As inspired by The Daybook.
In my house, we refer to Sydney, of The Daybook, as my “girlfriend”.
When the hubby asks what inspired me to mix stripes with polka dots,
I say “well, my girlfriend does it”,
and he knows what I mean–even if he doesn’t agree.
But then again, he wears mismatched socks, so what does he know.
Now onto the A&A.
Sneaking the hubby’s nose hair trimmer and giving it a whirl. It tickled.
The accidental snot bubble I blew while having a conversation with a friend at church–true story. Maybe if I hadn’t trimmed my nose hairs the day before they would have popped the bubble before it surfaced {just a thought}.
Having my sister in law wax my stash for the second time in my entire life. As it turns out, I should probably be doing this biweekly. The stash tape was full with an embarrassing amount of hair. Like, people were probably talking about me behind my back amount of hair.
Removing poo pellets from my bath tub. Read about it here, if you dare.
Waking up in the middle of the night with a dry tongue that feels like sandpaper, because my nose is so clogged {still} that I can only breathe out of my mouth.
Realizing that I am officially too old to be nakey in front of the baby–let’s just say there was reaching and I will be fully clothed forever more.
Accepting the fact that my spanx are not a license for slothfulness. Because at some point, even spanx can’t hide the bulge–and that point is fast approaching.
Speaking of which…when the doctor tried to put the stethoscope on my back and nearly had his hand ripped off by the overpowering strength of my spanx. His response, “uh, that’s ok, I’ll can just listen to your breathing over those”.
The recurring “blemish” {because the word zit gives me shivers} that has been appearing on the bottom of my nose for 3 weeks now.
Is anyone else noticing a “body” theme with the “awkwards” this week?
Hmm, that’s awkward. On that note, let’s move onto the awesome, shall we.
Having a camera close by so I could capture the poo incident.
Having a hubby who watched the baby while I went to Barnes and Noble to work, not once, but twice this week–allowing me to answer about 5% of my inbox emails.
Getting surprises in the mail.
Unexpected belated birthday presents {I love presents}.
The hair appointment I have scheduled tomorrow to make my hair brown again.
My new book.
Watching a fellow blogger buddy crush it.
Sun and rain in the same day.
The giveaway coming up later this week…here’s a hint:
I can relate to almost all the awkward things in this post… and a few of the awesome ones too. Thanks for sharing!
Awkward and awesome is my favorite. Don't ask me why I thrive on awkwardness so much. I just do.
You're so cute…whether in an awkward or awesome moment. And your blog is AWESOME!
Jazmin @ Happily Ever After
Can I make a request?? I would looooove to see a video of how you get your hair to look that cute! What kind of curling iron do ya use? Thanks for sharing. ♥
OMG! This is hilarious! I haven't laughed this hard all day . thank you I needed this! I will not email all my girlfriend a link to this post, Because it's honestly awesome!
Seriously this is the story of my life, lol!
Miss Tapia
I love reading your blog,being a new mommy I can relate to the things you go through,especially with the spanx. I still wear my belly band. I LOVE it.
Mama Jill
oh look how cute you are! You can seriously pull anything off. When i wear my headbands like that before I leave the house my husband says, "uhhhh… are you really going to wear it like that??" pffft! shyeah I am…
and…. I GOT MY RING TODAY! yay! thank you so much for putting the earrings in there as well! made my day! :)….. totally blogging about it too… just sayin…
Your blog cracks me up!! Can I just say LOVE IT!
claudia b
how do you like THe Martha's sewing book? I have her Homekeeping book and have been eyeing the sewing one.
Rebecca@This Present Life
I almost blew a snot bubble when I read your "awkwards"! I started a "Truth Be Told Tuesday" series on my blog so we can all share our imperfections in an attempt to support one another. I would love it if you would join in. I always love and appreciate your honesty!
can we have a hair tutorial? please?
