I pee in front of my hubby.
When I was a kid, nothing seemed more exciting than bagging my own groceries {not so much today}.
Sometimes I eat food residue {i.e. goldfish crackers} from Baby W’s face because its quicker than walking to the trash can to throw it away.
Beauty secrets: Crest white strips, lip gloss and dirty hair.
I have never made pancakes.
I leave a fork in my leftovers in the fridge so that I can sneak bites throughout the day {and sometimes middle of the night}.
I always have at least 4 or more loads of laundry waiting to be washed.
I went to the same college as the Pioneer Woman, which pretty much means I am destined to be a world famous blogger one day {lol}.
I have no idea how to fold a fitted sheet.
My dryer doubles as my iron.
Vacuum lines on the carpet make me happy.
I didn’t get my driver’s license until I was 21.
I LOVE Country Crock
One of my most favorite readers, SAHM, {she always leaves the most fabulous comments}, sent me a link to the following quote:
A wife who loves her husband, but doesn’t always show it.
A mom who adores her babies, but runs out of patience.
A friend who cherishes her girls, but forgets to return calls.
A person so energized by being creative, but not without dry spells.
I am a homemaker who would rather rearrange furniture than dust it, repaint a bathroom than clean it, eat out than sit down and plan meals.
{Written by Emily}
When I read it, I thought,
“she could have been writing about me”.
And I bet I’m not the only one…

Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
My mom is 4'11" and my 6 year old is going to catch up to her soon!
Hmmm…I'm so with you on the fitted sheets and the dryer doubling as an iron!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
My mom is 4'11" and my 6 year old is going to catch up to her soon!
Hmmm…I'm so with you on the fitted sheets and the dryer doubling as an iron!
I got my license at 21, also!! You make me feel so much better about myself!
I borrowed (okay, stole) your idea and put my list up on my blog. Such a fun idea and a great way to start the new year.
the little wife
Thanks so much for sharing!
I got married 10 days before my 21st birthday.
I'm a snow bunny who loves the beach (but not in the sun bathing kind of way, more like the wind swept cliffs kind of way)
I still love pink best of all, but am terrified that I wear it too much.
It took me two years to convince my husband to ask me out (he still thinks it was his idea 😉 ) and then four years to ask him to marry me.
Flowers are the best gift ever.
My fashion style gets more preppy as winter comes, and more bohemian as it warms up.
Okay, here it goes…
I am recently a self proclaimed blog addict, with yours being my favorite of course.
It makes me happy to know I am not the only mother/wife out there that stuggles with laundry and washing dishes.
I am afraid of ending up on an episode of TLC's Hoarders or What Not to Wear.
My sisters are best friends…with each other, which sometimes makes me sad.
I love my two boys, but sometimes I wish they would just stay in their room. Does that make me bad mother?
I love to cook and bake IF the kitchen is clean.
I am obsessed with sticky notes. I realized this when one of my kindergarten students brought me a book full of sticky notes that they had applied in an attempt to "play teacher".
I am a perfectionist to the point that I can't get started on something for fear that it won't be done just right.
Okay, I am starting to sound crazy now. lol
I LOVE that quote! That is totally me, too! I think I'm going to have to craft that somewhere in my soon-to-be craft room! Also, LOVE vacuum lines in the carpet, I've done about 4 loads of laundry TODAY and probably still have at least 3 to go! Also eat things on my babies face/what he spit out. Only a mommy could eat such discarded food! Found your blog today, reading backwards and loving it!
buy provera
Really great article with very interesting information. You might want to follow up to this topic!?! 2012
Tips to Overcoming Writers Block - Little Miss Momma
[…] could still get ideas from this same prompt. Other topic ideas: Life List, Awkward & Awesome, Things You Should Know About Me if We’re Gonna Be BFF, Favorite Childhood […]
Nicole S.
Okay I know I have commented on several posts today, but I can’t stop reading! Love your blog!
-I’m 5′ 9″ (I wish I was either shorter or a little taller)
-I had a crush on my husband when I was in 7th grade (but he was a junior in high school)
-I have a 7 month old, but I’m starting to get baby fever
-I’m terrified of ever being pregnant again as pregnancy and me didn’t get a long at all– but yet it was the most magical experience ever, yes all 10 months of it!
-I hate doing dishes and folding clothes (glad my husband is border line OCD)
-Just last week I thought I would save some money and wax my own eyebrows, bad idea as I accidentally waxed a good portion of my eyebrow of
-I’m not a pro at filling in eyebrows 🙂
Angie Brown
Love your blog and your post! Inspires me to write about mine to. Such a fun way to get to know each other. Have a blessed week!
I am a long time reader, but I don’t think I have ever commented.
You are so cute! Seriously!
You have inspired me to write something like this (although the fill in the blank post seems easier to take on). You’ve also inspired me to buy Crest White Strips :)! Gorgeous smile!
Loved this!
The only iron we own is kept in my husband’s closet because the only one who uses it or even knows how. So, that ‘dewrinkle’ setting on the dryer = BFF. Why would it be there if it didn’t want to be used so often?
Super cute post, glad I saw it on Pinterest, I will be coming back for more. 🙂
Things You Should Know About Me if We’re Going to be BFF | The Weird Button
[…] borrowed this from Little Miss Momma! Thanks, […]
Amanda Jillian
Love it!
Things You Should Know About Me If We Are Going To Be BFFs - Bri K's Dusky Illusions
[…] This is a blog prompt exercise I stumbled on while surfing for information on “How to write a good about page for your personal blog.” I love writing prompts of all kinds, and this one seemed to fit my theme for today. I might even link it to my About page when it’s finished. Thanks to Ashley over at Little Miss Momma for the cute prompt! […]
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