
It was a warm California afternoon.
We decided to embrace the nearly Spring time weather with a BBQ.
We were even going to eat outside.
I was a bit excited.
Maybe a little too excited,
as in perhaps I threw open that fridge door,
with a little too much enthusiasm…
causing the very dense
solid glass
A-1 Sauce bottle
to come crashing down on my big toe.
{yes, I realize Big toe is an understatement when referring for my potato nubs}.
I don’t have an MD–but I’m going to say its broken.
Or not.
Either way, it feels broken.
I know, this is very riveting information.
Dominique @ Craft Couture
That's no fun about your toe, that last picture deff shows how bruised it is, eek. On a brighter note I love your toe nails!!! too cute!
Bobbie Mackey
Nina @ Momma Go Round
Well you're still wearing sandals this weekend so MEH! I'll even put up with that sexy foot up on the dashboard the whole way there 🙂
At least you broke it while having cute nailpolish on? lol. Sorry girl!
So getting my toes done this weekend. asap.
Jayna Rae
If the bruise is really bad under the nail polish, I fear to tell you this, but your toe nail may fall off. It can take several months after the bruise to actually happen. YIKES! I know. I will keep my fingers crossed for you that his won't happen.
Tara Johnson
Not always. They will probably tape it up like you would assume, and that, you can do at home. BUT, I hesitated on going to the doc when I broke my big toe until it was impossible to walk on. I did go, on like…day 3. They did exrays. They told me that some fractures need attention OTHER than just a "tape up". So, I say that it's better to be safe than sorry, and go see a doc.
Randi Lynn
Isn't that the worst? I absolutely hate it when things like that happen. Hope it gets better soon!
Huchette Crew
ouch! I did the same thing the other day when a drill dropped on my big toe. Nice huh. all in trying to make my house beautiful. hehe. Hope it feel better soon. But atleast you can wear flip flps in your spring weather.
Brittany@Love Stitched
OUCH Ash 🙁 I hope it gets better soon! that stinks!
i'm gonna have to agree with tara, it might be a good idea to get it checked out. i worked for a podiatrist for about 2yrs, and yes, there's not much other then taping it that they can really do for it, extreme he/she (doc) may put you in a walking boot to keep something sturdy under it. maybe x-rays will be taken and a foam tube caseing wrapped around your big toe then taped to your second toe. i know it'll be a pain in the tush to go, but on the off chance that one of the bigger bones along your big toe is broken, which in extreme cases could require minor surgery (DON"T FREAK!!! extremely rare cases only!!!). And Jayna was right about the bruising under the nail bed, it could cause it to fall off. 🙁 hang in there, i'm sure it's just a minor break that will heal really quick. hugs!!!
OUCH!!! It sure looks broken! But your toenails are super cute.
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
Poor thing! Not gonna lie… That picture of your poor toe next to the A1 culprit cracked me up. So sorry! Feel better!
Amanda @ Ninth Street Notions
No fun! I broke my pinky toe hiking barefoot (I don't recommend that). It hurt quite a lot and half my foot turned black. Now my toe is turned in a weird direction forevermore. So I feel your pain, sister. At least you have cute painted toenails; mine are just crooked.
Sarah E.
What is it about condiments attacking feet? I've had stuff from the fridge attack me before..but it mostly hits the top of my feet. OUCH.
Either way, it looks painful.
Ouch! I know that sucks – at least if(when – which I also suggest) you go to the doc your toes are too cute!
Hope if feels better soon and it isn't broken!
You poor thing! Ice your big toe. At least your toes are cute?!
Just Better Together
come check out the Vintage Scarf giveaway
at least it didn't chip your cute toenail polish!
Kristol Faucheux
OUCH!! Love the Polka Dots!!
Totally off the subject… did you pick my Alma Mater, Morehead State University to win? They upset Louisville this afternoon. Go Eagles!!!
OUCH! I hope you feel better soon! Looks like you got a pretty nice bruise to show off!
Your poor little toe, I'm so sorry! I hope it feels better soon. Even if you do have a broken toe your feet are still so dang stinkin cute and I'm kinda jealous!!
Stephanie {Luxe Boulevard}
When your limbs and body parts bow unnaturally it's safe to say it's broken. When my daughter broke her arm she kept telling me she was fine, all better, she didn't need to go to the doctor. But I kept thinking, your forearm shouldn't be bowed like that though. Literally, her wrist and forearm were out and her elbow and hand were in. It was creepy just looking at it. Sure enough, she broke her forearm in two places.
I hope you heal soon, babe. Take it easy a couple weeks.
And totally dig the nails!
