(Scroll to end of post for details on this awesome giveaway)
Fastest year yet, am I right?
But that’s what happens when we get older…
we try to hang on, to stretch out the moments as time flies right past us.
We watch baby chub turn into tiny muscles. And teeth fill in a once gummy smile.
We trade diapers for superhero underwear and tear down cribs in exchange for twin beds.
And then, before we know it, we’re packing lunches and zipping up backpacks and sending our most beloved out into the real world….where protecting them becomes a little bit more impossible–and we’re forced to be vulnerable.
If you’re like me at all, then it’s likely that this new year made you take a step back and ask, How did we get here so fast? It’s like I blinked and then suddenly this was my life.
That’s what 2013 was for us.
A whole lot of how did we get here so fast moments.
And even though it seemed as if time was whooshing by, somehow, as a family we learned to slow down a little bit.
This was a year of learning for us.
A year of growth.
A year of finding our path, before we had realized we were perhaps a little bit lost.
We took a lot of deep breaths.
Stretched our patience further than we knew we were capable.
Spoke softer. Hugged more.
Found adventure.
Laughed until it hurt.
Worked on resolving conflict with love rather than pride.
Every New Year I jump on the bandwagon of self reflection.
Most years, such reflection has resulted in taking a microscope to what I perceive to be my flaws– a focus on the qualities I dislike most about myself. I make a list. And then, of course, I make resolutions to banish the listed flaws from my life in the upcoming year.
You know what I’ve learned?
I’ve learned that the list is pretty much the same every year.
Which gives you a good idea about my rate of accomplishment when it comes to my resolutions. No wonder that come January, I’m disappointed.
But like everyone else, I make this list each year because I believe resolutions breed hope.
And hope is just about the most beautiful and pure thing in this messy world of ours.
So I’m all for resolutions.
But I’m also about resolve.
And last new year, I resolved that I would be making a new kind of list.
A list of resolutions not based on what I perceived to by my flaws…my imperfections.
Rather, I made a list in areas where I hoped to progress, no expectations of perfection…no setting myself up for failure. Just plain and simple progress. growth. steps in the right direction.
2013 was the year I strove for progress, not perfection.
The year I decided to replace guilt with grace.
The year of wholehearted living.
By the years end I had a list of “lessons learned” rather than “goals not achieved”.
And it felt pretty good.
In celebration of the New Year, YourKidVid put together this awesome video for our family–Christmas and New Years memories, now captured forever. It makes my heart nearly burst as I watch these special moments. This is the only way I know how to slow down time.
I just sent them a bunch of the video clips from my phone and they edited and put together this priceless treasure for us (scroll down to see how you can win your own edited video). We have so much video saved from the boys birthdays and all they’re “firsts”. I think that just might be the next footage I send them…
We rang in the New Year at a kid friendly 70’s Dance Party.
Celebrating on East Coast time so that the kids could be all tucked in bed before meltdown ensued.
A little bit about YourKidVid. You know all those video clips you have sitting on your phone and computer. Yeah, well they are a team of film-makers who will turn your video clips into a mini movie that you can save forever and share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and your blog. Perfect as your Year-In-Review Letter! Just send them your videos and a few days later you’ll have an awesome little movie you can share with your friends and family. They also offer Gift Cards so you can give the gift of a premium hand crafted movie. Perfect for baby shower gift, new mom, birthdays, mother’ day… Pretty much for anyone anytime!
Check it out and start uploading your videos for your own mini-movie.
I have an exclusive 20% coupon code for you guys: YKV-82AZ
Best of all, I’m giving away a free Premium Video! Just leave a comment telling me your favorite part of your holidays!
Winner will be draw at random from comments left before 11:59PM Pacific Time on 1/31/14.
I received a free Premium video and compensation for my time to facilitate this feature.
The days are long and the years are short. We started looking at junior highs for our oldest this month. I can’t stop wondering where the time has gone 🙁
I love that video! xx
shannon j
by far the best part is watching your children who still believe open up their presents on Xmas morning
You have a beautiful family and inspiring perspective. I would love a video to capture my growing boys too, now 4 and 6. My favorite thing about the holidays are the precious memories with FAMILY. 🙂
My favorite thing is the joy, gratitude and anticipation!
What a wonderful video! I would love the video myself. I have SO many video clips that need sorted and organized. My favorite thing about the holidays was spending time with my family.
