Dear Wifey,
I’m taking over your blog today as big-mr-dad (get it?)
because afterall, you shouldn’t have to post something on mother’s day…right?
First, I want to say Happy Mother’s day to the LMM readers and say thank you. I am continually impressed with mommy bloggers as I have also become quite entertained from reading some of your blogs and nearly all of the comments you leave on LMM. Ashley pours her heart and soul into raising our son and feels equally passionate about sharing her experiences of mommyhood. Comments have become a warm topic of conversation and please know that it brightens our day to read that many of us go through the same adventures in parenting.
This writing thing is new for me.
A little scary that many will read my mother’s day letter to you…but here it goes.
There have been 3 life changing events for me.
The first was meeting and marrying you. The second is having and raising our son together. And the third is what makes me most excited: the continued journey of whatever lies ahead. I say that because life changing events from here on out don’t just include you and I, but also Baby W and all of our future little rascals.
Even the simplest days where we stay in pj’s and play with Wes and watch movies are special to me because there is no where I would rather be. If I could try to sum up my love for you on Mother’s Day it would go something like this:
I know that it may sometimes feel like so many things go unnoticed or unappreciated. Namely, the cleaning of the house 10 times a day, the changing of several diapers, the feedings, the grocery shopping, teaching Wesley to read, to talk, to play, to be gentle when he tries to bulldoze his buddies for no reason, the endless trips to the park, the adventure walks around the neighborhood because that’s Baby W’s favorite daily activity, the dinner making, the laundry, the listening to me as I wind down for the day, the waiting way too long before getting a pedicure, taking over almost all responsibilities since I have been down and out from surgery, the cooking, the interrupted sleep nightly from Baby W’s condition, the quick showers while Baby W is banging on the door to jump in with you, the hosting of holiday get togethers, the boo boo fixer when baby W falls down and cries, and so many other things that could be added to the list.
But the truth is, Baby W and I know that you do all of this for us–and we love you for it.
It doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated.
All of Wesley’s hugs and kisses prove that.
And, as you know, I can’t be away from you, ever.
We want to be around you 24-7 because you make us happy and proud.
we can feel your love and we know that you do all of those things (almost all of the time without complaining) because you can’t get enough of us too.
And as a thank you, Baby W and I put together this video of your first two years as a Momma.
We hope you like it.
Happy Momma’s Day babe.
I know mothers day is about relaxing, but do you mind handing me that glass of water before you sit down? thanks sweetie.
loce you,
(benja and loce are correct spellings which I’m sure Ashley will explain in a future post)
BTW: turn up the volume, because you love this Taylor Swift song–it makes you cry.
Sarah @ The Bird's Papaya
Little Mister Daddy…you are swell…this is so sweet! Happy Momma's Day Ash!
Ok Ashley, you have the sweetest hubby ever! Happy Mothers day!
Awe…that was so sweet! Happy Mother's Day!! 🙂
Lindsey Kristin
Ok Ashley, You have a keeper for sure! 🙂 Hope you have a Very Happy Mothers Day!
XtOphY Design Studio
ok seriously, cried from word one and all through the video. super sweet. best mother's day gift ever! love!
Such a great job on the video it is the best gift ever!!! And it definitely described the sweetness of parenthood. Have a wonderful mothers day!!!
awww you're one blessed momma!!happy mother's day ashley!
Little Beachs
Thanks for making me tear up!
Such a cute video! Your husband is awesome. Nothing better than knowing you have 2 people always cheering you on in everything you do.
Hope you have a great mothers day!
Blissfully Elle
I have to say, this is the sweetest thing I have come across for a Mother's Day. {I cried like a baby during the video-I'm sentimental :P} Happy Mother's Day!
Wow, that was just the sweetest and cutest thing ever! I wish my hubby would do something like that for me. You're a lucky gal. Happy Mother's day Ashley!
Jen Thaler
Big Mr Dad, this is one of the most wonderful mother's day gifts I have ever seen, it made me cry. Thanks for sharing your lives with us.
How sweet!
so so sweet!! happy mother's day!!
What an amazing husband you have! Love the video and the message. I hope you have a great Mother's Day!
Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk
Ok, I'm not going to lie, I truly didn't want that video to end because y'all have *THE CUTEST* baby ever!!!!
That was so sweet of your hubbub to write a letter and put the video. Happy mother's day 🙂
Michelle {not Shelly}
Sniff…sniff. What a beautiful tribute (I cry at that song EVERY time too!). You have a beautiful family. Happy mother's day!
Excuse me while I get a tissue! Oh my, sweetest hubby ever! But an even sweeter little baby boy! Happy Mother's Day to you and tell your hubby he rocks!
