GIVEAWAY CLOSED and Winners selected:
Congrats to Natasha Flores and Denise Burridge.
You have been sent an email with details about claiming your prize.
I call this my happy room. The room I go to when the boys are fast asleep. And I need to kick up my feet and rest. Or write. Or cozy up by the fire.
When we first moved into this house, I was too nervous to hang anything on the walls. This was our first “real” home together and I wanted to be absolutely certain about the nails I hammered and the items I selected to represent our family. But after weeks (which eventually turned into months) of indecision, Ben finally sat me down to have a talk.
Ben: They’re just holes.
That was it. That was all he said. And it was all I needed to hear.
I was free to make mistakes. Free to change my mind.
Free to hang up whatever I felt best reflected our family at this stage of life.
And you know what?
Once I stopped thinking, and just started hanging–I found that the results represented us more accurately than if I would have approached the project with a detailed set of plans. Because we’re not a detailed set of plans kind of family. We’re a bit whimsical. We’re a bit neutral with pops of color. We’re happy and optimistic. And I think this room captures that now.
“Keep Calm and Carry On” sign and “Be Real, Be Wholehearted” sign c/o: Barn Owl Primitives
This is one of the fab, vintage quilts I snagged while at Whatever Craft Weekend.
This little collage wall is extra special to me. For me, words are art. They have power. And the words found on this wall are the words I hope will be etched in the hearts of my boys forever. These are the words I whisper into their ears as they drift off to sleep each night. These are the words I repeat in our nighttime prayers. These are the words I will remind them of when faced with important life lessons and decisions. These are the words that matter in our home–and I want there to be no doubts about that.
You Have Been Given Today print c/o: Katy Girl.
“I Am Enough” made for me by this girl
Hoop Art c/o: Take the Cannoli
A few weeks back, Ben and I lay in bed telling stories about our childhood.
He began telling me a story about some family home evening gone awry.
And then another story about an impromptu family vacation to Mt. Rushmore.
And then a story about a road trip he and his dad took to visit colleges.
Several stories, some good laughs, a few sentimental head nods later…
and suddenly I found myself overwhelmed with appreciation.
Appreciation for the sacrifices made and the love freely given by two parents who love Ben oh-so-much.
Me: What about your family motto growing up?
Ben: What about it?
When Ben was growing up, his four siblings and parents sat down around the table one evening and came up with a motto–something to hold them all together, something to serve as a reminder of what really matters in the face of life’s obstacles and oppositions.
Me: I think that’s a really special thing your family did. And I think we should do it too. For the boys, and for us.
So we stayed awake a little while longer. And we thought long and hard.
I pulled out my trusty notepad and a pencil.
Then we came up with a list of mottos that touched our hearts.
Some of them were deep.
Some made us laugh.
Some were scripture.
But when we found the ONE, well…we just knew.
Be Awesome Today.
In our home, “awesome” doesn’t mean “being cool”.
It means making good choices.
Choosing love.
And kindess.
And optimism.
And compassion.
And charity.
Being awesome doesn’t mean being perfect.
It simply means,
be the best version of yourself.
And everyday.
I got in touch with my pal, Kristi of Barn Owl Primitives the next day and I told her my idea.
She got to work on yet another special treasure for my home.
When it arrived, I knew exactly where it was going to hang.
There was no anxiety about nailing these holes in the wall.
Now when you visit my home,
you’ll find “Be Awesome Today” hung right above our front door…
And in the morning,
when things are pure chaos,
and lunches are being thrown together,
and we’re frantically looking for a matching sock,
and the Disney Chanel is blaring in the background..
On these mornings and every morning,
as Ben leaves to take our son to school,
I quickly wrap my arms around Wesley’s tiny toddler body,
pull him in close, ruffle his hair…and whisper in his ear:
Be Awesome Today buddy, be awesome.
And then I plant a big kiss on his lips
and trust the world to take care of my baby for the day.
You guys, Kristi is literally one of my favorite people in the world–no exaggeration.
Some people enter your life that are just different in the best way possible.
I call them game changers.
Those people who leave footprints on your soul.
Kristi is my game changer.
Today Kristi is giving away TWO “be awesome today” signs just like mine!
That means two of you guys have a chance to WIN a piece of love from my favorite shop ever!
To enter, leave a comment telling me what your family motto would be.
For a second entry visit the Barn Owl Primitives shop and leave a comment here telling me your favorite item.
For a bonus entry, tweet or facebook a link to this giveaway and leave a comment with a link to your post.
*Leave a separate comment for each entry. Three total entry options.
Cheryl Armstrong
Ours is come what may + love it!
Trisha B
Our family motto would be, We Can Do Hard Things
Trisha B
I love all of Kristi’s signs. My favorites right now are Every Child is an artist and We Can do Hard Things
Our Family Motto is …. The Day is what you make of it!
Trisha B
I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/trishabdesigns/status/330179235060805632
I love her shop! I have a few of the different quotes in my house already, I just favorited her on etsy so i can get the Playroom Rules! That is my favorite right now!
Just tweeted! https://twitter.com/sarahb2749/status/330179941297692672
We don’t have a family motto yet, but would love it to be something about joy and/or gratefulness.
Sarahoh, and I love the “You are my sunshine” sign – I sing that to my daughter most days 🙂
Oh i LOVE this idea! In our house we say “be kind to yourself” (I have 2 tween girlies and that is not always an easy task for them 🙂
I love your be awesome today and the meaning behind it. Iw ill have to sit down with my husband and come up with something that represents us. But yours is pretty perfect.
I LOVE this sign!
“Please Take Responsibility for the Energy You Bring into This Space”
Kristen J
Our family motto is “Never say I can’t “
Patricia Guerrero
Do small things with big love.
All her signs are great but I love “you are my sunshine” something I would add to the babies nursery or my bedroom.
Danielle C
Our motto would be “We Can Do Hard Things”. My 11 month old was diagnosed with cancer a month ago and this has become our new motto!
Danielle CPrayers for you and your family and your beautiful little Evalette.. I’ll be following along on your blog!
kristi quill
Danielle CDanielle, Please send me your address so I can send your family a sign! you can contact me through my Etsy shop!
Prayers for your family and sweet Evalette! xo ~ kristi
Callie B.
I love Barn Owl Primitives! I have by dying to have one of their fabulous signs for ages! Our motto would be, “work hard and be kind”. I love that reminder.
Danielle C
I love the “You are my sunshine” one!! It would go perfect in our master bedroom!!
Kristen J
I love them all, but one reminded of my house ” eat ice cream for daily happiness”!
Callie B.
I love the “I love you more than all the stars in the sky” sign
Kristine @the foley fam
Love Wins. That’s ours. With a period and everything 🙂
Callie B.
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/bringonthenews/status/330185501963345920
Kristine @the foley fam
Love everything she has done, but since the beginning I’ve been swooning over her Family Rules sign! One day it’ll hang in our home 🙂
Kristine @the foley fam
Retweeted you to share! Fingers and toes crossed now!
I had a hard time deciding on a motto…so I have 2.
The first: “though she be but little, she is fierce” from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. It’s just me and my bulldog [for now], but I can do great things on my own.
The second: “you mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling” from Inception. Good motivation if you ask me.
i love everything about “be awesome today” that’s so fantastic and beautiful!!
our family motto would be something along the lines of remembering our Creator loves us more than life and that should make our days filled with joy….but a short version 😉
My favorite item in the shop is this one:
be awesome today // we can do hard things // you are my sunshine ……toss up between those three and SO many others, gosh I just want them all! 🙂
Suzie Hurst
One of our favorite family mottos is “Do everything in love.”
Suzie Hurst
I haven’t visited her shop for a while, and I am so glad I just did. The “Love is the new Black” sign – oh my goodness – that is awesome!!
Suzie Hurst
I tweeted the giveaway!
tweeted here!
I have never thought of a family motto!
I’ll steal yours until I think of my own ;]
Haha this one is funny!
