- Shop Banner: I know nothing about even the most basic graphic design. So I hired Dumplin Design Studios to create my banner for a very reasonable price.
- Business Cards: Dumplin Design also created my business cards to match my blog and shop. Again, super affordable. I have my business cards printed at www.zazzle.com.
- Shipping: Determine what method of shipping you are going to use. USPS, UPS, FedEx, etc. I use USPS first class mail. I either print my shipping labels from paypal, or I take them to the post office and wait in line the old fashioned way. It is waaaayyyy cheaper to buy your shipping supplies online rather than at the post office. You can find bubble mailers for really cheap at the Dollar Tree. I get my bubble mailers from JP Sales, and they seem to be the best bulk prices I have found–and they are wonderful to work with.
Budget: You could literally spend thousands and thousands of dollars to start up an online business. But that isn’t realistic for most of us. So I encourage you to set a “start-up” budget. What are you comfortable spending on initial supplies, packaging and marketing?
Super simple. I recommend using Notable Notions for your packaging supplies. I have done my research and they have great prices, plus they ship super fast. I get my kraft boxes from them, and they also offer great displays and other packaging components. My rubber stamp is from JLMould on etsy, and I made sure it had my web address on it so that gift recipients would know how to find my shop.
Here is how I package my pillows and table runners:
Amidst my late night etsy searching I also found these fabulous shops that can help you spruce up your packaging:
Photography: When we go shopping, we see, we touch, we even sometimes smell the item we are interested in purchasing. When ordering online, we only have the picture and description to go from. You can have the a dozen different shops selling the exact same item and I can promise you, the one with the best picture will get more sales–even if they are the most expensive. Make sure your photos are light and bright, no dark backgrounds. Be sure to get some close ups (you don’t want a buyer to think you have anything to hide). Please NO blurry images. This post also has some helpful tips on taking good product shots. Also, if you are on Etsy, be sure to use ALL five photo spaces–the more pictures the better.
Marketing: This topic could be a post all to itself. But for now, I will keep it simple. The most affordable way to advertise your online business is through blogs that have readers similar to your target market–duh, right. I have found more success when I offer a discount in combination with a giveaway. And I have had the BEST results advertising on Tatertots & Jello and Love Stitched. In fact, I am having a giveaway over at TT&J now!
Newsletter: I don’t do this–but I should. I have heard first hand from VERY successful online businesses, that as soon as they started a monthly newsletter {with discount codes and promotions} they saw a 20% increase in their sales–true story.
SEO and Keywords: How you title your items is critical. Sure its cute and also good marketing to come up with clever names for your products–but that doesn’t help a search engine find you. So you need to be sure to put other key words in your description. The first few sentences of your shop welcome section are also important–for they are the words that search engines pick up–so don’t waste this section with a personal bio or the history of your shop. Instead, use the first few sentences of your welcome section to incorporate as many key words describing your shop as possible. For example: Little Miss Momma carries a variety of cottage chic home decor items {ruffled pillows and burlap table runners} as well as rose cabochon necklaces, unique cabochon statement/cocktail rings, anthropologie-inspired hair pin sets, and more unique couture accessories.
Social Media: Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest. You gotta do it. Maybe not everything on that list–but at least one thing. Take Barn Owl Primitives for example. She doesn’t blog, but she has a crazy successful online business. And she just so happens to be a facebook goddess. You can almost always find her on fb–captivating us with her words of wisdon, her fun finds, and her totally loveable personality. She facebooks about everything, from style, to home decor, to crafting, to current affairs, etc. And then, when it’s appropriate, she also gives you updates on her shop. Because she doesn’t just promote herself all the time, people actually want to read what she posts–and it works! She topped over 1,000 sales in no time at all! Rock on girl!
Integrity: Have it. There are bound to be multiple shops carrying very similar items as you, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean you copied them, or they copied you. But if you ever have the opportunity to blatantly copy, please don’t. I promise, you are more capable than you even know of coming up with your own unique designs, and you will find so much more fulfillment through the creative process.
Manage Expectations: Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t explode overnight, or after a week, or a month. The process can take time. And don’t compare yourself to other successful shops out there–because for every 1 of them, there are 1,000 others working towards success at this very moment. Work hard, have faith, and believe in yourself.
Quiosque de Trapos
Thank you for sharing all these tips, especially for making me not give up … I have a full time job, but I love sewing … I'm not perfect, but every day I learn new things with you guys… and above all I woul love to start my online business, but in fact it is difficult and I often think about quitting … so thanks for your post.
