After much consideration,
and even more deliberation,
I finally made the decision
to ditch the bleach
and get back to my roots
{at least a less mousy brown version of my roots anyway}.
In the words of my hubby,
“It’s nice“.
Nice–really?! That’s all ya got?
But being the sweetie pie that he is, he mustered up the best compliment he could give, rather than sharing his true feelings.
Apparently he prefers blonde, ya think?!
And while the hubby prefers the golden locks,
I am embracing the “new me”.
Did you notice my super cute new hair clip?
I bought it from Catie’s Garden–a new, adorable Etsy shop I discovered. And the designer, Catie, is only 13 years old–how cool is that?! She opened her shop to raise funds for Girl’s Camp {a church retreat that is pure awesome}. I wish I had that much ambition when I was her age!
Let’s help send her on the spiritual trip of a life time, shall we?!
Here is a link to Catie’s Garden.
SOOO cute! I dyed my hair darker brown at the end of summer and I love how it made my eyes pop, it really does the same for yours! Gorgeous dah-ling!
LOVE!!! LOVE!!!! LOVE!!!!
And the clip is cute too…on my way to look around. 🙂
I love it. My hubs prefers blonds, too. I say go even darker, it would bring out your eyes even more 🙂
Love your new hair – we brunettes do have more fun – you'll see!
What a sweet little clippy!
Super cute!
LOVE the new color! Been thinking about ditching the bleach as well and going more natural. Not sure if I have the guts though!
I love your new hair! You look fabulous. And by the way, your freckles are adorable!
Looks great! It still has a lot of lightness to it! I just recently went back to blonde from a dark brown fall look, and I definitely like lighter shades better! Aren't we lucky as women that we can change our look to fit our current lifestyles! Getting my hair done is a luxury for me, as a SAHM of a 14 month old and in my 4th month as a home daycare provider!
Mom. Nonstop.
I love it! It is great for you, and warms your complexion up nicely! Tell your husband with all the blonde you had underneath, the dark will fade.
Lookin good girl!
Jenae @ Wildflower
I used to be very blonde also!! but for some reason always go back dark! I love the new color on you and I agree with a comment above mine..go even darker it will bring out your eyes even more!
You look amazing! I have been debating doing the same for awhile, you may have just convinced me =)
Amanda Joy
It looks amazing! I need to go to a lighter brown, mine is too dark now:(
You'd look glamorous and gorgeous no matter what your hair color! I think this shade of brown really suits. I'm always on the side of ditching the bleach if you can, but that could be because my own hair's so wussy and fragile it can't take much abuse. Lookin' good!
Jessica @ Sunny Tuesday
I think it looks fabulous!
super cute! i love the color!
I love the new color. It looks great! I always go darker with some auburnish colors in the winter than back to lots of blond highlights in the summer. I always love the way a new color or style makes me feel pretty, even if our husbands don't agree:)
I actually think you look tanner and it makes your eyes pop. I think its a lovley color.
Sarah Takens
From one brunette to another – I LOVE IT! Its spunky and still sexy!
I love your hair! I am growing my hair out & can't wait!
It looks adorable! Love it on you!
I like to dye my hair dark in the winters and the first time I did it my husband wasn't that big of a fan… granted he was deployed and only saw pictures of me. I did it again last winter when he got home and he said he still preferred me as a blonde but he did like me dark too now that he saw me in person. So in other words… it will grow on your hubby!
Love it! You look gorgeous!!
The new hair is beautiful!!
Love it so much!
Dan, Lauren, and Sadie
beautiful! i remember last time when you had it a little darker and i loved it.. you should try black just for the heck of it.:) thats funny that ben likes blonds and dan likes brunettes!
Looks great Ashley!
I think it's pretty either way, but as a brunette, I think I like it better this way 🙂 You are gorgeous, no matter what color your hair is.
claudia b
You look awesome!!!
Barn Owl Primitives
as always, you look fabulous!! 🙂 and those clips are too cute!! xo
I love the brunette look! I went back to it a few years ago myself!
I'm just the MOM
I love it…it looks great. Makes me want to go lighter brown now 🙂
You are too cute! Love the new hair color, Im thinking I need to do something to my mess! So Im ordering two of these awesome hairclips, one to keep of course, and one to giveaway on my blog http://www.melissavdesigns.blogspot.com its awesome that a 13 year old has this much ambition! Thanks so much for sharing her shop with us <3 *swoon
Heidi Ferguson
Awww…look how beautiful you are! I love everything about the way you look, your hair, clothes, smile, etc. Now I'm sounding like a creepy stalker. Well maybe I am! 🙂 That clip is rad.
