Sometimes I have one of those days where its harder to get things done.
My mind wanders, I’m not as effective, I forget why I walked into the room.
And then, sometimes one of those days turns into one of those weeks.
Like this week.
As hard as I tried, everything I did seemed to take 3 times longer than it should have.
I used to get down on myself when I had days like these.
But after two years of motherhood, I’ve learned that this is just part of the territory.
Not only with motherhood, but with life.
Sometimes life takes longer, sometimes we’re not at out best, sometimes we only write two blog posts in a week, and sometimes we don’t brush our hair.
And you know what?
I think that’s okay.
This long week ended with a day trip to Huntington Beach to get our family photos taken by Kristen Duke Photography. I hadn’t been to Huntington since I was a kid, and I had no idea how much fun it would be.
That’s the lovely Kristen, in her super duper cute outfit with a necklace I nearly ripped off her neck {but I didn’t think that would make a good impression so I just took a picture instead}.
Can I just tell you that I was fairly confident about this outfit going into the shoot. I loved how the ruffles flowed. I loved how I could still breath in it. I loved that it required minimal adjustments to be picture ready after wresting with a toddler. And I loved that it was a mere $12 at Gap’s super sale. But then I took a look at these few pics that the hubs snapped after our shoot with Kristen, and I started second guessing my outfit selection. To answer your questions/thoughts/emails in advance, NO I am not hiding a pregnant belly under this dress–the glorious, overflowing ruffles only make it appear as such. Oh well, right. Live and learn. I’m sure Kristen’s mad photography skills will help take the focus off my extreme “ruffleness” and lack of obvious waistline. Note to self: sometimes tighter clothes actually make you look skinnier, and sometimes looser clothing just makes you look…well..rufflely.
As we headed back to our car we noticed a farmers market just getting started. So we loaded up on some of our favorite things for the drive home. Chips and salsa, kettle corn, fresh strawberry lemonade, banana bread, and raspberries. Mmm, mmm good. It was an unexpected bonus to our already fun adventure. Future trip to Huntington Beach is already in the works.
What did you do this weekend?
Any activities that I must add to my summer list?
Megan Malone
this weekend… i met my brand new niece, Kessly Briar Wilson. =) she is 5 days old today. and beyond precious!
Megan Maloneyes very nice blog
Despite what you think I still love the outfit on you. You look adorable. .. I love farmer's Markets!!!Living in the middle of the city sometimes it can be difficult to find fresh GOOD produce around my neighborhood .. its a challenge but it's worth the effort. …
Teachings from lil slug a bug
Simply Sammie
I have had the exact same sort of week, I had SOOO much to do but barely made a dent. My usual motivation just wasn't there and I just felt LOST. Your begining summed it up perfectly.
You look beautiful! I'm glad that you had a great weekend! 🙂 I visit your blog everyday (I just recently stumbled upon it). You are so inspirational. Hmmmm… what else to add to your summer list? Writing a book! Although it may not fit in LOL, but how awesome would a book written by you be?! Fantastic. 🙂
Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk
I sincerely reading your posts.
The pictures of the berries literally made my mouth water.
This weekend I went to a baby shower and crafted. Most crafts were in relation to my craft room thanks to YOU for inspiring me!
You are way too hard on yourself. I think you look adorable!
Oh you do NOT look preggo…don't worry about it! I am ALWAYS worried about people thinking I'm pregnant…ugh. I had one of my students parents ask me the other day…so uncomfortable! She goes, "Oh! And what do I see here?!" (pointing to my belly) and I said, "Oh..haha…that's just the ice cream I ate last night…hehe…" Seriously…don't some people learn that's NOT OK!
Sorry for the rant 🙂 You're beautiful…and you don't look preggo 🙂 That's all 🙂
The Cisneros Family!
I need to totally start going to my local farmers market!!
This weekend we went out for a sushi dinner (!!!!!!!) and then went to the fair to eat fried pickles! Yum!!
First-you are so stinkin cute you could wear a paper sac…you look cute…but I totally pick apart my outfits after pics. A little tip: I have started photographing myself in my outfit choices before hand. Even a crappy pic will tell if the outfit is making your bod look hot or not. It has helped me many times!
Second…IS that an orange and purple sunflower?????? I've never seen that! It's BEAUTIFUL!
Fun post : )
I LOVE the outfit!!! Can't wait to see the pictures!
Erica @ Acire Adventures
For the record, I see no sign of a faux-preggo belly! You look fabulous. Just because your waistline isn't 100% defined, doesn't mean anything. Love the dress!
Blessed Momma
If little miss momma says it's ok, then I think it's totally ok! ;-)Glad I am not the only one who has weeks like this, thanks for taking the pressure off lol! And I think your ruffle dress is adorable, as well as you!
