Click HERE for Part 1 of the Farmers Market Dinner Party
One of us cooks.
One of us crafts.
These are the results.
Brittney and I decided to have our dinner party on my back patio. I brought my kitchen table outside and put the leaves in so it could seat all ten of our guests {I purchased my table at Cost Plus World Market}. I still didn’t have enough seating, so I added my craft room chair and my front patio bench.
Plates: Home Goods a year ago, but they usually still carry them.
Silver utensils: my great grandma’s, handed down
Goblets: Cost Plus World Market
Table Runners: LMM shop
Napkins: Cost Plus World Market
Candelabra: Home Goods
Sound track: Frank Sinatra on Pandora
Each dish was served on its own plate–fancy resturaunt style. Which meant we had to time every dish to be finished at the appropriate serving time–harder than it sounds.
We were subtle with our decor–twinkle lights, candles and sun flowers.
When the sun set, the backyard was glowing.
I downloaded a free menu template over at e.m. papers.
We put tea light candles in mason jars with water, so they would float.
Right outside my patio, we set up some adirondack chairs so we could enjoy dessert in a more intimate setting. When it was time to eat dessert, we all scooted out here, and I brought a tray of candles to give us some light.
Looks like everything went pretty smooth, right?
Ha! Let’s start with me burning the ONE dish I was in charge of–the appetizer.
A screen was left open and my home became infested with moths.
A spoke alarm went off.
An oven mitt caught on fire.
A dessert was served still doughy.
And even though sweat was dripping from our backs and our foreheads,
we had a smile on our faces…and we even wore matching aprons c/o my Momma.
my necklace c/o Soleil Selene
Burned appetizer, quickly fixed by Brittney.
Appetizer: Fresh fruit bruschetta on a cinnamon sprinkled French baguette with an orange-honey cream drizzle. From Our Best Bites cook book.
Soup: Summer gazpacho with a watermelon and strawberry infusion. From Emeril on Good Morning America.
Salad: Mediterranean crouton salad with a red wine vinaigrette and feta cheese. Friends recipe.
Entree: Baked sweet bell peppers stuffed with an aromatic vegetable medley, wild rice, ground turkey and freshly picked herbs. From America’s Test Kitchen Healthy Family Cookbook.
My favorite was the dessert. It was beyond yummy.
To think that these peaches…
…became this delectable peach galette. Mmm, Mmm good.
Dessert: Golden peach galette with turbinado sugar. From Real Simple Magazine.
Brittney took the peach galette to the next level with a homemade pie crust and some peach brandy–pluis we went a little crazy with the turbinado sugar.
And classic cheesecake with fresh raspberries and lemon zest {friends recipe}. Brittney woke up at 2 am to take this beauty out of the over–that’s dedication.
And if your kitchen looks like this afterwards, then you know you did alright.
And the WINNER of the fabulous Shine Project giveaway is:
Megan Robinson of Here’s to You, Mrs. Robinson
Remember, $5 of every Shine pillow purchase will be donated to The Shine Project Scholarship fund!
There is still time to use the code: SHINE to get 15% OFF your order at LMM.
And we even have some new goodies {limited quantity available}.
Go shopping here.
The table looked beautiful! And I bet the food was to die for !
harga baja wf terbaru
VeronicaThe food look great
YOU girls did fabulous! I bet your blew the socks off of your guests. YOU inspire me to start a dinner club. HOW FUN, but SO MUCH WORK I’d imagine!
Looked fab girl! LOVE!! XOXO!!
Wow, what an awesome last hurrah to summer. I have to be honest, without the matching aprons, I just don’t think it would have come together. I love all the twinkling lights. They look so pretty out your kitchen window. Plus they remind me of every romantic movie of my youth where boy and girl finally kiss. Cue twinkly lights. Did you make out with your husband out there after everyone went home? I hope yes and I hope Kiss Me was playing in the background.
Megan Robinson
holy cow!! your dinner parties raise the bar! i love seeing how you set everything up. and i love how you show the “realistic” side of it 🙂 i love that about you always!
and thank you so so much for the giveaway!!! i was so excited when i saw my name i couldn’t believe it! 🙂
Stephanie @ 4eighteen.com
Wow, I dream of having a dinner party like this some time in my life. I would be happy to just attend one! Great job ladies, you rocked it!
