to find that our lights ahve burned out GRRRRRRRR……..
Randoms: It’s 12:30am here and all I want is a big, fat doughnut. Maybe a maple bar. I wore red lipstick to church today, with a plaid skirt and knee high boots. I felt like a school girl vixen…and it was pretty awesome. Lastly, I think I put too much lime in my Diet Coke…and probably drank too much Diet Coke altogether…because now I’m having heart burn. BLECH!
Rebecca ~ Raige Creations
Randoms is a great idea! Oh, and makeup and I don’t get along much. Go natural, it is so much easier.
1. I want to go back to bed, hate getting up at 6:30am, but gotta pay the rent and go to the PO, so blah for Mondays.
2. I keep forgetting to pick up more graduation invitations to send to far away family. (son is graduating HS early, mid-year-YAY)
3. I think putting up a tree now is too early. We are going for the real tree, about mid-month, and it is always down by Jan 1st.
Have a great week, can’t wait for part 5 btw. It is such a lovely story!
I vote for the real tree! My family always cuts our own tree down and we go the day after Thanksgiving. I LOVE it!!
Random’s ok. 🙂 We have watched a lot of Tangled, too, recently. Actually it’s on right now! Who says you need daughters to watch the fun Disney princess movies. ha 🙂
I always enjoy your posts Ashley! Here are my randoms.
1. I just didn’t win the millionth blog giveaway. When will I ever win one?
2. Big Bang Theory is my favorite tv show right now.
3. I think I’m going back to school.
the make up issue might be bc of the high altitude. moisturize like crazy 🙂
Lisa A
Haha that last picture is hilarious! Made me stop for a second and say “wait…what? how did he manage to do that.”
I agree with you one number 2. My makeup has been doing the same! Makes me wonder if I was going back into the teen years….no thank you! New makeup for me too!
Real Tree!!! 🙂
Debby Messner
Oh my gosh I love the pants on backwards. My son always did that. There is a book that I love that says I love you even if you put your pants on backwards. Then his bat man undies showing. Mine loved batman so much that he climbed up on a two story house and wanted to fly after his big sister sent him a BM birthday card. That didn’t end well.
I have been trying to follow you for some time and I am hoping it worked today.
Last random thought…….I am hoping to find things I can make this year because I am broke. So far I have found some really great mason jar ideas. What is the best place to buy them in numbers.
Thanks for your sweet blog.
Haha, I got to the third pic and thought, well I don’t know what the last pic will be but that little boy’s pants are backwards! lol nailed it.
1. I’ve spent way too much of my work morning on the internet and will now have a 5 minute lunch to make up for it.
2. My kids and I laugh out loud each and everytime Flynn gets hit in the face with the skillet, but most especially when he does it to himself.
3. I just dyed my own hair…and it’s way too dark…and my stylist does not have an opening to see me before I go on a trip to New York City :-/
Laurel @ Ducks in a Row
It cracks me up when jeans are backward – that can’t be comfortable!
I love your blog! We watch a lot of Tangled because my 3-year-old loves it! She calls it Reepunzel or Miss Reepunzel depending on the day. I’ve always had a real tree until this year. Last year, our tree had a nest of spiders in it that hatched while we were at church. Our newly painted ceiling had hundreds of little spiders on it. Never again.
desiree hanlon
haha! I love this post!! Yes on the real tree-nothing beats the smell of a real tree. Yes, on the suspenders. I don’t have any, but I have been looking for some. As for Tangled, My son LOVES that movie! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
REAL tree.
No Question.
Lucky kids. Loads of fun cousins.
Memories by the dozen.
Nay for suspenders! 🙂 We put up a fake tree every year but I think when we get back to the States we will get a real one at least the first year. I vote real. Love all of the pictures- especially the pants on backwards. Looks like y’all are having fun.
I know exactly what you mean about your makeup. I have had the same problem since I was in my 20’s. I used to change brands seasonally (winter & summer). I would alternate between Clinique and Estee Lauder. Of course that was the 80’s and now we have so many great choices. Changing makeup for me is like changing deodorant…it has to be done at least every 6 months. Loved the pictures! Lil W is just precious!!!
just wanted to say that i love your blog and love visting i hope that my blog will be like urs one day.Im new to this and would love for more followers and advice? my blog is
I hope you come by and check it out not much on there yet but im building it!!!!