Scissors & Spatulas
This is so sweet!
ok, could your baby boy be any sweeter? what a fab smile, i wonder where he gets it?! 😉 i think hubby's a keeper.
Alison@Mama Wants This
What a fabulous Mother's Day post and video. Ashley, you are so blessed with the two men in your life. Have a great Mother's Day!
OMG! U guys are the cutest family EVER!!! I love this video. Ashley this is the SWEETEST thing I have ever seen a boy do! You are a lucky girl if he is like this all the time. If he isn't …well maybe he will be from now on. lol
How sweet. Brought tears to my eyes. Lucky girl you are!
Maegan @ World Shaking Designs
Ok, I told myself don't cry but I just couldn't stop myself! What a sweet note and video! 🙂 happy Mother's Day! 🙂
This is sooooo cute!! What a thoughtful husband and a cute baby!! Have a GREAT Mother's Day!!
Lauren A.
What a lucky girl you are 🙂 Such a sweet hubs!
Hope you guys have an awesome mother's day!
dang you! that video DID make me cry! beautiful! your son is just precious!
Erica @ Acire Adventures
Wow, so sweet! You're one lucky gal, LMM! Happy Mother's Day. 🙂
The Girly Tomboy
that song makes me cry too. I used to try to sing it to my baby at night but I'd always end up crying.
oh, this is wonderful! every mommy should be so lucky to have such a great mother's day gift. i cried too!
This little post and video made me cry! I started reading your blog a few months ago, while I'm away from college. I can't wait to get married someday and be a Mom. Your husband is so sweet and Baby W is adorable! I love this. You guys are a perfect example of a happy family, and I can't wait to have that someday. Thank you!!
that is so amazingly sweet….. i'm crying and my husbands about to ask what the hek is wrong with me 🙂
That was the sweetest thing I've ever seen! PRECIOUS!!! I love that song I had never heard!
Cherry Blossoms
Baby W looks so much like his pretty momma! Oh, Happy, Happy Mothers Day to you Ashley! What an adorable family you have!
So this is the sweetest video ever! I feel like I know you so much better. Thanks for sharing Stock family! 🙂
I just love this! It's so sweet!
I am sobbing! That song gets me every time. What a sweet hubby you have, Ashley! Happy Mother's Dat, sweet momma!
Day*… silly phone! 🙂
So sweet! I'm jealous! Ha ha! Happy mothers day!
Awww, what a nice mother's day gift. And by the way, you may think you are being biased by thinking your boy is so cute, but really, he is one of the cutest little guys I've ever seen. Those dimples are ADORABLE!
This is absolutely adorable! You're so lucky to have a wonderful husband and such a beautiful son who love you!
Beth Eaton
Awwwww….that truly brought tears to my eyes!! Ashley you have an amazing father and a beautiful baby boy! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!
La Coastal Casa
Priceless! Wonderful! Happy Mother's Day!!!
Michelle Life Buy The Beach
What a great Son in Law I have… really he is the perfect husband, daddy and son in law. Happy Mothers day baby!
Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims
Totally just watched that whole video. Was so beautiful 🙂 Thanks for sharing all those special moments
Heather Fretz
I just had to say that was so adorable and if you ever wonder if you are biased and maybe your son isn't as cute as YOU think he is… HE REALLY IS THAT CUTE.
Nichelle @ Vintage Wanna Bee
Ummmm hello buckets of tears falling from my face. That was so sweet. 🙂 Happy mothers day ashley!!!
That is probably one of the MOST precious things I have EVER seen! I was smiling and crying all at the same time and I have never even met you guys in person! I can imagine the tears of joy and love just streaming down Ashley's face while she is watching this! What a sweet family! Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mommas Day Ashley. Your blog conitues to bring tears to my eyes. Good Job Big Mr. Daddy. Im sure Ashley could not ask for much more on her day 🙂
Kara @ Mine for the Making
so sweet. this has got to be the best mother's day gift ever 🙂
so incredibly sweet. happy mother's day to a beautiful momma!
I just wanted you to know… that video made me cry like a little girl. Seriously, I've got tear stains on my shirt! Your little boy is the sweetest!! Happy Mother's Day!
PS. You should talk your husband into giving seminars or something. Almost every guy I know could stand to learn a thing or two. 🙂
This is the sweetest thing I've ever seen. You are one lucky mama with a beautiful family.
lauren michelle
I guess next time he throws your iPhone in the toilet you watch that video to remember how innocent he used to be.Hopefully there isn't a next time though. 🙂 Happy Mothers Day!
Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs
Great post, how awesome of the hubs to hijack your blog and share such a sweet letter with all of us! 🙂
The video was so cute, I LOVED getting a glimpse into your family videos. Baby W is such a handsome baby boy! And Ashley you are so gorgeous, and an amazing Momma.