That table really is so beautiful! I can hardly stand it! It was just perfect! I really love the way it is elegant and yet rustic! Really great job Ash! What a fun night!! You failed to mention the feta accident and I was laughing being reminded of the oven mit! That could’ve been disastrous! The way you have it all laid out on here is just perfect! We can put all the recipes on karrotsticks. Thanks for being a fantastic partner!
ps the cheesecake recipe is Barefoot Contessa
Kelly @ Stay At Home Trader
I thought everything looked AMAZING!! You did a great job! Seriously, if someone took my picture after all of that, I would have looked more like a sweaty wilder-beast! LOL! You totally pulled it off, and gave me some amazing ideas! Loved everything!
Everything looked so wonderful!!!
Gorgeous table!!!! Love the menus (thanks for sharing the free menu template link!). The food looks amazing…but that dessert looks TO DIE FOR! What a fun and romantic dinner party!
I want to come to one of your dinner parties!
Everything looks AMAZING! You ladies really know how to throw a dinner party. You clearly put a lot of work into this. Your guests were very lucky.
Andrea Worley
that looks gorgeous and so much fun! great work!
kristi quill
WOW ~ i wish you weren’t 3,000 miles away because i want in on the dinner party circuit!! you guys did such an amazing job!! Kudos to you both!!
That is a beautiful dinner party! Love how you used the yoyo’s. The food looks incredibly delicious
That was like finale style of Top Chef cooking! Great job.
It makes me want to have a dinner party!
Andy…. make stuffed peppers, buy lights for my back deck and head over to your etsy shop!
What a great party! Your backyard looked beautiful!!!! How fun!
Looks like so much fun! Great work. I will totally use the mason jar with votive idea…super cute! You should add the yo yo brooches to your shop…I would snag a couple for sure!
Loved reading part 2, and thanks for being you and letting us now about your successes and failures! I’m sure everything was great and tasted wonderful.
a chef and a crafter, great team 🙂
that looks so pretty! and yummm that food. i just got done working out, so i’m ravenous and i just want to jump through the screen and eat every single thing. goodness.
Looooove the chairs and the table how they all go together but aren’t a set. Adorable.
ps- new reader 🙂
Ashley, this looks so amazing. The food sounds so good and I’m a really picky eater, so that says something. You did a wonderful job. I only wish my parties looked as pretty as yours 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
It looks awesome! I’d say you totally pulled it off. And I’m sure your friends appreciated all that effort. Great job!
Ashley Meyer
This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I could never throw a dinner party like this!!! LOVE THIS!
it looks beautiful and smoke alarms during dinner parties always add some spice to the night. that happened to me this summer too!
OH YUM! It all looks amazing!!!!!! I think that, unless you are Martha (literally), there’s bound to be a little adventure in every dinner party, right? All in good fun.
Everything about your night looks wonderful! Would you ever consider making the burlap bag in a smaller size? I would love one about the size of a regular over the shoulder handbag. You are sooooo talented, LMM!
Jazmin Miller
Wow. Amazing! :o)
Oh, how I love to have dinner parties like this.
Oh, how I hate the dishes afterwards (I just never let myself think about them while I am planning).
Oh, how I love my hubby for always jumping in and doing most of the washing!!
Your menu sounds fantastic, and I want to try those stuffed peppers! YUM!
Beautiful party!!
Love the tablescape. The aprons are really cute. We have the same adiraondack chairs (same color).
The fruit bruschetta and the peach galette look amazing!
the setting looks wonderful and the food amazing. you guys did a fantastic job!
sherry ann
The table setting was beautiful! The food looked delicious! I am inspired, thank you ladies!
Anna @ The Guiltless Life
Ah, so beautiful. It’s amazing what a difference a few twinkly candles can make to an atmosphere and setting. Also, the food presentation is stunning – the fruit bruschetta is such a fresh take on a classic appetizer and that cheesecake looks heavenly! Nice touch with the adirondack chairs too…!
Heather G.
Oh my gosh, what a beautiful, delicious, fun night!
