After reading all your fab comments on my previous post about memories from my childhood, I couldn’t just leave it at that. So thank you for your inspiration for this follow up post. Your comments and memories had me LOL {literally}!
Ode to the Childhood 80’s and 90’s:
Awesome Pegged Pant Legs
MC Hammer Pants
ALF {here kitty kitty kitty}
I bet you forgot about this little gem:
And my personal favorite:
Small Wonder
Scary Memories:
Favorite Books
Favorite Crush: JTT
Favorite magazine to cut out posters of my favorite crush:
Tiger Beat
Favorite Movie:
My Girl
{I cried every time I watched}
Toys I loved:
Remember these classic McDonald Happy Meal Toys
Tamagotchi computer key chain pets
Rainbow Brite
Popples: those little stuffed animals that tucked into a ball
And of course, the classic Chia Pet
Favorite Snacks:
Slimer Hi-C
{I would put these in the freezer and eat them as slushies}
Don’t push me push a Push Pop
Sour Warheads
Am I forgetting anything?
BTW: I am 26 for those of you who were wondering!
1984 Baby
ilene @ muchloveilly
girl, i loved this post! it made me wonder how you old were until i got to the bottom of the post. no wonder we had a lot of the same 80s/90s likes – we are the same age!! love it. 🙂
ilene @ muchloveilly
girl, i loved this post! it made me wonder how you old were until i got to the bottom of the post. no wonder we had a lot of the same 80s/90s likes – we are the same age!! love it. 🙂
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I love this post! It brings back a lot of memories!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I love this post! It brings back a lot of memories!
Half of those things I forgot about.. so many memories! Awesome that you made these post! Thanks 🙂
Oh my gosh! I was born in the same year and I totally remember every single one or those things! I think my favs from growing up were TGIF and Saved By the Bell :). Ah, the memories! Thanks for the trip down memory lane…
Stephanie {Luxe Boulevard}
This was fab! The only thing missing is Saved by the Bell.
You have to come join us for Throwback Thursday parties. Link up and add some old skool jams.
Jessi J.
Here are a couple of things I remember from the 80's / 90's
My brother had Skidz (they where MUST have for boys)
My fav. Band… I'm not ashamed of it!
Two tv shows I liked:
the books I loved!
and the candy that was a must have!
Jenny! {www.alongthelei.blogspot.com}
Thanks for the rewind!!!
That just made me smile from ear to ear!
I had that little cloud man from McDs…and rainbow brite, and the popples…and Esprit! Oh my goodness the memories!
nathania h
Awh that made me smile! Some things I don’t remember, but I was born in 1988 lol. I used to love all the mcdonalds toys! The little dolls that made heart and star paper cut outs, and the flying fairies were all my favorite! Oh and My Girl made me cry each time to! Hehe thanks for bringing back old memories!
How could you forget NKOTB? LOVED them and My Buddy and Kid Sister. Great round up . . . I loved Baby Sitter’s Club and Sweet Valley High!
What about pogs? And slap wrist bracelets. And TGIF. We watched it every Friday. I also loved me some NKOTB. 1983 here.
Oh my goodness, this really brought me back. I am a little older than you, but I had most of those things too! NKOTB was definitely my favorite group. I also loved Whitney Houston, Debbie Gibson, and Paula Abdul. I’m so glad you included the show dinosaurs, my husband never saw it and doesn’t believe it existed! 🙂
I was IN love with JTT. I saw a recent picture of him on TMZ the other day and he looks the exact same! Me and my best friend would watch My Girl all the time…and we cried every time too. I think I would still cry if I watched it today. Thanks for the flashbacks!
Erika Thompson
Ohh how I love posts like these! Fabulous and oh so entertaining!
I remember a lot of those!! I had a Popples…..think it’s still around actually! I’m from 1984, too, I just turned 27. 🙂
Anna @ The Guiltless Life
Soooo funny. We LOVED outfits like those MC Hammer pants – Kelly Kapowski wore all those kinds of crazy hairdos and colours on Saved by the Bell and we idolized her! (I was born in 85 so just a year younger!). And those electronic pets! Haha.
BUT does anyone remember Pogs?? Slammer and playing Pogs at lunchtime…no? OMG they were so huge in Cayman (I’m from the Cayman Islands) but I don’t know if they were in the States. So funny!
I know this is SUPER old, but I ran across this post while looking at other oldy-but-goody toys. I’m the same age as you so I hope you remember these… Cupcake dolls! I was obsessed with smelling the rubber skirt/cupcake. I tried to convince my mom and friends it was vanilla scented! 🙂
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