Quiosque de TraposThis is valuable information….I have written down some of your pointers that I believe will improve my online shop….Thanks for sharing!
Quiosque de TraposI just online selling, how can I grow my business online I want to know
Noas' Libellule
This is a great post! Many constructive tips. We are still at the stage of should or should we not open a shop…
Anida Bagushi
Noas’ LibelluleIf you want to grow online business I would suggest using website with marketing deals such as http://Adsurf.Net . You can find there all sorts of things to help you grow you rbusiness, such as advertising, banners, cheap radio commercials, images, reviews and all even up to -80%
Neha Gupta Khorwal
its incredible what you have shared. thanks for taking out time to post it!
I will have to bookmark this post 🙂
Arm Candy For You
thank you so much Ashley for sharing this so generously!………….I am one of those "trying very hard to be successful" small home based business & hope to be successful one day & i want you to know how thankful I am for such wonderful advise:)
Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea
Very informative==thanks for sharing this. You always post such great stuff. cheers
I have been following your blog for a few months now and I have to say thank you! Reading your posts is inspirational and comforting to know everyone starts out at the bottom and just have faith and keep working hard to build a successful blog and possible etsy shop. Thank you so much!
What a great post! You have shared a wealth of information. I am also one of those that is trying to make it with hopes of having a REAL store someday…this girl has dreams!
Thank you again for sharing:)
Awesome post with awesome tips and advice. I opened my shop in October 2010 with about a dozen items and since then sales have been pretty good [I wasn't expecting a whole lot right off the bat]. The past few months I have really found my creative niche and where I want to be and now im ready to take my shop to a whole other level 🙂
this post is like a bible to me. i am an etsy seller but not as day job. i love making jewelry and so i try to sell them. it went very well on markets, but i have dificoults on etsy. i am not really good in promoting myself, so i will take your tipps! thank you sooo much!
Such great advice my friend. Enjoy seeing peeks of your new craft room! I cant wait to see more 🙂
What a great, heart felt, and inspiring post! I know you have made a lot of us feel like this may be something we could actually do now…. Thanks so much for sharing all of these wonderful tips!
Thank you sooo much for posting about this. I am considering opening an etsy shop and I have been soo nervous about it. This helped to ease those nerves a bit. With just a little more time, maybe I will have my own shop. 🙂
Thanks for sharing this! I found your site recently and love your style and attitude. I work outside the home as a primary teacher (although I'm currently on mat leave waiting for #2 to arrive ANY SECOND) but have always had a passion for crafting, sewing and cardmaking. I opened a small shop last year and am still working on making it successful. It's hard to balance it all with working outside the home, being a momma and a wife, and having that precious time to create. Thanks for the inspiration!
Allie @ ducklyandjuicy.blogspot.com
The Williams Family
Thank you so much for posting this!! I just love your blog and have been silently following for a few months. I opened my Etsy shop about a week ago. I'm still trying to get my "brand" developed and working on publishing my first product! This post couldn't have come at a better time for me!
PS – I just love your pillows, they are so beautiful!
Thanks for the post. I have friends and family pressuring me all the time to sell my creations, but I'm way too nervous. This post is very timely. It makes me want to take one more step closer to opening my own shop. I say just for fun, but at the same time I want people to like and buy my stuff. We'll see…
Thank you! As someone who is in the midst of ramping up to start an Etsy shop, I appreciate it. And as someone who has an MBA, I can tell you that you are wise 🙂
This is SO helpful! Thank you!
Rebecca@This Present Life
Awesome advice, Ashley! Thanks so much for putting this post together. It's so easy to get frustrated as a small shop owner, but it's always helpful to hear what has worked for others. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Kathy Cecconi
Thanks for the wise words of reason and encouragement! I started http://www.AskFindSave.com recently and all you say is true and actually explains a few things. Thanks again.
Chrissy @ Boerman Ramblings
thanks ash. love the tips it means a lot that you shared your business tips and links!
thank you for all these tips!! this is so awesome. I was just thinking about how I was clueless on setting up my own online business and this was prefect! XO
Shay Bocks
What a great guide! I'll be sharing this on my blog soon!
Rocio Brescia
Great post Ashley! I really think there is nothing wrong with your worstation…sometimes the messier the better!!! right?? 😉
Rocio from {Sweetaprils}
thank you for this POST!! Im considering staying at home after Feb when #2 is due. Etsy would help make that easier, but I've always been scared too! ha!
maybe I can do a giveaway on your site if you have time?
here are my blogs, and the art site.. let me know what you think?