What a cool idea! Thanks for the chance to win! My fav memory this year was letting the kids out the ornaments on the tree themselves. They did a surprisingly good job for their ages, 6 and 3!
Amanda Korey
OH MY GOODNESS – I would absloutly love to win this!!
My fav part of the holidays was by far Christmas Morning!! Hearing my oldest daughter wake up my youngest telling her “Hurry Hurry, I think Santa came last night” And hearing the excitment as they entered into the living room!! PRICELESS!!
I love Christmas lights and how much my baby got excited by Christmas lights last year!
I think the best part about my holidays was acting out the Nativity. I’m 22 and the middle child so we’re all grown up and my dad still insisted that we perform the nativity this year. My husband is tall, and my sister just had a tiny little baby at the beginning of December so she rode my husband into the scene with my 18 year old brother as Joseph and my husband as a donkey. We couldn’t keep from cry laughing. I had another sister (17) who was a sheep who pretty much just threw a huge cozy white blanket over herself and tried to crawl in and tripped on the blanket several times and another sister who played the part of both a Shepherd and an angel in the same scene. It was so funny I belly laughed for so long. And then, or course, feeling the spirit of what it’s all about come into the room and seeing a dysfunctional family connect over the story of our Savior’s birth. – Too bad we didn’t get this on video!!
My favorite thing about the holidays this year was getting to see my 6 month old son and my 4 month old nephew experience it for the first time. It completely changed the holiday vibe for our family and I look forward to seeing many more holidays through their eyes.
Tracy iandoli
Our son turned one and we had the best time celebrating the holidays with him!!
Oh wow…what a darn cute video of your family! Love it..Kidvid really made a fun video for you!!
My favorite part of the holiday season is watching it through the eyes of my five children..it just makes my heart soar!
as one of your older subscribers, I must tell you what an inspiration your writings and photos are for our nations future are. thank you for inspiring others with the way you meet your challenges.
Tami Bellenghi
Such a wonderful way to capture the year!
My favorite part of the holidays is watching Christmas movies with the kiddos while sitting by the fire and the tree. Christmas brings the best family time!
JS Hess
I loved your video! So sweet! My favorite part of the holidays was meeting our new sister-in-law to be. 🙂 Thanks for the chance!!
My favorite part of the holiday is snuggling all day with my kids in our pj’s and opening and playing with all our new gifts!
My favorite part is seeing their faces when they receive something unexpected. Its pure awesome.
Christa Griffith
AHHH i just love your sweet family! what an awesome video! my favorite part of the hoildays was being able to spend lots of time with my son! it was so awesome!
Being with family and eating good food.
It was even better this year…it’s ALWAYS the best celebrating Christ’s birth, but this year, having a 2 month old, has made everything hit home SO much more. The blessings seem magnified. I love it.
Time has a way of sliping away. Next month our grandchild is expecting his first child.. Talking about getting old but I have loved every minute of it. As I set back and remember the wonderful memories they so out weigh the bad. Those videos will come in handy when you will see Wes graduate for college. No I am not trying to rush things but time does fly by, before you know it so take lots of pictures and make albums as you go which will keep you from trying to catch up. Take that from someone who knows. I am trying to make albums for my children now and they are 50 and 51 and what a headache.
Brittany @ Love Stitched
Ok seriously! that was the cutest thing EVER. Made me tear up… miss you guys! xo
Jessie Peele
My favorite part of the holidays was watching pure joy on my two-year-old’s face as she truly understood the magic of Christmas. 🙂
so so precious!! i need to do this. and raging party!!
Kathryn Caplinger
My favorite part of the holidays is the excitement leading up to Christmas with my kids. I feel like I become a kid again!
April V
Getting to spend all the extra time with my kids!!
…and the food, of course! 😉
I loved reading this, my first born is already 12 weeks old. Fast fast fast, time goes too fast!
Favorite part of the holiday was definitely Christmas morning with our little family of 4. I love being with our extended family the rest of the day but those few hours in the morning when it was just us was very special.
Great video! Out of curiosity where did you find the jute rug that is in the video?
I simply love the downtime. Off from work; off from school. The break from routine and schedules rejuvenates me. Spending time with my husband and son is joy.
I became a mother in June 2013. My son is my world. By far the best holiday season I’ve ever had. My husband and I are blessed beyond belief. This video is beautiful! Give me baby fever already! I can’t wait for our family to grow.
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