It can strike at any time.
At the park.
At the dinner table.
In the shower.
This time it happened at the grocery store.
At first, everything is fine.
I go about my usual routine–nothing out of the ordinary, just a regular day.
And then it happens.
Almost out of nowhere,
I become overwhelmed–but not in the good way.
My body becomes flooded with panic–panic that I am messing up at this whole Momma-hood job.
My heart beats faster, my arm pits tingle {yes, this happens when I get anxious}, and the room feels like it’s 100 degrees.
A million things that I am surely failing at begin to race through my mind.
He doesn’t eat a balanced enough diet.
He should be sleeping in his own bed.
I should have weaned him from a bottle by now.
I’m not reading to him enough.
Am I getting him enough social interaction?
Do I have enough patience with him?
Oh man, he’s not on a waiting list for one of those popular
pre-schools–should he be?
Does he play outside enough?
Is he watching too much TV?
The list goes on.
And for some reason, I convince myself that every other Momma I know has got it all figured out.
That I am the only one making mistakes every day.
The only one who is near certain that I will blame myself for every mistake my son will ever make.
And then I force myself to take a deep breath,
I finish buying my groceries,
take a look at my son smiling back at me,
and I force the moment of panic to pass me by.
Because this is Momma-hood:
Always worrying that you’re not doing enough,
that your kids failures will be your own,
that you’re messing up.
And then you take a deep breath {which we Momma’s don’t do enough}, and you remind yourself that Momma-hood is MOSTLY:
Hugs and kisses.
Miracles and milestones.
And moments like these.
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
What a great post! You summed up motherhood perfectly!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
What a great post! You summed up motherhood perfectly!
Very good post 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing this….we all feel this I'm sure 🙂 And you post reassures that 🙂
I just found your blog today and many things you write sound like they should be coming from my mouth… but then again you probably hear that a lot!! I am in pre-baby mode and many of thw things on your special space are wonderful to read. Is it bad to worry before you even are a momma? haha I look forward to many more visits! Thanks Ashley xo
I feel that everyday. ((HUGS))
I worry about the same stuff, especially the bottle issues and getting outside enough, watching too much tv, and those similar issues. Our little one sleeps well in her own bed, but she wants a bottle to help her sleep. But my mom says I was the same way… so, it'll all work out. And your little one seems perfect and it looks like he's doing great!
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