A special thank you to Casey for providing me with so many of these photos. love you girl.
To read my first post about Blog Sugar, click HERE.
And now, get ready for photo-overload.
(Lindsay, Me, Casey)
I loved this conference–especially since it was so close to home. I drove down with one of my favorite friends, Lindsay.
It was incredible to meet people that I have admired for so long–people like Gussy.
Me, Lindsey {the Pleated Poppy}.
Me, Angry Julie . And she is a real life CSI photographer. She says its nothing like we see on TV, but I don’t believe her. Her blog will be a fast favorite of yours. (photo cred: Casey Wiegand)
THE Lisa Leonard, Me.
Bottom left: Lillybug Lane. Center: Meagan. Left: Lindsay
Mindy of Marigold Road, who also made ALL these goodies for every girl at the conference. How cute are these pins?! I love mine.
This was my third blog conference. Yet for some reason I still got those butterfly jitters in my stomach. The flutters that make you all nervous and giddy at the same time. The flutters that remind you that you’re about to meet encouraging and beautiful women who are out there making a difference in this world. With every turn, and every handshake, I had those flutters at Blog Sugar. But when I saw that this girl was speaking, the flutters turned into giant bat wings pounding against the inside of my tummy walls.
So rather than introduce myself, I spent the first 4 hours of the conference admiring her from afar–and even snapping an occasional photo or two (not creepy at all). And then I mustered up the courage to get a bit closer.
I hung out at about this 10 yard distance for 1/2 an hour while girl after girl came up to gush about how much they loved her–which only made me more nervous to introduce myself. You see a while back, I was introduced to Meg’s blog when I started receiving a crazy amount of hits from a blog called Whatever. Naturally, I clicked onto the link, and I was taken to a post about a beautiful craft weekend hosted by Meg, where they crafted my Pom Pom Necklaces. I dug deeper into her archives and was inspired by her writing style and by her accomplishments.
So I finally, I sucked it up and introduced myself.
Me: I like your shoes.
Meg: Uh, thanks.
Me: They’re really sparkly.
Meg: Yes they are. (Then she gives a half smile.)
Me: Mine aren’t sparkly.
Me: Can I take a picture with you?
Meg: Of course you can sweetie. And then she gave a full smile.
And my nerves melted away as she put her arm around me and smiled for the camera. And then something goofy and awkward came over me yet again, and I decided it would be a good idea to take a photo like this. Because I hadn’t already embarassed myself enough.
She’s slightly taller than me.
A special thanks to Alexandra Rose for providing me with the worlds cutest pouches. I used them at Blog Sugar to keep all my biz cards, and the ones I collected. They were a big hit–not to mention they’re made with my favorite colors!
You can shop her goodness HERE.
Use the code: LITTLEMISS15 for a 15% OFF discount!
On another note, I’m pretty excited for my feature on Lauren Conrad’s blog!
Heather G.
CUTE pouches!! Blog Sugar was amazing. And even though you put a giant arrow through my face in one of the Meg pictures I still totally like you 😉
Ashley @ Little Miss Momma
Heather G.oh no! i’m so sorry! did you get a pciture of us? send me one if so, then i will add it to this post 🙂
oh my goodness, you made me laugh out loud at work (shhh, dont tell, im blogging on the clock). anyways, i loved this because thats how i would feel about meeting you! im naturally an outgoing person but i get all shy-like in situations like this. i hope to one day go to a blog conference, too! (but who knows if i will muster up the confidence to talk to the lovelies i admire from afar!)
I am so jealous that you met Meg!! If I believed in idol worship… 😉
Mindy Harris
ashley you are adorable and warm in person and thank you so much for including our picture together (and links to all my “stuff’??–you are amazing). off to check out your feature on lauren’s blog. you are famous!! xoxo
Hahaha!!! Loved the pictures and your recap. Looks like an amazing experience with a TON of lovely and inspiring ladies! 🙂
Very cute!! 🙂
🙂 You’ve received an award go check out my blog!!
Amanda {at} DAES of Our Lives
Looks like SUCH a blast! I will have to go one year!
Ashley Meyer
I am truly inspired! I hope to go to this in the future! thanks for sharing!!!!
ana {bluebirdkisses}
hehe your photo with Meg is the cutest ever! I love that there was a blog conference! I have never even thought of going to any of those, but seems like such an inspiring event. I’m going to look up some right now!
ashley, you crack me up – i love the stalker photos! i think i’d be the same way if i got to meet you. 😉
and i gotta check out angry julie’s blog – she sounds awesome!
Rainbow Bekah
OH my gosh you are THE CUTEST!!! Looks like a fabulous time and your picture of you and your blog hero…priceless!
