Or does it?
I’m still not convinced about the red denim trend,
which is why I have left the price tag on.
Maybe if it was 1982 then I wouldn’t bat an eye about wearing these in public.
{Shirt: Forever 21, Red Jeans: Forever 21, Shoes: Coach, Burlap Tote: All Things Vintage, Necklace: Starfish}
After the hubby took this picture, I went inside, rolled them up a couple more times, changed my shoes, and then liked how they looked
a little bit better.
But the hubby was tired of me complaining about his lame-o photography skills–so I had to take this picture myself {and I haven’t quite figured out how to take a full length shot through a mirror}.
{shoes: Bakers}
I’ll let you know if I decide to take them back.
i can't quite get into it either… although you do look very cute in your striped t! I think it would look even better with a white t w/navy stripes. cuffing 'em helps too.
xx grace
Andi @ Jane of all crafts
I love them on you!! Especially with the last pair of shoes. I say keep 'em!
LOVE them!!!Wear them with pride girl!
Hoosier at Heart
Take them back??? Are you kidding me? You are rockin them red jeans girlfriend. Rip the tag off and wear them with pride.
The jeans are super cute, they look better with the black pumps or flats. Your floral shoes (IMO) compete too much with your shirt. Other than that super cute.
I actually LOVE them!! Keep Keep! And if the wedges were more of a subtle color, it'd be a flawless look. BUT- either way….GORGE! Keep!
You look too cute in them! Don't take them back! I may be a little biased… red is my favorite color!
Sparks Family
Are you kidding? I LOVE them on you!!! You can totally rock them!
You could totally pull them off!
I like them! The higher rolled up look and the black shoes are especially fab (but both look great). And the hubs has threatened to take 0 pictures from here on out if I don't stop complaining about his photography skills, ha.
So cute! You should definitely keep 'em.
Erin @ Crafts and Sutch
You should totally keep them! You are rockin' 'em, Lady! 🙂 I think you are pulling them off like no one's business! 🙂
:o) mg
Despite what any of us think, if they make you feel self conscious, return them. You want clothes that make you KNOW you are "da bomb". Otherwise, they will hang in your closet and never get worn…
bow chicka bow wow! you can surely rock you some red jeans. I get your hesitation, but as long as the purple jean trend doesn't come back, I say "Go For It!"
those celebs got nothin' on you, Miss Momma.
Jill@Barnes Yard
I think I kind of like them! I had a pair (Bongo) in the 6th grade with a button fly. Takes me back 🙂
Ashley J
I am on the fence about the colored jeans trend too but absolutely loved what you did with them in the second set of pics! The rolled up with black heel look is sexy!
Amy@OCD: Obsessive Creative Disorder
I had a major fit that I needed more color in my wardrobe today, but you look self conscious in the first pic so if you don't love them I'd take them back because otherwise you may never wear them! You can always bring in tons of other red items- I love the red polka dot dress in the one celeb pic!
I think that they are cute! I can't pull them off…but I think that you look really cute…so I would totally keep them! Plus they look great with heels or with flats! I say, KEEP THEM! =)
I think they look great on you! But I haven't tried them myself
Just Better Together
I love them! I don't think I could pull them off but they look great with the heels!
Eat. Sleep. Create.
I don't think I could rock them, but you look FANTASTIC in them. You should totally keep them!
Um hello there, Little Miss SKINNY! Your legs are TiNY!!!!
I think they're cute…you should wear them on Valentine's Day! 🙂
Haute Deb Designs
DON'T take them back! They look way too cute on you 🙂 {In both the wedges and heels!}
i'm personally loving them but not because of the celebrities. I say keep em if they are you!
Amanda @ Serenity Now
I like them! I'm having flashbacks to middle school right now. 😉 Seriously, they look cute b/c you've styled them appropriately to update them. 🙂 Lookin' good!
I gotta tell you that usually I am NOT a fan of colored denim. You my friend are REALLY rocking those red jeans though. I think I'd hang on to them to wear just when you feel a little fun!
Oh my gosh, I think they're adorable on you!
Jessica & Tracie
Ashley the red denim is kick ass! You look SO cute! And you got them at forever 21 so even if the fad ends in about a week you wont be out a ton of moola. 🙂 Take the tags off and rock it girl!
Love and Hugs, Jess
Jessica & Tracie
Ashley the red denim is kick ass! You look SO cute! And you got them at forever 21 so even if the fad ends in about a week you wont be out a ton of moola. 🙂 Take the tags off and rock it girl!
Love and Hugs, Jess
You can totally rock them! Keep them and wear them with a smile cause you look HAWT!!
LaVonne @ Long Wait
Keep them. I love them. They are perfect for February too 🙂
Blessings and happy week!
Ok these are the cutest on you ever! Im thinking about maybe trying on my old pair of red jeans a couple years ago!
