I'm Ashley. Sometimes I craft, occasionally I cook, everyday I write, and I'm always Momma. This is my blog. I keep it real while still seeing the rainbows and butterflies in all of life's lessons.
Thank you for sharing! How did you take a good picture of a picture? Mine always end up looking all distored and skewed. 🙁
ok holy cow! seriously baby w looks nothing like ben (except the dimples) after seeing these pics of you. The one where you are missing a tooth looks identical to the babe. I can't wait to see you guys. 3 weeks and counting!
OMGohs!! I had those same CLAW BANGS!! LOL
All my old photos are packed up but when find them ill have to post!!
Hilarious doll!!!!
Awww, what a great post! Baby W does look exactly like you!!!
Hello miss Ashely. I have a question for u about living in the Los Angeles area. What city would u recommend to live in if u have a family with kids,are a stay at home mom and has a hubby that works at LA county hospital? We currently live in the San gabriel area (a little over 1yr.) and it is really hard for me to live here. Any advice would be great! Thanks.
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The Tootsie Wootsie
This was so funny and Nice at the same time, I like looking at pictures from other people and it helps to get to know them better!
Thank you for sharing! It was a fun post!
And you were a darling little girl!
p/s: I met you at the blogger conference last year! We sat at the same table, I was the girl with the black flower headband. Who am i kidding there were tons of girls over at girls night out 🙂
Missie Krissie
I sucked my thumb too! I had to get braces and a retainer to push my teeth back straight because of it! *Awkward*
And I had a little snort of laughter at the Brad Pitt photo. If you had a mouthful of anything, you could bet it would have been coming out my nose! That was genius! lol
AND OMG you and baby W could have been twins! EXACTLY the same cheeks and eyes!
Hahaha. I dont even own a scanner!! i just take pics of pics as well!! Smart move, lady!!
Mama Jill
Im glad I got this good read in cause I couldn't sleep. I would post awkwardness on my blog….but I would be SUPER embarrassed! I definitely went through the huge tooth stage.
Oh and baby w looks sooooo much like you!!!
Courtney Moser
I can't get over how much you look like Baby W!
Jennifer @lifecraftsandwhatever
Thank you for sharing! How did you take a good picture of a picture? Mine always end up looking all distored and skewed. 🙁
Jennifer @lifecraftsandwhatever
Thank you for sharing! How did you take a good picture of a picture? Mine always end up looking all distored and skewed. 🙁
What an awesome post. It's so nice to go back and visit our youth from time to time. I personally have so many wonderful memories of my childhood. Thanks for sharing!
What a cool post! I love going through old baby pics. I still have mine laying out in my junk room from when I did a post about Izzy potty training. Check it out, you'll get a chuckle from the picture. Promise! 😀
I cannot get over how much you and Baby W look alike! Twins I tell ya!
Boogers and Blonde Moments
These pics are great! Oh, yes the glory days…hypercolor, faded jean jackets with faux fur, permed hair, banana clips and roller skating.
jamie @ kreyv
Loved that post! I could relate to a few! I just found your blog, and I am absolutely loving it!
wow Ashley! Those pictures look so much like baby w….How cool is that?
Awww you were such a cute little baby! We all have a few awkward photos that we would like to pretend don't exist. Ha! Baby W looks sooo much like you!
Ali Rockwell
Oh my… we have so many awkward things in common.
First: that bikini in the first picture. I had it too.
Second: I totally sucked my thumb for an inappropriate amount of time, also, but only in my sleep. But I did it until high school. YIKES.
Third: I had a picture of myself and my friends super imposed next to Leonardo DiCaprio.
Possibly more, but those are the 3 that jumped out at me.
Your pictures are all adorable though, even if some are a little awkward. And your son TOTALLY looks like he could've been your twin when you were a baby. That is probably the most awesome thing ever.
What a cute post! I love looking at old pics of me & my sisters growing up! I feel like I either laugh or just shake my head at most of them! Ha!
It's amazing how much your baby pics resemble Baby W! 🙂
The Brad Pitt pic still has me laughing — LOVE IT!
I can't wait to have kids and take super awkward pics of them!
I sucked my thumb until 4th or 5th grade. I think that's age 11. I had to get this thing in my mouth called a thumb crib, that was on the roof of my mouth and would poke my thumb, ouch, when I tried to suck it, until eventually I stopped.
I love how much your baby pictures look like baby w. now we need to see baby pictures of your husband, to see if there is resemblance on that side.
Mel Tales
I love looking at old pictures and taking a walk down memory lane!