This is a fantastic question but I think ours would be ‘Celebrate the good’ 🙂
I have been drooling over the ‘you are my sunshine’ sign. I may even register for it for our nursery 🙂
Oh hooray!!! I love love love your LR!!!! Oh, and ours would be: SHARE
My favorite BOP piece is her “please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this place”. I am ALWAYS giving my family members reminders about how their moods/energy affects the general tone of the house!
Rissa L.
This would be mine: “Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” -Marilyn Monroe
especially that first part!!!I love your motto and what it means! =)
Sandy A
Our children are grown, and we didn’t have a motto so to speak, but we always told them and now tell our Grandchildren “Always remember–Family will always be there for all your life.”
Sandy A
I like the “Merry Little Christmas” sign–and many others…
Erin Balentine
No family motto for us yet. Although, we have been discussing things like this as our son gets a little older. Thank you for the inspiration!
My favorite sign? Too hard to choose! My almost-two-year-old screams “yay”, claps and hugs me after singing “You are my sunshine” – so that has a special place in my heart. However, “you is kind, you is smart, you is important” – seriously, who didn’t cry at the end of the movie when she told her that for the very last time?! Since then, I’ve LOVED that quote.
Jaime Baeza
I like the motto Love Wins. I REALLY love Be Awesome Today!
Jaime Baeza
Every child is an artist is one of my many favorites from her shop!
With two under 19 months… Sleep, play, laugh.
Jill Warburton
We don’t have a family motto yet but I think it would have to be a combination of “We can do hard things” and “Love the now”. Our daughter was born with a congenital heart defect 2 years ago and our lives have been upside down ever since with heart surgery, doctor visits, hospital stays, etc. We’ve learned we most definitely can do hard things. Really really hard things. “Love the now” stems from the fact that not every day is roses and sunshine and sometimes life is just plain hard but we can still appreciate every day and love the little moments of goodness a midst the crazy. 🙂
Jill Warburton
My two favorites signs in her shop are the multicolored You Are My Sunshine and then the Love Wins sign. Love them both.
lucy at dear beautiful
Wow, having a family motto is such a lovely idea. I would definitely love to have one for us, I may have to sit down with my husband and have a good chat about it.
I guess we kind of have a bit of one, in that every night as the children are tucked into bed, I whisper “dream big little one” into their ear. I just recently made a sign saying that to go on the nursery wall and I love the permanent reminder.
lucy at dear beautiful
Oh my goodness, I love so many of the signs on Barn Owl Primitives. I love the “Love Wins” but I think my favourite one is the one about “nobody can know the strength of my love for you…” with the bunting along the top. Gorgeous!
Jill Warburton
So, I shared your link on Facebook but i”m not sure how to post a link here for you to see it. Maybe I’m a complete computer moron? It’s late. I’ll blame that 😉
Hmmm off the top of my head I’d say: Live your life with kindness, honesty and grace. Love yours too!
I adore the you are my sunshine sign. Been a fan of kristis for a while and been pining for o e ever since. It’s my special dong for my okder daughter 🙂
We don’t have a family motto yet but as I read through the comments my heart stopped on “celebrate the good”
I have gret kids and a sweet humble husband. We tend to be too Hardin outsrlves and play down our accomishments. Really need to celebrate our good.
Mandy Byron
Well, ever since watching the Lion King, my son’s favorite motto is “Hakuna Matata”. No worries. As for our family motto, I’ll have to think longer and harder. Love your living room!
Katie G
We haven’t come up with a family motto. We’ve done the family rules, but I love the idea of a motto. With 3 under 3 I say the phrase “make good choices” all day….but something about Be Awesome Today resonates with me. Looks like my husband and I need to have a late night brainstorming session too!
Cyndee Farrell
Always and Forever.
Cyndee Farrell
Love the ‘you are my sunshine’ yellow sign.
I’ve never thought about a family motto, but I love the idea. I also love your sign that says, “You are enough.” Maybe I could steal that as our family motto?
StephanieMy favorites from the store are the Little Darling, which I could hang in my girls’ bedroom and the Wonderfully Made, which I think would be super cute in my kids’ bath.
Angie k
We don’t have one but I think we need one. Maybe along the lines of making good choices, being happy and loving others! <3
Melissa Morris
Hard to come up with a family motto off the top of my head without my husband, but I would say “Live everyday with love, integrity, and hope”
We really don’t have a family motto but I have little saying for each child. With my daughter, we always say to each other ” Don’t worry about anything”. She’ll say it to me and I’ll say it to her as she leaves for school. With my son… he and I grab pinkies EVERY night and pinkie swear to each other. ~ Love!! ~~Picking a fav sign is hard, I love them all. I think my super fav is “be awesome today”. But “You are my Sunshine” come in at a close second.
Melissa Morris
My favorite item from the shop is probably either the Strength of My Love with bunting sign or the Love Wins sign. I like them both for different reasons.
We dont have one. I always remind myself that all we have for sure is today, this moment. To make it memorable. , enjoy the simple things. I’ll have to think about it for sure!!! So many good ideas here!!! Love the reminder about taking responsibility for the energy you bring!!!
christy cornwell
My motto would be: be awesome today
Tweeting, and putting on facebook.
My favorite piece “right now” is the: In our Family rules sign.
love this. i can think of a million family mottos, but i think “love jesus, love others” would be ours.
Anna Vollmer
We don’t have one yet, and are expecting our first daughter this summer! If I really think about it though it would have to be : Do all things with Love.
We have not chosen a family motto but have been wanting to sit down and come up with one. I LOVE your idea or another choice would be we do hard things. LOVE<LOVE, LOVE
Our family motto is BElieve in Yourself!
When we were first dating, we had Chinese and in the fortune cookie, I got a fortune that read “Sometimes money costs too much”. That has indirectly become my husband & my own motto. For our girls, it’s “You are strong. You are smart. You are beautiful. And we are so lucky to be your mommy & daddy”.
Love one another. Unconditionally.
Anna Vollmer
I love the “you are my sunshine: piece in yellow. It would go perfect in the little one’s nursery!
Anna Vollmer
I shared it on facebook!
My motto would be “Just Be YOU”.
i like the “baby it’s cold outside sign”!
My favorite item is “I am Brave”.
JamieOur family motto is “Remember who you are.”
Molly B
Our motto is Love God, Love Others. . .
Lindsay Rowe
I love “I am enough” it’s a great reminder.
Our family motto would be. Live Each Day With Aloha.
Lindsay Rowe
Family motto would be “we can do hard things”
My favorite piece is “love wins”
Our family motto is “remember who you are.”
Rachel Hall
Our family mottos: “Have no fear,” which we have to help ourselves tackle the difficult obstacles life throws, and we want to instill this in our kids so they grow up being confident and knowing fear only holds them back from accomplishing great things.
“Fall seven times, stand up eight” is our other family motto, which encourages us endure to the end and to not let our weaknesses get us down.
we say lots of things around here. encouraging words.
LOve the be awesome today sign!!
Ashley Bores
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – someday we will have the “we can do hard things” sign. My 11 year old son is a double amputee and has been walking with prostheses since he was five. He is a fantastic example of overcoming hard things, and proved it when he ran a card drive last fall and delivered over 1000 handmade get well cards to patients at Shriners Hospital (and Kristi helped spread the word!). He is sweet, resilient, and fiercly determined – my kind of guy. 🙂 His own personal motto is “it only takes a little to be BIG”. <3
Kelly D
I think our motto would be something along the lines of, ‘when all else fails, tickle’ – that’s how we can always get the kids into a smile, no matter what…
THough I am kind of in love with the be awesome.
Kelly D
I love love love her signs- the two I want most are the one about the camera (i’m a photographer so it especially resonates) and the one that is I am Brave… I want that for my kids… they are both on my wish list!
Kelly D
Shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/kbdyar
Sherry Wetherill
Love your living room. I’m going on 6 years of no holes! It’s time to do something about it.
Our family motto would be We Can Do Hard Things. Love so many, but that one sums it up for our special needs family!
katie eggett
Our family motto is longer: “Live simply. Love without conditions. Learn wisdom. Laugh. Pray always. Leave a legacy.”