That stinks! I've broken two toes and known they were broken, but there isn't much they do. For one of mine, the break was at the joint with my foot, and it really helped to have the walking boot so my foot didn't flex when I walked. Good luck (and expect it to stay swollen for up to a year)!
Trust me, Ashley. Go to the doctor. I am learning the hard way not to put things off in the medical care department, they could get a lot worse…
That toe looks bad but the pedi looks good!
Chrissy @ Boerman Ramblings
so sorry ash. Hope it heals soon…I agree you might want to at least get an xray…
working for an ortho surgeon for years makes me a little cautious these days..
zoo keeper
broken toe and all your feet in genaral look like they weathered winter far better then mine.
That looks like it hurt! But on the plus side, your toenails are very pretty 🙂
Dj and Ashley
Def looks broken to me.
At the very least it is a crazy bad sprain.
I broke my toe yesterday! Ha!
I broke my "ring toe".. if that makes sense 🙂
Caught it on my cedar chest and kept walking.. ouch.
Not as bad as yours for sure.
Ouch! But at least your toenails are cute. =)
Dude! That's horrible, but makes for a great story 🙂
And, your toes are precious! Love the polka dots.
ilene @ muchloveilly
ew that's awful! feel better little toe – but those nails are still looking extra cute 🙂
ilene @ muchloveilly
ew that's awful! feel better little toe – but those nails are still looking extra cute 🙂
Ouch! On a sidenote, now I think I want polka dot toenails!
Lindsey @ Inspiring Creations
Ouch! When I was pregnant I stubbed my middle toe so hard that I was sure I had broken it. I had a bruise sort of like yours but it went clear back into my foot. That was 6 months ago and my toe is still not the same! It still hurts! I hope yours gets better! 🙂
Kara @ Mine for the Making
ouch! poor toe 🙁 I think it's hilarious that you took a picture of your toe and the culprit! LOL And your toenails are painted very cute!!
Suzy @ Joy Is At Home
OUCH! I've done that, too! But I dropped a speaker stand (at church) on my foot. I ended up going in to the dr but only because my toenail was entirely purple and they had to drain the blood out from under it (GROSS!). But as a nurse, you don't need to go in. The dr told me that they could do an xray, but there's no treatment for a broken toe so it's really only for your piece of mind. Just wear supportive shoes & tape it up if need be 🙂
Oh Ashley that hurts so dang bad. And you feel like such a big woos complaing about your little toe…oh yikes that was how I felt when a little bean dropped her very full bottle on my pnkie toe. Awful hurt. Still looks narley and I always wonder would it look SO narley still if I had JUST gone to th dr. And complained a lot about my little toe? I HOPE IT FEELS BETTER FOR YOU SOON!
OMG!!!! That looks so painful 🙁
Girl, I feel you.
This weekend I er.. fell on my foot. I got up and my knee just gave in and hurt my foot so bad, swear it's broken. Still haven't went to the docs.. THEN the next day, picking up the girls playroom tripped carrying a kids chair and bam. Right on my other foot.
I need a wheelchair.
Feel better, little tootsies.
😉 That was semi-weird, no? haha.
All I can say is OUCH!!! But your toes look cute with the polish you put on them! LOL
Oh, ouch! I can't tell if it's broken, can you move it? If you can move it, it may just be bruised really bad. I broke my toe next to my big toe; I couldn't move it or hardly walk without it killing me. The dr. told me there is nothing you can do for a broken toe; I don't know if that's still true or not.
Take care and ice it! 🙂 P.S. I love your polka dot toes! 🙂
Pati @ A Crafty Escape
Been there, done that. I know how much it hurts. Mine was due to a frozen pork tenderloin. I swore off pork for the rest of my life. And I couldn't even curse when it happened because my kids were with me 🙂 Hope it heals fast… love the toe nails 🙂
Jenny! {www.alongthelei.blogspot.com}
Yikes…I've been there….except it was in basic training and it was my second and third toe that was quickly introduced to a muzzle of an m-16 crashing down from the top of a bunk…yes it fell StRAIGHT DOWN! they were broken but the medic basically said there was nothing to be done because they were such small bones…so i tape it as steady as i could and went on my 5 mile ruck march that weekend!! it took a while for them to feel normal. but eventually they did 🙂
WOW…ok sorry bout that…just keep an eye on it and better safe than sorry 🙂 listen to the doc of course lol feel better!!!!!
Ouch-o-rama! I hate to say it but I think the A1 bottle won:( Hope it's just a slight break and will be better soon!! Hang in there girl!!
From my experience, breaking one of the smaller toes, yeah they'd probably "buddy" tape it.
My brother broke 3 of his toes once (pinky and the other 2 next to it) and he was on crutches and a boot for a while.
A girl in high school I knew broke her big toe and ended up having to get pins put in surgically and stuff. She couldn't walk on it for a while.
