My second Mother’s Day was perfect and simple.
Simply perfect.
We enjoyed a touching morning at church
followed by a trip to the beach to visit my Momma,
Baby W’s grandma.
We spent last Mother’s Day at the beach too.
And while so much has changed,
everything is still the same.
See what I mean:
THIS year.
LAST year.
THIS year.
LAST year.
{the naked lady in the background thought Baby W was cute}
THIS year.
LAST year.
How did you spend your day?
Sounds like perfectly perfect perfection!
Your Mother's Day sounds a lot better than mine! I spent my day getting me and my twin girls ready for church (while my husband got himself ready) and then cleaning up throw up from one of my girls (because that is what she does) then we went to church, after church I tried to take a nap, then we went and had dinner at my aunt & uncle's house, came home and I dressed the said twins in their jammies, fed them and put them to bed. Then I put a few loads of laundry in the wash and cleaned my kitchen and picked up ALL the toys in the front room and now I am about to go check on the little ones and call it a night…..just a normal day for me.
Audrey Crisp
How wonderful.. Love those similar photos. He's so cute. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's dAy!
Emily faliLV
Happy Mother's Day!! Baby W is so big now!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!!
What sweet pictures! We finally are having nice weather here in PA, so we spent all day outside. After church we stopped and got some burgers, and brought them home for a picnic in the back yard. Hubby got me a hammock and made me two raised beds for a veggie garden. Then we went and had Italian ice and after the kids went to bed, hubs went & picked up Olive Garden take-out so we could have a mini date night. It was low key, but great. Sounds a lot like your day. 🙂
Oh how I love baby toes!
Happy Mother's Day Ashley 😀
Nicole W
Love comparing pics from years past of my children. They change so fast.
My day was spent with my two boys in Hershey, finally some warm PA weather to enjoy. We hit the famous Chocolate World and ZooAmerica. Typically our Mothers Day tradition would be to visit Hershey Gardens but since my oldest son is a little older I thought the zoo would be more enjoyable. Either way you slice it I was with the 3 most important people in my life, FABULOUS!
Sadly, the first thing I noticed on one of the last pics was the creepy topless lady smiling at your kid. Anways, guess she could resist the cuteness.
love toe shots!
and not sure if its just my computer or not, but as i continue to scroll down your blog, the letters dissapear..? very weird!
Mary @ Redo 101
Aww, I love the beach pics, love the little toes, are't baby toes the cutest?! Lucky family got to spend the day at the beach!!! I was home all day with my 11-year-old son with pneumonia, I know right? He's getting better though, so that makes it Mother's Day every day! I found you through Facebook: She's {Kinda}Crafty who posted on Smiling Spatula Bakeshop, on which you posted, so I went in search of your blog – what fun!!! Thanks for sharing!
Redo 101
Mejia Mamma
awwww, he looks like, totally the same, except with hair!! LOL! And I heart the sand-eating pic! I had a fabulously perfect day (days rather) too. I love being a mamma!!
Susan @ Real Life Travels
Ah how cute! Seeing those pictures gets me so excited for my little guy. I can't wait to go to the beach with him. Sounds like you had a perfect day!
We went to the river (I posted about it on my blog) and went out for dinner. We used to live on the beach and I miss it so much! Im glad you had a good day!
Lil Mama Stuart
aww, LOVE a good comparison. ha, I didn't even notice the creepy lady since I was focusing on the sand eating lol.
So adorable those toes are! I like that you showed these picture comparisons because it's fun to see how much they do and don't change!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I'm so glad you had a nice day!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I'm so glad you had a nice day!
what a little stud! i'd take a mother's day on the beach ANY time! oh how i miss the beach! i'm glad you enjoyed your 2nd mother's day – it was my 2nd mother's day as well. thanks for sharing your day with us 🙂
Kristen Duke Photography
that naked lady in the background is classic! love the comparisson from last year to this year;) I got breakfast in bed, footrub by my kids (could have used a little more pressure) they did a little scavenger hunt for me and of course I love their songs sung to me at church. My ten year old was a bit sick and cuddled with me…I sorta loved that.
Haha-I just had to laugh at the naked lady. Oh the things people do for good tans. But, yikes!…The last time I had a chance to lay out like that I did it in the privacy of my own back yard!
I have been looking at your blog all day.. probably ignored a few chores that I should have tackled but I am completely in love with your blog! you have such an honest approach to everything and I think its so refreshing! you have great taste in decor and clothes and your so beautiful! I adore the crafts that you post! sincerely: momma of four 🙂
I love the comparison pictures…I'll have to try that out when I'm a Mom.
Anna K.
"The naked lady in the background thought he was cute…" ha ha ha! I am still laughing!
Happy Mother's Day Girl!
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