Natasha Flores
We have a sign in our house the we live by :
“If your ship hasnt come in, swim out to it”
My family never gives up on their dreams we always keep moving forward no matter the circumstances.
Sherry Wetherill
Oh, of course, my favorite sign at B.O.P. is We Can Do Hard Things! 🙂
katie eggett
My favorite B.O.P. sign (today) is the Motivational Rules – we just moved across the country & all of us struggling with adapting to this new part of the world. 😉
Natasha Flores
My favorite sign here has to be “you are my sunshine”. Our children no matter what are always our ray of sunshine. They just brighten the darkest of days. 🙂
Kate in Austin
Hmm. I’ve always liked the idea of a family motto, but we have never gotten down to business & made one. I like the saying, Make Today Memorable. Maybe I’ll suggest that one tonight. 🙂
our family motto … you have to fall down, to learn how to get back up again !
especially in regards to our kids, learning by experience, actions and consequence, hard times make you a stronger person !
WOW – I’ve never thought about a family motto — but I do like ‘be awesome today’. I guess I better think about that one! 😉
but I LOVE her you are my sunshine – and all the others! 🙂 So amazing!
I love We Can Do Hard Things
Great giveaway! Thanks. 🙂
I think Work Hard and Be Kind says it all. If I can I still those two things in my children then I will feel successful…
Kate in Austin
I just browsed the BOP shop. I like Do Small Things with Great Love. Love that!
Kathleen Martin
Thank you for the motto exercise! I caught my husband and some of our children at breakfast. We think our motto is “We Do Second Chances.” I have teenagers and adult children and I am going to challenge all of them to come up with two mottos for our Sunday dinner. It should be fun to see the ideas from each of them and very telling to my husband and I on how each one looks at our family.
our family motto is
Love. Always.
Maggie Fossum
Our family motto would be, Be Kind. But I love your motto!
Maggie Fossum
I love the I am enough sign!
Cassie Hahl
I would love the be awesome today one!
Cassie Hahl
Cassie HahlAt the shop I would love the Be Real Be Wholehearted!
Mandy Flores
Our family motto is : ” Si se puede” Which means “you can do it” in English.
Karen Wakefield
Our motto is Love and be loved.
Kathleen Martin
I love ALL the BOP signs but today I specifically love the “Give love, receive love…” Sign. We are all worthy of receiving love and we need to freely give love.
Mandy Flores
I love the “you are my sunshine” sign from the shop.
So happy and fun!
Hi, love your story, my kids are now adults and gone from the nest, enjoy your little ones each and every day because they will be gone before you know it. I love your motto- be awesome today…. what a great thought to think about as you leave your home every day!
Christine Muyres
Love your blog! Our motto “Do the right thing” and at night a question “Who loves you?” A reminder before sleeping of all the love in the world just for them …including our eternal love from Jesus.
Karen Wakefield
My favorite signs are: You are my sunshine and the one that has the bunting that says I’m brave, fabulou,….
Cassie Hahl
Where are your curtains from? I need that color for my master bedroom?!
Ours is: “It can’t rain all the time”
Karen Wakefield
Shared on Facebook https://m.facebook.com/karen.wakefield.98?__user=1295316560
“You are loved”
Inspired by Nancy Tillman’s books
Just facebooked!
Heather L
We don’t exactly have a family motto but I always tell my 5 year old to “just keep trying.” And whenever she thinks she can’t do something she always says we just keep trying, and eventually she gets it! I want her to learn how to never give up. But I’d have to say that my own motto that I’ve learned over the past few years is to never take things for granted! Being married to a Marine is overwhelming sometimes, and since we rarely see my husband I’ve learned not to take things for granted and enjoy the little moments! Thanks for the giveaway!
Jenna Cox
MM I Love Love Love her You are my Sunshine board! It is DARLING!! We have many mottos..But this one is my favorite: “Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so….Get on your way!!” Dr. Suess
Heather L
I love the “you are my sunshine” sign! And being a Marine Corps wife, I’d love to see BOP make military signs in the future 🙂
Heather L
I tweeted! https://twitter.com/MrsLaperouse/status/330309934929551360
Jenell Yoder
we don’t really have one but I’m thinking that it should maybe something like “Love is Kind” 🙂
Jenell Yoder
I like the “you are remarkably and wonderfully made’ from the shop.
I have never thought of a ‘family motto’ but I love this idea! Now the big debate with my husband… something fun and playful and meaningful to my family… so many choices!
My favorite over at BOP is Live Laugh Love and Be Happy. That seems to be fitting for our family!
Our family motto could be summed up in one word: Love.
Lisa S.
Our motto would be “Treasure Each Moment”
Together, we can make it happen!
My favorite from the site – would have to be yours! I love the Be awesome today and then a close second would be You are my sunshine!
Rebecca W.
Family Motto: Everything with love.
Rebecca W.
I am in love with her “You are my sunshine” sign. I sing it to my girls every night!
I would love the word BLESSED to be our family motto.
My favorite sign is the You Are My Sunshine! Would love to have a BOP in my home.
Camille Duffin
Let It Shine
We Always Have Each Other
Wow! This has really caused me to stop and think about it.
For now, I think I will borrow yours – Be Awesome Today!
But I’m determined now to come up with something meaningful for our fam!
My favourite item is the We Can Do Hard Things
Important to remember that everyone is fighting some type of battle. There isn’t one person in my life that I can think of that couldn’t relate to this sign 🙂
Stephanie Walter
Keep on keeping on…would be our family motto! No matter what gets in our way, or what struggles we run into, if we just keep on going, keep on having faith we will make it through it!!
Stephanie Walter
I love all of their stuff but I really like the Playground Rules sign. It would be perfect in my son’s playroom!!
Family motto: Give. Care. Pray. and laugh:)
Love the pic of Jesus with the kids.
Your room is so inspiring. We just moved and my walls are bare. Boring. They def could use some BOP.
I think our family motto would be (we need to sit down and do this) one word. Together.
Your home looks beautiful! My motto would be “LOVE WINS.” Through all the mayhem, trials, laughter, kindness, memories, forgiveness, re-dos, hugs, and smooches in our house, we always fall back on the fact that Love Wins.
My husband has always loved the song verse, “breathe in, breathe out, move on”. That would be ours 🙂
Our motto would be “choose happiness” because I hope to instill in my kids what I know to be true that you choose it for yourself.
I love BOP family rules sign
I just want to say this is the exact shop I have been looking for! I wanted something on a rustic, wood platform and this is perfect! I don’t think I can pick a favorite, but I love your motto 🙂
Our motto would probably be, “Follow your arrow wherever it points” or something along those lines. The biggest thing I teach my children is to be there own and be independent. Even if others are doing it or it doesn’t seem cool, you need to follow your heart and do what will make you happy.
Jonsie Hicks
I love it! Our family motto is “shine BIG”!it means many thing, to let our Lords light shine trough us, to smile… To shine and radiant this world, but whatever you do, shine while you do it! We raise our 3 kids to know how special and loved they all are, so even their quirks “shine BIG”!
Our family motto would be “Walk through this day with love”
I really loved this post! I loved looking at your living room. I have the EXACT same amount/kind of furniture and set up! How fun! I also used the exact colors except my red and blue are a little more deep. I used a very bright yellow like you did though. I also contemplated buying some of the exact same things you did, like the photo frame with stripes. I also bought that exact same basket and have towels in it leading out to the pool!!! 🙂 I’m still in contemplation mode…and afraid of the holes! I want a collage similar to yours and not sure what to put together. Considering so many things, some of which you used! I have a vintage photo with a dark frame like yours, and wasn’t sure about the frame being too dark. I also am looking for something ROUND so it’s not so symmetrical. I am going to keep this blog up to help me as I look at it, ponder, pray, look at it some more!
Oh, and I really like your choice for a sign…Be awesome! I tell the kids that already…how wild. Perhaps we should meet?!
I do have a sign up already that you see as soon as you walk in the door that says, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!”
‘Love wins’ is for sure my favorite Barn Owl item. Simple and perfect.
