Pure randomness, so bare with me {or is it bear with me?}
Am I the only one who…
jumps with surprise every time I open a Pillsbury crescent roll tube and it makes that loud POP sound.
doesn’t bother eating an Oreo unless its double stuffed.
can never remember how to spell: similar, diarrhea and tomorrow
thinks Mr. Noodle on
Sesame Street is super creepy.
would rather pick up dog poop than fold laundry.
dreads blow drying my hair.
must have the dishes done before I can fall asleep at night.
thinks Twitter is like a foreign language–and doesn’t understand all the “code” people use when they tweet {i.e. #, RT, @}.
gets grossed out by that mascara booger goop found in the corners of eyes.
gets uncomfortable when Victoria’s Secret commercials come on while her hubby is in the room with her {just what I want to be compared to}.
has decided to reduce the T-Day stress and order my Turkey from Honey Baked Ham this year.
thinks there’s nothing more attractive in a guy than dimples and a piercing smile {and my hubby just so happens to have both}.
picks my kids nose with my finger.
wears the same bra every day, and I mean every day {when I find one that works, I stick with it}.
changes my mind every day about whether or not I’m ready for baby #2.
Now what about you?
Scott, Kasie & Payton
Oh my gosh! I loved this post!! So hilarious because I relate to it sooooo well!!!! I hate blow drying my hair, I pick my son's nose, Mr. noodles is soooooo creepy, and yes I can only eat double stuf Oreos!
I just LOVE your blog! I relate to you in so many ways!!! Thanks for being awesome!!!
And I've often wondered if I'm the only one who gets excited to go grocery shopping just because I'll have full cabinets and snacking foods restocked!?
Scott, Kasie & Payton
Oh my gosh! I loved this post!! So hilarious because I relate to it sooooo well!!!! I hate blow drying my hair, I pick my son's nose, Mr. noodles is soooooo creepy, and yes I can only eat double stuf Oreos!
I just LOVE your blog! I relate to you in so many ways!!! Thanks for being awesome!!!
And I've often wondered if I'm the only one who gets excited to go grocery shopping just because I'll have full cabinets and snacking foods restocked!?
Free Pretty Things For You
omgosh LoL
we are so alike! 😀
but i think i am the only person in the world that likes ketchup in their sandwich!! lol
Love ya girl!
So excited about the WINNER Yay!!
Free Pretty Things For You
omgosh LoL
we are so alike! 😀
but i think i am the only person in the world that likes ketchup in their sandwich!! lol
Love ya girl!
So excited about the WINNER Yay!!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I discovered that we have a lot in common just by reading this post!!!
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
I discovered that we have a lot in common just by reading this post!!!
Danae Jones
I just found your blog and I like it so much that I'm going through the archives! And I have to agree with you, Mr. Noodle is creepy as heck.
Perhaps because of Herve Leger Replica how we show our pieces, or just the assumed way of Herve Leger,