Liz @ the blue eyed owl
Amazing tips! This post should be a must read for anybody starting a shop!
Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs
What an AMAZING post! Thank you SO much! I have been on the look out for umm about 8 months now for an affordable place to do custom stamps! Every place I have looked have been way out of my price range. 🙁 And I wanted my logo on a stamp! 🙂 SO thanks for sharing your suppliers! I can finally get my own stamp! YAY!
Anyways I was the same way when I wanted to start an etsy shop. I keep telling myself no, I was worried about costs and messing up and shipping! I finally said..ok I will start my shop the first of the year! (just another way to put it off) Then a good friend really helped push me to finally do it. She was SUCH an encouragement to me and I am thankful she was because I LOVE my etsy shop and it has been so exciting to sell on there.
And btw I LOVE your packaging!
I use little heart shaped boxes. there are two that I use. One from the wedding section.. That are used as favors to put candy in. And the other boxes I bought during valentines day. They look similar to conversation hearts and have cute little sayings on them. I think it is always fun to receive a heart shaped box. So I love using them for my jewelry.
Oh and PS I wanted to say THANK YOU so much for sharing my Keep Calm Necklace on your facebook! I was seriously giddy when I saw that. My heart was pumpin with excitement that YOU would love and mention one of my necklaces! And because of you I sold two just hours after you posted that! 🙂
Thank you so much again!
Great post! Thanks for sharing your tips. I just started an Etsy shop and it can be so overwhelming thinking about all the details. It's nice to hear from others who have had success! 🙂
Karina Wetzel
Ashley!! You're amazing :)!! I really needed this right now… I'm trying to change the theme of my shop back to what I first started {Brazilian Jewelry} and Handmade crafts.. So I'm currently letting everything I have on there sell so I can do a shop makeover and start fresh! Thank you for all the tips! This will help me for sure!! You rock!
ilene @ muchloveilly
great tutorial! well-writing, as always. not like that's a surprise or anything… 😉
ilene @ muchloveilly
great tutorial! well-writing, as always. not like that's a surprise or anything… 😉
Life In The Thrifty Lane
Thank you so much for all the tips you are sharing!
Amanda @ The Little Giggler
Thanks for all the great advice! You rock!!
Amanda @ http://www.thelittlegiggler.blogspot.com
Ariel @ Dreams To Do
Seriously, what would I do without you? Since discovering your blog in the past month, I have been inspired in more ways than I can count! Thank you for sharing your success and knowledge with us! I love that you aren't selfish in your success and you want others to be successful, too. Soooooo inspiring!
I plan to open an Etsy shop eventually (amongst many other things on my to do list) and I will definitely be coming back to this post.
Thanks! 🙂
Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk
Oh my goodness. I cannot say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU enough! I've actually been thinking about opening an etsy… even jotting down a few ideas here and there, and I'm pretty sure your post just made me feel as though I can surely take the "plunge"!
Bluebird Kisses
I just wanted to say {although I don't own an Etsy shop…nor am I crafty}, that I LOVE your tips and the really beautiful items that you make!! Every time I look at your pieces I think of spring time 😀 and secretly I wish I was even half as creative as you are!
Ana…aka bluebirdkisses
The Nobles
Thank you so much for your post…I literally opened my etsy shop yesterday, so it was perfect timing for me! I am just getting started but was happy to read that I have already taken some of your suggested steps!
Thanks, Brie 🙂
Johanson Family
What a great post.. its everything I think a new person who is trying to decide would want to hear!! now I just have to think of another avenue for a guest post and come back for more tips from ya !:)
Some great tips and ideas! Thanks, I needed to hear this today!!
Love your blog! It's always so interesting to read! These are some great tips and so helpful with the leads you placed. What plans do you have for your shop in the future?
So many great thoughts… I need to really sit down and go throught them one by one!
Little Leach
AWESOME post! thanks for sharing!! dreaming of starting some sort of etsy shop – maybe when the littles are not as little?! i don't know how you survive on so little sleep!!! i seriously become a monster {as my hubby would attest to} when i get little sleep!! keep up the great work!
Thank you for this awesome advice! I am printing this post out now and using your wisdom while opening up my first etsy shop!
The Cisneros Family!
These are great tips for launching anything in your life, especially the "manage expectations" section. That's definitely where I need the most work! Secondly, everything is so happy and cheery! Love it!
kadie dahl
Thank you so much for sharing these tips! I have been out of my mind struggling to get my business going. This helped me out tons! I also was reading your post on how to get your blog going. You are amazing! You teach so well. Life saver!!!