Lindsay @ Yams
This brunette thinks we have more fun 😉 Love the new look! It looks natural & beautiful!! 🙂
Holly Kolvig
Oh My Heck Ashley I swear we are sisters separated at birth… I did the same EXACT thing you did, thought, deliberated , contemplated, worried/stressed about going dark too!!!! I gave my self 4 months to prepare and went Brunette for Fall. I have ALWAYS been a Blonde and my dear hubby said I could NOT cut my hair short again and I was so BORED with my hair so I bit the bullet and went DARK… and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Hubby misses the blonde, but I feel so fresh and "NEW". My color is fading and I am ready to go back to my Stylist and darken it again! I feel my facial features especially my eyes POP now.
I think you look gorgeous!!!! The color frames your facial beauty even more and your eyes pop too!
Congrats on the "New You"!
Do you use magical toothpaste? You have pretty teeth! 🙂
Beth Eaton
It's adroable but I have to say that you are fabulous so anything would look cute on you! You always look so "put together" when I "see" you online!
:o) mg
Wow… you look like you are about 15 years old!
Love it!!
Your hair looks SOOOO good that color! I love it! 🙂
Love the new hair 🙂
At least you got "It's nice", my husband usually replies with "Is that how you wanted it to look?". What he's really asking is if I want him to like it or not! haha!
welcome to the dark side. 😉
it looks good on you. i envy anyone who looks great with either hair color. i, for example, look terrible as a blonde. and, i bet before you know it… you'll want an even more chocolate brown and maybe the hubs will come around to finding it more than "nice". 🙂
the speers
Ok, you're so cute! I started following your blog before Christmas because you were featured on another blog and because I blog hop so much I can't remember which one it is!! But, I've totally been debating about going over to the dark side…you're so super cute with dark hair–it gives me courage! 😀
I LOVE it!!!
Nuha Sofiyan
I love your hair this way! It makes your tan pop! But then again you are gorgeous so I think what color your hair is hardly matters.
I love it – you are so stink'in cute! I saw your secret where you wear hair extensions, do you have them in now? What kind do you wear? clip in or attached? (whatever that might be called)
You are beautiful 🙂
BTW, cute bow and heading over to take a look. Thanks for sharing.
I love the new color. I always feel so good after I get my hair colored and/or cut. It's new and fresh. Don't worry, my husband always says, "It looks the same." The only way he'd notice is if I chopped my hair off to a short bob again.
christa @ enSTYLEpedia
WOW- that is ambition, at 13, very impressive…i'm going to go check it out now!
love the hair…i'm a brunette so i'm partial to other sisters of the same root. i want to do a lighter version of my current color…mind if I use your pic to show my stylist?
LOVE It! YOu have gorgeous hair! Do you have extensions?? Also, you always have the cutest clothes, where do you shop?
Suzi Q
oh hawt damn. I love it. Sorry I used to D word. It looks like really good. As in suttle…it's not like WHOAH her hair is super dark. I love it. I wish mine was long sometimes. But oh well. HOT HOT HOT!
lol….I was gonna ask also….where do you shop! LOVE LOVE LOVE your wardrobe!
I ditched the bleach almost 2 years ago (soon after getting married, because my husband found out how much highlights cost!). I went back to my natural brown hair color and I am so happy I did! He actually prefers the natural brunette side. I don't think he was in love with the fact that he was in love with a blonde. hehe
Nena Nadine
I think your hair looks super cute like that. And some how it makes you skin look much darker…
I love it! But you're pretty either way 🙂 I would do it a little darker… I agree it would bring out your eyes more
I love it! The hair, the flower clips, the pictures, your outfit, everything 🙂
Kassi @ Truly Lovely
I like it! Everyone needs a little change every once in awhile! And I LOVED girls camp! Good for her!!!
Coming out of lurking…I love your hair color! And good for you on for embracing it even if it's not your husbands favorite look. I recently went from medium/long hair to a short Posh-bob despite my husband's preference for long hair. He doesn't really like the cut at all but I get compliments from complete strangers on my hair now. I never was really crazy about my hair before, but now I LOVE it. Anyway, that's my two cents.
Go Catie!
Your hair is different, maybe your husband just needs some time to get used to it. How long did you have your hair blond?
I like the new change 🙂
Just Better Together
LOVE! Ugh… hubbies and their comments. I have a chin lengh bob and had my stylist cut bangs (think Katie Holmes). I really liked them. Months later when I told him I was thinking of growing them out this is what he had to say, "Oh thank God!". Thanks honey.
Mrs. Mama
LOVE the hair!
Claudia Ayotte
SUper Cute! I love it on you!
the little wife
I think the new color looks wonderful! It seems to suit you and your complexion much better.
Love it!!!
You look…ADORABLE!!!
