Cramps, where art thou?
It just hit me the other day.
Uhhh, when was the last time Aunt Flow came to visit me.
I mean, every 30 days, like clock work, that grouchy hag invades our home
for a whole week.
But not this month, and come to think of it I don’t recall her
visit last month either?
But I could be wrong.
So, being the obsessive “must know everything right NOW” gal that I am,
I headed over to the drug store to find some answers.
On my way, Baby W was loudly ‘singing’ from his car seat as he pulverized cheerios into my seats.
I looked back and smiled at him, grateful for the miracle that is his existence…but truthfully, scared to death at the prospect of juggling two of him at once {just not the right time}.
So I bought the test, and walked out of the store ignoring the judgemental look on the cashiers face that read “you are too young to have one baby, let alone be preggo with another”.
{people tend to think I am a teen momma, which I suppose is a compliment}
As soon as I got home I wasted no time peeing on that stick.
And then I waited…
For three of the longest minutes of my life…
In three minutes I imagined life with a toddler and an infant…
I imagined how hard it would be to be changing two sets of diapers…
How hard it would be to be up all night for another year (at least)…
How hard it would be to make any time for me or any time for the hubby…
How expensive it would be…
How exhausted I would be…
How stressed I would be…
How stretched thin I would be…
How tired I would be {did I already say that one}…
And then my three minutes were up…
And you know what, I was disappointed.
Because no matter how tired, how busy, how stretched thin I would be, it doesn’t compare to how happy my little baby would make me.
So, will you be trying to have another kiddo anytime soon, you ask?
The answer is still no.
But if the test would have read “pregnant”, I would have jumped for joy.
FYI: I have the utmost admiration for all those Momma’s out there with multiple kiddos. You rock! You’re the strongest, most courageous, most inspiring group of people I know!
Mom’s like this.
And this.
And this.
And all the rest of you, you know who you are!
I have an 11 yr old, a 7 yr old, and a 7 month old, and another one on the way.I don't even get dressed every day and sometimes I may sometimes mistake my unshowered smell for a poopy diaper smell. Ick! Oh well. I just remember telling people that I wanted to be a mommy when I grew up. That's what I am, and for now it's all of me.
Ha, this was funny to me. Since I am 10 weeks pregnant. But I can handle two, I think it will be more fun! a little nervous 🙂
Emily - faliLV
Oh man – I have so been there. Isn't it funny how you can sit there so scared, and then be upset with its not to be?
Oh man, I feel this exact same way. I don't have a baby yet, but have had the same scare a couple times, and I remember freaking out and worrying about how we were going to manage and stuff and being so stressed about it that I wanted to cry, and then when it said not pregnant wanting to cry all over for a different reason because I had started to already get attachted to the idea of that baby.
This post rang so true for me. I thought I was pregnant for like 2 months prior to getting pregnant with my second baby. Every month I just KNEW I was preggo (even though I was on birth control…lol) and each month I was stressed about it..and then dissapointed when I wasn't! I had a one year old and I couldn't possibly imagine how hard it was gonna be, but you know what? It rocks! I have two babies 21 months apart and they adore each other…and you know what? God never gives us more than we can handle! That's so true! My son (first born) is super high energy, determined, stubborn, etc…and I was scared to have another of him…but my daughter is MELLOW and hardly ever cries and sleeps well and is the chunkiest, cutest baby girl in the world. I wouldn't trade them for N E THING! 🙂 Hope when it does happen that you'll get JUST what God planned for you! 🙂
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