Alycia Crowley (@alyciagrayce)
Everything looks perfect 🙂 Looks like a fun night!
Love the table set up and everything. Looks like a lot of fun. =)
Ashley, the evening was spectacular! I was so impressed… the food was fabulous and the decor was perfect! My favorite was the stuffed peppers. You took an old fashioned dish and gave it a modern, delicious twist! You two make a great team. And I have to say, I was so impressed you put it together in such short notice. Good work… see you soon! xoxo
UGH you annoy me so much. Why do you always portray your life to be so perfect? Don’t you ever make messes? Don’t you ever cry? Don’t you ever have a bad skin/hair/wardrobe day? I want to like you and I want to like reading your blog, I really do, but…it’s just so hard when your like seems so unattainable. And you seem so fake. Please start sharing the REAL YOU. I know it exists, it has too. Everyone has a flawed, less-than-desirable side. It will make you seem much more human and, honestly, interesting. Less boring.
AnonLol…what? She seems pretty real to me. Why don’t you read some of her past posts.
shannon leonard
AnonDear Anon…
if its so horrible why are you wasting your time reading it? No one forces you to type in littlemissmomma.com. you found your way to this page all by yourself. Ashley has got problems! and she has no shame in sharing them. I relate perfectly. Therefore if you don’t relate to her blog, the problem is not ashley. it’s YOU
AnonPlease take the time to actually read her blog.
AnonDear Anon:
Have you read any past blogs? You are so rude. It’s quite obvious you are just a hater!! She has a gorgeous husband, adorable son, and her life IS pretty much fabolous. If you need to hate on somepne look at mirror. Happiuness starts within and you cant even be adult enough to put your real name. That is so annoying to read comments like yours.
I NEVER comment, but this anonymous comment just pushed me over the edge…she is rude. All ou can do is laugh. I love you, ypur absolkute 100% realness, and YOU INSPIRE ME. I look forward to your blogs. Never let these inconsiderate critics bring you down momma….we need you!
Melinda- Devoted LMM reader 🙂
Anonif you actually read her blog you would realize how real she really is and how much she has helped many of us true readers of LMM actually learn to love ourselves for who we are even with our faults.
Brooke Anderson
AnonOh dear oh dear! I heart you Ashley- my blog friend!
Reply to Anon
AnonWow!! Anon!! Do you read the blog? Ashley always is honest and real!! She has never tried to portray her life as perfect. I LOVE reading her blog, she is always so transparent about her life whether it be discussing her struggles as a parent and wife or revealing embarrassing personal details.
Your comments really make me sad! If you do not like reading her blog posts maybe you should stop logging on to see what she is writing about. And maybe next time you should post your name and email address instead of hiding behind the word anonymous!!
Ashley, YOU ROCK!!! Do not worry about the haters out there!!!
WOW- that last commenter has OBVIOUSLY never read your blog for more than a few posts. This was horrible of them to post.
Hey Anonymous and others like you! If you have a problem with someone’s blog PLEASE email it to them or better yet, keep your mouth and filthy opinion to yourselves. NO ONE CARES. You’re just unhappy and rude and need to make the world feel just like you.
Gosh! Well… *I* love this blog because it IS real. It IS refreshing and YOU are one fabulous little momma! Haters suck!
anon– you’re being an idiot. perhaps you should do some research prior to typing things that just make you look dumb.
katie boatright
Wow, thats a funny comment. Yeah girl get real!! Lol
Meag @ May Contain Nutz
Wow! Really Anonymous?! One of the main reasons I read Ashley’s blog is because she is SOOO incredibly real and truthful to her readers! You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. It’s sad to think there are people like you out there that have nothing better to do then make ridiculous, unbacked remarks! Also did you see her kitchen?! It was a mess afterwards! Just like anyone’s house would have been! That’s pretty real! And she didn’t hide the fact that she burnt her first appetizer even though the second one looks AH-MAZING!
Like my mother has always said: If you have nothing nice to say DON’T SAY IT!
PS. Ash! Can I call you that? I feel like I can 🙂 – YOU’RE AWESOME and REAL and JUST PLAIN GREAT!
