So there’s this girl
and her name is Casey {cool, right!).
I go to her blog
and I stare at her pictures like a creeper.
She is gorgeous,
and so is her family.
But the best part.
She is 100% humble.
And we like humble.
She is a Momma who loves with every ounce of her heart.
She has an Ashton Kutcher look alike hubs {huge compliment if you ask me}.
She has babes that could be Gap models.
She writes from the heart.
Oh, and did I mention that she is an insanely talented artist?
Because she’s that too!
Today Casey is visiting us,
to share some of her beautiful thoughts on Motherhood.
Here she is:
Hi, My name is Casey Wiegand and I am a freelance artist, wife and mama. I love painting and sharing our life through my blog …where you can expect pieces of my perspective on life, faith, kids, marriage, with touches of art, creative inspiration, projects and things I love along the way. I have two littles ones in the hopes of lots more and am married to the love of my life!
When sweet Ashley asked me to guest post I was HONORED and so excited. She is such an inspiration to so many of us and to get to be a part of this beautiful blog is amazing! I was thinking about what I should share today and decided to talk about open hands…..something I struggle with when it comes to my littles!
So very nice to meet you all!!!
Aiden (my 2 year old)is a major snuggle bug. I don’t know if it’s because for the past 2 years I have snuggled him constantly or if it was already in his nature but he loves to be held, snuggled, tickled, hugged, kissed…all things wonderful.
Some nights he is extra extra loving. Like tonight.
I went in to put him to bed and both arms instantly wrapped tight around my neck, holding on for dear life and then came the kisses! Countless kisses all over my cheeks.
Then came my tears.
The hot tears streaming down my cheeks. Oh the love. Sometimes I just can’t squeeze tight enough. I stayed in there till he fell asleep and he never let go.
I have an incredibly sensitive spirit. It’s both a strength and a curse. I tend to get my heart broken often. Then I started to think….if something happened to me, could others love my babies the way I do?
Would they know?
Would they know the big things like schedules. What Aiden will and won’t eat. His favorite toys, his own little language. His bath routine. His favorite shows & songs to dance to.
What about Ainsleigh ( my 9 month old)? when she eats, the noises she makes when she is tired vs hungry. What makes her laugh.
Then I think…well, what about the little things.
Would they know that when Aiden pulls your eye to his cheek he wants butterfly kisses.
Or that when he runs to the kitchen rug & sits down, he is ready for a pretend picnic.
The countless things I know about them.
What about the nights. Would they get up with him 10 times each night and hold him till he slips into slumber.
Please say yes.
It actually makes me weep.
There is a great hope in Jesus. He loves my babies more than I ever could imagine. More than me. Impossible to imagine really, but true. And no matter if I am here or not, they will be loved greatly.
Open hands Casey, open hands.
“When a woman has a kingdom heart, she has an active understanding of what matters most to the heart of God. She lives in the balance of passion and contentment. She learns to love well, give without regard to self, and forgive without hesitation. The woman with a kingdom heart may have a duffel bag full of possessions or enough treasures to fill a mansion, but she has learned to hold them with an open hand. Hold everything with open hands. I don’t think we are ever allowed to grab hold of anything or anyone as though they matter more than the kingdom of heaven. When you hold relationships with open hands, then people come in and out of your life as gifts of grace to be cherished and enjoyed, not objects to be owned and manipulated. And then when you hold your dreams with open hands, you get to watch God resurrect what seemed dead and multiply what seemed small.”
Wow…so beautifully said…..thanks for sharing…
I love Casey's blog! I found it awhile back thanks to you Ashley 🙂 I love reading her posts. She is so honest and really makes you stop and think about what is really important in life. She inspired a post I wrote just last night. She is also super sweet as she is helping me with some blog design for such an affordable price. 🙂
love the last quote! Where is it from?
Sarah B.
I love Casey and her sweet blog 🙂 I met her yesterday and she is just as fantastic in person!
Graceful Moments
I will be visiting Casey's blog now that I've read her post. I love the open hands quote…just beautiful!
ilene @ muchloveilly
i adore casey. such a great post!!!!
ilene @ muchloveilly
i adore casey. such a great post!!!!
The Miller Five
What a beautiful post! I'm heading right over to check out her blog. And OMG her husband DOES look like Ashton! Woah baby!
Raige Creations
this is a beautiful post. enjoyed it very much.
Love this! Being a mama is hard. its a comfort however to know that other mamas have the same fears as me. Thanks for sharing.
thanks for letting her guest post. Love her blog. I blogged about you on my blog!
Casey is an incredible inspiring woman. And I'm so happy to call her a friend. Thanks for sharing her with us.
