I’m blogging over here today.
And it’s an honor, because this just so happens to be one of my all-time favorite blogs.
And after meeting Casey last month, she has now become one of my all-time favorite people.
So please, stop by and visit me at Casey’s place. And kick up your feet and stay a while–you’ll be happy you did.
And now, a quick announcement about another gal I love. Brittany, from Love Stitched.
Red dress: Anthropologie, Turquoise dress: Forever 21, Boots: Famous Footwear, Sweater: TJMaxx, iPad Snuggie: c/o Rags to Stitches, Necklace: c/o Love Stitched
Love Stitched just launched an entirely NEW collection, and I have already ordered two things–I just can’t get enough!
Get 20% OFF your purchase with the code: LMM20
I just ordered this Shabby Chic necklace too:
Happy Shopping
shop here.
brittany @lovestitched
love ya! xoxo 🙂 thank you – you always make my pieces look beautiful! I love how you pair them with bright colors!
loved your post over at Casey’s! you ladies totally rock!
Heather Hawthorne
I love your post on Casey’s blog. It’s so encouraging to know I’m not the only one that struggles with balancing my love for my family and all the joys of some of my other passions. My aha moment was when I got off Facebook. It’s crazy how much I have been inspired since finding this little world of blogging that I honestly had no idea was there until I felt called to blog about my experience of getting off Facebook for a year. I could go on and on! Thanks for sharing your heart. These are the types of blogs I’m drawn back to time and again. Thank you. You are doing a wonderful job. ♥
Amanda {at} DAES of Our Lives
I really loved your post at Casey’s today. Really got me thinking!
ana {blubirdkisses}
I am so inlove with the LoveStitched bib necklaces, they’re so gorgeous!
Alexandra - BeingMama
I love the guest post. And I think every mama can relate to that!
Thanks so much for posting where you got your outfit because I love it and must own it!
Now, kindly stop referring me to great websites as Christmas is near and I need to stop spending $$. No wait…..maybe I’ll Christmas shop for other people. Keep them suggestions comin!
Salena Lee @ A Little Piece of Me
Thank you for this reminder. I am struggling with this, actually have been for a while. It’s been very hard for me to do. I love that you are always honest, real, and share these types of things… It makes me feel like i’m not alone in my challenges. I wish for you the balance you so desire. Hugs to you… thank you for your inspiration.
I loved your blog at Casey’s. Now I’ll think twice about spending time with my daughter. It’s those moments that we take for granted and need to cherish more. Love your blog. Your amazing. 🙂 I’m excited to start following your blog.
that necklace is so cute 🙂 i love that you promote handmade so well… you are pretty darn awesome lady! love reading your blog… a couple of nights ago i needed therapy from listening to my crying babies all day and i found it searching through your blog… almost every last page (stalkerish, I know) anywhoo… im up to date now…just leaving some love 🙂
Alissa Circle
You look so lovely in that necklace and I’m in love with that Snuggie. 😉 It looks great with your outfit! hehe I love the post you shared on Casey’s blog today. I remember when you shared it here. Such a wonderful reminder that our time is precious and it moves by faster than we want.
McKenna Wilson
You are just soo beautiful and absolutely LOVE the necklace! I will definitely have to make one!
What great girls! I love you all!
Those Love Stitched necklaces are FAB!!!
Melanie Cantelmo
Love that necklace, I can’t believe I didn’t see this post before 🙂
Perhaps because of Herve Leger Replica how we show our pieces, or just the assumed way of Herve Leger,