Love this this…I'M READY!
I get my envelopes from usps.com for free! I order 100 at a time and I don't pay a cent. https://shop.usps.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10052&catalogId=10001&productId=10000241
Wow! Just what I needed!!! I just opened shop a few weeks ago. I REALLY need to get the branding to all match. Nothing matches right now and my banner looks terrible.
I talked myself out of it for a full year!! But business is booming (in my estimation). AND I have already hit the dreaded and SCARY incident of messing up an order : ( BUT I was SO blessed that the lady was UBER understanding. Also making another person's order right since finding out what didn't work-and they didn't even know anything was wrong with theirs yet.
SO…thanks. And sorry I blab on and on. U rock! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!
Mindy Harris
thank you so much for this post, ashley! i had planned to email you with some questions but it looks like you covered everthing. i feel like my blog and shop are growing at snail pace but i am determined. love what you're about. you encourage me!!! thank you!!
Thank you so much for sharing this! 🙂 I just started my little shop and I am pretty overwhelmed. You are such a beautiful peson and I really enjoy reading your blog. Thank you!
Thanks for this great post! I'm thinking about venturing into the Etsy world (again) this fall. If I think I can manage that & my three kiddos 🙂 Right now I'm just taking baby steps w/ a fb page that friends can "order" from. Great Information to think about!!
What Sadie Did
AWESOME tips, thanks SO much for sharing. I agree with cute packaging 100% making a difference and this was the first thing I sorted out (after listing my items of course!) once I got going. And I had the same doubts before starting my shop – what if nothing sells, what if people don't like it, what will my friends think?! Just going for it was a risk, but it's super exciting too 🙂
Thanks again!
Sadie x
Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ShhBySadie?ref=pr_shop
Blog: http://whatsadiedid.blogspot.com/
This post is great! I am not there yet, but have been toying with the idea eventually!! Quick and probably silly question but you said you bought "supplies" and got to designing… were you talking about crafting supplies? I was just curious!! I haven't worked with Etsy a whole lot!! Thanks!! 🙂
Even though I have no desire for an Etsy shop, this was just a great read.
And I totally need to buy from your shop a.s.a.p. just to get the package. 🙂
Thank you so much for this post! You are such an inspiration with your business, your writing and your parenting. I will definitely be referring back to this post!
Thanks for the post!! I love it! I feel like quitting the etsy thing all the time! You make me feel like there is hope! (:
Erin Tagle
I just found your blog, and I soooo needed this post. While my Etsy shop and website have skyrocketed, this post reminded me of what I need to do to take it up a notch.
Thank you so much!
PS – you are fabulous. 🙂
Tini Posh
I love love love this post! Just what I needed to read today! Thank you so much for sharing!
<3 Claudia
P.S. Your newest follower..and FB fan..about to go find you on FB!
i stumbled on your blog weeks ago and i LOVE your passion for affordable fashion and your creative sense of living. for the past two years, i have been developing my graphic design skills and have almost created an adequate portfolio for an etsy shop. i work full time as a dental assistant and dream of the day i can work from home and say adios to looking at teeth all day. since i am all about following the rules, i have concerns if it is necessary to obtain a business license first, and how and when should i manage my taxable income? i'm not scared about selling a product, i'm scared about not knowing enough to run my own business. your advice would be greatly appreciated!
thanks so much!
sara bagan
thanks Ashley! I have 2 banners in my shop and thats it. I have other things that I WANT to put in there but thought what was the point, no one was looking now I know how to get them looking. Thanks!
Thank you so much for this great post! You have no idea how timely this information is for me…I'm days away from opening my shop and I'm now feeling much more confident with my decision to finally do it. I've been on the fence for over a year…it's time.
you are soo inspirational, how do you stay motivated??? i have so much i want to do, but cant get the motivation!!!
Thank you Ashley! What awesome advice! We really appreciate all you do for your readers!
mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings
what an incredibly enlightening post. Can't thank you enough for all of the tips not only on selling/branding but also etsy packaging that you use. Thank you thank you thank you.
And…I get the MOST compliments on my LMM mustache necklace. Seriously love that thing! Thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing this! I am in the process of opening my Etsy shop, but keep getting nervous and worrying that it won't be good enough, etc…Your post covered so many things that I was already curious about so truly, thank you!!!