Brunettes have way more fun! Love the brunette on you. Makes your skin glow and your eyes pop!
So flippin' cute! It makes you look younger. Also I am in love with your super cute pink sweater!!
Megan Folkerts
It looks great on you…coming from a hairstylist, I think it's better then blonde! And your hubby will learn to like it!
I have a question, why do you wear your wedding ring on your right hand?!
I think it's gorgeous. I've been dithering over whether to go back to my roots (a much darker brown than yourself). So far I'm still undecided!
Southern Sassafras
I just went darker too. While it's nice to not have so much root upkeep, I miss my Gwen Stefani hair!!
You'd look like a babe no matter what color your hair was, but I personally think you rock the brunette. Hope you're loving it!
Makeup By LisaMarie
This color looks amazing on you!! I love it!! I just went back to brown last week but it's soo dark right now!! My goal is no bleach for 2011!!! This color looks very natural on you! I love your outfit so much!!
LOVE your new color!! I think you are too cute for words!! simply lovely ashley!
Audrey Crisp
Super cute! I love the clip too… Cute she's fundraising for girls camp! I didn't know you were lds! Sweet!
I think it looks GREAT! Very natural 🙂
Raige Creations
you are so photogenic! nice pics. I wish my hair was that light naturally – I think it would be more fun than my dark brown. And now I am stuck dying it dark brown to cover up the VERY light hairs (grey) that are appearing, prematurely I might add. 🙂
The color siuts you, and is better than fake blonde…just my thoughts 🙂
Shortcake and Company
I love it!! I think blonde is so overdone, ya know! But…you could do ombre highlights (where your ends are lighter than your roots…think Whitney Port, Nicole Richie). Then you get the best of both worlds! I think you're a doll regardless of your hair color.
Deals, Steals and Heels
boys don't know anything…you look STUNNING!!!
I looooooove being able to change! I go from major highlights to dark brown about every two years. I just went dark six weeks ago. I will say I always thought my husband liked brunettes but his comment on my recent change… "it's fine". What a dufus.
Heather :: AFD Jewelry ::
I think it's super cute! I went brown about seven years ago, and my husband hated it. Couldn't even muster up "that's nice" LOL!
Anyways, you look fab!
ditto on wanting to know where you shop for clothes. I love your wardrobe!!!!
Holly Kolvig
It takes 5 years off you easy! So now you look like a teenager…… so darling
Sarah Nicole
You look great! I think darker hair brings out beauty.
Jesslyn Amber
I love:
Your bridal set
Your Tiffany ring
Your outfit
Your hairclip (I'm buying one too!)
It looks great. 🙂
it's beautiful! you'd be pretty with any color hair tho! 🙂 So, you shouldn't worry so much! 🙂
I was blonde all my life and then last summer i just decided to go dark! I'm so happy that i did! I will NEVER be blonde again! I dunno if brunettes have more fun or not… but i feel prettier with my dark hair! 🙂 thats all that matters right??
I think it looks SO good. You're totally rockin' the brunette.
I'd LOVE to know what brand and color formula your hairdresser used. I think it looks great on you. That's the color I am always trying to acheive but my hairdresser never gets it right! Durn it!
It looks like Jennifer Aniston's haircolor. A soft, warm brown. You're so pretty, you'd look good in just about any color or style. The kind of "pretty" that makes a potato sack dress look fabulous! haha!
I love your hair!! And that hairbow is precious! I'm going to have to check out that etsy shop!
love your blog! I'm a new follower 🙂
Being a brunette is amazeballs!!
I thought you were a natural blonde 🙂 well, but the new hair looks really great on you! I'm sure, your hubby just needs to get used to the new colour! (Re-)Welcome to the brunette-club!
LOVE IT!!!! Omg, you look too cute…I would kill to look that good. Your hubby needs his eyes checked…lol
Love the new color! It just fits, you know? Makes your eyes look gorgeous!
Tara @ Tara Being Tara
I don't prefer blonde… I love this color!
love love love it!
You look stunning lady! Love it! 🙂
I also have to say I am loving my pom pom headband from you.
I seriously love your self portraits! You are adorable, brunette or not 🙂
I really like the brown!
I read just recently that men prefer blondes because back in the cave man days, fair skinned blondes showed signs of illness like jaundice, etc. more and so they could 'make sure' they had a healthy mate when they didn't see certain symptoms.
Too funny, eh?
That hair color looks amazing on you!
Your whole face has brightened up and your eyes just pop – love it!
Another Edition of Awkward and Awesome - live - Little Miss Momma
[…] hair appointment I have scheduled tomorrow to make my hair brown […]
“I love the idea of movement, but this White Bandage Dress can be especially difficult to achieve with a knit because they’re all