Stories of a tired hubby
Stories of a tired hubby
For those of you who follow my family blog, you have already been subjected to the following story–for those of you who haven’t heard this story, well, you’re in for a treat {sort of}.
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I have a rather hands on hubby with his son–for which I am very grateful. He doesn’t hesitate to change a poopy diaper or take a midnight feeding. Which leads me to my story:
A few weeks ago I was up with our teething baby ALL NIGHT…by about 5 am Lil W decided he was up for the day and I was way too tired to get up with him…So, his awesome Daddy was sweet enough to get up with our Lil guy.
A few hours later, I woke up to a happy baby ready for a nap and a hard at work husband. The hubby had even already changed his poopy diaper! I got Lil W ready for the day, put him down for a nap and started my morning chores. When I was putting laundry away in his room I couldn’t help but notice that it was sooooo stinky…
Maybe I needed to empty the diaper pail, I thought…I was wrong!
As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I have a rather hands on hubby with his son–for which I am very grateful. He doesn’t hesitate to change a poopy diaper or take a midnight feeding. Which leads me to my story:
A few weeks ago I was up with our teething baby ALL NIGHT…by about 5 am Lil W decided he was up for the day and I was way too tired to get up with him…So, his awesome Daddy was sweet enough to get up with our Lil guy.
A few hours later, I woke up to a happy baby ready for a nap and a hard at work husband. The hubby had even already changed his poopy diaper! I got Lil W ready for the day, put him down for a nap and started my morning chores. When I was putting laundry away in his room I couldn’t help but notice that it was sooooo stinky…
Maybe I needed to empty the diaper pail, I thought…I was wrong!
Apparently the hubby had attempted to change our Lil guy’s diaper while still half asleep…and for about 3 hours this little surprise was waiting for me as proof that my hubster was out of it while diaper changing…
**WARNING**: Somewhat graphic image coming up.
**WARNING**: Somewhat graphic image coming up.
Yep, a fresh poo ball that some how fell out of the diaper unbeknownst to daddy–how does that even happen {LOL}?
And that’s not all…
A few weeks before the poo ball incident, I woke up with Lil W and we went about our previously mentioned morning routine where I change his diaper and clean him up for the day. When I set him on the changing table I couldn’t figure out why his PJ’s looked so different from the ones I put him in the night before. Hmmm….
I mean, wasn’t there a hippo on the front of these PJ’s {or am I losing my mind}?…then I got the idea to check the back of his PJ’s and this is what I found:
That’s right! The poor little guys PJ’s were on backwards. It seems that the hubby was VERY tired when he woke up in the middle of the night to change Lil W’s diaper. So tired that when he put W’s PJ’s back on, he did so backwards.
Lil W spent the rest of the night with a frontal wedgie and his feet not fitting in the proper feety holes. Not the mention, the buttons on the onesie going all the way up his neck instead of down his back (Lil W didn’t seem to mind one bit, though). I couldn’t stop laughing while I changed his diaper. I just had to grab the camera to capture this moment…
Lil W spent the rest of the night with a frontal wedgie and his feet not fitting in the proper feety holes. Not the mention, the buttons on the onesie going all the way up his neck instead of down his back (Lil W didn’t seem to mind one bit, though). I couldn’t stop laughing while I changed his diaper. I just had to grab the camera to capture this moment…
And these stories are just {two} more reasons why I love my hubby!
Lol, too cute. It happens 🙂
The Abelings
Classic daddies!
Lila Tueller
I laughed out loud…seriously…while reading this post. They (hubbies) are so smart about so many things…but when it comes to dressing the baby in the middle of the night, no brains at all. So funny. Thanks for cheering me up today with a walk down memory lane:)
Summer @ Made By Munchie's Mama
Seriously hilarious!!! I would always change gav’s diaper in the middle of the night and zip him back up just to find that his pjs were all wet cause he had peed on himself. It’s a wonder how our poor kids survive there first year with the lack of sleep we endure.
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