These are the moments…
But I forget that.
Every day.
Every day I find myself thinking
“I can’t wait for the day that ________”.
Over the years that blank has been filled with: graduate, get married, have a baby, own a home, find my passion, have “free” time, get completely organized, have my “body for life”, etc.
I tell myself, I can be totally happy when ___________.
And what do you think happens?
I accomplish the said goal, and then, before I even give myself the chance to enjoy it, I have moved on to the next “I can’t wait for” moment–it’s a curse I have.
And today, when Baby W was rejecting every meal I tried to feed him with grunts and whining squeals, I found myself thinking, I can’t wait until he can tell me what he wants to eat…with actual words.
Kind of like when I “couldn’t wait” until he could hold his own bottle…
Or when I “couldn’t wait” until he could sit up in the bath tub…
Or when I “couldn’t wait” until he could crawl…or walk…
But today I took one look at my hubby wrestling with Baby W while I was doing the dishes and I wanted everything to STOP…to stand still…to stay exactly how it is.
I guess you could say I had one of those moments.
You know the ones.
The moments where suddenly {almost out of nowhere} you become completely overwhelmed with gratitude, and you’re bursting at the seams with happiness at the life you have been given–even if it is less than perfect {which of course is the case}.
In those moments it doesn’t matter that you have bills to pay, that you have important life decisions to make, or that you have no idea what future lies around the corner for your family.
Because in those moments, all that matters is that you are there…
With the ones you love…
There are no “I can’t wait until” thoughts, because in those moments you’re not waiting for life to pass you by…
You’re living in the moment–and loving it.
Here’s to moments like these:
Scott, Kasie & Payton
This was such a neat post! I find myself saying the exact same thing with my son and I'm always looking forward to the next thing he'll learn to do… but like you, I need to live in the moment with the ones I love and be grateful that I have them in my life! Thank you for the reminder!! 🙂
Scott, Kasie & Payton
This was such a neat post! I find myself saying the exact same thing with my son and I'm always looking forward to the next thing he'll learn to do… but like you, I need to live in the moment with the ones I love and be grateful that I have them in my life! Thank you for the reminder!! 🙂
t & e
I was just telling Trent last night I can't wait until Mya can sit up. Then I read your blog and it got me thinking about how I should treasure that she can't sit up and needs me for EVERYTHING. Thanks for making me take a step back, LOVE YOU!
t & e
I was just telling Trent last night I can't wait until Mya can sit up. Then I read your blog and it got me thinking about how I should treasure that she can't sit up and needs me for EVERYTHING. Thanks for making me take a step back, LOVE YOU!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
What a great post! I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy each and every moment!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
What a great post! I am constantly reminding myself to enjoy each and every moment!
Debber Doo
I LOVE your flats, what kind are they, where did u get em'? If you dont mind me asking?
Ashley @ Little Miss Momma
My flats are from Forever 21 🙂
Debber Doo
Thank you, they are sooo cute, and you have some styleeee, my friend! lol
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[…] a regular day. And then it happens. Almost out of nowhere, I become overwhelmed–but not in the good way. My body becomes flooded with panic–panic that I am messing up at this whole Momma-hood job. […]
Roller Coaster - live - Little Miss Momma
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