1. Real tree – can’t beat or replicate the smell.
2. My dog is so bad at sniffing things out that sometimes I think he failed that class
3. I can’t seem to decide on getting up and decorating, or finishing season two of L&O.
Have a great week!
Hey Ash!! Love this post! Playing along… my Randoms, Date night in or date night out tonight?! Dress up or dress down? Snuggling in bed with the kiddos sounds SO nice, but dancing with the Hubs sounds pretty awesome too! Ha! Date night on the brain 😉
For your randoms: Even tho I LOVE the whole getting a real tree experience and you can’t beat the smell, I vote for fake, ha! SO much “easier” 😉 I say yes to suspenders!! Just like anything else, certain people can rock them and others can’t! I’ve seen lots of girls rock them! Don’t knock it till you try it 😉 I NEED to get our love story “documented” Thanks for the reminder 🙂
P.S. I linked up your Etsy shop on my blog post today, featuring your moustache necklace 🙂
I’ve never rocked the suspenders look but I totally dig them! Girls can definitely pull them off! Go for it! Love all the pics!
I think you could totally pull off suspenders, I think there cute on most people! I love your pics, so cute and random shots! Love the kids’ pants that are backwards, ha so funny! Glad your having a great trip! I watched Tangled once, that movie just makes ya feel good! Why not watch is 99 more times? Also, my skin has rejected my makeup before..I switched to MAC and I found my true love!
O.k.a.y. I am guessing Somebody decided he was big enough to get dressed all on his own? Mine at that age would just strip off every bit of clothing and run through the house, and I still don’t know why he did that.
My randoms, Glad its only once a year that I have to pull pin feathers out. Have an allergy to packing boxes. Really, really want a big peice of Black Forrest Cake for breakfast, like right now. And go for the tree you have, wait til the kids are a bit older to get the real one, safer that way.
I too had the privilege of watching Tangled 100 times. At least it seems like that many 🙂 It’s my little guy’s favorite at the moment.
Go for the real tree. They smell amazing!
Make and Do Girl
Three randoms:
1. Sometimes my brain just literally stops working. Like a cd that’s skipping or a radio station that temporarily loses signal. I think it might be stress related. Or early, early, early onset Alzheimers.
2. Sometimes when I wake up to pee in the middle of the night I grab a q-tip and clean my ears. Even if it’s three am.
3. Why is it annoying when someone copies something EXACTLY from my blog? I don’t own the idea. But still. I guess that happens when you put your ideas out there. People take them. Even the ones that weren’t up for grabs.
Hi Ashley. So, I found your blog through a really weird channel; on Studio Press as an example of the blissful theme! I was on Studio Press because I’m currently looking at ways I can improve and redesign my blog so needless to say I have been captivatd by everything about you!
Thanks for being real and offering so much advice.
Oh, and clearly back-to-front jeans are the way of the future!
Cute pictures!
Would you believe that I just tried cocoa krispies for the very first time this Saturday?
Suspenders, Sure! REAL Christmas Tree!
Last Photo – Pants on backwards = Priceless!
You should mail it into The Ellen Degeneres Show, she does weekly ‘What’s wrong with this photo?’ shows all the time. It’s quite hilarious. Youtube it. 🙂
i say no suspenders for girls…..but that’s just me 🙂 and my kids are great at the iPad too!
Venessa P
Three Randoms:
1. Roasted eggplant, tomatoes and yellow peppers. Sheer yum.
2. Can’t wait for the semester to be over and just be Momma again.
3. I know I’m not fat. Then why am I letting the Adversary make me feel that way?
I have a pic just like your last one. It was taken this past summer on our Epic Road Trip. My TEN YEAR OLD son didn’t realize that his pants were on backwards until mid-afternoon….and I’m the one who told him! Made for a funny day…..
I also watched Tangle a 100 times this week! JBird was sick. It’s also a good way to convince her to brush her hair since Rapunzel does it 😉
1. I bought black boots for a wedding outfit even though I already have 2 pairs…
2. I finally got to IKEA and forgot half of what I wanted to get.
3. I’ve got 11 different games going in Words with Friends.
I love your posts! Always!
I can not WAIT to read the rest of your love story!