Happy mothers day, and thanks for your amazing wonderful blog! 🙂
I have never heard this song before, but now it will definitely be a favorite. Such a thoughtful gift. I teared up a little too.
Great post! Brought tears to my eyes…
You have THE BEST hubby! Can he give mine some pointers?!!! (Since we're BFF's and all!) Your family is adorable. Happy Mother's Day 🙂
Ashley, your husband is awesome for doing this for you…
LOL, 'Big Mr Dad' love the play on words/names… either way, you did GREAT!
Happy Mother's Day Ashley! Enjoy
(and after you get 'BMD' he's water… get a pedicure)
Happy Mother's Day and what a lovely post!!!
That is the most precious thing I have ever seen. It makes me want to be a momma. 🙂 it'll happen someday soon. Happy mothers day!
geeze, thanks for making me cry on mothers day! that was so awesome. =)
Oh my goodness, this made me tear up! How sweet. What a beautiful gesture. Hope you all have a fantastic Mother's Day, spent together. 🙂
Ashley, the way you look at your boy is beautiful. Happy Mother's Day!
Seriously cried through the whole video! Happy Mothers Day to an amazing Momma with a very very sweet Hubby!
Leigh Anne
What a sweet post!! Happy Mother's Day Ashley!! Your blog is one of my faves….love your honesty & openness about life & motherhood 🙂 I can soooo relate. LOVED the video…it made me cry and I don't even "know" you guys 🙂
Kimberly Kay
Love this..I seriously CAN'T even listen to this song..I sob every time! Thank you for sharing though.
Matt and Mari
I knew you were amazing Ben. From serendipity on the first date to this precious video. What a wonderful little family!
Amber Hendricks
Well my dear good heavens. What a precious family. Such a sweet hub and little boy you have Ashley. Im not sure how you managed to look so beautiful at 9 months pregs, but you did, you lucky girl. I hope to be like you when I am a momma~ Thank you Mr. momma for that amazing post. You truly are an incredible family! So inspiring and uplifting. Happy Mothers Day.
Lau et Ced
Happy Mother'day from Belgium!
I read you every day and it's a real pleasure.
You're lucky to have such a sweet husband 😉
Have a wonderful day!
A belgian momma 😉
Unique Creativity
that was so beautiful.. makes me look forward to these days
Mrs Montoya
Sweet, sweet, sweet
Oh that is so sweet! What a great husband and a wonderful Mommy! I wish I had video of my kids when they were babies. I miss it so much!
simply divine! wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Vintage Modern Bride
what a sweet post! brownie points for you for writing this for ashley 🙂
Awww … such a beautiful momma and a beautiful family!! Happy Mother's Day!!
Oh my gosh this video made me tear up. How precious.
please excuse me while i ball my eyes out.
i dont even know what to say just that the letter and video were so touching.
happy mother's day
What a awesome Mothers Day tribute to a beautifl wife and mom,,you are truly blessed..and yes the video made me tear up..great job Daddy…
I watched the video and the look of love on your face every time you look at your baby is so moving. I loved this post. I'm sure it meant SO much to you. Happy Mothers Day!
Girl of The Grove
Big Mr. Dad — What a great tribute to Ashley!
Happy Mother's Day, Ashley!
Absolutely beautiful! What a blessed family you have. Happy Mother's Day!
Audrey Crisp
Amazing! Do
Cute of daddy to do this!! Happy mothers day!!!
My Life By Hand
The most amazing mothers day gift ever! Your so blessed! Happy mommas day!
this is so sweet <3
AWESOME POST! Hats off to Big Mr Daddy 🙂
Such a beautiful, happy family!
Happy Mothers Day!!!
aren't hubby's the best! great post!
that was beautifuL! One of the sweetest videos I have ever seeN! and such a very sweet thing to do for your wife! great job w's daddy!
So sweet! The video made me want to cry! Thanks for sharing your momma experiences with us 🙂 and happy mother's day!
Big-Mr-Dad, you did great! I cried like a baby 🙂 That was really sweet and I am sure Ashley realizes how blessed she is! I can only pray for a husband as great as you! Happy Mother's Day Ash!!
What was this already weepy mama doing watching this amazingly sweet video…crying…I should have known better at at least waited until tomorrow to watch it. Great Mother's Day gift Mr. LMM.
Our children are our blessings from God. No doubt. Happy Mother's day and thank you for helping give me sanity in the not so pretty parts of motherhood! <3
Sweetest thing ever. Wow what an awesome husband you have. I have a little boy who is almost 14 months old and as I was watching the pics of Baby W I was remembering each of those stages with mine. Happy Mothers Day!!
