Dear nearly one year old Baby W,
In just 6 short days you will be turning ONE–and I am in complete denial.
I can hardly fathom how you went from an itty bitty little guy who literally swam {and kick boxed} around in my belly…
To a handsome little boy who makes me smile every day.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that we brought you home from the hospital and you changed our world forever?
I remember when you were too tiny to put up a fight when I made you wear a hat.
I remember when your face was nothing but irresistible kissy chub.
I remember when you were just 3 weeks old and I forced you to get in your toy box for this photo.
{creepy or adorable–we haven’t yet reached a verdict}
I remember your VERY FIRST holiday–and I was determined to make it special for you. At just 3.5 months old, I dressed you in this orange get-up and we set off for your first trip to the pumpkin patch. This would be the first of many ventures where you did your best to humor your momma.
How excited does he look about being dressed like a pumpkin?
Later that night, I switched out the pumpkin hat for your candy corn hat {from the Target dollar section of course}.
And then on Halloween day I made you wear this ridiculously cute monkey costume. And although you were perhaps one of the squirmiest babies on the planet–you never moved a muscle while wearing this costume.
I remember when you went through this faze where you would open your eyes VERY wide every time the camera flash went off. Resulting in this:
I remember the first time you really laughed–and how it was the best sound I had ever heard.
And then I remember when you decided to have an opinion about things–and you let your face show us what you were thinking.
While you have changed so much over the last year–you are still the little boy I brought into this world on July 8, 2009–with smushy cheeks, my turned up nose, your Daddy’s dimples, an undetermined persons puffy lips and long eye lashes, and a contagious smile and laugh all your own.
{3 weeks old and 11 months old}
And even though you bounce off the walls…
And can be a bit “intense” at times…
And have a boogery nose…
And get caught going places you aren’t allowed…
And getting into things you aren’t supposed to…
And are the messiest eater…
And have single handedly redesigned my living room…
I wouldn’t have it ANY other way!
Because you’re MY messy eating, trouble making, crazy crawling cuddle bug–and I love everything about you!
So here’s to hoping your momma learns how to cope with this whole turning one business–because so far its not looking too good.
I love you.
-your momma
I remember the night before my first born turned 1, I tip toed into his room at night, carefully lifted him out of the crib and caressed him and cried. I cried because I knew the time would go by way too fast. I cried because I couldn't believe how blessed I was to have such a healthy, happy, beautiful son. That baby is now 8 years old. I have a 3rd child now and he is 6 months old. I plan on doing the same thing with him the night before he turns 1. Cherish these moments. Each and every single moment, he will be 18 and off to College before you know it. God bless you!
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What a nice story of your baby
Hi, the shared photos in one year baby is looks so beautiful. I really enjoy with your post. You are expressing every growing step of your baby in beautiful way. Your one year antique need to be able to stand and take some steps. he will eat food along with his palms. He will help with getting put on cloths with a discern…Nice!
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