Thanks for sharing!!!! :o)
The Dayleys
If it makes you feel any better, I sucked my thumb until I was 12/13. Boy was it a battle to get me to stop. I also still sleep with my baby blanket. LOL. It drives my husband nuts! 🙂
This is too funny…but there is no way I will post my awkard pics! I would have people crying and screaming! LOL thecoolkidsblog.com
Brittany@Love Stitched
I knew lil W was YOU but NOW I really know he is ALL you…he got daddy's dimples but the rest is YOU
you were and are beautiful!!! love you…and just wait until I bust out some of MY childhood pics! HA!
Michelle From Life Buy The Beach
You were and still are the bestest baby in the whole wide world.
That was fun… have not seen some of those pictures in yesrs.
love, your Momma
Stefanie D.
Can I just say that I totally look forward to reading ALL of your posts. You are SO much fun. I love Syd, and LOVE the awkward and awesome idea. 🙂
Oh my gosh, shiny hairspray forehead! Ahahaha! That was totally me too. I adore your blog, Ashley. I seriously get excited when I see it pop up with a new post and I read it with the same enthusiasm that I read my friend's blogs.
Ok, everyone else has already said it, but I can't get over how much your little man looks JUST like you! So adorable!!
I also sucked my thumb FOREVER and had braces. I STILL have a little overbite because of it!
You are just the cutest! XoXo
t & e
ok holy cow! seriously baby w looks nothing like ben (except the dimples) after seeing these pics of you. The one where you are missing a tooth looks identical to the babe. I can't wait to see you guys. 3 weeks and counting!
t & e
ok holy cow! seriously baby w looks nothing like ben (except the dimples) after seeing these pics of you. The one where you are missing a tooth looks identical to the babe. I can't wait to see you guys. 3 weeks and counting!
Oh my gosh this was totally awesome. I have a gazillion awkward moments…as well as some awesome moments too. Will have to dig through my old photos and scan them in.
Thanks for sharing!
Nina @ Momma Go Round
OMG I never realized just how much W looks like you! The older he gets, the less B he has in him…except the dimples of course. Hate you that your child actually looks like you…grrrr.
Don't worry, I rocked the jean shorts and roxy t-shirt for a solid three years…ouch!
1ne Proud Mama
Okay…I don't know what you are talking about because the Kelly Kapowski bangs were AWESOME! I rocked them All the time. They were "rad"!
Girl of The Grove
What a cute post, Ashley!
Love seeing all the old kid pics of you….you were adorable!! I may have to post an awkward/awesome childhood pic post as well. : )
That is crazy how much W looks like you as a baby! And I am there with you on the claw bangs, shiny hairspray forehead awkwardness. Seriously who were our mothers and why did they let us go out like that.
Ben and Taryn
Oh Ashley, I share an awkward with you…I was a thumb sucker until I was 12. My mom wouldn't let me go to Young Women's until I stopped. Such a fun and silly way to get to know you better. Thanks!
Free Pretty Things For You
OMGohs!! I had those same CLAW BANGS!! LOL
All my old photos are packed up but when find them ill have to post!!
Hilarious doll!!!!
Free Pretty Things For You
OMGohs!! I had those same CLAW BANGS!! LOL
All my old photos are packed up but when find them ill have to post!!
Hilarious doll!!!!
Raige Creations
loved looking down your memory lane. you are brave to post these, I think.
I am glad I don't know where my pre-teen pics are, can you say friend cut hair (only half of it) super short, and cut ear in process? with braces, and glasses so dorky.
anyway, fun to look at and read your commentary.
thanks for making my Monday a little brighter!
wow, I loved this post. I would totally do copy it, but some pictures should remain unseen. Haha. I gave you a little blog award http://www.alwaysinwonder.com/2011/01/nicest-thing-thats-happened-all-week.html I always love coming here to read what you've posted.
Great pictures! You are so cute!!
February is my birth month too! Great month for Ashleys! 🙂
That was so SWEET! LOVED IT!: )
OMG your baby boy is like your clone lol in the male type though haha…SO CUTE
And yes I can TOTALLY identify with the awkward stage eesh! lol
Suzi Q
You and Baby W are pretty much clones. How nice! You have such a tan complection! I am jealous for shizzle.
I honestly thought you put a wig on Baby W…..then realized it was you!!! Baby W is your boy clone!!
Awwwe. You're adorable!!
And Baby W does look exactly like you!!
Awwwe. You're adorable!!
And Baby W does look exactly like you!!
I haven't ever really commented on your blog (I entered a giveaway), but I have wanted to forever!! I have read every single post on your blog, and I feel like we are good friends. When you recommend someone or something I think it's a good suggestion cause I totally trust your judgement! Sounds weird, but its true. I am a Mormon mom (of 2 kids age 4 and 1) in Utah, and I tell all my friends and family to read your cute blog because you are so relatable. Thanks for sharing your secrets, embarrassing moments, mom moments, craft ideas, and everything else in between. Seriously, thank you for your cute blog, I love make-believing we are besties!!
