Where’s the Baby, she says in her mommy-voice.
Where is he, she says again…
There he is!
Then repeat that 762 times
and you will have a glimpse into this Momma’s morning routine.
Oh yeah, and then I spent the rest of the morning tending to this kid-mess:
While he did this:
While wearing this:
Because we don’t get dressed until noon around these parts.
And that’s how we roll.
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Michelle Life Buy The Beach
cutest kid ever! said the grandma.
Add a little girl with that little boy and you have my morning!! no joke, just like that!!
Jazmin @ Happily Ever After
Adorbs! I like the fact that you guys don't get dressed til noonish… right there w/ ya. Can always count on y'all to make my fam feel normal. 😉
We usually don't get dressed til noon around here too. Mornings are tough on me physically. Thank you for making me feel not so crazy. 🙂
Kara @ Mine for the Making
He is SO SO SO CUTE! And I really love your bedding…seriously.
Blooming Mommy
he is so darn cute! and i love that you guys don't get dressed until noon day! makes me feel a bit more normal! 😉 loves!
your bed looks so comfy!
yay for sprinkles
nay for them being IN the carpet. I hope you found the white ones too!
Just Better Together
Nina @ Momma Go Round
I LOVE this kid! I need more W kisses, like now please!
We play that game too! It's just as entertaining for me as it is for him.
And, where is your bedding from? I love it.
We have geat peekaboo pix of our boys…..and i love the white bedding….so sweet looking! So happy your mom turned you on to my blog….I've bee blog stalking you forever!
He is so freaking cute,,and every morning started with a happy baby is a good morning,,,
The sprinkles on the carpet make me laugh! I just cleaned up NERDS on the carpet….a WHOLE BOX! HAHA!
(formerly MostlySunny)
Those are the sweetest pictures ever!!! I remember you posting pictures of how you guys looked so similar as babies and I totally agreed, but now I can't get over how much he looks like your husband in the 4th picture! Perfect blend of you both 🙂
what a cute baby boy you have! and I would have a hard time ever getting out of that comfy bed! Hope you have a wonderful Friday!
1. I love your bed.
2. I love your child (in a completely non-weirdo kidnapper kind of way)
I may need to stop reading your blog because every time I see an adorable child, I want a baby (and as of right now I am boyfriend free so yikes)
Oh wait I like you too much so that can't happen : )
ilene @ muchloveilly
he is getting so big and goodlooking like his momma 😉
ilene @ muchloveilly
he is getting so big and goodlooking like his momma 😉
Chrissy @ Boerman Ramblings
what a honey! he is so cute and my kids don't get dressed unless we are leaving the house.
Landyn and I miss this cutie pie! My day goes something of the same! Its a beautiful thing 🙂 🙂
Awww…. Your routine sounds a lot like ours. Now that johnny's a little older though he'd rather wake up slowly with a lil mickey and then the fun usually starts around ten and we don't do anything till after the 12 o clock news LOL… thats how we roll…. …. *Caity.. From Teachings from lil slug a bug!
Yep. That's the way we roll too. Totally normal, I'd say.
You have a precious baby boy.
Where did you get the beautiful bedding? My daughter is looking for something just like this!! And your son makes me smile each time I see him-my nephew just turned 2 and he lights up my life, too!
Cherish those times. I miss them 🙂 (well, not the chaos, but the pure innocense and the fact that anything makes them giggle. and nakey time)
he is freaking adorable.
Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims
you just have the cutest baby in the whole world. lol. love those dimples!!!!
My mornings are about getting up at 5am to have two hours to myself doing biblestudy, writing newsletters or blogging while hanging out with hubby. Then at 7am I get the kids out of bed, have the 6 year old shower herself while I change her bed again because she wet it again, then get both kids dressed. Eat breakfast and get ready for school. Then we walk the 1 mile to school rain or shine, then back again we hang out or we do chores.
Jepp, our mornings are stressfull, but thats how we do it. Weekends are slower and the kids get up and have delish breakfast in front of the TV while I dote on them and blog.
Sometimes I miss the days before school age kiddo. Things were a lot slower then.
Love the pictures, your little man is a cutie pie.
I'm so glad we aren't the only ones who don't get dressed until it's absolutely necessary! Love the peek-a-boo pics but I have to admit I was thinking "what if he decides to do poo art like my 21/2 year old?!" He is a cutie!
mine is kinda similar, only with a half awake 9yr old. our dog max helps me find her and when we finally get the covers off, he attacks her with "GOOD MORNING!! I MISSED YOU!!!" kisses from him! Baby W is sooooo adorable!!!
Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs
Sooo cute! I love it when my little one wants to play peek a boo! He will cover his eyes with his hands and I say WHHHHEEERRRESSS ZANDER!? Then he uncovers his eyes, laughs and says "ee-boo". I LOVE it!
Sometimes he will try to peek through his fingers to see me while Im askign where's Zander.. and I can see him smiling.. ahh… it melts my heart!
Baby W is absolutely PRECIOUS. SO handsome! Just looking at that smile of his gives me perma-a-grin, my cheeks hurt!! hehe
Ain't it grand?! I miss those times…sniffles!
our little family
I am absolutely in love with his hair cut! It makes him just look like such a little stud. Miss you guys!
Brittany@Love Stitched
I HEART this kid (period)
Audrey Crisp
So cute! I don't get dressed till noon or never if I don't have to work… Haha! Plus I've been sick, so there's no getting dressed around these parts… Haha! Have a good day!
Adorable baby!! Super cute pics!
a lovely mess.
I'm about 99% sure we have the same bedding except your is considerably whiter than mine…how do you keep it so clean????
Cole Aidin
Yes…he is just plain adorable.
The Brownings
He's such a cutie!!
So, I'm in love with your bedding!
I have it on my 'wish' list and have been debating between it and one other that has more ruching on it but can't decide. Is it fluffy and comfy enough? Is it hard to keep clean?
Julie {Angry Julie Monday}
Soooo adorable!
We have the same bedding!
what a little cutie!!!
the bedding is anthropolgie and for keeping white : bleach.
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Precious moment. That’s so adorable. We will miss these memorial days when the kids grow up 🙂 gmail email login
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