Such is a mother's heart. I think we all share those fears for our babes. We love them so much it hurts. Beautiful post, as always.
Heather :: AFD Jewelry ::
What a beautiful post – I love Casey and her blog! And I have thoughts like that all the time too…..so glad to know I'm not the only one!
Great guest post! Loving your blog. Nice to meet ya!
Natalie @ NS Pottery
LOVE this lady!!!!!!!!
wow she is amazing! this was such a beautiful post and got me thinking.. a lot probably inspired my next blog post. I am looking forward to following her blog!
Such a beautiful post! I'm heading over to her blog to become a new follower now!
Cherry Blossoms
Love this inspiring advice and what a beautiful momma and family, thanks for show casing!
sometimes every momma needs alittle boost and today I got mine! Thank you!!!
Maeve Rachel
Wow! That is so beautiful and inspiring =)
michael. mindy. dane.
okay. i just found your blog through pinterest and i am KIND OF in love with it! seriously. your family is adorable adn you are beautiful and i love this blog! serious! so so cute. thanks for sharing your fun stuff!
Thank you for sharing Casey with us, Ashley. This was a treat to read. Seems you surround yourself with women just as special as you are!
MJ @ MD School Mrs
There is so much beauty in this post! I adore it.
This post is SO SO beautiful!! It really touches a mother's heart! I LOVE both your blogs and am SO inspired by them everyday!!!
What a beautiful family!
Jade Steckly
THAT was totally inspiring. And true. Thoughts that I have all the time, but could never put them into words as amazingly as she did. Wow.
And he DOES look look like Ashton Kutcher! LOL
She Ra Princess of Milk
God actually speaks to me about questions I have asked through the things I do and read and the people that I meet. This blog made me cry hot tears thinking about how I love my baby and how God loves me and my baby that way times infinity. You inspired me to write a blog and although you dont need it I linked you both in. I know youre both busy, I dont expect you to read it and really its for Charlie but I wanted to thank you for the inspiration that spoke to other things that have happened to me recently.
Thank you!
(just in case you do get time)
note to Casey: I read your blog and love it too! I have that same kind of mommy worry heart. I even went as far as to write out EVERYTHING I could think of onto paper one time about what they would need if something ever happened to me. From food, to bedtime, to books etc. it felt good to write it all out, but it changes and evolves, I would have to write it every couple of months to keep up!
I still have it and save it as a keepsake of what they were like!
you are a GREAT momma!
Are you sure that's NOT Ashton Kutcher…because I'm pretty sure it is, trucker hat and all!
That made my eyes tear and my heart smile… Lovely job ladies.
Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs
Such a beautiful post. Got me teary eyed, and i felt my heart breaking with yours. I could go on about how I can so relate to all you just said, but I wont. I just had to say thank you for sharing this. The open hands things is so true and so good.. I too need to work on that.
Monica Lopez
I love the last quote too, would love to know where it's from. This post spoke to me so deeply. I am dealing with a separation from my daughter's dad at the moment and have been in constant fear over what is going to happen to her when she is with him, will he take care of her, will he make sure she is safe and not let anything happen to her. Will he know to do all the things that I do. This post made me realize that even when I am not in control, HE is and that God loves my baby and knows more about her than I do and he will keep her safe even when I can't. Thank you for this Casey.
Rolled Up Pretty and Cut Off Thoughts
Oh my gosh, I love her blog! And her husband is IDENTICAL to Ashton Kutcher, HOLY COW!
Seriously, make. the. tears. stop. Ha!
This was a beautifully written post, so true. Thanks for sharing!!
Loved this post. I feel the same way about my kids and worry about the same tender little things. It is so important to keep our eyes on Jesus for sure.
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The quote is from
Loss and Heartache - Little Miss Momma
[…] Loss and Heartache October 13, 2011 By Ashley @ Little Miss Momma * Leave a Comment I’ve talked to y’all about Casey before. About how she inspires me. About her strength. Her faith. Her story. Casey has blogged with us before…about her biggest fear. If you missed that touching post click here. […]
Veronica Carpenter
this made me cry. I am the momma of 3 littles myself and every word you wrote I was right there with you. The butterfly kisses, oh the preciousness of those moments. Holding with open hands. So incredible. And that last bit about the woman with a kingdom heart. That grabbed my heart so tightly. Thank you. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
Dreading Bedtime - grow - Little Miss Momma
[…] has become an expert. Today’s post inspired by Casey’s touching words yesterday. Every night, and I mean every night for the last two years, at around 10 pm I start to dread my […]
Katie Keltner Photography
Just beautiful.
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