Lindsay @ Aisle to Aloha
Great post, Ashley! So much "basic" goodness that I never knew when I started up last year. I keep thinking about a newsletter but I'm afraid it would be redundant with all the blogging, tweeting and facebooking I do. Hm, something to think about. Thanks for taking the time to write out these great tips!
Wow! This was just what I had to read!
I have friends come up to me and tell me I should open my online shop but I have a problem… I always think my shop won't make any money because there are so many out there.
Thank you for your nice kind words.
Thanks for this, Ashley!
Do you know of any resources for packaging photos for photography clients? I am starting out and I'm at a loss. Thanks! Your packages are sooo cute!
Thank you so much for the great info!! I have so much to learn..lol!! I agree with your ideas on integrity!!! I recently had what I thought was a very good friend who copied EXACTLY what I was selling and was "surprised" when I said something to her about staying true to ourselves and having our own ideas…ppl truly amaze me!! Thank you for reinforcing integrity!!!! You rock!!!
happy birthday lil' guy. don't you just wish you could freeze time!? they grow too fast.
Just found your blog today. Thanks for the great advice.
This is so great! Thanks for taking the time to write this!
Jessica @ Barefoot by the Sea
This is wonderful, sound and helpful advise. I love your shop, your style (your teeth??) but seriously – thanks for making me feel like maybe I can pull this off and sharing your great advice!
SO helpful and true that I bookmarked it. And although I am DOING each of these things right now—you are right. It does take time and you can't expect to be BUSY overnight.
Now that I have all the knowledge and tools for success I need to just schedule the time to CREATE! That's always the one spot that I struggle in!
I love this blog! Thank you for encouraging me. I just started my etsy shop and have felt a little discouraged. I am going to keep your blog as a healthy reminder of why I am doing this and how I can get it done.
From one mom to another,
Thank you so much for al the great tips! I am a new reader and I am so glad I came across your blog! I have an etsy shop which I opened in September of last year. I have had sales to keep me busy but at times I don't have any. I would really love for my shop to take off and have been thinking about approaching blogs to do a giveaway and discount to my shop! SO many great ideas from your post! You inspire me! Thanks!
This is so honest and helpful!! I truly appreciate the tips and advice. You have a great blog and Etsy shop!
Tia Brumbelow
Such Great advice. I am going to save this post to refer back too! I just started my Etsy shop and I still have so much to learn! Thank you for taking the time to share with us 😉
I love your shop! If you don't mind sharing, where do you buy your jewelry supplies from?
Heather (goldiecar)
These tips are great!!
What a great and useful article. Very thorough!
Thank you so much for posting this! I just did my first blog post today because I learned so much from all your blogger info. I have a craft business I run locally but would love to expand to etsy. Thanks for the encouragment and info!
Thank you so much for this post! I've been saying that I'm going to start an Etsy shop for years, and life and my excuses and, really, my fear get in the way. This is great inspiration. It is so awesome of you to share all of your advice and sources too! You've really given me, and I'm sure others, a lot to think about. Thanks!
Take Your Tips
In my point of view this is a perfect blog which have not only information about online business but some themed images as well and the Title is much enough to attract anyone towards this blog.
Alayna's Creations
I just had to come back and revisit this post! I took the leap and started up my own shop on etsy last week and this has been much needed information and encouragement. I know it’s supposed to be slow to grow and figure things out but sometimes we need that reminder. Thanks!
Anya Zhovmiruk
Thank you SO SO SO much for posting this! I am still in the brainstorming stage of creating my own shop, and it is so helpful to hear what vendors you use for your basic supplies! Thank you so much for sharing them, now I don’t feel so lost!
Dennis Molles
You can’t turn out to be an RN any quicker by becoming a CNA very first. You are going to will need an associate degree of 2-3 years or a BSN of 4-5 years, depending upon your state. http://weifjdsflkdjs.com
erica kypreos
THANK THANK THANK YOU FOR THIS!!! i have been dreaming of starting my own etsy. this is a HUGE help.
celexa online
Really great article with very interesting information. You might want to follow up to this topic!?! 2012
This is seriously one of the best articles I have EVER read. I signed up with Etsy months ago, but have been too cautious and leery to actually do anything to start up shop. But this article is EXTREMELY helpful and very inspiring. Thank you!
Cheyanne Howell
This is such a helpful blog, I love all the cute details and branding ideas you have!!!