Joanie H
Our family motto is ~ “We are blessed to be a blessing!” Sharing our gifts and talents with others. It’s what we instilled in our children (who are now adults) and how we raised them. It what we live each day.
I absolutely love the Sing, Strum, Bang, Play music sign! Would fit in so perfectly with our free-bird, music loving family!
And now for another entry:
I have looked at this shop before, through Momastery! I really like so much of her stuff. You are my Sunshine and Love Wins would have to be my top two fav’s right now!
God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle.
and for a third entry: I posted on FB! 🙂
Our family motto would be ‘Joy is not the absence of suffering, but the presence of The Lord.’
Lacy Cox
Our family motto would be “Because Kindness Matters.”
Joanie H
Favorite sign over at Barn Owl? I guess “All you need is Love”, but I love so many of her signs. She is a precious blessing in my life! I have 3 signs that are enroute to our home right now and I ordered 2 more as gifts for others. I also have a list of signs “waiting” to be ordered… Words are definitely power for me too!
Our Motto is “Let your Light Shine”
Lacy Cox
I love the ‘Be Real Be Wholehearted with Bunting’ board on her site, such powerful words!
Joanie H
Shared on Facebook, so all my friends can join in the wonderful giveaway. Thanks much for sharing about your family and for a peek into your beautiful livingroom. Inspiring!
My favorite BOP sign is “You are my Sunshine”!!
“PRACTICE GRATITUDE” is the reminder we need every minute of every day to live to it’s fullest potential.
LOVE your ‘be awesome today’. and love your version of what awesome means exactly. i, too, have been hesitant to hang stuff on our walls, for fear i’ll mess it all up and it will look like garbage. plus, i just need different, new things to hang to better represent us and our lives right now. know what i mean? our ‘motto’ (for this year, at least. perhaps for forever) is simply ‘let it be’. i just think it helps keep things in perspective. helps remind me that things will be happy and things will not be happy, but it’s all part of this beautiful life and i need to learn to appreciate it all. amazing giveaway 🙂
Julie Johnson
Our Family Motto: We are a family, we love, work and have fun together.
What a beautiful family motto. Ours is Dream Big & Go Get It.
Julie Johnson
My favorite sign from the Barn Owl Shop is: Family Rules in turquoise. Beautiful!
as for my favorite from her shop……that is HARD! i’m pregnant and have all things nursery on the mind lately, so the first two things that caught my eye are her ‘all it take is faith, trust, and a little pixie dust’ and ‘you are my sunshine’. both would be awesome on our grey nursery walls 🙂 thanks again! fingers crossed!
My family motto would have to be “We are the LOUD table.” My family is loud and we laugh A LOT. Hearing that motto to means has so many underlying meanings.
Our family motto would be- Be the best YOU. Because the best you is all anyone needs to be 🙂
I love love love the “be awesome today” I use the word awesome all the time. our family motto is be still and know that I am with you.
How can I pick one product? Her shop is amazing!!! I love the “we can do hard things.” and also the lyrics to you are my sunshine. What a beautiful shop!
Heather Holt
I love be awesome today! and our family motto is a family that plays together stays together 🙂
As for my favorite sign from her shop…there are so many! I love the I am Enough bunting and the Be Real bunting, and the Family rules…but my favorite would have to be the “We Belong to Each Other” sign. Simple, real, true and enough.
Claire C
My family motto would be
Love Intensely
Live purposefully
It Doesn’t Have to Be Perfect
Try Your Hardest
Follow Your Passions
Dream Big
Give It To God
Is there something that rolls all of that into one?? 🙂
Claire C
After looking through their signs my favorites are Good Day Sunshine and In Our Family We…..
Love, love, love them! So hard to choose!
Claire C
I tweeted about this giveaway!
I tweeted about the giveaway! Here is the link:
Sarah Goldsberry
Our motto is Be Filled With Joy Always to remember that we are to be spreading the Joy of God and all that He has given to us 🙂
Ours is plain and simple, Choose the Right
Not so much a motto but rather something we always say to each other… “I love you more. 🙂
My favorite item on BOP is the “You are my sunshine” sign. I always sing that to my two boys.
Our family motto is “you stink.”
I know this sounds silly, but the background story to this is:
Before our darling little miss Sophie and before marriage, my husband (Steve) and I were driving around enjoying the beautiful scenery Washington state has to offer. Steve was driving and we were holding hands.
I looked over at him and said, “guess what?”
He smiles and says, “I love you too.”
Me: “No, you stink :)”
And from then on our nicknames were Stink (me) and the Big Stink (Steve); our daughter was born and she is the Wee Stink.
So stink does not mean something bad; it means love.
shawn rose baker
Our family saying/motto would be “I love you this much” but I really like the “Be Awesome Today”. I have two little boys so this is a perfect motto for them!
shawn rose baker
I absolutely love the “You are my Sunshine” BOP sign. I have been eyeing it for years!!
My favorite Barn Owl Primitives item is the Porch Rules and Life is a Camera.
No motto for us yet, but what inspiration you have given me to come up with one!
So many wonderful signs for a family home! I have been eyeing 3 for quite a while…family rules: be thankful, pink twinkle little star, and you is kind, you is smart, you is important. We don’t have a family motto yet but what a fabulous idea!!
Courtney R
No Day But Today.
Our family motto would be …..To Live Each Day to The Fullest. Love your living room…..such a happy place!!
I tell my girls at least a few times a week-we can do HARD things. Sometimes they listen and sometimes they roll their eyes. Regardless of their reaction to those words, I know that their hearts listen to it and really, that’s all that matters.
Love this giveaway and have really loved feeling like I have been a bird watching in on a part of your life. Thank you for sharing your words and brightening my life today!
Happy Friday!
I of course love her we can do hard things-but I LOVE her ice cream sign! It just might have to live in my kitchen!
Thanks again for hosting a fabulous giveaway! I so hope I win!
I have one of Kristi’s signs and would love to add her When We Fell In Love……..
Thank you for the great giveaway.
Third entry: https://www.facebook.com/#!/shelly.ahearn/posts/10151375206412353
I think our family motto would be, “I love you so much.” Simple, sweet, true.
April Ber
We can do hard things is ours.
Theresa Sea
What a great post! I think our motto would be “We will always have each other”. Just knowing that there is this love and support between us makes the hard days so much easier.
I love the “strength of my love” signs
We’d been married less than a month. One day I looked at an old ratty hand-me-down chair we had and told my husband that I wish I could recover it. He told me to go get some fabric and recover it. I said I couldn’t recover a chair! He said to me, “How do you know you can’t? Have you tried?” So I went and got a book and fabric and between the two of us we recovered that chair. So that’s our family motto, “How do you know you can’t? Have you tried?”
Kathryn @ The Adventures of Kathryn
It’s just me right now. But my motto would be Carpe Diem. Cliche I know. But it truly fits how I feel about life right now. I’ve spent so much time watching life happen around me. And I decided a while ago that its time for me to stop watching and start living. Seizing the day.
My favorite from BOP has always been All You Need is Love!
Theresa Sea
Love the “Eat Ice Cream” sign! 🙂
Aqdas Haider
Our family motto will be “Every Day is a Blessing”
Aqdas Haider
My favorite item from BOP is “We Belong to Each Other”
Aqdas Haider
I tweeted the giveaway: https://twitter.com/KrazyButafly2/status/330346921656979457
Megan C.
I’m not getting married until October, but a long engagement has taught us a lot! Our motto is/will be “BE PRESENT” 🙂
Aqdas Haider
I shared the giveaway on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/krazybutafly2/posts/10151883590070410
Megan C.
My FAVORITE item is “go into the world and do good” — love it.
Jenny Fair
Our family motto has been “work hard, play harder”. However, I love, love, love “we can do hard things”….it just backs up the theory that hard work pays off! I want my kids to read these mottos and signs hanging around our home and live by them, too! I am inspired by your post, thank you!
