Attention: I have a new BFF
And after this post, she’ll be your BFF too!
Meet Jessica:
And she’s more than just a pretty face.
She’s a Momma of 5 adorable littles

and wifey of one “lover”
(as she affectionately refers to him)
Her kiddos are pure yumminess
(sample provided below)
And today I was lucky enough to convince her to guest post for us.
Enjoy a day in the life of this hot momma:
A Story in Pictures
by: Jessica Lowe
It didn’t deter him from his usual morning activities that mostly involve acting like this dude:
So there I was, doing this in the bathroom:

But not the easy clean up kind,
Nooooo, he wanted the one in the Tupperware because it’s gooier and messier and easier to spill all over the place.
And what good is eating it without a utensil to spoon it in your mouth.
As time passed,
I had to register for my classes that I’ll be attending when I go here:
And WHILE I was doing that, this dude got hungry.
So he helped himself to a can of these:

And all over these, which I had just cleaned.
So there I was again.
Today’s entertainment is brought to you by this guy:

And then this little mister got bored.
So he decided he wanted a morning treat and he was craving this:

But not the easy clean up kind,

(one of which didn’t NEED to get ready for school OR walk allllll the way there with me and the babies because it’s WEDNESDAY. AGAIN. WTC?!?)
and cleaning sticky spots off of everything.
I’m sure I’ll still find sticky for the next several weeks.

That doesn’t look like this but I wish it did.
Buy it for me please.
Dave Ramsey?
Close your eyes.


And all over these, which I had just cleaned.

this little rat got curious.
So he opened one of these:
Which, by the way, reminds me to buy LOTS of these now.

Which looks IDENTICAL to this one.
I swear.
But not the small cute one like this.
It had to be the big HUGE one like this:
And he opened it and poured it all over this:

including these:

And these:

And these:
It’s because I looked too much like this:

To even THINK of grabbing this:
And once again, I found myself here:

To even THINK of grabbing this:

Oh no.
Not at all.
This only gave the monster MORE time to find something NEW.
(which I MUST have):
(which looks IDENTICAL to mine)
And he got into the cabinets to find some of these which he downed in a heartbeat.

Don’t call these guys just yet.
Those were only fake pills made by this girl:

For this hot guy’s birthday party.

I was still doing this number during that time and I figured he was fine eating tic tacs so I didn’t pay much attention to him while I scrubbed soy sauce out of the crevices in my pantry.
And this guy happened to notice that I wasn’t paying attention:

So he opened a jar of this:
And decided to fix his hair.

For this hot guy’s birthday party.

I was still doing this number during that time and I figured he was fine eating tic tacs so I didn’t pay much attention to him while I scrubbed soy sauce out of the crevices in my pantry.

So he opened a jar of this:

And decided to fix his hair.
Thinking about getting Vaseline out of hair made me do this:
So I was forced to take drastic measures.
But this tErd,


And sometimes he looks at his big brother with eyes that melt my heart.
And sometimes, he just looks so incredibly irresistible sleeping in his big boy bed at night that I chance waking him up just to sneak in for a picture and a drool covered kiss.
That’s my Penny 🙂

You’re probably wondering if everyday with this dude is full of surprises.
You’re probably wondering if I spend every day looking like this because of it.
Every. Day.
Because sometimes he runs across the street to the garage and gets the paper towels when the slide is wet.
All on his own.

Ashley here again.Ready for some more of Jessica?
I promise she’ll inspire you!
She inspired me to dust off my exercise bike and say bu-bye to saggy baby skin.
In I Hate Toys she inspired me to get organized {while laughing my bum off}.
In Sweaty Hair Tomato Face she inspired me to get personal and have no shame.
She has inspired me to take risks when I blog.
Don’t be afraid to act silly and random.
And she inspired me to keep in mind that life (and relationships) aren’t always rainbows and butterflies.
Now go show Jessica some love over at The Lowe Family News or visit her video blog {the HunDuddle Hussy}, where she loves to make a fool of herself.
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Dat kiss… >_<
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