Kevin McCain
This was a very well written article. Having started my etsy store this summer with my original artwork. I have struggled to get people to my site. My views are few even after doing the marketing and such. I know it takes time. This article is great on going through the steps.
thank you
Shelly Porter
Wow! What an inspiration. A very down to earth commentary. My daughter sent this to me…she found it on StumbleUpon. I started my Etsy shop in March and have only had a few sales. I have a facebook page as well as a website & have considered starting a blog. Doing all of the treasuries and renewing seems to take up a lot of time. Perhaps a newsletter blast every month would be a tremendous help. You ABSOLUTELY have been. Thank You Ashley!!!
How to Run Successful Online Promotions - Little Miss Momma
[…] few months ago I wrote an article titled, How to Grow Your Online Business. Since that time, some of you have contacted me with additional questions–questions with […]
Materialize Me
You are so inspirational! I seriously found courage and wisdom from this post and even bookmarked it so I can reference it quickly next time.
Thank you so much!
Christina Edmondson
You just don’t know how much I needed to read this right now. Thank you for sharing. All of your amazing tips made my day. Cheers!!!
Online Shop Advice, Superfoods, and a Giveaway
[…] your shop is open Little Miss Momma discusses how you can grow your shop and run that shop successfully. Source: blog.workisnotajob.com via Little Miss Momma on […]
Thank you! This is great!
Grow shop
Este artículo me parece muy completo ya que esta lleno de información importante.
danyiel Johnson
Yes, I am missing your posts so I am going back through the “Best of” and rereading. It’s fun.
Jennifer Vitale
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in this post. All the information is fantastically valuable and appreciated. I was searching the internet for jewelry packaging and the websites I came across either appeared sketchy or the prices seemed a bit steep and then I came across your post and it was as if everything I had been looking for was all right here!
Great tips thanks for sharing
I am just at that beginning point, afraid to make the plunge with an Etsy shop. But, crafting my brains out, hoping I will get the courage.
This post was so encouraging and helpful to me. Thank you!
I loved this post and advice so much. Thank you for taking the time to write it! 🙂
Etsy Branding De-Mystified | The Etsy Sellers Kit
[…] sense of who you are and what you're about without having to even go and read your about me page.How to Brand Your Etsy Shop Branding your Etsy Shop can seem like an extremely intimidating, costly …nding your Etsy Shop can seem like an extremely intimidating, costly and time involved feat. While […]
Thanks so much for this post. It’s definitely really useful– I have been searching around for this type of information for a long time, and you brought up some points I haven’t even seen before. I linked to it in my blog as well 🙂 Question– if I were to start a newsletter, any ideas on how best to distribute it?
I’m so happy to find you! This is the most honest and useful (and easy to read) Etsy info I have found! And, the way you described first opening your shop is spot on with how I was feeling…and still am feeling. Thank you so much for sharing! My shop is called Art on a String and I sell handmade Jewelry and accessories at very affordable prices!
Thank you!!
Sparkle, elle crafts
Thank you for those tips. I would like to have my own shop but I can’t rely on my friends or family who find stupid my crafting. Because I think that relatives are the first step of marketing because they are those who can spread about your business for nothing.
Diamond Sears
Your post was informative and inspiring.
Diamond Sears
Your post was informative and inspiring. I had the idea for my online boutique for months but I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to sell anything. Marketing is the key!
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Michele Chaudhry
I really enjoyed your post. I just opened my Etsy store a few weeks ago and I am feeling frustrated with the lack of sales. Thanks for the information. I will keep plugging along and keep in mind some of your wonderful tips.
Amanda Fifield
I love your article! I only recently started on etsy. I have been promoting myself to death, and no sales yet. I am selling custom logo designs that come with a free banner, business card and icon. I am having a sale now, lowered my prices a little. If anyone needs some design to help there shop let me know! http://www.etsy.com/shop/LionfireDesign
Katie Keltner
Great advice! I think I have read this post once before, but I pinned it so that I won’t forget the great tips again.
I am still waiting for my first sale, so I am looking for any advice that I can get.
Lindsey Hill
I was wondering how to improve my business. Then I finally visit this blog, i found something interesting and helps me to understand my way to improve my business. Great blog!
Saving to be a stay-at-home Mom (or Dad) | Jesscuh
[…] home. If you’re crafty, make something, sell it…don’t know know how? Check out this AWESOME post from Little Miss Momma on how to have a successful Etsy shop (don’t know what Etsy is, you […]
This was a great article, thank you so much for sharing. It really helped me a lot because I am new to etsy and I am having some of the same doubts and struggles that you had. I know to stay positive and keep working hard and it will all come together!
Alex 🙂
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