Kathryn @ The Adventures of Kathryn
I love the The Laundry Room piece at Barn Owl Primitives. The laundry room is so often over looked as a place to infuse a little style. I’m dying to decorate mine, and this piece fits in with exactly what I had in mind.
Denise Burridge
WoW I love the space! I think having the sayings on the walls! I loved the blog post thank you for sharing your moment with us!
Tamara M.
I am not sure what our motto is but we always tell the kids to make good choice and to be kind to everyone. A BOP has been on my wish list for as long as I have had a pinterst wish list hahah. Winning this would make me ONE HAPPPPPPPY MOMMA.
Tamara M.
I would love to have the You are my Sunshine sign… the whole song not just the saying. thank you 🙂
Tamara M.
i tweet tweeted
I love this! Great idea and I’m definitely thinking we need to do this. I think our motto would be “I can try”. We are constantly saying this when we are feeling down and broken. Thanks for the inspiration!
Denise Burridge
I would like to enter =)
Our family motto would be Keep Moving Forward.
We are a military family which comes with it’s own special trials and tribulations. So no matter what happens we have to keep moving forward.
Thank you again for the share.
My favorite piece is the You Are My Sunshine sign. It’s what I tell my kiddo every day. Thanks for the giveaway!!
Jenny Fair
Ok, I’m getting this….I love “we belong to each other”…so cute!
Denise Burridge
second entry:
Now that’s hard!!
I’ve been following her for a while now and love everything.
For myself I would pick the Life is like a camera because I’m a photographer.
For my family : I love the family rules
Thank you both!
Our motto: hmm…the hubs and I are totally going to sit down and come up with one this weekend. I love that idea!
And for the signs, it’s so hard to pick but at this moment I’m swooning over the ‘I am brave’ sign. I just found your blog through Whipperberry! So glad I did!
Family First…..our motto to remember when life gets busy!
Denise Burridge
shared on facebook!
Love “Life is like a camera” from Barn Owl.
Sheesh, family motto on the fly….I guess my favorite line and one I would love my family to emulate would be: Seek Justice, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly…with Our God.
and my favorite BOP sign is the Wash your hands and say your prayers one!
Jenny Fair
Yaaaay! Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog and Etsy shop!
ooh I haven’t thought about this yet…But currently it’s choose happy.
love – make today the best day ever!
Family motto
Create. Play. Explore.
Do unto others.
Be the difference you want to see in the world.
And. …
No taping things to your face.
Favorite BOP signs
You are my sunshine. And there’s no place like home!
‘Together is a wonderful place to be’…love it!
I love the ‘you are my sunshine’ boards at BOP
We believe in “Be good and do good ” Thanks
I liked “Be Real Be Wholehearted with Bunting Typography Word Art Sign – Motivational” Very Cute! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Shelley Trevino
I really like “We Can Do Hard Things” it reminds you to keep trying and don’t give up.
Sandy C
Our motto would be “Just Believe”. Lets face it we all come across things in our life that at times are so difficult we don’t “Believe” we can over come them. That is why we always tell each other “just believe”. Just believe you can pass the spelling test or just beleieve you can get up and ride that bike after falling 100x becuase the training wheels were taken off.
Dawn Post
Our family motto is RESPECT!
Stephanie M.
My family motto is simple: “You only have today to live.” I believe it’s important to live for today, be grateful for your daily bread, and be the best YOU there is. Who knows, tomorrow may not come.
I love how your yellow accent color just pops! And I want that yellow desk. So lovely!
Stephanie M.
I am a long time admirer of her “BeYoutiful” typography.
Dawn Post
I like the We Can Do Hard Things sign. I want my kids to believe that in God’s strength, they can do even the hardest things!
Shelley Trevino
Just posted to Facebook!
Stephanie M.
I was happy to share this delightful giveaway on Facebook:
Allison W.
Our family motto would be “Be in love with your life. Every minute of it. – Jack Kerouac”
Shelley Trevino
Posted the link for the awesome give away!!
Allison W.
I want the “Love Wins” sign on BOP. Simple and perfect!
Mckinzie Cole
I love your moto! I tink ours would be “You Can Do Hard Things.”
Marilyn Hawk
Love More, Serve More, Be More
Mckinzie Cole
I LOVE the “You Are My Sunshine” sign. I’ve been eyeing one for a while.
Marilyn Hawk
We can do hard things has to be one of my favorite signs
Mckinzie Cole
I shared the giveway on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/mckinzie.cole?ref=tn_tnmn
Michael Cole
My wife is making me enter. 🙂 We like the moto “Choose Joy”
Michael Cole
I really like the sign “Every Child is an Artist.”
Maureen S.
Oooh…lots of comments! First of all, I love the yellow frame with the bar wood United States map above your fireplace. I think our family motto would be “make someone feel special today.” When my boys leave for school I remind them of that. I read this somewhere and it stuck to me…
“People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”
– Dr. Thomas L. Garthwaite
Maureen S.
…and for my second entry, I love her rainbow colored You Are My Sunshine. It makes me happy.
Love your family motto and the so sweet reasoning behind it! We don’t have an official family motto but as a new little family who just moved homes, life has been pretty hectic so we’ve been saying a lot of “Every little thing is gonna be alright”. That and “freaking out solves nothing”, but that doesn’t have as nice of a ring to it. 😉
I love the Barn Owl ‘You Are My Sunshine’ signs. I love sitting in our rocking chair singing that to my daughter.
Maria Matter
beautiful Ashley!!
our family motto is Eph. 4:32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Since the day we were married and in front of all of our family & friends, we’ve committed to a simple motto, we are ‘Team Allen’. Together we walk in life and toegther we have fun, face challenges and stay toegther as a team, and now as a family with our daughter.
Our motto would probably be… Dream Big and be YOU!
I love the you are my sunshine sign – but it would be so hard to choose! SO many great designs!
Jessica Dougherty
Since getting married, the words “Love Each Other & the Lord” have rung deep & true 🙂
Most days I think it should be ‘Take a Deep Breath” ok that’s not really a family motto but it is a phrase that is said and thought often when juggling daily life with 3 kids.
I’d like the Make This the Best Day Ever sign from BOP.
Ours is Colossians 1:18b “…that in all things he might have the preeminence.”
Maria Kiser
Our motto would probably be “Be Strong”. We are a military family, so there will be many times in our lives that we will have to be and remain strong and support each other.
I love the “I am brave, …” sign 🙂
Maria Kiser
My favorite sign is “You are my Sunshine”. I sing that to my son every night. 🙂
Hi Ashley, love this giveaway (and its simple rules!)
I don’t have a family yet, just two orange cats, but I think it could someday be something like They Are Not You, which is sort of ripped off from One Tree Hill, but shhhh. 😉
Entry #2: My favorite sign is the “you are my sunshine”. So happy.
My family motto would be “I AM ENOUGH”…it took me a long time to figure this out for myself (still working on it) & want my beautiful children to grow up always knowing that they alone are enough!
For entry #2 it is easy (it is already a sign saved to my favorites on my etsy account & the inspiration behind my family motto)…I Am Brave sign.
Shared on facebook….
Van Huynh
Our family motto is : Do Your Best
I love the Be Real Be Wholehearted with the bunting…speaks volumes!
Jan Horne
Our family motto to our only child is “Be Your Own Girl”
Lady J
We don’t have a family motto, but it would be something about hard work and goals.
Lady J
I love the “Your Are My Sunshine” sign
This really got me thinking……but one that I say that makes my husband laugh is “All good things are WiLd & free” by Henry David Thoreau. And although having a family is not free, the LoVe that you share is….and that ride of LiFe you share together is wild!
kimmie“You are my sunshine” sign……..sign that daily to my little 2 year old.
We have 6 young kids. They are a huge effort to get organised daily with their different ages and personalities.
A while back my husband came up with ‘Motivation Stations!’
Everytime he says it, everyone breaks out into a flurry of activity and rolling laughter combined!
I love the ‘You are responsible for the energy you bring into this space’ sign. I love all of them!
Blog: Six Little Hearts.
Gena in Texas
Absolutely LOVE the “You are my sunshine” sign!
