Happy Very First Daddy’s Day
to my Hubby Hubster
Baby W wanted you to have this:
His very first work of art, painted especially for you.
And let Mommy tell you, that this project was truly a labor of love.
Let’s just say Baby W wasn’t as excited about finger painting as I anticipated.
Other than the time he accidentally crawled into the paint and then I forced him to put his hand on the paper…
Baby W was a bit more excited about picking and eating grass.
I anticipated taking a zillion pictures of my super cute kiddo with paint all over his body, smiling and laughing as he had a blast creating his first Father’s Day gift…
Instead, Baby W wiped the paint off his hand onto the grass the very first chance he got.
This picture pretty much sums up how “excited” Baby W was to paint.
Regardless of his lack of enthusiasm, his little picture ended up
being not-half-bad.
A Masterpiece in fact {if you ask his mommy}.
And now a shout out to a Daddy that makes his little family so happy.
A Daddy who gives us his time, his love, his hugs and his kisses.
To a Daddy who thinks its super cute to feed Baby W food from his mouth.
Yes, I am serious.
He insists on putting little bits of food in between his lips so that Baby W will “kiss” him to get the yummy food.
See him baiting Lil W with the watermelon.
Baby W takes the bait.
Up close and personal.
Daddy, so excited he stole a kiss from his little guy.
I keep telling the hubby that there will come a time {very soon} when feeding your baby like a bird won’t be “cute” anymore.
But for now, we’ll let it slide *wink*
Happy Father’s Day to my favorite man in the world!
ilene @ muchloveilly
ashley, this is too adorable! 🙂
ilene @ muchloveilly
ashley, this is too adorable! 🙂
This post definitely illustrates how great a fatherly love is. This is pretty inspiring specially to those men out there who are planning to have a family and become a dad. Being a dad is a great responsibility same as being a mom.
But no matter how big your responsibility is being a dad. Nothing compares to happiness you would feel after having it done.
Being a dad is really one of the best achievements a man can have in his life. Cheers to all the fathers out there.
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