Today was one of those days…
The kind of day that kick starts with your baby’s poo explosion through his diaper, through his pj’s, onto the carpet, and all over his favorite Buz Lightyear toy.
The kind of day where said baby will not let his Momma put him down all day.
And when Momma does try to put him down, this is what happens:
Yep, it was one of those days…
The day that I had a sick little Baby W.
And as exhausting {and stinky} as today was–sick cuddle time was…
{insert adorable photo of me and baby W cuddling–oh wait, those don’t exist because I take all the photos in this family, lol}
So here’s to sick days, stinky diapers and stolen cuddles!
t & e
ok you anonymous commenters. first of all, breastfeeding or not breastfeeding is a choice. secondly, you have no idea why she is not breastfeeding. (also baby w is 1) if you knew her at all you would know. if you have children and have breastfeed you know it's not fun nor easy. please remember that ashley is a person and has feelings and you can't judge her for the things she does. nobody is perfect and i know you aren't. it's pretty sad that you can judge her and leave her comments and be anonymous. you are messing with my family and i am down right mad at you.
t & e
ok you anonymous commenters. first of all, breastfeeding or not breastfeeding is a choice. secondly, you have no idea why she is not breastfeeding. (also baby w is 1) if you knew her at all you would know. if you have children and have breastfeed you know it's not fun nor easy. please remember that ashley is a person and has feelings and you can't judge her for the things she does. nobody is perfect and i know you aren't. it's pretty sad that you can judge her and leave her comments and be anonymous. you are messing with my family and i am down right mad at you.
I hate it when they get sick, but LOVE the cuddle time too!!
Mrs. G.I. Joe
Okay I really don't want to laugh at all this but I must. The comments about breastfeeding make me laugh because otherwise I would cry. So many women forget that sometimes babies are occasionally different and aren't guarenteed to respond the exact same way to things.
I hope no one pulls that garbage on you in the future. I'm just now weaning my 2 year old and she gets sick. Not all the time but a cold will last her 1-2 weeks! And let me tell you…her dirty pull ups make me gag. Oh well. She blames the smell on Daddy even when he's gone so things are always entertaining 😉
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