I’m not sure what ours would be- but I hve written in chalkboard by door- just live one day at a time.
That’s what ours is for this year…
Gena in Texas
My kids are grown now but our motto could be “Each New Day Is A Blessing”!
Our family motto is, “Go the extra mile to show the world your smile.”
we dont have a family motto persay, but we do use “think outside the box” quite often
Becky s
I love the “baby it’s cold outside” sign from the shop!
I LOVE the be you tiful sign for my daughter 🙂
WOW! So much Barn Owl love!
Mara Yager
Our family motto is “Tomorrow is a New Day” and “Kiss the Cook” 🙂
Becky s
“Learn work serve respect”. (Saw somewhere else and loved it!)
Mara Yager
My favorite sign is Every Child is an Artist. Thank you!
Hope this entry counts because my family doesn’t have an official motto, but what a nice idea! The only thing I tell my son every morning as I drop him off at school is “Be kind.”
I have always wanted the “You Are My Sunshine” for my son’s room!
I tweeted!
Love to the fullest!
kathy hanson
I think our family motto would be “Believe”.
My family motto for me and my roommates in our little college apartment would probably be a lot like yours! We are always telling each other to be awesome and to do awesome things in the world. If I had to put it on a sign, it would be “make today your day”.
I still love the “be awesome today” sign!
kathy hanson
My favorite BOP would be the “Be responsible for the energy you bring into this room”. Love!
It’s pretty simple in our home…We Shoeys Never Give Up.. And we you knew all the challenges we’ve overcome,you’d know we follow this motto. Xoxo
Ashley White
Our family motto would be “love big.” Love your life, love the people in it, and love what you’re doing to make the world brighter.
Our family motto is Be Awesome today too! I’ve been saying it to my girls daily before school for the last couple years….fantastic!
My favorite sign is the Do Small Things with Great Love…..would look perfect in my art studio
Katie M
Our family mantra (not quite a motto) is NEVER A DULL MOMENT! We have a big, loud, crazy, close family and it for sure rings true!
Katie M
The BOP pennant signs are ADORABLE, but I love the saying “we can do hard things.”
“You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit”. At least that is what’s getting is through the days right now:)
I think “be awesome today” is my favorite!
Our motto would be something like “Love Out Loud” I love the idea of thinking of a family motto…I’ll have to give this some more thought 🙂
I really love the “In Our Family We…” family rules sign. darling.
Lori Ann
“Summer Fun” makes me smile! I am so looking forward to our warm, sunny days ahead after such a snowy winter! Thanks for this chance – and I love your motto!
Our motto would be, “NOT I, BUT CHRIST”. It helps keep us in a selfless state of mid and reminds us that we can do all things through Christ!
Becky Neal
Our motto is “Life does not have to be perfect to be perfectly wonderful”
I love all of your products and I love your family room! I would be happy to win any one of your wonderful and fun signs!
I can only pick one? I love the yellow “You are my Sunshine”, the “I love you more than all the stars . . .”, and the “This is the day . . .”
I love the idea of picking a family motto. We have a family scripture on my side of the family, but I never thought to add a motto to our little family. That’s something that I would really have to think about. I do love your motto though. It’s funny and a great reminder!
BOP Shop fav: LOVE WINS.
Family motto: Just for today.
Love your living room!!!
xoxo, Misty
Reannah Sartoris
My motto would be “Never accept anything less than your best.”
Reannah Sartoris
I also love the sign LOVE WINS!!! 🙂
Reannah Sartoris
Link to Facebook! Can’t wait for Elevate!!! :):) https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/ShapedbyGrace/posts/651003241579673?notif_t=notify_me
amy @amy+mayd
Great post. Great idea for a family motto, thats so cute. You and your husband remind me of me and mine, always dreaming of ways to keep your family strong, I love it. I think our motto would be “All you need is love” simple but true and something I hope my family remembers is the most important thing in the world.
Vanessa M.
If we had a family motto if would be , “work hard and be kind.” Love how your living room turned out.
Laura Smith
I love the Be Awesome Today! That’s a great motto! I think ours should probably be something along the lines of – “Don’t complain so much…”! Haha! 😛
Vanessa M.
Also shared on Facebook . https://www.facebook.com/vanessa.moore.71
My favorite sign from BOP is the be real, be wholehearted sign.
Our motto would have to be “there’s no place like home”. I’ve always loved it.
Laura Smith
If I could choose one of her signs, I’d choose the Be Responsible for the Energy you Bring into this Space. I love that quote and I loved it the second I heard it on the Oprah show!
I would love to win ” All you need is love” or ” be awesome today”
Jessie Prince
I love the You are my Sunshine sign!
Jessie Prince
Our family Motto: Live Each day to the Fullest
I love their “we can do hard things” sign. Or the big one you have on your gallery wall, “be…”
We did a new family motto each year when I was growing up, something we focused on and said each week together at FHE. LOVE the idea, but we have yet to implement one in my little family. Hmm… maybe “Choose Joy” or “Don’t be afraid to try”
Love the “Be Awesome Today” and I love the placement above the door!
Our motto would be “Love Wins”. My family takes in foster children, and while they come to us with different stories and needs, we are passionate about teaching every child we encounter (and ourselves!) that love will always win.
I love the ‘You are my sunshine’ sign in yellow!
Family motto: ‘Love Wins’.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
You are my Sunshine sign is always my favorite. It was my SIL’s favorite song.
Our motto is… Together like a family. It’s something our oldest son started saying when he was a toddler. 🙂
The You Are My Sunshine sign is my favorite.
Kim w.
Our family motto is do your best!
Be true and grow. , My favorite item is the “You are my sunshine.” plaque. It’s our favorite song to sing.
Lucy Tracy
“It’s only paint and can be painted over!” 🙂
Lucy Tracy
Favorite sign in your shop…”Every child is an artist”
Jade Gibson
Do it, Do it Right, Do it ’till it’s Done Right.
Amy Keller
I love all the signs but I think my favorite are the Family Rules signs. I have always wanted to get one for our home.
Amy Keller
I think our family motto would be Make everyday count
Lacey D
I love the be awesome today sign!
Ashley C
Our motto would be “Let Go and Let God”
Anna Martin
Ours would be
“Love Through It All”
My motto would be “Work Hard, Play Harder”
I love the “Love Wins Distressed Sign” from BOP!
I shared on FB: https://www.facebook.com/a.little.umbrella/posts/458209164255623
Fawn Teresi
OUr family motto would be
“Never grow up” 🙂
Fawn Teresi
Went to her shop. There are so many that I love. I would love the be awesome today. what a fun thing to see as you are walking out the door. The Christmas signs are great! Love those too!
Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist
Our family motto would be “Life is Good” because even when we have tough days, we’re all so lucky to be together.
Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist
Tweeted it: https://twitter.com/LeHobbylobbyist/status/330524553178656768
Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist
I love “Make Today the Best Day Ever”
Our family motto is: We are all in this together!
I love the Family Rules sign from the shop!
Love all of the signs!! Our family motto is “we can’t forget….these are the days….” 🙂
Shawna @ MomsGonnaSnap
Our family motto is “Believe” – we have been waiting to adopt #2 for over 3 years, and we have to believe that we will be chosen by a birth mother when the time is right!
Shawna @ MomsGonnaSnap
I like “I am brave” – love these!
I love Kristi’s signs..I just bought my first one after internet stalking her for a couple of years and now I’m kind of addicted 🙂 The moment I heard this I knew it was our family motto….”If you think our hands are full, you should see our hearts!”
I don’t know if this will work as my twitter link, but I tweeted it!
My favourite sign is all of them, but if I could pick one right now, I would choose the “here comes the sun” sign. We get about 7 months of winter here and I want that sign right in my entryway 😀
“Be Good, Be Safe, And Have Such Fun”.
My family motto would be “Forever & always.”
and my favorite from BarnOwl is “A true love story never ends.”
Love your blog Ashley!