♡ Ambrosia
Here's my opinion when it comes to clothes. If we never try new things, we will never know if we like it or not, and once we try something new, if we wear it with CONFIDENCE then we will ROCK IT! Like you are doing with these RED pants! I think you look fabulous!
When I first saw on FB that you might have bought red jeans I admit my thought was "yuck". LOL NOt many people can pull of red jeans but really that look great on you!
With the red pants, I think it all really depends on the shoes and shirt. I love the shirt you paired with them, and the second pair of shoes!
Looks great!
Looks like you can pull just about anything off…
I think you look so cute in them! I wouldn't bother commenting if I didn't. So I mean it. 🙂 haha.
I saw them in XXI…I love them on you! Adorable…rip that tag off and rock the red girl!
i wish i had a F21 close by…i would be copying you big time! i love them on you!!! thanks for sharing. xoxo
I love them with both shoes. Wear them wear them! Go ahead be bold.
OK, so the red jeans is not something that just anyone can pull off… but you TOTALLY CAN! They look great on you girl! I vote that you keep them 🙂
Ok so here is my opinion: You look great I love the first pic but I think the shoes compete a little (maybe they would work with a plain white t instead?) definitely love the pumps with them 🙂
Candace Boice
Absolutely adorable on you! My vote is to keep them! They are great because they can add a bit more "fun" into an otherwise simple outfit.
I'm not 100% sold on them in general either, but I really like the way you paired them in the first pic.
They look so, so super cute on you!! Rip the tag and keep 'em!!
They're super duper cute on you; keep 'em!
Rebecca@This Present Life
I totally would not be able to pull those off, but you.look.adorable! You should definitely keep them. And I think they look cute with either of the shoes you are wearing. You look uber stylish!
P.S. I love that you're posting about fashion during the Super Bowl! 🙂
The Newton Family
you look CUTE!!! Keep em! : )
You look way cute in them both ways.. I personally could not pull it off..
Mama Jill
ok so before I saw your pictures with the red jeans on I thought… oh no…. you totally ROCK them! I would wear them if I were you for sure! Take the tag off girl!
I love the red jeans! especially with that shirt & the Baker shoes (look better). Perfect for a date night or a night out with the girls! P.S i'm your newest follower & i LOVE your blog.
you can follow me if you'd like: http://www.love-erica.blogspot.com
LOVE! you look great in them! wowza! i'm not too crazy about the wedges, but paired with some flats, you would look smokin!
I rarely comment, but I LOVE this trend and you look absolutely adorbs. Do NOT return them!
I LOVE red jeans
I think they are totally a GO!
some people can't pull them off,
but you dear….CAN FOR SURE!
i loveee them! you can totally pull them off 🙂 ps. love love loveee your blog! i can't get enough..thanks!
Kristi Hoskins Gifts
DO NOT RETURN THEM! OMG! They are so cute on you! Keep!
I L-O-V-E this trend! Just in time for Valentines Day!! They look awesome on you! Don't forget it's how you feel about them that means the most and will sell it to others! You go girl! Im gonna run out a get a pair!!!
Sarah @ The Bird's Papaya
Aren't you *pretty much* a celebrity?! Because you rock those pants.
Pedey @ Do You Smell That!!?
You're rockin' those babies. Hot!!
I think you look super cute in them. You can definitely pull them off!
Cyndi B
I love it…just roll with it. I think its like jeggings…you can't knock em till you try em. I am in LOVE with jeggings. Trends are fun! Yeah we might look back and think we look crazy but right now we look HOT!
keep them girl! you know you're not following the trend, you'll be starting one with these jeans. love them!
Oh! I LOVE them! But I'm a HUGE fan of the 'maybe' trends … if not everyone likes it, I always do! 🙂 Makes you stand out that much more!
Keep them! Keep them! 🙂
Take off that tag, pretty lady. LOVE it.
I've been rockin' the reds, too. I think they're the best. 🙂
You rocked the red! Sarah Jessica with the coral colored…not so much. You looked better than a celeb!!!
The Brownings
Now, I don't think that I could do it but you can TOTALLY pull that look off! Keep them!!
I like them! You look great! But I like the black heels better…the Coach shoes are cute, but I think they're not the perfect match for the black shirt. All in all…I say keep 'em!
Heather :: AFD Jewelry ::
love them on you both ways. don't you dare take them back!
Okay – I say "thumbs up" You look awesome! KEEP THEM…..love them with both set of shoes!
Keep em' girl – you look awesome!
Keep them or send them my way!!! They are adorable and super on trend
I agree with everyone. They look fabulous on you!!
Audrey Crisp
Do not take them
Back! They're hot!
Snider Stories
shutup you are the cutest darn thing in those red jeans! wear them everyday! I especially love them with the flowery wedges!
