I love meeting LMM readers and fellow bloggers! And meeting Alissa (standing next to me above) was a special treat! She is the sweetest gal ever and she’s the designer of my super fab Snuggie. Alissa will be hanging with us today. Here she is:
Hi, my name is Alissa, aka “The Snuggie Girl.” I blog over at Rags to Stitches and I have a little shop filled with Snuggie cases for your iPads, Laptops and e-Readers. I’m a lover of my Heavenly Father, a wife to an amazing hubby, and momma to two little ones who are 17 months apart. When I’m not busy running around with them, you can find me sewing in what the hubby calls my “sweat shop” {literally because it is a sunroom} or at my computer blogging my heart out.
I’m SO excited to be guest posting here today. When Ashley asked me if I wanted to guest post for her I literally spent 10 minutes jumping up and down with excitement. Then I started panicking about what I would share with all of you; her amazing readers! Once I stopped panicking I decided to share with you a little tutorial I used recently to share the Jesus story with my little ones.
As I mentioned, I have two little ones and I love to use every opportunity possible to share with them about Jesus. Since I love the fall and all things pumpkin, I thought it would be fun to turn our pumpkin carving fun into a reminder of the reason for every season. This is a really fun, and quick way to talk to your little ones about Jesus while carving your pumpkins.
{One} As I cut open the top of our pumpkin I talked to my kids about how God created each one of us in a special way and God makes no mistakes. He knows our insides and our outsides.
{Two} As we cleaned out the pumpkin of all it’s “yucky” pulp, I reminded them how this is a picture of how God takes us and cleanses us of all our sin – casting it as far as the east is from the west.
I took this picture of my kids as we talked to remind them of the joy that comes from allowing God to clean all our sin and make us new.
{Three} I began carving a SMILING face into our pumpkin and as I was carving I told my kids that the smiling face represents how God makes us into a new creation.
{Four} After we carved our smiling face into our pumpkin we put a candle inside and lit it. I explained to my kids that Christ comes into our lives as a light to guide us and we need to let this light shine through us so others can see Jesus in us too.
When we were all done talking about letting Jesus’ light shine in us we put our pumpkin on our dinning room table as a constant reminder of Christ’s story. My kids loved it and even talked about the pumpkin while we ate dinner. They told their daddy all about letting the light shine in us. It melted my heart to hear them retell the story.
Thanks Ashley for letting me stop by and share with your amazing readers today. I love meeting new people and I hope you’ll pop by my blog and say “Hello.”
xoxo, Alissa Circle
Rags to Stitches Boutique
Alissa Circle
Thanks for letting me stop by and visit with your readers today friend. Love you!! xoxo, Alissa
Seriously, Alissa- could you be any cuter?! What a great idea! Thanks for sharing. 😉
What a cute, cute, cute, CUTE way to share Christ with a young one. We haven’t carved our pumpkins yet – might be using that idea!!
Babblin' Brooke
Hmmm, I never knew you could liken all that to carving pumpkins. LOVE IT! Thanks so much for sharing.
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
I love Alissa!!! 🙂 This is a great idea for turning a fun activity also into a learning activity.
Love this post, wonderful a sweet. I love that idea too! Great guests today!
aww what a cool idea. I can’t wait till my little guy is big enough for these type things! I carved our pumpkin yesterday and let him sit on my lap, ha.
I also just noticed I am a top commenter! Yeah, that is awesome!
Wow! What a awesome way to help little ones understand about their relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ! I hope someday I will be able to share it with my future kiddies.
Girlie Blogger
How fun. We just went pumpkin picking on Sunday and still need to carve.
Wow, I love this idea! Cute and uplifting.
Ali Grace
LOVE THIS!!!! What A beautiful portrayal of Jesus love for us and how he makes us new!!!! Wonderful way to make even a questionable holiday beautiful! Thank you!!!! I am totally doing this with my babies!!
I was just reading a recipe that had “Why we carve Pumpkins” thought it was interesting as you talk of god during your pumpkin carving time:
The story of the Jack o’Lantern comes from Irish folklore. Jack was a crafty farmer who tricked the Devil into climbing a tall tree. When the Devil reached the highest branch, Jack carved a large cross in the trunk, making it impossible for the Devil to climb down.
In exchange for help getting out of the tree, the Devil promised never to tempt Jack with evil again. When Jack died, he was turned away from Heaven for his sins and turned away from Hell because of his trickery. Condemned to wander the earth without rest, Jack carved out one of his turnips, took an ember from the devil, and used it for a lantern to light his way. He became known as “Jack of the Lantern.”
Not sure if it’s true or not, just thought it was funny that I read that tale immediately after reading the blog!
Beth @ Through the Eyes of the Mrs.
This is a great way to share his love for us. xoxo
this is such an amazing way to share with your kids! i love it!
This is SUCH a good idea! Thanks for sharing!!
Such an amazing idea!!!!
I am stopping by from Gussy Sews!
That was so awesome!! Thanks for the being a guest host! So beautiful!!!
What a great idea! LOVE this! Thanks for sharing!
Great idea!
Alyson @EisleyRae
Such a cute idea. You’re adorable Alissa. Definitely going to share this with my kiddos too.
Ii love the idea of doing this. My little one is only 6 months old but I will have to keep this in mind!
I love Alissa and I LOVE this idea. What a cute and beautiful way to detail Christ and all his greatness while having some holiday fun.
So precious, I loved this post!! xoxo
Very, very cool idea. One I will pin and tweet, so I will remember when my son is old enough to follow along.
Melanie Cantelmo
I have a little book that says the same story. Love it!
It’s all in the RE-Style {week 3}
[…] you didn’t get a chance to see me guest post over at this amazing blog, I hope you’ll check it out! I’ve been thinking a lot about my favorite […]
“You can see the techniques of the knit on this style; Bandage Dress one day we will videotape the process of how our pieces are made.
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Additionally they had the ship’s two whaleboats and two kayaks, though one kayak was quickly misplaced during a breakup of the ice.
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Bruce George Brown, Mechanic, Walmer Lifeboat, Kent, Royal National Lifeboat Establishment.