I should be doing laundry right now.
I should be cleaning out the fridge from last weeks leftovers. I should be washing my couch slip covers. I should be going on a run. But mostly I should be sleeping {something I have missed for the past 8 months}. I should be doing all of these things, but instead I am blogging at 11:41 pm.
I have been so busy hanging on every word of all the advice given by every mom I know AND trying out all the methods they have suggested, that I failed to focus on just ONE method until it worked. And tonight that method is the “cry it out method”–and it is killing me.
It is taking every shred of strength I have to not go scoop him up until his sobs subside. Just think big picture, I keep telling myself. You don’t want to have to get up with him every night for the next three years, I remind myself. This is whats best for him, right?
And I can tell you that, for me, there is nothing more worth having than my little family.
-ashley (Little Miss Momma-In-Training)
From one mother-in-training to another, you do an amazing job. Wesley is the sweetest little boy and you can tell how much he is loved. We all lose it, I just did as a matter of fact with my little guy, and you feel horrible afterwards but we are all a work in progress. Nothing prepares you for this and yet despite all the tears and frustrations it is all worth it. Jack didn't sleep through the night until he was 9 months old, so I have been there too. Hearing them cry breaks your heart but eventually it will stop, and he will sleep. Until then just keep going, one night at a time, cry when you need to, and eat chocolate (it helps).
Amen sister! We have all been there, especially with our sick little boys. But Wes is such a sweet little boy and quite the best buddy. You rock, don't forget that!
Life's Sweeter with Chocolate
Oh my goodness I could have written this! I actually said those words to myself yesterday – that it's what's best for him. My little man is 9 months and he just started putting himself to sleep. CIO is the hardest thing I've had to do… EVER! I just started blogging and I keep looking for a blog that's like a "parenting for dummies". You know all those random questions that you hate to call the doctors office to ask??? Anyway sorry for the long note, but I LOVE your blog and have a lot of respect for you!
Misty Marie
I know this is an older post, but I read and loved the book: "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. It totally worked for me, not sure if you heard of it or not, but its fabulous. Mayb for baby no. 2??
xoxo, Misty
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