I LOVE your outfit! You look super cute…not pregnant at all! lol
There must be something in the air. I too was in a mind bog this entire week. I can definitely relate to walking into a room and completely forgetting the reason. Often, I've caught myself just staring at the computer screen for minutes at a time while my mind just races with thoughts and ideas. Glad to know I'm not alone 🙂
BTW, your outfit is absolutely adorable! Beautiful beach as well.
Hubby and I went to Prince Edward Island this weekend so he could preach at a church out there! 🙂
ilene @ muchloveilly
looks like the perfect day – and i love your dress, miss ashley!!
ilene @ muchloveilly
looks like the perfect day – and i love your dress, miss ashley!!
Country Girl
Oh my goodness! I'm from Kansas but we went to California for our honeymoon almost 7 years ago and we went to Huntington Beach a couple of the days we were there! So many great memories! Would love to go back there some day with our three kiddos! And thanks for all your great posts! And you look great! No Worries!
The Vintage Modern Bride
first off, you look beautiful and sooo not preggers. it's a cute dress! and i'm glad yall stumbled into a farmers market! sounds like so much fun!
ana {bluebirdkisses}
I love fresh berries @ the market! And awesome family pics, you look great!
We tried to battle the extreme heat by staying indoors and cooking up a batch of baby food.
Meredith MacRitchie
I thought your outfit looked great!!! Cute, and fun, and not at all pregnant!
This weekend I spent soaking up the sunshine (summer has forgotten us here in Vancouver) 2 hours outside the City at a beautiful lake in the mountains with my hubby and 2 girls. We also took the kiddos out for breakfast this morning, which is something I just love to do 🙂
I envy your farmer's market… don't you just love fresh, REAL food from where you live?
I am LOVING your dress, super cute. As always 🙂
I did well nothing, and it was glorious! We have had non stop crazy busy weekends since schools let out and I am SO over it.
I totally relate to your one of those days moments, and I agree it's called having kids. You know totally comes with the territory 🙂
nom nom nom 🙂
oh, and I love the flowers!
You're so pretty I bet you could get away with wearing a trashbag, btw.
Beautiful photos and I agree, that necklace is amazing!
Meggy from Chasing Davies
Amanda @ The Little Giggler
Great pictures! I love Huntington Beach!
Kristen Duke Photography
Hey! I didn't know you posted this til someone posted on my wall! You looked so stinkin adorable and non preggo in this outfit but I know we all look at ourselves differently. If it helps, I knew when I left that morning that my outfit accentuates my hips way too much but I decided I like the outfit more than I cared. I hope you aren't bummed with the pics, I will see what I can do;)
Lindsay @ Delighted Momma
You look beautiful!! And not the slightest bit "ruffly" that made me laugh though because I totally know what you mean! I am going to look up the photographer you mentioned. I live super close to Huntington and I am on the hunt for a GOOD photographer nearby.
Farmers markets are the best!!
Shabby Life
Umm I think you look adorable but if you don't want it anymore, I'll gladly take it off your hands 😉
I love the photos – looks like so much fun!!!
Raige Creations
that beach looks lovely!
my weekend, went by too fast, driving kids around, making Toekini's, planning a giveaway, making more Toekini's.
Wish I could have gone to the beach.
And your outfit is great, btw! Love it, just needs some Toekini's to go with it. 😉
Patty W.
I think you look soooo cute in that dress! I love ruffles! Don't give yourself a hard time about writing too often, you do such a great job! I love reading your blog even if there is only one post that week!
This weekend has actually been really fun for my family. On Saturday hubby, baby and I went to see his cousins at a family reunion and on Sunday we went up to the canyon to roast marshmallows with his siblings. I know it's not fall yet, but smores are just as delicious at any time of the year! 🙂
check out my blog later 🙂 http://www.pattytrends.com
yumm those berries look so good! i pretty much the same thing this weekend, except in france. beach and market. they both make for a wonderful weekend 🙂
Sandra - If it comes in pink
Wonderful pics! They're so summerish!
Very cute outfit!! I love the all the pictures and it sounds like ya'll had a fun trip! =D
That dress looks great! I need to buy me a dress like that haha.
This weekend would have been much more fun if I were soaking up the sun at a beach…
On Saturday I had my nephews birthday party so I had to finish the cake for that… and then on Sunday, instead of driving 7 hours to get home, which there was no chance of happening because… there was snow, the entire drive… so I stayed at my sisters and we played in the snow with the boys.
I love the dress and think you look so pretty in the pics! Looks like an amazing time. People that live near a beach are too darn lucky!
Crystal- ohio
Ashley, it's funny that you ask the question "What did you do this weekend" because I just wrote about my doozy of a weekend!
I think you'll get a good laugh out of this if you have time!
-Miss Organized Mommy
Siobhan aka Kiwivandal
Those berry's look SCRUMPTIOUS! I threw a B-day party for my 12 year old and survived, and redesigned my blog button. I wish we had an ocean nearby to go to when it got hot…
Southern Belle Mama
You look positively pretty…not at all ruffley!