Julias Blog
Hi Ashley . I love your Blog ! It is very inspiring and so beautiful <3
Our motto is : Dreams are worth figting for ! xxx
well, i speak three words all the time: love, grace, mercy. that would be our motto.
love from her site: be awesome today, you are my sunshine, porch rules. so many great words on her site!
Oh my goodness! I checked out the shop and there will be an order placed today!!! I have to have one of the beautiful You are my Sunshine boards!!! My relative actually wrote that song!!! Net huh?
Our family motto would HAVE to be : We do hard things!!! Life has been hard but my glass is half full!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!
Jaimee @ Craft, Interrupted
Our family motto this year is “Let Your Light Shine”
Jaimee @ Craft, Interrupted
Faves from the shop – Be Awesome Today, Good Day Sunshine, Do Small Things with Great Love, and They Lived Happily Ever After : )
Jaimee @ Craft, Interrupted
Bonus entry – I shared on my blog fb page.
Jennifer H.
I love this! I’ve been wanting to decorate my hallway for a while now and this have given me some wonderful inspiration. My favorite thing to tell my kids is “I love you more than the sun, the moon and all the stars.”
“Never cry over spilled milk”.
Right now, we have no children, but for my little family, I think our motto is, and will forever be “Right now, we are OK” I know I stress out, and so does Darling. Because of this stress we forget how faithful and true God is, and the fact that we are “OK” deserves the utmost praise. We are doing what we can as we can do it, and I know God has big, perfect plans for us. 🙂
Come what may and LOVE it.
Hey Ashley, our family motto is, ” Through Christ, we can do all things”. Thank you for hosting this awesome giveaway!
Our family motto is “Work Hard, Love Harder.”
My favorite of her signs is “We Can do Hard Things.”
Oh boy, there are two favorites. Actually my little man chose two as well & they are; “You are my sunshine and Every child is an artist”. Thank you Ashley.
https://www.facebook.com/InspirationsbyD Facebooked this giveaway! Crossing fingers.
I tweeted this sweet giveaway here: https://twitter.com/InspirationsbyD
Have a happy weekend!
First, I am dying over that vintage copy of Beezus and Ramona. I LOVE that book. And the movie.
My motto right now is “I am Brave”. Honestly, dating is hard and getting your heartbroken is hard and boys are scared and I’ve learned that my job is to convince them that I won’t say no if they want to take me on a date. And sometimes that takes a lot of bravery. So, hopefully that counts as a family motto. 😉
I really love the You are my Sunshine piece. 🙂
The zombie apocalypse, it could happen;)
I love her fall fun bunting
Like the There’s No Place Like Home – Typography Word Art Sign in Rainbow.
Becky G
Our motto is ” choose joy”.
Becky G
I love the “i am” sign ! And pretty much all of her signs!
Cheri grimes
I think it would enjoy, or have fun, love what you have. Something like that!
Our family motto has been inspired by BOP and Momastery: We can Do hard things.
I would love the “Be awesome” sign and have been wanting a yellow you are my sunshine for a long time for my daughters room.
We don’t have a family motto yet but I definitely want one! What a special thing for a family to create together?! I kinda love ‘Be Awesome Today’! We’ll be coming up with one this weekend!
Can’t pick a favorite… love Be Awesome Today, I Am Brave, and Every Child is an Artist.
Whitney s.
I really like you be awesome today. I also really like Return with Honor. I think that means a lot of things but to me it means to be true and return home true to yourself, our family, church, etc.
Whitney s.
I love the you are my sunshine signs she does. Love them!
Trust God
Our motto is either be awesome today or Choose Happy.
I Love the “Strength of our Love” sign. It is really beautiful message. All of her signs are tempting!
Ours is “happiness isn’t a destination, it is a way of life”
My fav item Is the We can do hard things sign!
Our family motto is Do your best & forget the rest!
jennifer b
our family motto: CHOOSE GRATITUDE.
jennifer b
i love the “I am brave” sign, i want my children to know they are enough.
jennifer b
i posted on fb. https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.banando/posts/10151887107511729
Our family motto is: Family Hugs
Allison A.
You have me thinking about a family motto. We need one. Maybe “Be awesome today”!
Allison A.
I have really been wanting the “I am brave” sign for my daughter’s room. Even went to home goods when I saw barn owl primitives post that the sign would be sold there now, but my home goods didn’t have it 🙁
Hilary @ Lambieblog
My motto given to me my mom and grandmother is “The Best Is Yet To Come”. My team motto of special education teachers is “Anything Is Possible”. I love the idea of sitting down with my husband and creating a family motto. Beautiful idea!
Hilary @ Lambieblog
I love her Christmas sign “Have yourself a merry little Christmas”. It’s only May but makes me feel joyful for the holidays.
Our motto would be “our lives are not our own”
Erin R.
Our family motto growing up was always: Remember who you are. My mom still says it to us when she gives us our goodbye hugs. It has always stuck with me and my guess is that I will also tell my boys that.
Right now, our motto is Let go and Let God. We have had a really rough year (recurrent pneumonia for my 2 yo including about 4 weeks worth of stays in the PICU which resulted an in asthma diagnosis, delivered boy #2 at 35weeks due to a me having partial neurological aura which resulted in the discovery of a brain tumor and a 7 day stay in the NICU for our sweet boy). No worries, we are all doing very well now. But letting go and letting God has been the only way we have gotten through it all!
I love the idea of putting your motto over the front door, may be to be a copy cat! 🙂
Erin R.
I really love the “You can shake the sand” board. We are beach people and our house although about 2 hours from the beach, resembles more of a beach cottage than a home in the city!
Kelly M.
I really love ‘be awesome today.’ My four year old and I like to remind ourselves before we take on a project that we can do it because we are awesome! I got a spoon for my sister that says,”don’t forget to be awesome,” which is another variation on it that I love!
I was just talking about having a motto the other day with my husband! We haven’t made a decision yet, but I love yours!
I love the “love wins” sign.
our current motto…listen, share, and be kind.
i love the “be real” sign
Our motto would be: love you more!
(Fingers crossed) 😉
Love the be You tiful sign! That’s exactly what I’ve been wanting to put in my 2month baby girls room!! So important, those words are!
where did you get those darling grey and white curtains??
Sonia Mazur
Our family motto would be “Red Team Go” My husband uses this to round us up, motivate us and remind us that we are a team. Thanks for your daily inspiration to be a better family.
Sonia Mazur
I love the photography sign and the we can do hard things sign at the BOP etsy store!
Sonia Mazur
I tweeted the giveaway too! https://twitter.com/csmazur2
brandi bowman
i love the every child is an artist sign right now but i see many others that i adore! i would use this sign to hang my kids artwork around 🙂
brandi bowman
i love the family motto idea!! the hubs and i need to work on that…i like “you are always stronger than you think you are” or “be yourself- everyone else is already taken” but we are going to work on a more family oriented one. thanks for the great idea!
Sarah M.
We say “Every little thing is gonna be alright” 🙂
Sarah M.
I love the “we can do hard things” sign from BOP!
mmmm. . .perhaps “Remember who you are” (as in remember you are a Soutter and you are a child of God). When my husband drops the kids off at school, he always says. “Go and change the world today.” We do not have a motto. . but we do have a list of things we do. . I made a painting that says. . In this home we do. . . .and it lists all the special things we do in our home. You can check it out here if interested. http://www.susoutter.com/2009/04/in-this-home-paintings.html Thanks for the generous giveaway. . .I love BOP!
Thanks for a 2nd chance to win. . what a generous giveaway. I like the yellow and white You are My Sunshine sign. . so happy.
I think my family motto would be “Always do your best”. That’s what we tell our children, whether it be school, sports, other activities. As long as they always do their best, we’ll be proud of them, they don’t have to come in first, win the big prize, all As, etc..
I really like the You Are My Sunshine Sign with Bunting sign although, it’s hard to pick one favorite. 🙂
i tweeted!
the “be awesome today” sign is the best in the shop!!
says it all!
our family motto should be “be awesome today” – it pretty much sums it up.
we say “whose got it better than us? NOBODY!” a lot too. :))
we have been trying to come up with a family motto as well! right now we like either ‘come what may and love it’ or ‘work hard and be grateful’… but there are some amazing ideas in these comments, now my list is bigger!
i’m loving her ‘i am brave’ bunting piece in her shop!
trust and obey…
No family motto yet, but love the idea! Maybe something similar to “always be a little kinder than necessary”.