Wow!! Tears over here!! 🙂 You both are so lucky to have each other!! and of course little W is the luckiest little man eva.. Happy little mommas day!!
so lovely! hubbies and kiddies are the best! happy mother's day xx
Miz Carla
What a precious gift! Way to go Big Mr Dad!!!
jamie @ kreyv
Nothin' like a good cry to start off Monday morning! That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my! What a sweet gift for Mother's Day. What a lucky momma you are. It's so funny that your husband chose this song to go along with the video. My daughter turned (10) yesterday. As she was getting ready for bed she burst into tears. She told me she didn't want to grow up, that she wanted to stay little forever so we can always be together, and I can hold her in my arms. My heart broke. I immediately thought of this song. As I laid in bed with her as she fell asleep, I tried to burn an image of this moment in my mind as we lay there with our arms around each other.
Happy Mother's Day to you LMM!
So sweet! That went by WAY too fast. I can't beleive our boys aren't babies anymore. So sad
Jessi J.
I know you worry and get stressed out, I know that's hard on you, but do me a favor next time you start feeling that way; read this post! You have such a loving and caring husband, Someone who want to be with you and support you in all you do. Read this post and know that you have nothing to worry about, because it will all come out well in the end!
That letter and video are so sweet and cute. I may even have to watch the video again I liked it so much. Happy Mother's Day {a day late}. And great job Daddy.
This was the sweetest post ever. The video at the end had me in tears.
that is so adorable! such love. happy mother's day!
Lil Mama Stuart
this almost had me in tears! what a sweet and amazing mother's day present. big mr dad, you totally just made every other dad out there look bad lol. jk. kinda 🙂
What a wonderful tribute to you Ash! Good job Hubby & Baby W : )
This is probably the cutest thing ever! I am so happy for you Ashley that you have people that care so much about you. Clearly you are an amazing mother to a very special/gorgeous child, and you manage to be a great wife to your hubby, I hope one day I will be blessed with the same. you rock and I just love this post, good job big-Mr-dad, you knocked this one out of the park! 🙂
Ashley, I have been reading your blog for only a couple of months and it always makes me smile. I have an 8 month old baby girl and most of your stories i can relate to. Tonight i was somewhat successful with the whole crying out thing and now after watching your mothers day video and listening to that song I am really thinking about going to get my baby girl out of her bed:)
Oh my. I don't even know your little family but this video brought tears to my eyes! What your Hubby did was so sweet and thoughtful. This was my first mothers day and it was so very enjoyable. Little boys…how they tug on our heart creating every day to be a happy mother's day. 🙂
Ashley that was the sweetest gift for you.
The video is so sweet. Perfect song.
She Ra Princess of Milk
This blog did make me cry… even before I got to the video!! Being a Mum is the single most amazing experience of my life, but having an amazing husband to share it with has made it so much more perfect. I feel so sad for my Mum who did it alone and I have so much admiration for all those single Mums who do it alone, I know I couldnt! Youre husband sounds like mine, I love it although sometimes its strange to get praised for having the MOST awesome job in the world!!!
Glad youre loved and you got taken care of on your second Mother's Day, I loved my first and cant wait to see where we all are in one year….
Thanks as always to you and yours for sharing your love <3
She Ra Princess of Milk
Happy Mothers day!! This is an amazing video =] Makes me feel like I need to video tape my boys more… Definitely cried from beginning to end. You have an amazing family and I love your blog <3
That was an AWESOME video. Oh wow. (and now I am missing those sweet baby moments) You have an amazing little family 🙂
so so sweet! where did you find him?! haha. happy mother's day 🙂
Oh my- this video is precious!!!! WOW! My little man will be turning 2 in July like yours, and man.. the time flies! Isn't being a mommy the best thing ever? I love my little family of three (soon to be four)! Ah.. SO hard not to cry. I woulda been sobbing if hubs did this for me! hahaha
The Zeediks
Really really sweet. Ben, way to go with getting all of that footage over the years! Very kind words. You are an amazing Mom Ashley! Wes is so lucky to have you. I miss you by the way!
The Zeediks
ps Ash you look seriously soooo young on your way to the hospital. Like a 14 year old or something… Crazy, I mean you still look so young. But seriously I need some of your tips!
I never thought I would cry at someone else's baby's video…but alas….BEAUTIFUL video, beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your journey through motherhood with us!
Megan Malone
made me cry. i just realized i need to turn the video camera on. and i think i fell in love with this song. and your adorable little baby W. what a precious video. i think littlemisterdadda needs to start up soon =)
thank you for sharing this. so sweet.
Your hubby is so sweet! This video made me cry. You can see how much you love Baby W and how much ya'll both love him. I was smiling with tears in my eyes. Beautiful, just beautiful.
I just came across this post! How amazing. This video is the most precious thing I have ever seen!! You’re family is too cute!
I finally remembered to watch this video and im a crying mess LOL. That was beautiful! XX
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