First of all you do not look ruffley at all! I think is looks way cute on you! Looks like a great weekend! 🙂
LOVE the pictures from the farmer's market! I am dying to get to ours soon (praying that it cools down soon…on Saturday with the heat index, it was 115! Craziness!)
we went paddle boarding in Sunset Beach..you MUST do it! It's so peaceful, yet a workout too! Plus, getting to pick out your favorite houses is too much fun- they are HHHUUUUUUGE!
I love Huntington Beach, my parents used to live there and everytime we would come to visit, that was the beach that we would always go to. We were there once during the US Open of Surfing and it was awesome! I'm glad you had such a good, un-expected day 🙂
Amanda Lewis
I LOVE Huntington Beach! Actually, it's one of my very favorite places : ).
We are going this weekend for the US Surf Open! So excited!
Dyna Ly
This weekend my hubby and I went to watch Harry Potter and left our little one with Grandma. It was nice to have some couple time..even if it was just for a couple of hours. Although the whole time we ended up talking about our baby boy…guess we missed him.
MMMMM…I love farmer's markets. I live in the south and we have our own gardens and I love this time of year when we start to see the fruit (veggies) of our labor! LOL. Oh and I love the outfit on you, looks great!
BTW, I posted some tips on saving/making money to be a stay-at-home mom on my blog and I referenced your post on having a successful Etsy business!
Brooke- OfWindandWaves
You are just so darn cute! Okay, now that that's out of the way- this weekend I swam…a lot. Okay, maybe I didn't swim so much as just lay out and read. Not many adventures for me, just relaxing time.
Ashley- You are such an inspiration. I love your blog! If you are in Huntington Beach, I would love to see you again!
Huntington is amazing! I used to live there <3 Next time you are over there check out Mangiamo Gelato Caffe on Main St., I used to work there, they have THE BEST gelato made fresh every day 🙂 yummm Nutella Swirl is my favorite 🙂
Nicolette @ Momnivore's Dilemma
this weekend…my SIL was married despite the biggest storm to hit Chicago since 1871, and Sunday, I helped my mom recover from the flood damage in my childhood home…
to your summer list:
make homemade popsicles or ice cream!
{p.s. just received my rings from you Saturday…so lovely}
i think the dress looks cute!
Alexis Kaye
you're right about the being slow at some points! I'm definitely feeling that as well! I just got married and it feels like there's so much to do that I don't know where to begin!
And honestly, I was going to comment on how much I loved that dress even before I read what you wrote. It does NOT make you look anything but healthy and beautiful! No baby bumps or anything 🙂 I look forward to seeing the pictures!
Ashley I LOVE the dress. It does not make you look pg. Super cute and summery (Is that even a word)?
I'm loving the outfit choice!!
Sandy Dandy
omgoodness, i have those days and weeks, too! what mom doesn't?? love the dress! and love all the beautiful colors in the pics!
Sounds like a great trip! Love the farmers market! NOOOO way your dress does not make you look prego in the least!
Hi Ashley! New reader here. I came across your blog while searching Kristen Duke Photography. I'm also a blogger (mommy blogger) and just did a workshop with her over the weekend and loved it! While I was reading your blog, I came across pictures of you near a lake (assuming you live near it), and I umm, I work on that exact lake!! I'm sitting at my desk right now looking over the lake. Anyways, I'm a new fan of your blog and I think it's awesome you live around here. Also, I'm in love with your craft room. It looks like it just came out of a magazine. I didn't think it was your actual craft room and had to do a double take and read that again. Just perfection. My son is 22 months, and it looks like your son is close in age with mine. Thanks for being awesome! 🙂
The dress is super cute!! I don't think it makes you look "ruffley" at all 🙂
Thank you for posting about "those days/weeks"…makes me feel more successful knowing I'm not the only one!!!
Clares Place
LOVE your blog! I think the outfit looks good but if you are worried why not make the dress into a skirt – that way you won't look too "ruffley" but I think it is a cute outfit!
looks nice
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Little Miss Momma photo shoot with Kristen Duke Photography - Little Miss Momma
[…] all the fabulous pictures Kristen Duke took of our little family. Remember, the photography from this fun day. The turquoise. The red. The yellow. The colors make me […]
Hello, Yellow! « Buzz Deb
[…] Little Miss Momma […]
Deborah Hanamura
You brought together my two favorite things – food and fashion! Your yellow necklace was actually one of the necklaces that inspired me to do a little DIY project – you can find it on my blog at http://www.buzzdeb.com. Thanks for the great content, and keep up the good work. And eat fresh local food! And wear yellow necklaces! 🙂
I really liked your yellow neclace and wondering were you got those big beads. Did you make it or buy it really nice necklace. thanks reuel
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