Dear Anon,
It has to make you wonder why LMM has over 6,000 followers if she’s so inhuman and uninteresting. Oh wait, because people can relate to her imperfect life. I sincerely suggest you start with her first post and read them all up til now if you’re really concerned about her being “real”. Perhaps it’s just jealousy that’s feeding your harsh comment. If so, I’m truly sorry. That’s not a very fun way to live your life.
a dedicated LMM follower
Erica @ Acire Adventures
I find it so bizarre when people leave comments like that! I think most readers appreciate that this blog isn’t a big “poor me my life isn’t perfect”. Great bloggers share their triumphs and have a positive attitude so that we can all become better people. And clearly Anon hasn’t read many posts because Ashley has been pretty up front about her complete humanness, problems and flaws.
Anyways, the dinner party looked so amazing! I would love to find some ladies in my area to put something like this together. I love that you share the successes, failures AND the mess. I can’t imagine how long the dishes took.
Ashley Tiblier
Yeah, someone doesn’t read this blog at all. Maybe you should do some research before making such a horrible comment.
anon-i’m gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you commented on the wrong blog by accident. but just in case you didn’t, i just wanted to second what everyone else was saying. i wasn’t even going to post, but i think ‘anonymous’ deserves hearing from anyone who reads this blog that they are way off base. so, you are way off base. this girl shares more “real” stuff than a lot of bloggers would dream of doing. i think you should probably go back and read some old posts, or just don’t comment.
Brandi @ Peace Love & Twinkies
so i just wrote the longest most awesome comment and then one of my twin girls leaned down and hit the keyboard refreshing the page so that I lost it all. oh the life of a busy mommy ha ha. I just want you to know that you inspire me daily with your blog and it seems you inspire over 5000 other followers too. Even the way you handle such negative comments inspires me. I’ll admit at times I look down at my sweats covered in spit up and splattered with baby food with my hair in a pony tail after taking my braids down in attempt to make it wavy yet not having time to finish it bc my twins are in need of my constant attention and think GOSH that LMM is so darn cute. how does she do it. BUT I never let myself get down bc your so darn cute. It just makes me want to better myself. I read your blog DAILY and you DO show your true side while being honest with your own flaws and secrets. You cant help your so darn cute while doing it. 🙂 My best advice to your negative commenter: “Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others”
rachel foos
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!! You are fabulous lady!!!!!!
And to the anonymous post: YOUR A DOUCHEBAG!
I love that you’re real, but I also love that you are pretty and creative and stylish and you inspire me to try to be the same. 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration you give to us, mommas or not. And I totally had a dream about you the other night, in it you came to my house and we hung out and you were wearing cute rain boots. Creepy? Yes. I was bummed when I realized it was just a dream! LOL!
Gorgeous Party, Ashley!! You are Beautiful inside and out. Some people just can’t stand the fact that some of us have happy lives!! You know what they say, “Misery loves company!!”
shannon leonard
Dear Anon…
if its so horrible why are you wasting your time reading it? No one forces you to type in littlemissmomma.com. you found your way to this page all by yourself. Ahsley has got problems! and she has no shame in sharing them. I relat perfectly. Therefore if you don’t relate to her blog, the problem is not ashley. it’s YOU
Cathy Kelemen
You inspire me! I so want to put together something like this! You have been such an inspiration to me and help especially with “your secret”! I’m so glad you shared cause I’ve been pondering getting something to help my thin hair (although thin due to PCOS)! Keep your head held high! You are very real and that’s what makes this blog so good!
Ignore those negative commenters….there are to many people that love you to even give space to the ones that don’t!
Lindsey S
Hmmm… While my 1st impulse is to jump to the aide of my beloved LMM, it’s comments like the anonymous one, that make me wonder what she must be going through. No one has a perfect life, regardless of how it may seem to outsiders, we all has issues, flaws, days we almost burn down our kitchen, and days when all we what to do is pack our bags and move to Bora Bora. Let’s all send some love to anonymous…sounds like she could use some! Great Job Miss Ashley.
This is a great post LMM!! So much fun and love the whole theme!!
Themed parties are the best!!