I don't think I could wear red either. I think you look adorable in them though. I love the wedges! Too cute! 🙂
I think they are really cute!
Caitlin and Cade
I wish I could pull these off! THEY ARE DARLING ON YOU!!!!!!!! LUCKY GIRL! KEEEEEEEEEP THEM!
Tricia Lee Riggio
i gave you the stylish blogger award
KEEP! KEEP! KEEP! If anyone can pull them off- IT IS YOU!
Plus they are from 21 so not the expensive right?
No, you look amazing in them! You make me want to get a pair, too…
All That Jazz
I think they are super fun~ wouldb e so darling this spring, casually paired with a tank and flip-flops, too!
p.s has anyone ever told you that you look at bit like Lauren Conrad? (Or that she looks like you, LOL! 😉
No way! They are super cute, keep them for sure! Try them with some flats, too, I think they'd be fabulous that way!! 🙂
The Miller Family
I am kinda with you on this… maybe they will grow on you tho? Sometimes something that doesn't seem so cute becomes a more cute after some getting used to. :o)
Pink Princess
LOL I have a pair of red jeans as well….not wore them yet (they're too big on me so need to do some sewing first). LOVE how you wear them with the pumps ♥ but them I am partial to pumps myself 🙂
Mission: Life, Objective: Live.
You seriously ROCK those red pants girl!! Do not take them back!!! They are super adorable! 🙂
PS I'm trying to get a bunch of girls in on a challenge at my blog. Check it out and see if you want in. It will be so much fun!!
Girl, take that price tag off. Keep them and rock them!! You look great!
I think you look ADORABLE!!! Wish i could pull the look off!
Jayna Rae
You look adorable, but I completely understand feeling like you stand out in red. I had some red sailor style dress pants from Nodrstrom. I think I wore them 3 or 4 times. I just always felt too bold. However, I think you can rock it.
yea…. ok so they look amazing on you!! I love them rolled up with the heels but i think if I ever bought a pair, i'd never actually have the courage to wear them…. i have several items of clothing like that that end up just sitting in the closet forever and ever.
I think you look great. If you can pull something like that off, which you can, you should definitely keep them!!!
I think they look pretty hot! I like them lots better with the second pair of shoes!
Those are ADORABLE! Keep them, and wear them proudly.
Kristol Faucheux
OMG, Ashley… those are TOTALLY YOU!!
Hillary and Jonathan
I think you look super cute, but I know it would make me self conscious to wear them in public too. (P.S. I love when you do fashion posts!)
Keep them! I bought some over the weekend myself!
Danielle Bartran
For what it's worth, I think you look great…I wish my preggo body would look cute in those jeans!
OMG!!! you should so keep these. they look awesome and you've convinced me that i need to have them as well. great. , more shopping to do 🙂
You look adorable in both pics. So keep um! I would totally tell you the truth too.
That bag is super cute too.
OH, and your shoes…
jamie @ kreyv
I think you look great in them. Totally cute! BUT, if you're anything like me, if you don't feel 100 percent comfortable in them, take them back or you'll never wear them! I like them!
My fat arse would look rediculous in red denim, but you, my dear, look adorable. I vote you KEEP them! 🙂
I think they look great! I like wearing something unexpected…even though it's hard to step outside my comfort zone sometimes.
By the way…they look hot with the black pumps!
I wouldn't wear them, but they look super cute on you. I like them better in the second picture rolled up.
keep 'em! wear 'em with sexy shoes! and feel confident girl, because you look fantastic!
Stephanie (Luxe Boulevard)
I like them rolled up with those black pumps.
I love them, in all honesty. On the celebrities and on you!! I love bold pieces though. But they're also bold without being crazy. I wouldn't glance twice at a woman wearing those at the grocery store to think she looks crazy. I'd glance twice to think, "Ooo, I LIKE those!"
I would personally never wear them. BUT you totally rocked them and your ensemble doesn't look like you're trying too hard. It looks fantastic on you. I love the outfit! Keep 'em!
Life with the Websters!
You look absolutely adorable! I like the first look, just not w/ the Coach Shoes! But I really love them cuffed w/ the pumps! I would have never bought anything like that, but you rock it and you make me want to step out of my fashion comfort zone! 🙂
I adore both looks! My left foot wouldn't fit in those! Keep them, keep them!
Unleash your creativity
kinsey logan
i absolutely love the red pants on you! so cute! makes me wanna go out and get some 🙂
have a fabulous day!
You HAVE to keep them because you look AMAZING in them! Both ways! I wish I was as brave as you with fashion.
Matt and Chelsey Davis
Take them off…the tags that is! They are awesome! You look fabulous. I love the red and black top as well. My baby girl has a similar one from the Gap and I love nothing more than making her a mini me. I just might need to pick up this top!
Emily S
KEEP THEM! You're so stinkin cute!!
Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs
DO NOT (underline and bold that DO NOT over there) take them back!!! Oh EM GEE.. they are freaking adorable!!!
I must be living under a rock… oh hmm.. maybe its the fact that I hardly watch TV or read celeb mags.. idk.. but I have not even seen red jeans anywhere! I didnt even know this was a new trend thing! LOL But now that I have seen all those pictures, I am like, swooning! 🙂
They look (excuse my teenage phraseology) SO COOL!
haha but seriously, they look great! And you can totally pull them off. Take that price tag off and wear them, you look great. I have always been a fan of the color red. Its just so attractive to my eyes. 🙂 Im wanting to run out and buy some for myself!
However, I dont think I could pull them off like you can… Im going to consider trying though.
Love the post, LOVE your blog! 🙂
You can totally pull it off- DO IT!!! You're only young once.
oh i totally love them, hove to get one. very nice and lot of courrage sarah j parker!
Actually I think they look great on you! Super cute! It's something not everyone can pull of, but you do! =)
You should SO keep them! Absolutely adorable!!
I am L-O-V-I-N-G the red jeans! And I think they look perfect in the first pic with the black sweater and Coach shoes!
I would actually run out and buy that exact outfit if I wasn't 7 months pregnant! Lol. 🙂
{ Elena }
Red jeans are definitely a DO! I love them!
And it's funny that you bitch at you hubby for taking shitty pictures, because I do too 🙂
You should check out my selfie saturdays linky for self portraits.
Rip the price tag off and go for it! They look cute as hell! But then you could probably wear a bin bag and look stunning. Seriously though, they look lovely. Hand on heart, cross my eyes or something like that…
Tids xx
I love them. Rock them with a smile!
Ok, sorry for the yelling … that's just how dang cute you are! 🙂
Amanda Bee
I thought they were a don't…until I saw your photos! I loved how you rolled them up and paired them with heels…super cute! Definitely Keepers!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I can't bring myself to buy any denim that's not blue, but I like how it looks on you in the last picture!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I can't bring myself to buy any denim that's not blue, but I like how it looks on you in the last picture!
Mindie Hilton
Not crazy about all the looks of the stars pictured but you looked cute in your red jeans. I say keep them.
Brittany @ Love Stitched
I don't know if I could pull those off…BUT you look HOT in them! LOVE them keep 'em 😉
It's so cute but something tells me the trend won't last long. : (
Cuffing helps and you look amazing! Xoxoxo
Posh House Originals
I bought some 2 years ago for our "Ugly Sweater Christmas Party" thinking I'd wear them again….Not so much! I put them on, look in the mirror and take them right back off! Can't do it:)
1ne Proud Mama
Okay…well…if anyone could pull it off, you definitely can!
Love, Love, Love… black shoes 🙂
I think you look like a rock star!! Definitely keepers!!! Btw, I love~love your blog!
Kara @ Mine for the Making
Is it possible for you to look bad in anything? I mean seriously! I could NEVER get away with wearing red jeans.
Melissa Geoghegan
You can totally rock the red jeans! 🙂
LOVE the red pants! And apparently, you are not the only one who is thinking about them. Just saw this post from my friend: http://mama-miablog.blogspot.com/2011/02/style-on-monday-red-pants.html
marla grace
i have been wondering the same exact thing about the whole red jean thing. i really want some, but i'm afraid on my short body that it would be too much. in all honesty, they look great on you! i look the outfit in the first pic– shoes and all! take the tag off and keep 'em!
I just posted on the same thing and then I friend who reads your blog directed me to yours. I love it! You have adorable style.
You sure do like takin pics of yourself, huh?
My House of L
Keep em!! You look so cute!
I never leave comments and I don't do denim in colors. But you look freakin' cute! You have to keep 'em =) BTW, totally love your blog!
Nina @ Momma Go Round
I think you look HOT! And we all know my opinion is the one that really matters ;P
ilene @ muchloveilly
i really love how they look on you! im looking for a pair myself. rock those red pants, girl!!!
ilene @ muchloveilly
i really love how they look on you! im looking for a pair myself. rock those red pants, girl!!!
Nena Nadine
I', 100 percent loving bright colored pants right now. I have such a strong urge to buy another pair right now!
They look great on you. If I could get away with wearing red jeans I would.:)
i dont care what anybody says i LOVE THE RED JEANS! i didn't know it was a trend till read your blog but you look amazing in them anyway you wear them and now i'm def. jonesing for a pair myself Thanks for giving me something to invest in haha have a good one keep the jeans!!
Some of the celeb pics look cute, some look stupid…but on you they look cute! I think you should keep them. Also, I think I should check out Forever 21, I haven't been there in forever, but everything you have from there is super cute. I just love your style!
I definitely say KEEP them! You rock em girl!