PS And it is almost uncanny how much your son looks like your baby pictures!! Super cute!!
Audrey Crisp
So funny! I love it. You were such a little cutie. Fun to see all these old pics of you!
Heather :: AFD Jewelry ::
Oh my gosh – Baby W looks so much like his mama! Love this post!!
Debbie Barr
Your pictures are adorable! I love looking back on childhood and teenage years. Here's mine:
AWKWARD: Being a total goodie-two-shoes all the time when I was little. I wish I'd been more chill!
AWESOME: That I loved writing stories, even then. I tried writing my first novel in 5th grade! Crazy, huh?
Debbie - Families and Literacy
Whoops, that last comment should have been from this account! Silly me.
Both of my kids look like me when I was little, but my youngest Jaxon is spitting image of me to the point that my mom threw me a 30th birthday party 2 years ago and my husbands friend was so pissed off when he got the invitation (didn't read it just looked at the picture) because he could not figure out why would we dress Jaxon in a dress and send it to people! I laughed so hard AT him for not reading the invitation in the first place and because he thought it was Jaxon in a dress!!!
dubb and dawni
so cute love to look back at the pic's and see where you have come out of the "awkward" stage into the beauty you are !!!
Lea the Lion
Such a cute post! But talk about awkward! haha We all have those awkward pictures but it's fun to go back and look at!
LOVE this post Ashley! I just celebrated my 27th birthday on Saturday and have been doing a lot of reflecting over the past week or so…pondering and wondering and thinking the very same things in this post.
Thanks for sharing your "awkward" pictures 🙂 I know you hear it a lot, but I LOVE how real you and your blog are. I am now inspired to go thru some of my childhood pictures!
Jayna Rae
I love this post. Totally took your recommendation and made one of my own.
Your son looks so much like you, and you look so similar to your mommy.
I would've never pegged you for a brunette as a kiddo.
I love all of the familiar references. They keep me smiling.
I had giant front teeth too. I have a picture on Facebook, but have yet to post it on my blog. Scary!
Ohhhhh my gosh, I cannot believe how much little baby you looks JUST like your sweet baby boy! Seriously, you two are TWINS! Do you have any baby pictures of your husband? It'd be fun to see if Baby W looks him, too.
Oh, and just a little FYI, I thought all the "awkward" stuff was AWESOME! 🙂
p.s. One last thing…have I ever told you that you're pretty much one of my all time favorite bloggers? Well, you are. Just thought you should know!
Life in Rehab
Tell your mom her 80's hair was AWESOME and half the volume of mine!
And yes, we now know where Baby W gets his heart melting looks.
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Awww, what a great post! Baby W does look exactly like you!!!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Awww, what a great post! Baby W does look exactly like you!!!
Nena Nadine
OMG You and Baby W do look so much alike. It's nutso. I love it.
LOVE LOVE LOVE! You were a gorgeous baby and your momma was a knockout! I love trips down memory lane. You should have done a link party for the most awkward picture, I'm pretty sure people would get a good laugh!
I just found your blog and had to comment once I saw these pictures. I have very similar ones and I know that I had the exact same Adidas shoes back in the day! I loved how you said that the preteen years are when you forget to smile like a real person – that is so true!
Just found your blog and I can not stop laughing out loud (so much so that I couldn't even type "lol" cause I wanted you to KNOW how much laughter was happening here!) Laughter in the most awesome way…NOT at you but so definitely with you! Really great blog. Loving it already! Maybe you'll be my girlfriend : )
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oh my gosh! you and baby w look like twins! love the post hahaha 🙂
All cute pics–even the awkwards! I can’t believe how much of a clone Baby W is of you!
Cutie from the get go! Thanks for sharing those memories, fun stuff!
So funny! How about the fact that you and your son have identical twin baby pictures!
I’m dying laughing at this one…only because I don’t feel so alone anymore.
Weird celeb pic? Done. I had one made at Astroworld (Houston’s Six Flags that no longer exists) with a cardboard cut out of Joey McIntyre. Yep. Add that to the super embarrassing fact that I was wearing a bathing suit of the Hang 10 variety….black and yellow wet suit material-2 piece. So cool.
Buck teeth. Gotcha there too. I sucked my thumb until the age of 6, at which point I sat on my hands after school to keep the tempation away….I totally scored a lime green BMX scooter for the battle though.
Retainer. Had one. Never wore it. Back to the overbite. Yay.
Would have dug your Kelly hair because my hair was more like Jessie’s and who the heck liked her?!
Enjoyed your pics.
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