Dear 22 Month Old Baby W,
For Mother’s Day this year I got you a present.
I guess that’s how this whole parenting thing works.
Even on holidays focused on Momma,
you are the one who ends up getting all the goodies.
But you know what,
getting you presents makes me happier.
So this time, best of both worlds…
I got us matching presents.
Yours are blue, mine are red.
The day they arrived in the mail we took them out for a test spin
on your daily adventure walk.
It’s safe to say you love your new TOMS.
And there’s something I want you to know about these new kicks,
aside from their perfect fit and
how scrumptiously adorable they make your pudgy foot look.
I want you to know that wearing these shoes means you are making a difference,
for other kiddos out there who aren’t as lucky as you.
Because for every pair of TOMS we buy,
TOMS gives away a pair to a child in need.
One for One.
And its important to make a difference.
A part of me has always had a soft spot for little ones
who don’t have the simplest of luxuries.
clean water. roof. bed. a parent’s unconditional love.
And then, as soon as I became your Momma
my heart grew about 10 sizes
and now I find myself shedding random tears
all. the. time.
as I think about all the babies who aren’t rocked to sleep at night,
or read to, or bathed, or fed, or given a decent pair of shoes.
Parenthood will soften your soul,
you’ll see one day.
I trust that you will always have a kind heart.
That you will recognize when others are in need
and you will reach out to them with open arms
even when they aren’t asking for help.
I already see the beginnings of qualities within you that make me so proud.
I try to remember that those things that drive me crazy at times,
are likely to develop into some of your strongest
and most positive characteristics.
Because, apparently your Daddy was quite the handful as a baby too.
And now he is the kindest,
most patient,
and thoughtful man I know.
Your goodnight kisses and morning cuddles
assure me that you are following in his footsteps.
I have big plans for you, my little man.
I don’t need you to be rich and famous.
I don’t need you to be on the cover of a magazine
or inducted in to the Hall of Fame.
I just need you to be happy.
And to be kind.
And if you are both of those things,
you will certainly make a difference of your own.
Love, Momma
Emily faliLV
He is so sweet! We love Toms!! I think our boys are only about 1 month apart – Squishy will be 2 June 4. :O It does go way too fast!!
Maria-Isabel @ Agape Love Designs
Its so true that after you become a parent, your heart grows and you become such a softy. I was never so emotional and sensitive until I had kids of my own. Now I cry even on some diaper commercials! lol
Anyways that is so awesome about TOMS, Id never really heard of them or that before.. I will have to check them out. They look adorable on B.W. 🙂
ahhh! Love it! I can't believe my little is almost 9 months!
Jayna Rae
I got Tom's Mother's Day weekend too. My mom had given me money earlier in the week for my birthday, so I stopped by Nordstrom while in San Diego and picked me up a pair. LOVE THEM!!!! Love that they really cost under $30 a pair when you consider that you are purchasing two pairs. Baby W looks soooooo cute in his. I love him holding the orange. You may have inspired me to get some for my little Monster.
So sweet… I have never heard of TOMS before… maybe they are not sold in Canada. I will have to look into buying a pair.
I think baby W is going to turn out just fine especially with you as his Mama!! He will learn all his special qualites from you! How great is motherhood eh! I believe 100% how important it is to make a difference! We need more ppl like you in this world, to help out the less fortunate. How you and baby W have many comfortable adventure walks in your new kicks! xo
Your baby's wonderful!
I've had my TOMS for months and have yet to pull them out of the box..
Very sweet post! The shoes are adorable….and of course so is your precious baby boy. 🙂
{{{Kelly}}} XtOphY Design Studio
absolutely perfectly and beautifully written. i love your big heart <3
this post made me cry happy tears. It's amazing what having a child can do to your heart, isn't it?!
he is going to be an AMAZING MAN! too bad he wasn't a wee bit older (like 10-12) because I would be wanting you to set up a contract for him to marry one of my daughters LOL!!!!!!!
good job little Miss Momma!!!
Ashley- you are a beautiful momma. I know baby W will be just those things when he grows up. Sounds like he has wonderful examples as parents and must feel very loved. I hope you both enjoy your Toms. 🙂 He looks good in them. hehe
I die at the cuteness of these shoes! Miss L has a pair of silver ones that just came the other day! I can't get over how cute they look on their little feet. 🙂 HUGS
OH! He is such a little man!!
So cute those little kiddo TOMS.
I just got my first pair this past week! But they were too big and the yellow was definitely TOO dark. 🙁
So back they go in the mail to hopefully return with the perfect pair!
We just got our son a pair of blue ones too, hes 2.5 years old and I just love how cute they are on his feet! I also love the concept of toms, its an amazing idea! I want the red too!! Did you find a reasonable site to order from?
Heather Mullin
Ashley, this is So sweet! SO SO SO sweet!
It's crazy to think how many kids here in the US go without too, which is really sad. I think this really hit home while I was student teaching last semester. Every little bit helps.
my first giveaway 🙂
you worded this so beautifully! How true it all is 🙂 Ryan and I have matching TOMs too. We both got the ash ones and we LOVE them. I need talk hubs into getting a pair so our whole family can make a difference.. one for one!! have a great weekend 🙂
becoming teacher misty
Thank you for sharing your little guy with us! It's a joy watching him grow and listening to your stories. You are a good mommy. 🙂
He looks adorable, he sports those shoes really well!
And it must be parenthood because I was never emotional or a hot crying mess until I had my boys!
So glad you got your TOMS. Aren't they even more adorable on? And making a difference is pretty cool too.
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