Today I received a looooong overdo pedicure.
As in 5 months overdo.
It had pretty much gotten to the point that it was either get a pedicure,
or else move up a shoe size to make room for my new claws
{because I don’t usually take the time to clip my own nails–sad, I know}.
And everything was glorious as usual about the whole pedicure foot bath experience…
That is until the guy giving me my pedi started to use that giant chain saw looking machine to scrape the 3 pounds of dead skin off my heels…
and a large chunk of heel skin flew from my foot directly into his eye.
and he nearly vomited with disgust as he ran to the sink to rinse out his eye ball.
and I was mortified,
especially since I spent the rest of the pedicure staring at his blood shot and swollen eye ball.
But at least I left 3 pounds lighter.
true story.
Baby W asked if you could send someone over here to change his diaper.
His Momma is slackin.
Free Pretty Things For You
omgosh LOL!!
i bet he got a good tip though 🙂
i am NOT EVEN going to tell you how long its been since my last pedi……
you want me to tell you??
it will make you feel better???
ohh ok !
2 years!!!
yes you heard right!
so now after reading your story i am going to tell the next person who works on my twinkle toes to wear safety goggles!! 😀
thank you for responding to my last comment lol
totally feel better now 😉
Free Pretty Things For You
omgosh LOL!!
i bet he got a good tip though 🙂
i am NOT EVEN going to tell you how long its been since my last pedi……
you want me to tell you??
it will make you feel better???
ohh ok !
2 years!!!
yes you heard right!
so now after reading your story i am going to tell the next person who works on my twinkle toes to wear safety goggles!! 😀
thank you for responding to my last comment lol
totally feel better now 😉
t & e
i love that pic of lil w. he is sooooooooo handsome. your nails look adorable and i can just imagine what you were thinking while he was throwing up with disgust. i told trent and he laughed for a long time!
t & e
i love that pic of lil w. he is sooooooooo handsome. your nails look adorable and i can just imagine what you were thinking while he was throwing up with disgust. i told trent and he laughed for a long time!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Oh my goodness, worst pedicure story ever! I don't know how you kept a straight face, though. I mean, it is kind of funny! 😉
Baby W is so cute, saggy pants and all!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Oh my goodness, worst pedicure story ever! I don't know how you kept a straight face, though. I mean, it is kind of funny! 😉
Baby W is so cute, saggy pants and all!
Waaayyy to funny! I am also way overdo for a pedi.
Thanks for the laugh!
That diaper is HILARIOUS! He is too cute!
Love the color you picked! I'm 7 months prego and am in desperate need of a pedi as well, I can barely reach my tootsies now :-/ Baby W is as cute as ever!
hahaha! that is hysterical! definitely a memory! I remember when I got my first pedi, my feet are so ticklich that I nearly kicked the guy in the face! tee hee. this story totally made my day!
Am I the only person in the world who doesn't get freaked out by feet missles flying at my face? I'm sure if it was a growth like fungus I would freak but corns or heel skin….bring it.
And thankyouthankyouthankyou for showing me solid proof of the diaper because I honestly thought I was the only parent who did that.
The Balch Bunch
Former life, before Evelyn's closest and blog, and kids, I was a mail tech. Definitely had a toe nail hit my eye once. Terrible. Gross. Relived it reading this. Vomited a little in my mouth.
It is getting harder and harder to hide my laughter and my tears while reading your blog at work. I just started following you recently and am in absolute AWE. You are amazing!
I just found your blog a few days ago and I love it!! You are absolutely adorable!! Love the story about the pedicure! Kind of gross but too funny! 🙂
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i bet he got a good tip though 🙂
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