I *heart* them!!
nicolette @ momnivore's dilemma
that’s the beauty of blogging: we show the beauty and the ugly, which keeps it real. I’ve read this blog since the beginning, and “anon” doesn’t know what she is talking about.
here’s to you, ashley, for tweeting and calling attention to the hater.
btw: california famer’s markets rule. my bf lives in LA, and I want to move to your fine state solely for the produce. chicago’s farmer’s market season is near over. boo.
Whatever anyone may say or think, Ashley, you are an absolute inspiration — to moms, bloggers, and women alike! “Anon” was not only incorrect, but they had to anonymize themselves because they KNEW how horribly wrong they were. They OBVIOUSLY do not read your blog regularly.
Hey Ashley, I thought your dinner was amazing, burnt food, sweat and all. Everything looked and sounded yummy, and I love that you kept it real for us, as ALWAYS.
I had a little something to say to you in regards to the anonymous comment, and dedicated today’s post to you mama. Come read it when you get a chance. 🙂
Stop by anytime to say hello!!!
Hugs, Bella 🙂
LMM and a not so nice anonymous comment got me thinking….
Mel the Crafty Scientist
I just wanted to throw my support to you, Ashley! You’re awesome, as is your blog, and I continually find you, your style, and your projects inspiring! I love reading your blog and I totally respect your guts in leaving that anonymous post and in sharing your secret – thanks for being you! : )
It was such a fun night and so refreshing after the HOT day it was. My favorite part was how we all went to sit around the “fire”. such a sweet touch… oh and those PEPPERS!!! amazing. So glad you are a part of the group:)
I never comment either but am an AVID LMM follower! I LOVE reading your posts and it inspires me to do better. Never let what other people think get you down. You are making a difference!
ooo my wedding tables would look amazing with those ruffled runners!! and every last thing on that menu looked amazing. fresh fruit brushetta?! stuffed peppers?! a peach thingy?! lucky!
To: Anon,
I must jump in to defend this blog. I think overall it’s meant to be a fun blog. Sure it gets serious at times, but the main focus seems lighthearted. It takes a lot of courage to show anyone who you are 100%. I personally only have that with my family and friends. No one can be 100% real on these blogs or they’d all be really depressing. I’m not saying Ashley is fake, but I don’t think anyone likes showing the “ugly” side of themselves. I think she’s as real as she is comfortable showing us and that’s fine by me. I enjoy reading her blog and being jealous at a lot of it, but it just makes me want to be a better me. I don’t think it’s the intention of the blog to make us feel envious, it’s just something within ourselves that makes us feel that way.
I think you’re probably a great person, who is better than the comment you left. I admit I am jealous about the life portrayed, but I’m not angry about it and deep down I don’t think you are either. I say be happy with your life and if you’re not, make the change that will make you happy. I may be a little jealous, but I love my life, I love my husband & family, and I love my friends, and I wouldn’t trade that with anyone…..not even Ashley! Would you??
Well then Anon, don’t read her blog if it annoys you and you dislike it so much. I have an idea. Why don’t you go and try writing a blog of your own? Then come invite us all over there to read it and we will all critique what you managed to come up with. Hopefully you wont have some childish, and immature poster hiding under the name anonymous post a rude comment. On a positive note I just loved this posting and hope to use some of your recipes and ideas for my next dinner party. And for Anon’s sake I will shed a few onion tears and post a pic for her.
It all looks soooo fabulous!!! 🙂 🙂
Hello! I just found this blog when I was looking to see where all the traffic on my site was coming from. You did a WONDERFUL job with my invitations, I love anything printed on craft paper (I printed my own wedding invites on it 🙂
One of the great joys of putting my work ‘out there’ on the internets is seeing all the fun and wonderful things that people do with it! lovely job, I will be re-posting!
Eleanor from e.m.papers
This was just stunning! I love the idea of tealights along the brick planter. Just beautiful! I would do the same, but alas, my backyard currently smells of dog. Ick.
Kristen Duke Photography
so fun and beautiful! My husband would love your patio set up with no fences…he loves an open community like that. Nice green grass…not so much like that here with our drought.
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So we love to add movement Beer Costume with these bands that emulate fringe,