My 3 Randoms:
1. Im getting married in 10 days. (YAY!)
2. My hair currently looks like a greasy skunk
3. I cant stop looking at my engagment ring. I mean, seriously, Ive had it since May 23rd and I STARE at it every single day for at least an hour total. Its weird, I know. But I am in love. 😉
Hope you get to feeling better in Wyoming! Cant wait to hear part 5 of your love story!!! (SOON PLEASE!!)
Much happy,
1) my fiance and I just got back from Chicago last night (visiting my dad and family for tgiving) and my lips are so cracked and I have 3 canker sores..I never get canker sores!
2) i have SO much xmas shopping to do and $0 to do it with. I have to wait til 12/15’s pay day!
3) I SHOULD go to the gym tonight but my shin splits hurt sooo bad and i really, really hate the Thousand Oaks golds gym. I SHOULD go on a hike cause it’s beautiful out but I also dont wanna : /
I couldn’t figure out which one is Ben’s clone, but I figured out what is wrong with the last picture. That would have to be he has his pants on backwards!!! Hilarious. 🙂
Cute pictures! Looks like you are having a great time! But I can’t wait for part 5, so I can’t wait for you to go home. Ha. Hope you continue to have fun with the family! =] mmmm cocoa krispie milk.
Photo’s are great, and I think that little boy has his pants on backwards!!
Simply Decorate room designs can be sent to loved one’s as gifts, or used for yourself to re-design are fabulous nursery, or kids room.
Can’t wait to hear more about the love story 🙂
Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims
suspenders—–if you are going for a hipster look. would be great with those fun nerd glasses that are so in right now. at leas that’s what I think!! 🙂
I like the fact that he dressed himself in the last pic 😉
Mmm I’ve rediscovered my love for lucky charms and made them into awesome cereal type bars.
This will be our last year with the fake one since we will be moving next summer, might as well toss it!
And I totally have abandoned shaving my legs in like two weeks. Tmi? Lol
jonique beach
I relate with so mAny of these. I have been anti makeup for a while because I feel like I forgot how to put it on.
danyiel Johnson
I saw the backward pants before I got to the last photo. Kids.
Also just read your interview over on Lisa Leonard and you and Ben are just adorable. So sweet all three of you.
danyiel Johnson
Hold on, wait just a minute. Lauren Conrad refers to LMM, how crazy cool is that? I saw that on the side bar and thought Lauren Conrad, The Lauren Conrad of The Hills nooooo can’t be….it is, she does and WOW.
Make and Do Girl
danyiel JohnsonYes, I’ve wondered that myself. How’d you swing that, Ashley!? Such a funny connection. I love me some Hills. A few of my friends would probably get down on their knees and bow to me if I had Lauren Conrad as a digital buddy.
Make and Do Girl
This post has really stuck in my head. Now every time I think about something a little weird, I think, “That could go on a list of randoms!” It’s a nice way to make use of some of the junk in my head.
Kirtley A
I love this. They look like they are having a blast. That last picture is too cute.
3 randoms:
1. I can’t wait until my son goes to bed so I can eat ice cream.
2. My addiction to reality tv is frightening.
3. Black nail polish makes me feel like a Kardashian (and i love those girls).
Great post! Adorable kiddos!
Marie @ Pouty Pink Princess
Bath time pics are the cutest! I’m just not a fan of the cold!!
i’m so late to make comments on this but i love real trees, even though they are messy but its so worth having that amazing smell of a real Christmas tree when you walk in through your front doors. On another note: My face has been like that about make up for the last few months i want to say i’ve tried everything but finally i’m trying Clinique again and i love it!!!
Try bare minerals! Love it! I thought I was the only adult who watched Tangled over and over. And please do post part 5 soon. You got me hooked on the story:)
3 Random comments!
1. My precious Joey did a wonderful job playing his trumpet in tonight’s Christmas band concert!!! Yay Joey!
2. My stomach is growling and it is 10:35 at night! What’s up with that?
3. I’ve got about 4 days to complete an oil painting so that it will be dry enough to wrap for Christmas! Yikes!!!
Some Randoms - makeanddogirl.com
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[…] by this post from Jessica at makeanddogirl.com and this one from Ashley at LittleMissMomma.com, I’m going to take a few moments to share my own randoms of […]
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