Hilarious and keepin' it real all in one post! Gotta love that. Also, you have an Mary Kate and Ashley vibe in this pic (in the good way!) 🙂
Kinda wishing we could link up here and bare our awkwardness and awesomeness to the world, too! Kinda. Don't we all have awkward and awesome in us on any given day?
ilene @ muchloveilly
holla from your blogger buddy! 😉 thanks for the shout-out! man, to make it to your awesome list just made it to my awesome list!!
but def loved your awkward list – hilarious! i think body themes are required for these sorts of lists!
ilene @ muchloveilly
holla from your blogger buddy! 😉 thanks for the shout-out! man, to make it to your awesome list just made it to my awesome list!!
but def loved your awkward list – hilarious! i think body themes are required for these sorts of lists!
Sandy a la Mode
the daybook is amazing!!! i love her awkward and awesomes and how so many ppl have decided to do one! they are soo fun to read!! i've only done one before but i need to do some more very soon! woot! love the piece for the giveaway!!
Blooming Mommy
You are hilarious and I love you! Just sayin…. Thanks for making me laugh! 🙂
Michelle Life Buy The Beach
sooooooooooooo funny! These are great!
the dr appt/spanx thing had me ROLLING!!! too funny.
The Zeediks
really realllyyy funny post! I miss you sooo muchhhh. Why do i never see you anymore! how retarded.
Chrissy @ Boerman Ramblings
how fun!
I may have to start writing my A & A post to link up on Thursday!
Hilarious! Your post just made me have my own awkward moment… snorting/laughing out loud in my office cube!
i have the martha stewart book, too. it's so great (or should i say Awesome?)!
You are so funny! A lunch with you would be awkward…I would be snorting or peeing in my pants! lol
Oh my gosh,,you just made my day…love reading your blog..
OHMYGOSH. Ha-larious!!! I'm so hiring you to do my awkward and awesomes from now on. I almost peed my pants.
And we are SO girlfriends.
life chasers
Spanx? Guilty.
Naked in front of the baby? Lets just say that was done when she started pointed and saying "BOOBIES!"
ps. you are darling!
love it!! too funny!
My two year old recently looked at me and said "oh mama's weiner"
I will NOT change in front of him anymore haha.
~Damita's Pretty Wrap~
Very cute site!! love your ideas! i'm following you now, would love if you'd follow me back 🙂
Life with the Websters!
Ummm… seriously!?! You are so hilarious!
I have always wondered about the nose hair trimmer thing. It definately scares me and your awkward moment also makes me think twice. But I still just may have to try for myself! I guess they'll grow back… Eww, I wonder if it grows back thicker looking?! {Rambling…}
emily anderson
can't wait to see you with brown locks!
Enjoyed your post today. Please pay attention to the recurring nose blemish. I had the same thing and it ended up being 'precancerous'. I truly don't want to panic/worry you….just be mindful of it and get it checked out if it doesn't clear. I was sure glad I did.
Debbie - Families and Literacy
Apparently I missed earlier editions of this, but Awkward and Awesome is such a brilliant idea! I may write one myself.
stumbled upon this blog tonight and I think I am in love with you. just a tad 😉
your transparency is refreshing and this post in specifics had me laughing out loud.
you have a beautiful family and an awesome blog which means I am your newest follower 🙂
I'm right there with ya.. I'm having one of those blahhhhh body weeks as well! I so need to get me some of those Spanx!
The Crypto-Capers Series
I am follow you from the hop. Please return the follow at http://thecryptocapersseries.blogspot.com
Found you on the hop! Which is funny because I came across your blog the other day from a different friends blog and I swore I had already added you – oops! Loev your stuff – it's awesome!
Stefanie Thomson
Can I just say I love how your posts are real almost everyone I have experienced. You are super funny and I love it!! Thanks for the laughs!!!
Nina @ Momma Go Round
As Kris and I were joking….we are the ones that need the spanx honey, not your tiny behind!
Leah J.
I LOVE this post! I posted my own Awkward and Awesome post today. I LOVE how "real" you are! Thank you for that!!
Miz Carla
Hey Little Miss Momma!! Love your blog and want to tell you two things.
1. Thank you SO much for the bronzer under the foundation tip–that totally changed my life 😀 and
2. I'd like to make a suggestion. I recently purchased a little ebook and it helped me understand my camera SO much! It's called Say no to auto–it's only ten bucks and it'll help–I promise. You can get it here http://kristendukephotography.com/
Happy Blogging!!
I keep meaning to link up with her, but I forget every week.
Haven’t laughed so hard in weeks!
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