I love the “Do small things with great love” sign!!
Becky in Georgia
Our family motto would be “Love One AnotherP
My favorite family motto is “be yourself, everyone else is taken”!
I love BOP, all her signs are awesome. I love “we can do hard things”
April V
Our motto: A family that prays together, stays together.
April V
I love the You are My Sunshine print!
Our motto is “you are my sunshine.” My mother used to sing that song to me and now I pass it along!
I love the “All You Need is Love” sign. Plus I’m a huge Beatles fan.
Anna Bumford
I love the Be Awesome Today motto you chose! I think my favorite one in her shop is the I AM ENOUGH. And my family motto is Believe in the Good, Be the Good. Thanks!
Julie {CalleLillyCafe
I have been telling my family for years “actions speak louder than words” this is so true. Also “your home (family) is what you make of it”
Julie {CalleLillyCafe
My favorite item: This is the Day Let Us Be Glad Distressed Sign in Vintage Style & You Are My Sunshine!
Julie {CalleLillyCafe
I shared on Twitter!
This is my favorite room too. Your motto is perfection. And I love that you found the best spot and frame for that print. xoxoxo
Is the giveaway still going on? If so our family motto would be “choose joy”, because that is what we try to do each and every day.
Love your family room photos!! Gorgeous!
Amber N.
We don’t currently have a motto but our number 1 rule “Don’t Panic!” 🙂
Amber N.
love the you are my sunshine rainbow sign!
Amber N.
tweeted https://twitter.com/dailygraces/status/331954980426768385
Our motto is very similar…”Don’t forget to be awesome”. I started saying it on Jackson’s first day of Kindergarten, and now I say it to all three of my boys before we leave the house, even Cash, who is only 3 months old:)
Shannon Ksenak
Our twins are only 14 months old but I hope that I can teach them to give just as much as they take in life.
Maya Angelou said it best “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back.”
I think that should be our motto.
my favorite is the BE AWESOME TODAY…..I have to have one 🙂
Our family motto should be “JUST LIVE”
Amy Lynn
Our family motto is “live life with purpose and grace.” I love the family rules sign AND the I AM Brave sign on the B.O.P blog! It is too hard to choose just one, lol!
Chrissy Rausch
I think our motto would be “Do into others as you would have them do to you.” But also really love “Be awesome today.”
Chrissy Rausch
I love the You are my sunshine and the Be Real sign.
Our family motto would be: “Go. Rise Up. Dare Greatly. Dream God-Sized Dreams.”
My favorite item is the Be Real Be Wholehearted with Bunting Typography Word Art Sign – Motivational.
I tweeted about the giveaway! https://twitter.com/lydiachristie/status/332156663916277762
Just found your blog via Intagram. Love it! Growing up, our family motto was “Let go and let God” – it has been wonderful to fall back on so many times. I currently have a DIY sign coming down our stairs that says “Wake up and be awesome,” which is probably my husband and my family motto – so this is very fitting!
How do I choose my favorite item? I love the You Are My Sunshine, Be Awesome Today, and Be Real signs!
We can do hard things!! 🙂
playroom rules 🙂
Angela Livingston
Our family moto {at least according to me} would either be “come what may” or “what will be, will be”. <3
Angela Livingston
I love the BOP, “we can do hard things” sign, but really I love all of them!
We don’t have a motto but what an amazing idea!!!!! I love too like many others love love love BE AWESOME TODAY!!!!
I love “First Family Rules”, it is great 🙂 By the way, hi from Turkey, you have followers and readers from all over the world 🙂
I also shared this post via Facebook :
Our motto would be, “This is a safe house.” No matter what happens outside our doors, I want our children to feel safe inside.
our motto would be “speak with kindness, act with love” Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite thing in her shop is the summer bunting sign! 🙂
Leah Martone
Our family motto would be “Be Here Now.” A reminder about mindfulness and staying present together.
Leah Henderson
Just be YOU!
I have to go with As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord.
Our family motto is: Unless someone is on fire, do not knock on that door.
My fav is SUMMER FUN. I might have to order it.
Rachel Salazar
Where there is great love there are always miracles
Rachel Salazar
My favorite is the be awesome today sign!
Rachel Salazar
shared on facebook! https://www.facebook.com/rachel.k.salazar
Summer @ Made By Munchie's Mama
I am totally going to sit down with Lennie and try to think of a famil motto! That is such a great idea! My favorite motto that a friend has is “Faith and Family First”. I love it!
Our family motto is Be Nice, Be Kind, Be Polite. It’s always something my dad said/says to us everyday and if you are it reflects on how people treat you(;
Thank yo for the opportunity!
LOVE, You Are My Sunshine!
Melanie (reasons to skip the housework)
Be your best today…, that’s our motto!
Chelsea Nickels
Our motto is “Be silly, be honest, be kind”. I absolutely LOVE your room! Turned out so wonderful 🙂
Chelsea Nickels
I love the “you are my sunshine” board! My daughter just turned 2, but a few weeks ago had a horrible accident happen and cut through her tendons and nerves in her right hand. When she had surgery to try and repair everything, she went into the OR wanting to sing “You are my Sunshine” with me and all the doctors and nurses! She did amazing! I couldn’t believe everyone joined in with her! When she woke up, it’s the first thing she wanted to do, sing more! I would love to put one of those in her new “big girl” room.
Cindy Fursh
My family’s motto is “Aim High” 🙂
Love it! Ours is do what you love and do it often
Our motto is love Jesus, love others. I seriously love be awesome today.
My favorite BOP piece is the family rules sign. Love everything though so it’s hard to chose!!
My favorite BOP signs are “a true love story never ends” – would be perfect for my wedding next summer. Or the “miraculously my own” for my step son’s room.
Ours would be “Choose Joy”
The “You are my Sunshine” is so CUTE in her shop!!!
Our motto is “Let it Be”. It encourages us to calm down and not freak out at the slightest hiccup. 🙂
Ours would probably have something to do with learning and knowledge!
I really want the “every child is an artist” sign!!
I guess I am a total copycat but I love the Be Awesome today!!!
I cant decide between go into the world and do good ….or…. you are my sunshine. I sing that to my babies almost every night!
We don’t have a family motto yet, but would love to brainstorm with my family to come up with one.
how to make signs with text | amy+mayd
[…] love signs with text and cute quotes. I was inspired to make this piece by this post from little miss momma on choosing a family motto. I started thinking about what our family motto […]
Ashley Stock
SabrinaThey are from Target 🙂
Ashley StockFound ’em, bought ‘me, LOVE ’em! Thanks for having good taste!
Jami Schb
Loving that paint color!!!! May I ask what you used?
Mailbox Journey » The Upper Level: Living Room, Hallway & Dining Room Inspiration
[…] Colorful Living Room & Grey […]
Hi there – I’m new to your blog and I just love it!!!! Especially your love story 🙂 Me and my oldest daughter couldn’t stop reading and we can’t wait to read more!!!
I wanted to ask if you could give the color of the yellow desk in your living room area? Love that color and I would love to get my hands on it…Thanks!!!!
Wall Collages | Ariela Designs
[…] colors. Yellow and blue is such a fun combo but mixing it with neutrals, like the grey wall, allows this space to be fun, not a […]
MJ of Lucky 7 Design
Well I have to say that Im a huge fan of you both! If I had to pick a family motto it would be…God Don’t Like Ugly. I use this phrase alot to explain things to my children. Would love to have another BOP sign, especially in our New Home.
MJ of Lucky 7 Design
One of my favorites from Kristi is “A True Love Story Never Ends” would love this for my Master Bedroom.
Farbpsychologie für Zuhause | Wohnen und Einrichten
[…] via […]
So we love to add movement Beer Costume with these bands that emulate fringe,