Sarah B
Meg was seriously a lot taller than I expected…..and I had the same kind of interaction with her “Umm…” some stuttering and a stupid comment after she complimented my necklace…lol.
Your shoes were so cute though too!
This looked like so much fun! Super cute outfit too, if I may add. Can you please post more info on blogging contests. I’m new to the blogging world and I think attending a few confrences may be what I need. Plus if you were there then I could stutter at you like you did at Meg… LOL :0)
I am sooo happy to see you and Casey in a pic together…two of my fav bloggers…and two beautiful women!
mel @ the larson lingo
Loved your recap of Blog Sugar! Wasn’t it so amazing?!?! I am the girl you met in the Men’s Bathroom! Ha! Wish we would have taken a picture! Love your blog! Glad I was able to meet you, you are so sweet & adorable!
Julie {Angry Julie Monday}
It was sooo great to meet you!!! And I love the picture of us, too cute!!!
Maureen Polderman
Ok, I seriously have tears rolling down my cheeks right now I am laughing so hard…your conversation with Meg is hysterical, and the picture….priceless! Ashley you are too funny and adorable….love it!!
meg duerksen
ashley you are a riot.
we should have taken a sitting photo!
i was pretty tall that day. 🙂
i am glad you said hello!
really glad.
i did not think our shoe convo was weird either…..i promise.
your pom pom necklace rocked.
next time….we sit for photos.
or i can cradle you in my arms…..HA.
Samantha Grey
Hillarious!!! I feel your giant bat wings though! I would totally be the same way! Although, I don’t think I would have the guts to get closer than 10 yards away! So funny, love your blog!
Amy Griffin
Tottally get the Meg “shyness”. Because I think I would totally pass out if I met her. She is awesome, but so are you! Whatever (wink, wink)
Anna @ The Guiltless Life
Thanks for the recap! That conference looked like so much fun. And well done on the Lauren Conrad link-up!
It was great to meet you at Blog Sugar. What an amazing evening. I had a similar experience with Meg, I have no recollection what I said to her but she didn’t call the cops so I assume it wasn’t all that bad.
Dopey LaRue
You are so cute I can’t handle it. Thanks for letting us see your shy/awkward/nervous/REAL side 🙂 Love it.
eeek! You are adorable! I hope to one day be able to go to one of these conferences and meet all of you amazing ladies…. until then, I’ll admire you from afar… we can be bloggie friends
steph anne
This conference sounds awesome! Haha, I love how your conversation went with meg. 🙂
Nilgün Komar
you live a happy and beautiful for a day
m so happy for you
remote acquaintance who love you are fans or a great feeling to know I know
very lucky 🙂
Use the beautiful days of my presents
Stephanie @ 4eighteen.com
Sounds like you had a great time! I agree with the others, I would feel the same way about meeting you. I like to think I’m not a shy person but I would probably stalk/take pictures of you from afar then come up and talk to you. Then I would cross my fingers that you would want to be my friend, because in my dream land we are already friends. Kinda funny how the one sided relationships work on the net huh?! Haha, but really you are awesome!
Your expression in the picture of you & Meg made me laugh out loud! Hilarious! Looks like you had a great time!
I’m sure your going to gasp when i tell you i have no idea who meg is…but the photo of you two is hilarious! i laugh everytime i see it and will probably have to come back to your blog when im having a bad day just to look at that picture and laugh. Thanks for sharing. Love your blog!
Aww looks like you had a great time! Blog Sugar seems like a great bloggy conference! :o)
For Love of Cupcakes
U had me laughing at the whole intro to Meg. I love ur puppy dog look in the photo with her. I recently moved to Los Angeles and started feeling like 1 in 4 million and lonely. Ur blog which I stumbled across by accident has definitely made my days a little more cheery. By the way I’m Mormon and a mom to a toddler (girl) too!
I won’t say JEALOUS, I’ll say envious and you are so darn cute! 🙂
Looks like a blast – great pics !!!
Alisha Young
Ah all you ladies look so lovely! I don’t know any of you yet but I envy those sparkling and leopard shoes for sure! Ashley, looking forward to meeing you tomorrow! 🙂 Love the Mustache Necklace BTW
What a great recap. Loved being at Blog Sugar with all the incredible women. I had a rather intimidating conversation with Meg, where I completely stuck my foot in my mouth. She was so gracious and kind though. Next time we’ll have to meet.
Kristen Duke Photography
ha! I love to see the stalker come out in you;) Hadn’t heard of most of these gals!
Wow….what fun! I bought a ticket but didnt have the courage to go alone. Your pictures are beautiful. We all adore Meg! Thankyou for sharing
kari machal
thanks for sharing! keep up your great work – i love meg too!
harga besi plat hitam
Blog Sugar was amazing.
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