Happy Little Miss Momma’s Day
Mommy, Daddy and Baby W spent our very first Momma’s Day at the beach.
This was the baby’s first time at the beach where he was actually old enough to touch the sand–and boy, did he ever.
He threw it in the air…
And stacked it against his tummy…
And inspected the tiny grains in between his fingers…
And then he ate it–and I freaked out!
Surely sand consumption cannot be good on a baby tummy…or bummy?!
Note: the friendly topless woman behind Lil W–she thought Baby W’s sand eating was pretty funny.
To me, going to the beach is about getting a tan, reading a good book {or gossip magazine}, enjoying some yummy snacks, curling my toes in the sand and maybe even taking a nap–so when we decided to spend my very first “Mother’s Day as a Momma” at the beach I thought, what more perfect way to spend my special day…It just so happens to be at the top of my list of “favorite things”.
This trip to the beach turned out a bit different…
The People Magazine stayed in my bag, and instead I pulled out the Buzz Lightyear shovel and sand toys. The yummy grown up snacks were left home in exchange for a plethora of flavorless puffs, unsweetened applesauce, and freeze dried yogurt {yum}. And I can certainly tell you there was NO nap or sun bathing.
And although my perfect day at the beach didn’t go as I imagined, I realized something new about this whole parenting business. I learned that when you become a parent your definition of perfect and fun kinda changes a bit. Suddenly, if its perfect or fun for your little one, well then its perfectly fun for you too!
And today was both perfect and fun!
I hope your Momma’s Day was perfect too!
Happy first mother's day! Wes is so cute! I think I need to see him again it has been WAY too long!
t & e
oh man he is toooooooo cute! glad you guys had fun at the beach, Happy Mothers Day!
t & e
oh man he is toooooooo cute! glad you guys had fun at the beach, Happy Mothers Day!
Miss E.
what great pictures! and don't worry about the sand-eating. lol. it looks like you had a wonderful day!
Love Stitched
Hope you had a great Mothers Day! I gave you a TRENDY BLOG AWARD on my blog today! check it out! http://lovestitched.blogspot.com/2010/05/awards-and-winner.html
Glad you had a wonderful Momma's Day!!
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