I always think it's a good idea to see a doc… so you can know for SURE 🙂
I broke a toe with a full bottle of soda falling out the fridge directly cap side down on my toe… it was so painful! I hope it feels better soon…Thanks for such a great blog!
your right no phd needed:) they cant fix broken toes is what my mom always told me! maybe that is why a few of mine are crooked! haha
your toes are so cute. i agree with everyone else atlease your toes still look cute ha. and i want mine done like that too now ha.
It happened to me this morning – I opened the fridge door and the water jug from the door bottom shelf felt next to my right foot. I was relieved 1. it's not on my foot 2. the jug is not broken (with all the consequences).
I wasn't wearing a footweare.
So after seeing your post, I think what a coincidence. I am sorry for you!!!
Please go see the Ph.D 🙂
Sorry about your poor toe, but, really your pedicure is adorable!
THAT is the worst girl! At least your toes are cute 🙂 HUGS
Surviving Suburbia
cute nail polish!
Melissa Geoghegan
Sorry…there is really nothing they can do for a broken toe! Your toe polish is super cute though!
The Brownings
Been there, done that! Hope it starts feeling better!
……….but look that that FABULOUS pedicure!!! Loves it!
Tara @ FabuLESSly Crafty
Ouch!! hopefully its just super bruised and will fell better faster than a broken bone will!!
Is that MINX on your toes???!
I LOOOOOOOVE minx, if it is!
♥, Tara
Please Visit Me @ FabuLESSly Crafty!
I had a similar incident, my toe was just fractured. I had to wear an ugly shoe for a while. Hopefully your nail is ok.
ow!!! definitely looks like something is not right, hopefully you won't lose a toenail! especially because that pedicure is way too cute!!
Mine was a can of sweetened condensed milk. I went for x-rays, but thank God it was only so severely bruised that they put me on crutches.
Now on the day of junior prom I broke my toe on a garden paver. My date was a gentleman and gave me curb side service everywhere. I have an incredibly small foot (still wear kids shoes), but I had to wear my mom's flats that night (she could not even think about wearing kids shoes). The non-injured foot had a ton of tissue stuffed in the toe so it would even stay on. Craziness!
Love the pedicure!
owww!!! but i'm having trouble getting past your ADORABLE nail color. the polka dots are too cute! hope your toe is better 🙂
christa @ enSTYLEpedia
ouch! 🙁
there's nothing they do for a broken toe anyway…medicine is so lame sometimes.
a few years back i dropped a plate on my toe…it was the worse pain i've ever felt in my life, plus i had a newborn, and my husband left for a week to Vegas…i could hardly walk it hurt so bad, so i finally had them drill little holes through my toenail to release the blood.
i. feel. your. pain. 🙂
OUCH!! At least your toes look cute!!
Ouch! I am of the opinion that stubbing or dropping something on a toe is one of the most annoying, painful experiences in the world… It's right up there with paper cuts.
Wishing you and your super cute toe (LOVE the polka dots!) a speedy recovery! 🙂
Yes, I'd have to agree its broken!! The bright side is your toes look adorable and with them painted like that no one will notice the black and blue bruise on your toe!! Hope it feels better soon and the warm weather continues so you can wear flip flops instead of having to shove your toe into winter shoes!!
Kelli @ loveoursimplelife.blogspot.com
Poor thing!
Definately broken but you the upside is you still have uber cute toes!
Love you blog!!
I broke the EXACT same toe when I was 16…I'm 32 and that sucker still hurts when it rains – which makes me sound 90-ish, btw. I broke off some of the bone or something like that. I was on crutches forEVER (well, in 16 year old speak anyway…I mean prom was coming up) and in a boot forEVER EVER. And taped even longer. Did I mention I was a professional dancer at the time – had to retire from pointe shoes after that.
Seeing your post reminded me of that…ouch!!!
Hope you are feeling better soon!!! Darn BBQ sauce…..
Oh how sad:( But now you must do a tutorial on your cute toes because I am in love with them for easter!
Jamie Rubeis
Well, at least your toes are cutely painted to draw your attention away from the bruising! SUCKS!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Ouch! Love those cute toenails though!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Ouch! Love those cute toenails though!
Those toenails are presh! I think I will try it my next pedicure 🙂 How did you do it, to get the dots so even?
Hope your foot feels better! 🙂
so i have a kind of funny story for you.. i saw this post the day you posted it and LOVED your toes so i had to run out and get a pedicure JUST like it. well guess what happened today? i broke my toe!! so randome huh?
I don’t agree. Look at
http://thats-normal.com/2013/07/the-best-of-jamie-fraser-the-ultimate-book-boyfriend/ Sharee
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